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IN 2000,when I first arrived in Paris,there were limited French products seen on the Chinese market,and vice versa.Fourteen years later,when I started Bonjour Brand,French products had deeply penetrated the Chinese high-end market.As an organizer,volunteer or visitor,I've participated in many initiatives to promote Chinese culture in France.These include activities involving calligraphy,paint-ing,Chinese opera facial makeup,embroidery,and paper-cutting,all of which are excellent art forms from China.However,despite these cultural promo-tion attempts,when you ask a French person what comes to mind when they think of China,the answer is invariably the Great Wall,made-in-China products,kungfu and pandas.  相似文献   

正Mark Levine, a sociologist with Minzu University of China, was invited to attend two major events marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China(CPC), including the grand gathering at the Tiananmen Square on July . He is also the author of an upcoming book entitled Singing My China Stories to the World. In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Li Nan,  相似文献   

权证在中国证券市场中经历了曲折的发展过程,如今的权证市场极其萎缩。鉴于权证在中国资本市场与市场化与国际化深入发展进程中的重要作用,正确审视现行权证法律规制的不足,并构建未来权证法律规制的发展路径是十分必要的。该文主要通过历史分析方法概括了中国权证及其法律规制的演进过程,并指出备兑权证将是中国未来权证市场的主流产品,相应地在立足现行权证法律规制之上,应建立健全权证法律法规体系、完善权证具体法律制度。  相似文献   

正Prior to arriving in China in 2017,I had read various books relating to China,famous Chinese novels as well as non-fiction and the seeds of my fascination were sown.Therefore,when I arrived I couldn't have been more excited to be living in this huge historically and culturally rich country,so vastly different to my native home of the UK.The food,the landmarks,the mega cities and everyday life-I was raring to explore.  相似文献   

ON November 25,2020,the late French sculptor Jean Cardot's artwork Taureau lumière [Cattle in the Sun],donated by Académie des Beaux-Arts of France to the National Art Museum of China(NAMOC),was set up and unveiled in the Sculpture Park of the latter. At the ceremony,Wu Weishan,NAMOC curator,said,"Chinese art in the 20th century is characterized by the borrowing of Western elements.The art exchanges be-tween China and France have contributed a lot to this.Today,we are here,witnessing the unveiling of this French masterpiece.Our bilateral friendship conveyed by it will be written down in the history of Sino-French art exchanges? For years,Wu has been dedicated to expressing the spirit of Chinese culture through sculpture for cross-borderunderstanding and cooperation in arts.  相似文献   

The Canton Fair, a barometer of the country's export health, continued to send worrying signals as foreign buyers skimped on orders for Chinese products. The country's fund managers cashed in on the stock market euphoria of the first quarter. The central state-owned enterprises bounced back from their previous dismal financial situation. China Mobile, the country's largest mobile service provider, saw slower profit growth in the first quarter. The first domestic auto financing company with no foreign owners...  相似文献   

Yan Xuetong 《当代中国》2001,10(26):33-39
The rise of China will create a huge market that will eventually make substantial contributions to scientific progress. The rise of China will benefit the Chinese as well as the rest of the world. Economic globalization makes it impossible for any country to keep its scientific and technological achievements from benefiting others. Every rich country inevitably invests largely abroad and imports many products from others. During the process of economic globalization, the rise of China will inevitably stimulate world economic growth by more inventions, investment, and importation. It is natural that there will be different views about the rise of China. Despite this, everyone agrees that China will increasingly play an important role in global affairs as China's modernization has a major impact on the world.  相似文献   

WEARY of the Hollywood fast-food culture that has so long domi-nated China, many professional urban dwellers in big and medium-sized Chinese cities have been seduced by the subtle flair of French gentility. American fast-food pales in com-  相似文献   

IT is clear that in order for TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) production to meet world standards and enter the international market, herb plantation in China must be standardized. In late September 2003, the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) held a seminar on the standardization of TCM development and qual-  相似文献   

地方责任政府的建构路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘海兵 《桂海论丛》2008,24(4):21-24
随着市场经济体制的不断完善,政治体制改革稳步推进,公众民主、法治意识的进一步觉醒,建立责任政府的推动力量越来越强大,建立一个负责任的政府已经成为社会的普遍共识和强烈诉求。相对于地方政府而言,就是要建构现代化地方责任政府,这是我国地方政府行政改革的目标选择,也是我国民主政治发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

