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CANTONESE cuisine,or Yue cuisine,originated and developed in China's southern coastal province of Guangdong.Located in a subtropical zone with fertile land and abundant rainfall,the province is luxuriantly green all year round and naturally endowed with ingredients for cooking,thus enabling local chefs to develop a slew of delicacies.  相似文献   

The best place in Beijing to enjoy authentic Guangxi cuisine is the Guangxi Building Nalan Restaurant in the Guangxi government Beijing office. Here, amid an authentic southern ambience, you can try the succulent dishes created in this exotic region prepared with local Guangxi ingredients by a Guangxi chef.  相似文献   

HUNAN'S cuisine is well-known both at home and abroad for its unique cooking style,an abundant use of ingredients,rich and bright colors,and high nutritional value.Due to its geography,Hunan Province has a climate featuring high humidity combined with high temperatures,where the inhabitants have dietary habits completely differ-ent from those in the Central Plain areas. The terrain of Hunan is low and the climate warm and humid,not naturally suitable for storage of fresh meat,but smoked bacon is stored with ease.According to folklore,bacon was invented by ancestors of the Miao ethnic minority.In ancient times,the Miaos were forced to leave their homes due to frequent wars,and they found it difficult to take livestock and grain with them,so they made glutinous rice cakes,and cured meat that was marinated and smoked and thus more convenient to carry and store for a longer duration of time.It was speculated that the processed meat was made from beasts that were shot by bows and arrows.And the dehydrating method is regarded as the earliest meat preservation method in China,dat-ing back some 2,000 years.  相似文献   

晚清民国的成都是现代川菜菜系的发源地与演变中心。成都的满族和回族人口也影响到了现代川菜菜系在成都的定型、发展和走向成熟的历史进程。满族、回族等少民族饮食文化推动了近代成都饮食业的发展,从原料选取、烹饪技法、菜品制作、筵席内容等方面给现代川菜菜系以影响。生活在成都的满族、回族等少数民族的饮食习俗为成都市民的饮食生活增添了新的内容,带来了新的饮食品种,大大丰富了成都川菜中的面食、糕点、小吃的内容。  相似文献   

Changting is located in the west of Fujian Province, south of Wuyi Mountains, in southeast China. It covers an area of 3,099 square km, 85 percent of which is moun-tains, and it has historically been the county in Fujian most severely affected by soil erosion.  相似文献   

AN old Chinese saying goes,"Guangdong is for food and Fengcheng is for chefs." Shunde,known as Fengcheng in ancient times,is a town in the south-central part of Guangdong Province.which enjoys a reputation as the "hometown of Chinese chefs" and "birthplace of Canton-ese cuisine." In 2014,Shunde was designated as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是进入21世纪以来,福建的非营利组织有了长足发展,但仍处于初步发展阶段。与福建仅一水之隔的台湾,其非营利组织成果斐然,经验丰富。福建与台湾具有"五缘"关系,通过对闽台非营利组织发展状况比较研究,可认清福建非营利组织在整体实力、法规和制度、内部经营和管理、外部运行等方面与台湾的差距,进而借鉴台湾的成功经验和做法;发现闽台非营利组织面临的共同挑战,进而两地携手,以促进闽台非营利组织的共同发展,为海峡两岸社会和谐和两岸关系和平发展做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong Province in China's developed southeast coastal area. Zhang Guangning, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress and Mayor of Guangzhou, told Beijing Review that the goal for Guangzhou's GDP growth in 2009 is 10 percent.  相似文献   

李景寿 《思想战线》2003,29(5):99-103
宋代,在特定的历史、自然环境条件下,形成了四大区域性市场,其中东南市场与西北市场是两类差异明显的市场。西北市场是在大量输入军需物资基础上发展起来的,它的繁荣主要依靠发达的贩运性商业;东南市场的发展和繁荣,则是由当地粮食及经济作物种植的专业化及在近海市场网络拉动作用下形成的。  相似文献   

Sichuan cuisine encompasses more than 20 methods of cooking, yet throughout all the spices used are basically the same; only the main ingredient changes. One method of cooking can, therefore, create a whole range of dishes.  相似文献   

改革开放已经造就了一批先富群体,今后如何通过公平促效率,推动大多数人后富,这将是一个大政策.缩小差别重在启动后富,通过"无壁垒竞争"、"透明招标、公开竞赛"等制度的构建,锻造"后富机制",最终达到共同富裕.  相似文献   

