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F UJIAN cuisine,or Min cuisine,is one of the eight famous Chinese cuisines.It originated from southeast China's Fujian Province and gradually absorbed the cooking style of the migrants from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Known as a province with numerous mountains on China's southeast coast,Fujian is rich in natural food resources.With a 3,752-kilometer-long coastline and over 2,000 islands,it has an abundant supply of fish,shellfish,and other sea products,which provide a rich variety of food ingredients.Accordingly,Fujian cuisine is noted for woodland delicacies and seafood delights,while trying to preserve the original flavor of the main ingredients that is light but delicious,fresh,mellow and not greasy in general.  相似文献   

晚清民国的成都是现代川菜菜系的发源地与演变中心。成都的满族和回族人口也影响到了现代川菜菜系在成都的定型、发展和走向成熟的历史进程。满族、回族等少民族饮食文化推动了近代成都饮食业的发展,从原料选取、烹饪技法、菜品制作、筵席内容等方面给现代川菜菜系以影响。生活在成都的满族、回族等少数民族的饮食习俗为成都市民的饮食生活增添了新的内容,带来了新的饮食品种,大大丰富了成都川菜中的面食、糕点、小吃的内容。  相似文献   

Sichuan cuisine encompasses more than 20 methods of cooking, yet throughout all the spices used are basically the same; only the main ingredient changes. One method of cooking can, therefore, create a whole range of dishes.  相似文献   

Chaozhou Charm     
CHAOZHOU in eastern Guangdong Province is a historical and cultural city, famous for its dialect, cuisine, kungfu tea, and opera. Chaozhou has more than 700 sites of historic interest. Among them is Guangji Bridge, built in the Southern Song Dynasty (960-1279). It is, together with Zhaozhou, Luoyang and Lugou, one of the four most famous bridges of ancient China. Kaiyuan Temple, a Buddhist center in  相似文献   

The best place in Beijing to enjoy authentic Guangxi cuisine is the Guangxi Building Nalan Restaurant in the Guangxi government Beijing office. Here, amid an authentic southern ambience, you can try the succulent dishes created in this exotic region prepared with local Guangxi ingredients by a Guangxi chef.  相似文献   

AN old Chinese saying goes,"Guangdong is for food and Fengcheng is for chefs." Shunde,known as Fengcheng in ancient times,is a town in the south-central part of Guangdong Province.which enjoys a reputation as the "hometown of Chinese chefs" and "birthplace of Canton-ese cuisine." In 2014,Shunde was designated as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.  相似文献   

At the age of 15, Sun Wenqiang first dipped his spoons into the world of cooking under the watchful eye of a senior chef specializing in cooking dishes of Huaian cuisine, which originated from Huaian, Jiangsu Province in east China, but is popular far beyond its birthplace. Having been a chef for 15 years and tasted numerous palates unique to the places he has come across, Sun, now an executive chef at local restaurant chain Ancient Huaian, believes that the essence of a fine dish lies not only in its taste, but also in its history.  相似文献   

Chongqing, Yunnan, Sichuan, from city cravings in below-zero temperatures to finger licking fondue-styled provincial penchants, hot flashes of steamy nights flare before the hungry eyes… Yep, we're talking hotpot. Chinese hotpot (aka huoguo) is one of the most popular meals in China. So where does it actually come from? Why is it so important in Chinese cuisine? What's in it? Why is it an ever sweltering topic? How does it stand the test of time? Time to dip into the hotness.  相似文献   

HUNAN'S cuisine is well-known both at home and abroad for its unique cooking style,an abundant use of ingredients,rich and bright colors,and high nutritional value.Due to its geography,Hunan Province has a climate featuring high humidity combined with high temperatures,where the inhabitants have dietary habits completely differ-ent from those in the Central Plain areas. The terrain of Hunan is low and the climate warm and humid,not naturally suitable for storage of fresh meat,but smoked bacon is stored with ease.According to folklore,bacon was invented by ancestors of the Miao ethnic minority.In ancient times,the Miaos were forced to leave their homes due to frequent wars,and they found it difficult to take livestock and grain with them,so they made glutinous rice cakes,and cured meat that was marinated and smoked and thus more convenient to carry and store for a longer duration of time.It was speculated that the processed meat was made from beasts that were shot by bows and arrows.And the dehydrating method is regarded as the earliest meat preservation method in China,dat-ing back some 2,000 years.  相似文献   

加快民族地区旅游业发展的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贵州民族地区旅游资源丰富,但与全国和旅游发达省区水平相比,仍处于落后的位置,存在较大的差距.根据贵州省"十五"计划,努力把旅游业培育成为新的支柱产业的目标.针对目前贵州旅游业发展的现状和存在的差距,提出加快贵州旅游业发展的对策和建议.  相似文献   

