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正Richard Wolff, an American Marxian economist and professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, shared his observations on the role of the Communist Party of China(CPC) in China's development and China-U.S. ties in an exclusive interview with Beijing Review reporter Ma Miaomiao.  相似文献   

Ren Qianji, a single mother of three from Hezuo City in Gansu Province, used to support her family with the unstable income she earned doing odd jobs such as cleaning. Without the means to earn a livable wage, Ren and her children lived in poverty. Their living conditions began to improve, however, after she found work at a casein-production facility run by a dairy company in March 2019.  相似文献   

正The secret to China’s development is not any particular policy or method, but rather its political economy China has achieved a complete victory in its fight against poverty In December 2020,President Xi Jinping announced that all remaining rural poor population had moved out of poverty under the current standard.  相似文献   

正For more than two decades,the global battle to eradicate extreme poverty has made steady and effective progress.Despite a number of serious environmental and economic black swan events that threatened to perilously throw efforts off course, for the past 25 years the number of people living in extreme poverty—registered as people surviving on less than $1.9 a day according to the World Bank—has dropped to record levels.  相似文献   

正Understanding their efforts and perseverance to transform the border region Eighty-one-year-old Shi Huifang could never forget her life-changing decision to venture out into Xinjiang, a remote and bare land to her in northwest China, some six decades ago. She wanted to escape poverty and create a better life for herself by putting in hard work in a new place.  相似文献   

智力支边"毕节模式"有着许多成功的经验,但在沟通协调机制、扶贫绩效评估机制及理论研究等方面也存在明显的不足,有必要建立更为完善的智力支边扶贫工作机制,动员更多的社会资源与政府扶贫项目及资金有机结合以提高扶贫效率和成效.同时,有必要从集中在毕节试验区的智力支边扶贫实践中,总结出一些成熟的、切实可行的、有推广价值的经验,通...  相似文献   

关于西部地区农村贫困与反贫困问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马纳提 《中国发展》2009,9(5):65-68
中国贫困人口越来越集中于西北部地区的趋势有其深层次的原因,包括西部地区经济发展相对缓慢,农民能在改革时期从农业增长中获得的利益有限,并且这些地区现有的贫困人口大部分居住在边远的乡镇和农村,特别是山区。该文从当前中国西部农村贫困地区的地域特征、资源秉赋条件等现实出发,提出有利于西部农村贫困人口持续脱贫的若干建议和思考。  相似文献   

正Poverty shouldn't be a controversial subject, but it is. The World Bank, the World Health Organization, the U.S. State Department and pretty much every government in the world has a different definition of what poverty means. In China, absolute poverty is defined as 11 yuan a day; this is about $1.7. The World Bank disagrees and sets a higher number. In 2011 the U.S. considered people to be in poverty if their consumption was less than $21.7 a day. If that were the case, given inflation, almost all Chinese people outside of a few large cities would be in poverty. But living in China is different.  相似文献   

Psychological health is gaining more attention, especially among China’s urban population A couple of months ago, Wu Miao found herself trapped in a bout of depression whilst on maternity leave. On the one hand, she and her husband were strapped for cash as raising a baby turned out to cost a lot more than they had initially expected, and she was earning much less during the leave. On the other hand, her mother-inlaw was temporarily staying with them to help take care of the baby, but this resulted in the occasional bickering over household trivialities.  相似文献   

IN 1951,when Tibet was peacefully liberated,the poverty rate in the region was as high as 80 percent.In the following decades,the Chinese government carried out a comprehensive anti-poverty campaign in Tibet,leading to a steady decrease in the number of poor people in the region.The figure fell to 26 percent of local population in 2012,with 600,000 people still living in extreme poverty at that time. Since 2012,the Chinese government has given top priority to targeted poverty alleviation by constantly exploring innovative approaches.At the end of 2019,the government of Tibet Autonomous Region an-nounced that 628,000 people in 74 counties of the region had been lifted out of poverty,and their per capita net income had increased from RMB 1,499 (US$229) in 2015 to RMB 9,328 (US $1,426) in 2019.  相似文献   

改革开放四十多年来,伴随着经济的快速发展,中国的农村社会结构发生了剧烈变迁,其中较为显著的是大量农村家庭成员外出务工,从而带来了家庭社会关系的断裂和社会空间的分离。较男性而言,女性受到的影响更为突出。通过对河南一个扶贫车间的案例进行研究,本文发现:近几年由政府、企业和村庄社区所共建的扶贫车间,为农村妇女社会空间的再造提供了一种可能路径,但从社会保障和社会福利等角度看,扶贫车间仍然存在一些缺陷和提升空间。  相似文献   

前言贫困是人类社会的顽疾,是全世界面临的共同挑战。贫困及其伴生的饥饿、疾病、社会冲突等一系列难题,严重阻碍人类对美好生活的追求。消除贫困是人类梦寐以求的理想,人类发展史就是与贫困不懈斗争的历史。  相似文献   

