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Forensic palynology has been a law enforcement tool for over 50 years. Forensic palynology is the application of pollen and spores in solving legal issues, either civil or criminal. Pollen and spores can be obtained from an extremely wide range of items, including bodies. Pollen and spores provide clues as to the source of the items and the characteristics of the environments from which the material on them is sourced. Their usefulness lies in a combination of their abundance, dispersal mechanisms, resistance to mechanical and chemical destruction, microscopic size, and morphology. Their often complex morphology allows identification to an individual parent plant taxon that can be related to a specific ecological habitat or a specific scene. Pollen and spore assemblages characterise different environments and scenes and can easily be picked up and transported away from scenes of interest without providing any visual clue to a suspect as to what has occurred. With so many publications and high-profile cases involving forensic palynology and environmental analysis now receiving publicity, the future of this branch of forensic science is assured. Furthermore, with the development of multi-disciplinary approaches to environmental analyses of crime scenes, far more detailed information is now available to law enforcement agencies, enabling them to determine with greater accuracy what may have happened during the commission of criminal activities.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis is shown from published and unpublished Canadian examples to be a useful tool in forensic investigation, although the technique is almost unknown and therefore under-utilized by forensic investigators. The techniques of pollen and spore identification and interpretation are continually improving, indicating that the potential for forensic applications is real. Focus in this paper is on an updated interpretation of palynological data that was presented during a trial involving a scientific test of oral history as part of a claim for aboriginal title to a large area of British Columbia (BC) (Delgamuukw versus the Queen). Although the original decision in British Columbia Supreme Court was decided in favor of the government defendants, an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada overturned the original decision, and established new principles and rights for aboriginal peoples.  相似文献   

The United States of America would seem to be an excellent location for using pollen data in forensic applications. The vegetation within the region is highly diverse ranging from areas of Arctic tundra to some of the most inhospitable deserts anywhere in the Western Hemisphere. The highly varied ecology, great plant diversity, thousands of vegetational microhabitats, and extensive published pollen records for the region provide an ideal setting for these types of analyses. This diversity, often characterized in most locations by unique combinations of pollen types, makes the use of forensic pollen a reliable technique that can often be used to associate individuals with a unique crime scene or geographical region. Nevertheless, forensic pollen studies in the United States of America are currently one of the most highly under utilized techniques available to assist in solving criminal and civil cases. During the past century there has been a very limited attempt to use pollen evidence in either criminal or civil cases, for a variety of reasons, including a lack of available information about the technique, a very limited number of specialists trained to do forensic pollen work, and an almost total absence of academic centers able to train needed specialists or forensic facilities able, or willing, to fund research in this area. Hopefully, this paucity of use will change if certain steps are taken to encourage the routine collection and use of pollen evidence in both criminal and civil cases.  相似文献   

Zhang DY  Zhang DM  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):457-459
孢粉学是研究植物孢子和花粉(简称孢粉)的科学,是一门新兴的边缘学科。由于孢粉具有个体小、质量轻、数量多,不容易被发现等特征,给法医工作者留下证据,为破案提供有利线索,因此孢粉学在法医学实践应用中具有良好的应用前景。此文通过阐述孢粉学的概况、分类、形态特征及传播的规律,分析孢粉学在法医学上应用的优点和局限性,旨在为进一步完善孢粉学在法医学中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Forensic Science     
Scientific evidence is often more reliable than other types of evidence commonly used in criminal trials – i.e., eyewitness identifications, confessions, and informant testimony. Nevertheless, despite its obvious value, forensic science has not always merited the term "science." Three developments in the 1990s focused attention on its shortcomings: the advent of DNA profiling, the Supreme Court's "junk science" decision, and a number of wellpublicized crime laboratory scandals. In light of these developments, and in order to take full advantage of the power of forensic science to aid in the search for truth, a number of reforms are needed: Crime laboratories should be accredited, lab procedures should be standardized, and basic research needs to be conducted on many commonly used techniques. Court procedures also require improvement: Defense experts should be more readily available to indigent defendants, and more comprehensive pretrial disclosure of the substance of expert testimony should be provided.  相似文献   

本文对法庭语音学进行了研究综述,主要介绍了该学科的核心内容:说话人鉴定。在实际办案中,当未找到嫌疑人,只有犯罪分子的检材语音时,可以使用说话人画像/说话人分类技术。若没有犯罪分子的录音证据时,可以让受害人和证人进行说话人的听觉辨认。具体的辨认形式有两种:对熟人辨认和对陌生人辨认,在对陌生人辨认时可以采用语音辨认的方法进行。当检材语音和样本语音都齐备的时候,法庭语音分析专家就可以对二者进行比对检验了。目前语音比对分析涉及到的问题和领域有:基于贝叶斯方法的法庭推理和似然比计算、共振峰频率的测量应用、非解析感知与样例理论、法庭说话人自动识别以及不同方法的综合应用等。  相似文献   

本文对法庭语音学进行了研究综述,主要介绍了该学科的核心内容:说话人鉴定。在实际办案中,当未找到嫌疑人,只有犯罪分子的检材语音时,可以使用说话人画像/说话人分类技术。若没有犯罪分子的录音证据时,可以让受害人和证人进行说话人的听觉辨认。具体的辨认形式有两种:对熟人辨认和对陌生人辨认,在对陌生人辨认时可以采用语音辨认的方法进行。当检材语音和样本语音都齐备的时候,法庭语音分析专家就可以对二者进行比对检验了。目前语音比对分析涉及到的问题和领域有:基于贝叶斯方法的法庭推理和似然比计算、共振峰频率的测量应用、非解析感知与样例理论、法庭说话人自动识别以及不同方法的综合应用等。  相似文献   

The lives of forensic psychiatrists are complicated and subject to stressful experiences because they have elected to interact with a social system very different from their own. This article presents discussion of these frequently troublesome areas commonly encountered by forensic psychiatrists in trying to respond to the law's requests and needs without sacrificing their medical integrity: (1) legitimate definition of expertise; (2) reasonable medical certainty; (3) generally accepted standard of care. They are explored with emphasis on the exercise of self-assessment by the involved forensic psychiatrists lest their incautious application of knowledge and expertise become pitfalls of their own making.  相似文献   

2008年,司法行政机关在司法鉴定管理工作中贯彻落实中央21号文件精神和全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》,进一步深化鉴定体制改革,促进鉴定管理工作发展。对法医类、物证类、声像资料类"三大类"司法鉴定的鉴定机构、鉴定人、鉴定业务情况进行统计分析,以总结经验,指导实践。  相似文献   

聚焦司法鉴定过程生成的鉴定人民事责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察鉴定人民事责任的制度依据和法律渊源,分析我国司法鉴定过程中,鉴定人民事责任的现实基础和规范依据。并以此为出发点,探讨我国司法鉴定人民事责任的基本内涵和外延,指出其特殊之处。最后从当事人实现救济的角度出发.提出鉴定人民事责任追诉的基本设想。  相似文献   

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