依法治国是党的十五大确定的治国方略,依法治省是依法治国方略在我省的具体实施和落实,科学的发展观要求我们必须注重经济社会的协调发展.本文论述了依法治省与经济社会协调发展的关系:依法治省与经济社会协调发展具有一致性;依法治省与经济社会协调发展都需要执政能力的提高;坚持依法治省,促进我省经济社会的协调发展.  相似文献   

施本植 《思想战线》2001,27(5):45-49
云南绿色经济发展必须走以开放促发展之路.建设绿色经济强省,首先必须成为绿色贸易强省;发展绿色贸易,必须有效地应对日益兴起的绿色贸易壁垒;作为一种新型的非关税贸易壁垒,绿色贸易壁垒犹如一把双刃剑;绿色贸易的广泛兴起,对云南绿色经济发展将产生重大的影响,这种影响随着云南经济外向度的扩大还将进一步增大;云南必须积极采取措施加以有效应对,以确保绿色经济强省建设目标的实现.  相似文献   

人才竞争已是经济全球化竞争中的核心,海外归国留学人员(以下简称"海归"人才)成为我国人才战略的重点.本文以广东省为例,利用有关资料,系统分析了"海归"人才对广东省社会经济发展的影响作用,并对广东省未来如何更好地吸引"海归"人才提出了若干政策建议 .  相似文献   

正确处理民族宗教问题全力维护民族地区稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃是一个多民族、多宗教的省份。民族宗教领域存在的问题是人民内部矛盾 ,在一定条件下也有可能被利用而转化为对抗性的矛盾 ,影响社会政治稳定。甘肃省公安机关始终坚持把民族宗教领域作为维护社会政治稳定的重点工作 ,充分发挥职能作用。对因民族宗教问题引发的群体性事件 ,坚持把握时机 ,讲究策略 ,果断坚决 ,迅速稳妥处置  相似文献   

1885年,清政府下令台湾建省。可是,被清政府任命为台湾第一任巡抚的刘铭 传却认为“台湾暂难改省”,提出了他自己的台湾建省主张。意见被清廷驳回之后,他随后提 出的台湾建省方案,仍然秉持了一贯的务实思想,强调像抚“番”、清赋、设防这些基础性的 建设必须优先,而像城垣、衙署的建设可以稍缓。在这一方案的主导下,台湾建省工作稳步进 行,使一个新建的省份在不长的时间里成为全国比较先进的省。  相似文献   

云计算是信息技术应用模式创新和服务模式创新的集中体现。警务信息云计算作为公安信息化建设的重要组成部分未来必将在辽宁公安工作中大规模地应用。本文简要分析了辽宁省传统的警务信息平台架构,列举了传统架构的不足;分析了我国警务信息云计算发展现状,总结了辽宁省目前公安业务云计算应用现状;提出了辽宁公安警务云计算的运用前景:云计算平台建设服务于公安工作、云平台的集成完善及公安信息数据源的准确优化。云技术的运用将为辽宁公安业务的数据安全性、信息共享性提供了强大的信息基础设施和技术保障。  相似文献   

最近几年,在国家和省的支持下,黔东南苗族侗族自治州的计算机网络远程教育取得了明显成效,但也表现出一些问题。不管怎样,基于计算机技术和通信技术的现代远程教育,为贵州民族地区教育事业的跨越式发展,提供了一种新的路径。  相似文献   

Shanxi Province, located in China's less developed central region, is a province rich in energy and natural resources. With a single industrial structure that relies heavily on resources, the province suffered greatly last year after resource product prices plummeted amid the financial crisis. Zhang Baoshun, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress and Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, told Beijing Review the province is going to rev up the transformation of ...  相似文献   

贵州民族体育旅游产业现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实地考查、专家访谈、文献资料等方法,对贵州民族体育旅游产业现状进行调查研究。结果表明:贵州是中国西部高原的多民族省份,有着丰富的旅游资源和得天独厚的自然环境优势,对民族体育旅游产业具有较大的发展空间,经济发展滞后和产业文化意识观念落后是制约贵州民族体育旅游产业发展的最主要、最根本的因素。贵州民族体育旅游的发展,要以西部大开发为契机,以多彩贵州为载体,以生态体育旅游为发展模式,以2011年承办全国少数民族运动会为杠杆,推进民族体育旅游产业的快速、高效、健康发展,使旅游产业成为贵州国民经济新的增长点,从而实现贵州旅游强省的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

元代入湖广道的开通,是西南地区出现的重大历史地理事件,具有深远的影响。至明代,普安入黔旧路即元代的入湖广道地位得到进一步提升,导致贵州在西南边疆的战略地位日渐凸显,永乐十一年,贵州建省,今贵阳城市迅速得到发展,并成为贵州地区的政治中心。同时,元代入湖广道的开通,云南地区交通重心东移,造成云南政治中心从滇西大理回归昆明。这一变化,亦成为近代曲靖城市发展的持久动力。而那些远离交通干线、少数民族聚居的两侧山区、僻地逐渐成为经济落后之区。  相似文献   

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