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As people across China started to celebrate the Spring Festival, which fel on February 16 this year and marked the start of the Year of the Dog in the Chinese lunar calendar, they were not only happy to return to their homes, but also buoyed by the knowledge that Chinese culture and traditions have brought joy to so many worldwide.  相似文献   

Ren Qianji, a single mother of three from Hezuo City in Gansu Province, used to support her family with the unstable income she earned doing odd jobs such as cleaning. Without the means to earn a livable wage, Ren and her children lived in poverty. Their living conditions began to improve, however, after she found work at a casein-production facility run by a dairy company in March 2019.  相似文献   

<正>West Lake inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as cultural landscape The famous ancient Chinese poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty(618-907) could not imagine a thousand years later the West Lake that fascinated him would  相似文献   

警用枪械是装备于警察,用以制止犯罪,维护社会治安的武器,是警察装备的重要组成部分。由于警用枪械常常需要在闹市和人群稠密地区使用,对犯罪分子以制服为目的,不以杀戮为宗旨,因此要求准确性高,停止作用好,能使犯罪分子立即失去作案或反抗能力,又能防止过度伤害目标,危及无辜者;可靠性较高,使用中不允许出现瞎火、卡壳等故障:使用灵活性较强,要求短小轻便,便于携带和使用。常用的警用枪械包括警用手枪、警用冲锋枪、警用步枪、警用狙击步枪和警用霰弹枪等。  相似文献   

美国的次贷危机引起了全世界的金融危机.我们从这场危机中汲取的教训是:有管理的市场经济必须要处理好金融创新与金融监管的关系、虚拟经济与实体经济的关系、储蓄与消费的关系.  相似文献   

历代儒家先哲中,北宋著名的唯物主义儒学大师张载所提出的气一元论、“天人合一”论和“民胞物与”论,汇集了中国古代儒学生态智慧的精华,其立论的体系性、命题的鲜明性以及它与现代生态伦理内容上的贯通性,都代表着中国古代生态伦理智慧的较高水平。  相似文献   

Gloomy Outlook     
China's economic slowdown has lowered white-collar workers' financial expectations for the new year  相似文献   

Cloudy Outlook     
Amid uncertainties facing the world economy,one thing is clear: There’s no easy way out of the current global predicament. While the European debt crisis calls global recovery into  相似文献   

20世纪世界社会主义运动建立了伟大的历史功绩.21世纪世界社会主义具有不同于传统社会主义的发展脉络和基本走向.社会主义必然代替资本主义是人类社会发展不可抗拒的客观规律,但又是一个漫长曲折的历史过程.21世纪世界社会主义将由低谷逐步走向复兴.  相似文献   

<正>Guests staying at The Ascott Ltd.'s Ascott,Citadines and Somerset serviced residences worldwide will get to enjoy a myriad of delightful experiences offered through its Ascott Lifestyle program beginning April 1.These specially handpicked experiences,ranging from the cultural to the gastronomical,from local attractions to wellness,will enable guests to explore the cities they are living in and continue to enjoy the activities they are familiar with while being away from home.For a sampling of the Ascott Lifestyle experiences,guests can view a collection of featured experiences from the Ascott Lifestyle website(www.the-ascott.com/ascottlifestyle)even before their arrival at the serviced residence.The featured experiences will be refreshed regularly so that guests can make the most of their experiences in the city,whether they are staying at Ascott for business or pleasure.To find out more or have an Ascott Lifestyle  相似文献   

正Four-nation meetings advance the peace process in Afghanistan A meeting involving representatives from Afghanistan,Pakistan,China and the United States held on January 11 in Islamabad,Pakistan,established the Quadrilateral Coordination Group(QCG)to further the peace process in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

The Chinese economy grew 9.6 percent year on year in the third quarter of 2010.The World Bank's Beijing Office released its latest China Quarterly Update on November 3,applauding China's economic achievement while giving some policy suggestions for future development.  相似文献   

<正>China’s major economic indicators for the first half of the year were released by the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)on July15.Despite downward pressure,the Chinese economy has maintained stable growth.At a seminar on the economic situation on July 10,Premier Li Keqiang said that although some structural problems accumulated over the past few years have been exposed,the Chinese economy is turning for the better on the whole and demonstrates  相似文献   

The Chinese economy owes its success and survival from the economic meltdown to the series of responsive Central Government stimulus projects initiated in 2009.And as the new year progresses,the government's responses in the past year can be used to cast a positive outlook for the Chinese economy in 2010.Zheng Xinli,Vice Chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges,offered his insights at the First Annual Meeting of the Chinese Economy held on January 17 in Beijing.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Notable online dramas bring more possibilities to the industry What can make you decide to change your life?For Yu Huanshui,it comes after he is misdiagnosed with cancer.During a midlife crisis,he faces a divorce,unemployment and many other issues.But the misdiagnosis gives him a chance to see the people around him more clearly and through the ups and downs,he develops a better sense of himself and finds the courage to start over.  相似文献   

With the completion of the transition of the Chinese state leadership and the reshuffling of the cabinet during the nation’s annual parliamentary session just concluded on March 17, China’s new foreign policy team has come to the fore. Former Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi was promoted as state councilor in  相似文献   

正Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).Please provide your name and address along with your commentsAs we emerge from the embers of last year,2016 holds great potential for both hope and turmoil.  相似文献   

The coming of age of China's dialogue relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) after three decades has borne the most successful model of cooperation in the Asia Pacific. The largely economic-driven relationship has presented the world with a stable, resilient and symbiotic prototype of collaboration, albeit not without the occasional unyielding litmus test of mutual trust stemming from external maneuvers.  相似文献   

In the wake of the bumpy ride in 2008, where will the Chinese economy go in the midst of the global financial turmoil, and how will it fend off the devastating effects of an international economic recession? Beijing Review interviewed 10 economists and experts to get their insights about China's economic prospects this year.  相似文献   

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