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I’d read and heard so much about the miracle of poverty reduction in China that I had to go see it myself firsthand. That opportunity arrived when I went on an excursion to Dawan Village in Anhui Province, east China. I knew very little about the place. All I knew was that it sat 1,500 meters above sea level,and that President Xi Jinping visited it in 2016.  相似文献   

At an altitude of 5,000 meters in the north of Tibet Autonomous Region, oxygen levels are only 40 percent of those at sea level. Strong winds batter the area over 200 days a year. The average annual temperature runs below zero degree Celsius. The harsh climate and geological conditions have rendered the area "unsuitable for human life to flourish."  相似文献   

Floodwaters are released from the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in Yichang,central China’s Hubei Province,on July 20.The dam,China’s largest flood control project,acts as a buffer for the worst flood-ing in decades as it blocks more than 40 percent of upstream water.The peak influx into the Three Gorges Reservoir topped 70,000 cubic meters a second on July 20,the highest level since the dam was completed last year.The flow is still 30,000 cubic meters below its designed capacity.The discharge has been kept under 40,000 cubic meters a second to help flood-fighting efforts in downstream areas that have been plagued by weeks of heavy rainfalls.The Three Gorges Reservoir has a capacity of more than 20 billion cubic meters with a maximum water level of 175 meters.  相似文献   

论湘鄂渝黔边区红色旅游整合与协同发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘鄂渝黔边区红色旅游资源十分丰富,在具有一般红色旅游资源共性的同时,又拥有许多独具一格的基本特性。但目前边区红色旅游发展存在着条块分割、发展水平低下等许多缺陷和不足,因此,其红色旅游应走区域资源整合与协同发展之路。而边区社会经济发展的现状,使其区域红色旅游走整合与协同发展之路具有必要性和可行性,据此,应统一制定其发展对策。其对策的实施必将对推动边区社会经济的快速协调发展具有非常重大而深远的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Core Strength     
At a workshop in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, workers pour resin into models to make wind turbine blades more than 60 meters long. With their special design, they are able to catch the air currents from all directions, turning wind energy into electricity.  相似文献   

Since commercial 5G services were launched in China in 2019,the technology has become extensively used,going far beyond mobile phones into sectors as diverse as e-commerce and healthcare.Its versatility was particularly apparent last year when it was deployed in a specialty hospital in Wuhan in central China for epidemic prevention and control,and also used to measure the height of Mt.Qomolangma,the highest peak in the world.Wang Zhiqin,Vice President of China Academy of Information and Communications Tech no logy,talked about its development to Guangming Daily.  相似文献   

Dual-system families, those involved with the child welfare system and receiving public cash assistance, may be more vulnerable than families connected to only one of the two systems. This study advances our understanding of the heterogeneous and dynamic cash-assistance histories of dual-system families in the post–welfare reform era. With merged administrative data from Washington over the period 1998–2009, we use cluster analysis to group month-to-month sequences of cash-assistance use among households over the 37-month period surrounding child removal. Close to two thirds of families who received any assistance either had a short spell with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or lost TANF. Smaller percentages had steady support. Families who lose assistance are less likely than average to reunify while those who connect to benefits are more likely, suggesting that coordination between systems may serve dual-system families well.  相似文献   

David Zweig  Shulan Ye 《当代中国》2008,17(55):273-296
This paper uses a survey at six universities in China to analyze university students' views on China's energy problems. It finds that gender, the nature and location of a student's original community, and their level of education affects students' views about China's energy problems, as well as the types of solutions that are deemed to be most appropriate to manage this looming crisis. University students are quite concerned about China's energy situation. For them, it is already a crisis. They fear China will be controlled due to resource dependency, see the US as China's primary energy competitor, all the while advocating a more hawkish attitude towards Japan in the East China Sea. But, they look foremost to domestic solutions to this crisis, such as enhanced conservation, more efficient use of energy, new technologies, enhancing China's strategic reserve, and increased government taxation, particularly of large enterprises. When they look abroad, they support diversifying energy sources, increasing energy cooperation, particularly with Russia and Central Asia (but not with Japan), and some increase of the navy's role in enhancing sea lane and energy security.  相似文献   