One seemingly trivial issue has vexed Liu Wenyan for over 30 years. Liu only needs one shoe, but every time she goes shoe shopping she has to buy a pair. Growing up in Guizhou Province in southwest China, Liu lost one leg in a traffic accident at the age of 4. Now aged 37, she has spent over three decades searching for either a seller of single shoes, or some-one else with whom she can share the pair. Paralympic high jump star Gui Yuna, who is the same age as Liu, faces the same problem. Gui comes from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and, at 7, also lost her leg in a car ac-cident. The accident didn't discourage her from pursuing her athletic passion and in 2007 she broke the high jump world record for women amputees at China's 2007 National Games for Persons With Disabilities. One year later, she acted as a torchbearer for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Despite her success, Gui is still bothered by the shoe problem.  相似文献   

刘娟 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):79-83
新中国成立后,我国农村扶贫开发工作大体经历了五个阶段。2009年随着我国农村扶贫标准上调为人均纯收入1196元,扶贫对象大幅度增加,扶贫战略、扶贫出发点和扶贫任务发生了重大转变,扶贫开发事业即将进入新阶段。为适应扶贫新阶段的新挑战、新要求,必须以扶贫对象识别、扶贫项目瞄准、扶贫资金投入管理、产业化扶贫和长效扶贫机制为重心,积极探索扶贫开发机制的完善路径,加快构建"大扶贫"格局。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Winter Games, much more than just a sports competition Stepping onto the highest Paralympic podium has been a dream cherished by Chinese standing skier Zhang Mengqiu, despite not learning to ski until she was 14.Zhang is not a quick learner. Being diagnosed with cerebral palsy in childhood, she suffers from impaired motor function.  相似文献   

Since the launched of reform and opening up,the Chinese government has made great efforts and provided a lot of funds to promote poverty alleviation and development in rural areas China has made great achievements in the cause of poverty alleviation and these have been recognized by the international community The infrastructure in poverty-stricken areas has also been continuously improved,and industrial activities have been encouraged in poverty-stricken areas to help promote self-reliance As a result of the government's actions the poor rural population has been greatly reduced,and rural people's living standards have been greatly improved Since the 18~(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the central government has put forward a strategy of accurate poverty alleviation,implemented poverty alleviation projects in areas where poverty has stubbornly persisted and enhanced its efforts to finally eliminate poverty Under the vigorous leadership of the CPC,China is expected to achieve the goal of eliminating absolute poverty nationwide ahead of schedule  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2021,(10):I0006-I0008
主席女士,各位同事:很高兴代表中国政府向联合国人权理事会第46届会议致辞。人类正在同新冠肺炎疫情进行艰苦卓绝的斗争。病毒是我们共同的敌人,战胜疫情是我们承担的使命,团结合作是我们唯一的选择。这场世纪大流行给全人类带来巨大灾难。1亿多人染疫,200多万生命消逝,1.3亿人口返贫。全球不平等加剧,南北差距拉大,发展权受到新的挑战。  相似文献   

绝对贫困与相对贫困是贫困的两个阶段,一般先解决绝对贫困,再解决相对贫困.随着中国消除绝对贫困取得决定性胜利,扶贫随之进入解决相对贫困阶段.贫困发生理论认为,贫困问题成因复杂,相对贫困长期存在,为此,要制定有针对性的制度措施推动脱贫和防止返贫.有效解决相对贫困,既要遵循理论指导,又要结合中国实际,从调整扶贫战略、界定扶贫...  相似文献   

基于SWOT分析法的中国非政府组织扶贫模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张勇 《桂海论丛》2011,27(3):74-78
非政府组织扶贫正成为世界各国尤其是发展中国家扶贫领域一支不可或缺的重要力量。非政府组织扶贫一个至关重要的问题就是,非政府组织选择何种最优化的行动策略或者帮扶策略,真正参与到扶贫事业中来,以提高扶贫的效率。文章借用企业中的SWOT分析法,运用其组合模型具体分析不同非政府组织扶贫模式的优势、劣势,从而选择出最优化的扶贫模式或者扶贫模式组合。  相似文献   

作为有效的经济杠杆和调控手段,金融手段对扶贫开发具有重要作用。近年来,国内外微型金融扶贫模式取得了较大发展,而国内拾荷模式、乡村金融服务站、农地金融和社区发展基金等金融扶贫模式也各具特色。与国家集中连片特殊困难地区扶贫攻坚战略相对应,河北省提出了打造"环首都扶贫攻坚示范区"的战略目标,而借鉴国内外金融扶贫模式,以金融手段推进"环首都扶贫攻坚示范区"建设就成为必然选择。  相似文献   

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