当前,在公安机关办理食品犯罪案件中,检测鉴定问题已成为困扰案件侦办的瓶颈。对福建省食品犯罪案件总体情况和食品检测鉴定现状的调研显示,从食品检测鉴定主体到检测鉴定标准再到检测鉴定结果运用的整个链路上存在着检测能力不足、周期过长、结果准确率低等问题。解决上述问题,需要从检测鉴定体系、司法协作、保障机制、办案指引等方面构建多维合作的应对机制。  相似文献   

近年来,我国发生了多起食品安全事件,这些事件极大地挑战了我国人民对食品安全的信心。从这些事件中,我们深刻地体会到食品安全立法一定要涵盖"从农田到餐桌"的全过程;从这些事件中,我们也更加深刻地体会到监管部门的责任之重大。我国《食品安全法》发布实施一年多了,面对层出不穷的食品安全事件,我们应认真的加以思索。笔者认为有关部门应继续完善和细化现有的食品安全法律法规,强化监管部门执法人员的责任意识,规范企业生产经营管理,提升企业诚信意识,建立科学可行的监管方法,如建立健全食品安全审计制度,建立健全食品安全信用档案等,以加快全社会信用体系的形成与健康发展。  相似文献   

以睦邻、安邻、富邻为基本内容的和谐思想,造就了中华民族"万邦协和"的博大胸怀.中国传统的"中和"哲学思想中,彰显了中华文化独有的特质,是中华文化时人类文明的一大贡献.中国传统"中和"哲学思想作为新安全观的核心理念,构成了中国当代安全战略理论的文化根基.  相似文献   

中国模式:概念、历史及理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对于国外学者提出的“中国模式”概念,国内学者态度迟疑。本文则充分肯定了这一概念的科学合理性和学术价值,认为“中国模式”概念是社会发展研究领域的重要理论成果,为研究我国社会发展提供了新的视角。文章还对中国模式的历史分期进行考察,提出科学发展观是中国模式的当代理论形态。中国模式内涵丰富,不仅包括既成的发展经验,而且蕴含着求实创新的实践理念、执政为民的人本理念、全面发展的整体理念、和谐共生的协调理念、放眼世界的开放理念和渐进改革的稳定理念。  相似文献   

Besides its breathtaking natural scenery and rich cultures,Xinjiang has much more to offer,having grown into a paradise for investors and a new driving force in China's economic growth.  相似文献   

Chaozhou Charm     
CHAOZHOU in eastern Guangdong Province is a historical and cultural city, famous for its dialect, cuisine, kungfu tea, and opera. Chaozhou has more than 700 sites of historic interest. Among them is Guangji Bridge, built in the Southern Song Dynasty (960-1279). It is, together with Zhaozhou, Luoyang and Lugou, one of the four most famous bridges of ancient China. Kaiyuan Temple, a Buddhist center in  相似文献   

近现代,国际移民书信多指海外华人通过民间渠道给家人汇款时附寄的书信,在广东潮汕、梅州地区、福建闽南地区称其为"侨批",在广东江门五邑地区称其为"银信"。它们作为闽粤侨批"富矿"的有机组成,已成为侨乡文化的重要载体。这里,以原生态的国际移民批信为依据,着重阐述在极端困难的生存环境下,仍积极捐资助学,兴办学校教育,培育人才,推动侨乡教育事业发展,从而高度赞扬了他们热爱家乡、重视侨乡教育的爱国情怀。  相似文献   

《食品安全法》面临的现状及完善对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从近年来出现的各类食品安全问题出发,阐述我国刚刚颁布的《食品安全法》所面临的现状及分析存在的问题及根源;从完善我国现有《食品安全法》的角度,提出了继续加强现有行政资源的整合;借鉴国外食品安全法典等完善我国新《食品安全法》体系;加快制定符合国际标准和技术法规的食品安全统一标准,消除国际食品安全歧视;建立安全有效的强制性的食品安全标准化体系是确保食品安全技术保障的重要依据;同时强调赋予食品监管部门更充分的权力,统一执法力量,为解决多头分段管理的弊端提供借鉴和对策,促使新《食品安全法》在社会经济生活中发挥更加积极的作用。  相似文献   

我国农业对我国来说不仅是基础行业,解决了几亿人的就业问题,也是我国粮食安全的保障,因此说农业是我国的生命产业。目前我国农业的现状是小农经济普遍,难以应用现代高科技技术,无法形成现代化、产业化;基础设施严重落后,有些地区甚至还是靠天吃饭,一遇到大的自然灾害,就歉收甚至绝收,农业生产极不稳定。因此单靠农业本身积累资金发展是相当困难的必须由国家进行大规模投入。为了实现我国财政对农业投资,促进农业增长方式的转变,本文建议应采取一些有力的措施来加以保障。  相似文献   

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