江主席关于把思想政治建设"摆在全军各项建设的首位"的论述,不仅仅是一个理论问题,更是一个重大的实践问题.要在部队建设中真正把思想政治建设摆到首位,实践要领是找准观察处理问题的三个着眼点,把握评价判定尺度上的三个第一,在组织领导工作中坚持两个首要、一个贯穿.  相似文献   

西部生态环境问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建辉  陈宇 《思想战线》2002,28(3):40-42
我国西部地区生态环境脆弱 ,近年来由于经济发展过程的一些不正确行为 ,使得西部地区生态环境问题日趋严重。中央提出西部大开发战略 ,在西部开发中生态环境的保护必须予以高度的重视。目前西部生态环境问题恶化的原因 ,除气候的因素致使西部生态问题脆弱外 ,更与长期以来的鼓励人口增殖政策和政府的政策不力有关。要保证西部大开发不以牺牲环境为代价 ,必须一靠政府有效干预 ,正确引导 ;二靠加强技术进步 ,转变资源配置方式 ,此外 ,还要牢固地树立“可持续发展”观念  相似文献   

张辉  曾枝柳 《桂海论丛》2013,29(5):100-104
文章阐述了中国与周边国家海权争端的概况;分析了当前这些海权争端的特点;重点探讨了海洋权益的切实维护之道:认为要摒弃"重陆轻海"传统历史观念;重视实际控制和主权宣示;建立高层统一协调机制、独立的综合管理部门和相对统一的海上执法力量;成立中国海权维护委员会;深入研究海洋法和各周边国家法律;大陆与台湾应联手维护海洋主权;采取必要的实际行动等十个方面维护中国的海洋权益。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,美国以保护自由通航为由逐步介入南海的争端,并将此作为实现其亚太战略的一种手段。美国的介入对中国南海主权权益的维护产生的负面影响是:危及中国战略安全利益,增加中国收回南海主权的难度,加剧了地区紧张局势。中国政府坚定地表达了维护国家领土主权的决心和意志,并采取了切实措施维护中国的领海主权;坚持“以邻为善,以邻为伴”的周边外交政策,加强与东盟的战略沟通和战略互信:有针对性地应对美国在南海地区的利益需求。  相似文献   

实事求是是毛泽东思想的精髓。毛泽东实事求是思想的本质特征是:强调实践比认识更重要,坚持一切从实际出发,坚决反对本本主义。这些本质特征是相互贯通、互为条件的。  相似文献   

位于国际饭店主楼东侧。规模宏大,建筑面积达3.3万平米,地上三层共有30个可灵活使用的会议场地,除与之相匹配的高速网络信息传输系统,同声传译、多媒体放映机、投影仪等会议设施外,还提供专业录音、摄像等服务,为不同规格、形式的国际化会晨活动提供尽善尽美的服务。  相似文献   

Mingjiang Li 《当代中国》2010,19(64):291-310
Future international relations in East Asia are likely to be largely shaped by the maritime strategies and policies of various actors. This paper examines China's policy and behavior in maritime cooperation in the East Asian region in recent years, a topic that has been insufficiently understood. I suggest that while it is necessary and useful to take into account China's naval power, more attention to Chinese intentions and policy on East Asian maritime issues is warranted to arrive at a more balanced, and arguably more accurate, understanding of China's role in East Asian maritime affairs. This paper takes stock of China's changing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in maritime cooperation in the region. I describe China's new policy moves in the South China Sea and East China Sea. I also address some of the major Chinese concerns for further maritime cooperation in East Asia. I conclude that while a grand cooperative maritime regime is still not possible from a Chinese perspective, China is likely to agree to more extensive and substantive maritime cooperation in many functional areas, most notably in the non-traditional security arena.  相似文献   