Dan Luo   《当代中国》2010,19(64):401-417
Similarities between the US, the UK and the Chinese housing markets, including the movements of interest rates and house prices, and the exposure of some Chinese banks to the US mortgage securitization market, have triggered concern about whether China could experience a US-style credit and housing market crisis. Significant differences between China and Western economies make that unlikely in the near future. China's booming house market has been supported by fast economic growth, rapid urbanization and high domestic savings. Chinese banks have also been less exposed to mortgage defaults than their Western counterparts. However, the relative underdevelopment of the financial system—credit monitoring and asset securitization—may expose China to domestic mortgage lending-related crises.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是我党取得社会主义建设事业胜利的重大方法和举措 ,在长期的革命实践中 ,我党思想政治教育已走出了一条行之有效的道路。在改革开放大潮影响下 ,在市场经济的冲击下 ,传统的思想政治教育应进行调整和创新 ,才能适应社会的发展和进步 ,才能在繁杂的社会中真正起到净化人的灵魂、提高人的道德修养和整体素质的作用  相似文献   

美国对中国产品并用反倾销反补贴措施问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据WTO贸易规则,WTO成员对来自市场经济其他成员的进口产品并用反倾销反补贴措施具有合理性和合法性.市场经济国家产品与非市场经济国家产品产生补贴重复计算的根源不同,补贴的形式也有差异.在美国对华并用反倾销反补贴的铜版纸案中,美国商务部对华适用反补贴法存在巨大的法律障碍.美国商务部拒绝给予中国市场经济地位或市场导向产业待遇,在反倾销调查中所采用的生产要素方法不可避免地导致了对中国铜版纸国内补贴的重复计算.我国有理由启动WTO争端解决机制和寻求美国司法救济.  相似文献   

Cooling the Rush China has pushed all the buttons to tame the red-hot property market where price surges are bringing worries of a bubble burst to a boiling point.  相似文献   

As the curtain lifted on the year 2003,two classic love stories were staged in China:the Peking Opera The West Chamber and French musical Notre Dame de Paris.To the throngs of theater-goers who went to these performances,they were an aural and visual Chinese/cordon bleu feast.  相似文献   

House prices continue heading north in most Chinese cities,defying government efforts to curb the property market fever. Chinese companies press ahead with outbound mergers and acquisitions, as they expand their footprint beyond China’s borders. China has boosted its holdings of the U.S. Treasury Securities for two consecutive months after previously shedding these assets. State-owned enterprises continue along a profitable path, with profits soaring in the first half of this year. China remains the world’s hottest initial public offering (IPO) market, despite a decrease in IPO cases in the first half.  相似文献   

杨磊 《中国发展》2014,(4):50-52
中国已经成为世界第一旅游消费大国,庞大的出国人群原本可以成为公共外交的使者和国家形象的代言人,遗憾的是,此起彼伏的中国游客不文明行为,不仅引起目的地居民的反感,而且降低了中国政府公共外交的可信度,使国家形象受损。在全民外交时代,应加强对游客形象问题的研究,探究其对公共外交的影响程度,充分发挥个体在公共外交中的积极作用。  相似文献   

吴健安 《思想战线》2000,26(2):38-40
中国烟草行业"大而不强"是一个不争的事实.究其原因,一是国家烟草专卖制度已被某些地方演变成地方烟草专卖制度,从而封锁了市场,保护了落后,限制了优势品牌卷烟和优势企业的发展壮大;二是在一些地方假冒卷烟、走私卷烟严重泛滥,而打假、打私与取缔非法卷烟市场的力度不够,加重了国内烟草市场的无序状态.中国为迎接加入WTO以后的挑战,首先必须不折不扣地贯彻执行<烟草专卖法>;其次是组建实力强大、可与国际跨国烟草公司抗衡的云烟集团;再次是在专卖体制下建立和完善全国统一、开放、竞争有序的烟草市场.  相似文献   

加入WTO给我国文化产业带来前所未有的机遇和挑战.要大力发展文化产业,必须大力培养文化人才;整合文化资源;改革文化体制,不断提高文化产品市场占有率,增加人均文化消费率,使中国文化产品走向世界.  相似文献   

两岸农业贸易和投资协作之研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过去较长时期台湾岛内民心或政治取向与经贸走向“相悖”。“相悖”是现象,“相符”是实质:由于不能依据市场规律、农业产品和要素比较优势差异建立实现双赢的合作机制,台湾中南部农民从与大陆经贸往来中受益不多。鉴于此,大陆应加强两岸农业贸易和投资协作,让利于台湾小农,扭转岛内关于“大陆农产品是造成台湾农业困境根本因素”的错误认识,彻底打破政经相悖的格局。本文提出:在尊重市场规律和借鉴现代发达经济扶持农业惯例的前提下,放开台湾优势农产品进入大陆市场;创造条件帮助台湾小农西进大陆创业,用其农业要素上的比较优势来抵消产品上的比较劣势。  相似文献   

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