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C HINA'S economic progress since the com-mencement of its reform and opening-up in 1978 gives hope to every developing nation that if China can do it,so can we.A 2019 report by Switzerland-based financial servic-es company Credit Suisse Group said that China was this century's champion in wealth creation and the figures it cites are truly amazing.Having successfully cushioned the impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009,unlike so many other nations,China has seen total household wealth rise from US $3.7 trillion in 2000 to US $63.8 tril-lion in 2018,an exponential 17-fold increment.  相似文献   

A New Hope     
Beijing-based National Bio Energy (NBE),China's biggest biomass power generation firm,is feeling the heat of funding and fuel supply pressures.These shortcomings have caused NBE,with its annual biomass power output taking up 60 percent of the national total,to put its ambitious plan of building 100biomass power plants by the end of 2015 on hold.Only 40 of the planned facilities have been completed.  相似文献   

A New Hope     
<正>China-U.S.relations depend on the two sides’ability to seek mutual prosperityAs one of the major follow-up agendas of Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S.President Donald Trump’s April meeting in Mar-a-Lago,the fi rst round of China-U.S.Diplomatic and Security Dialogue was held in Washington,D.C.on June 21.Chinese State  相似文献   

<正>A ceasefire deal quells the Ukraine crisis for now,but long-term settlement requires U.S.involvement Thanks to the mediation and shuttle di plomacy of European leaders—German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande—four-party peace talks between Germany,France,Russia and Ukraine were resumed in the Belarusian capita  相似文献   

Du Fu, one of China’s most renowned poets who lived 1,200 years ago, once wrote, When will there be tens of thousands ofhouses, to shelter all the homeless and poor in this world?These words reverberated in the minds of many Chinese this Spring Festival as their thoughts went out to survivors of the devastating  相似文献   

The G20 summit breathes fresh life into the weakening health of the world economyw hen the leaders of the wealthiest nations and largest developing  相似文献   

正Concept of community with a shared future contributes to world peaceXi Jinping:The Governance of China by Chinese President Xi Jinping who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee,presents the official Party line on China's development in the21st century and also emphasizes Xi's strong  相似文献   

A Chinese foundation aimed at helping impoverished children get an education celebrates its 25th anniversaryFan,an 18-year-old girl who declined to reveal her full name,is a new student at Shanxi Medical University this year.By the end of September,she had received 5,000yuan($815)from Project Hope as financial aid,  相似文献   

China plays an active role in safeguarding stability on the Korean Peninsula Tensions on the Korean Peninsula finally seem to be easing.President of the Republic of Korea(ROK) Park Geun Hye said on April 11 that Seoul would conduct dialogue with Pyongyang and offer humanitarian assistance.During his recent visits to China and South Korea,U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry  相似文献   

<正>A spectacular action movie;a military adventure that advocates patriotism;an immense commercial success.All these labels can be attached to Wolf Warrior II,whose box-offi ce earnings surpassed 5 billion yuan($750 million)less than a month after its July 27 release,making it the world’s second highest-grossing movie in a single market.But most importantly,it tells a story that audiences can identify with.  相似文献   

NOORTHWESTChinaincludesShaanxi,QinghaiandGansuprovincesandNingxiaHuiandYinjianUygurautonomousregionsandcoversonethirdofChina.Itisfarfromthecoast,thetransportationsystemisoutdated,rainfallisscant,theclimateisadverse,anddevelopmenthasbeenslowerthaninotherpartsinthecountry.Thus,tosay"NorthwestChina"hasoftenbeentantamounttosaying"underdeveloped."Hasthesituationchangedatall?InthisissuewePublishaseriesofarticlesunderthebanner"Ningxia:Challenge,DreamandAccomplishment."InoneHusseinIsmail,a…  相似文献   

Shanghai World Expo gets ready to welcome 70 million visitorsT he Shanghai World Expo will kick off in less than two months. From May 1 to October 31, Shanghai is expected to welcome 70 million visitors,  相似文献   

The coronavirus crisis should make us appreciate our common humanity The novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19)is now a truly global crisis,which has spread from public health to the economy and governance.With more than 460,000infections reported globally as of March 26 and the fatalities rising its impact in Europe has been particularly hard.Italy,Spain and Germany have been profoundly affected.  相似文献   

The government has pledged to adopt all necessary policies to stimu-late the troubled residential real estate sector  相似文献   

AS China's traditional manufacturing industries lose their competitive edge on the world market,privately owned businesses are turning their eyes to high-tech products."Squeezed by continually rising prices of raw materials and climbing labor costs on the one hand,and unremitting demands for better quality and low prices from our customers on the other hand, we have no choice but to develop high technology products,"says Cai Xianping,deputy general manager of Jiangsu Xingrong High-tech Company Limited.  相似文献   

The international community should continue to go forward hand in hand. – President Hu Jintao, September 23, 2009, at the General Debate of the 64th session  相似文献   

四年前,我遭遇了一场灾难,我以为将是我白头到老的爱情倒塌了。我是一个完美主义者,我一直以为我能做到一切,包括爱情,尽管这是一段从一开始就不被祝福的爱情。可我还是坚持不懈地付出了所有,直到最  相似文献   

Children of Hope     
ZHANG Xiaoqiong lives in the new county seat of Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, Mianyang City, Si-chuan Province. Pushing her baby son Liu Peng in his pram in morning sunshine is the happiest moment of  相似文献   

Fields of Hope     
正New technology, profit-sharing incentive schemes and business models contribute to rural poverty alleviation Tucked in the mountains in southwest Beijing, Lijia Village in Qingshui Town of Mentougou District was a relatively poor area of the capital. But in recent years, its fate has been changed by a miniature fruit called kiwiberry.  相似文献   

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