杨轶 《中国发展》2014,(6):28-34
该文从资源禀赋、经济发展情况和人才发展现状等三个主要方面,对东西部人才发展的基础条件进行比较分析,为探讨东西部人才发展模式奠定基础。研究得出:一是西部地区拥有较为丰富的自然资源,东部地区拥有大量的人力和技术资源;二是近年来,西部地区经济与东部地区相比仍有很大差距;三是西部地区高学历人才并不短缺,缺乏的是从事具有创新性工作的研发人员和高层次(院士、长江学者等)人员。  相似文献   

通过对15个部门或团队32位员工的开放式访谈、半开放式访谈,运用扎根理论方法对员工LMX认知的结构体系进行了探索性研究。结果表明:LMX认知的结构是一个多维的构思,包括:上司尊重、不公平对待、支持协助、圈内归属、回报义务五个维度;LMX认知的五个认知维度之间并不是完全独立的,彼此存在一定的联系;LMX认知的动力基础主要来自于上司和员工两个层面。  相似文献   

建构安徽省和谐政治生态环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政治生态揭示了政治活动的主体、客体和互为主客之间的相互制约、相互影响、相互促进的关系。政治生态的生态层级可分为省市层级、县域层级和乡村层级,政治生态的几个层级间是相互联系、相互作用的。政治生态环境往往受到文化、制度、社会监督、民主力量和社会转型等因素的影响。因此.建构和谐的政治生态环境,需要有制度制定的无知之幕,需要培养民众的政治认同,需要营造法治的大环境,需要发扬网络民主的力量。  相似文献   

张杰 《青年论坛》2014,(6):7-12
学科建设、专业建设、课程建设是高等学校的三个基本建设,三者具有内在的联系与共同的基础,同时又存在区别与各自的侧重点。应用型本科院校一体化建设的必要性源于推动了新建本科院校向应用型本科院校转变,强化了本科教学在大学中的地位,促进了教学与科研相互融合,提升了专业办学水平和竞争力;其建设的可行性源于三者之间的内在联系。实现一体化建设的目标,真正使学科建设、专业建设、课程建设有机融合,必须树立一体化建设理念,着眼于体制机制建设。  相似文献   

During the past few decades, China's economic success has permitted it to pursue a greater role on the international stage. China is recognized both as a regional and aspiring global power. Nowhere is this more evident than within Southeast Asia, where China's more active diplomacy is reflected in growing trade relations, proposals for stronger security ties, and the signing of numerous cooperative agreements on issues as varied as environmental protection, drug trafficking, and public health. As a whole, the region has received China's activism with both enthusiasm and trepidation. China has expended significant effort to assuage the fears of its neighbors by adopting a foreign policy approach that is active, non-threatening, and generally aligned with the economic and security interests of the region. This positive diplomacy has clearly yielded some success, most notably in the trade realm, where China is rapidly emerging as an engine of regional economic growth and integration that may well challenge Japanese and American dominance in the next three to five years. In the security realm, China's diplomacy, while rhetorically appealing to regional actors, has yet to make significant inroads in a regional security structure dominated by the United States and its bilateral security relationships. Most significantly, however, if China is to emerge as a real leader within Southeast Asia, it will also need to assume more of the social and political burden that leadership entails. As China continues to advance itself as a regional leader, its policies on issues such as health, drugs, the environment and human rights will face additional scrutiny not only for their impact on the region but also for the more profound question they raise concerning the potential of China's moral leadership. For the United States, China's greater presence and activism suggest at the very least that it cannot remain complacent about the status quo that has governed political, economic and security relations for the past few decades. Shared leadership within Southeast Asia will likely include China in the near future, with all the potential benefits and challenges that such leadership will entail.  相似文献   

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