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Harmonious society is the ideal society that mankind has unswervingly pursued. Respecting and protecting human rights is the motive force for harmonious social development. Ensuring full human rights and realizing free and all-round development of its people is a lofty goal for China. By carrying on the fine cultural proceeding from the reality, China tradition and has in recent years vigorously advocated that human development should be promoted harmony which has won great acclaim from home and abroad. through rights social attention and  相似文献   

I. Background for cooperation between China and Germany in the area of human rights(1)China has made great achievements in economic and social development since the reform and opening upi. Basic achievements. Over the past 50-plus years since the founding…  相似文献   

The UN reform is an inevitable trend in the development of the international situation. It is a huge and complicated project with lots of contents covering a wide range of areas and involving the interests adjustment of all parties concerned. The fact has…  相似文献   

In November last year and October this year, China Foundation for Human Rights Development and German Friedrich-Ebert Foundation jointly sponsored two Sino-German seminars on human rights respectively in Beijing and Berlin. Both the Chinese and German sides attached great importance to the seminars which were attended by scores of government officials, parliamentarians, repre-sentatives from academic and religious circles and individual scholars. Both sides spoke highly of the positive …  相似文献   

正Human rights is a beautiful thing,which could arise the yearning of people for freedom and equality,as well as encourage people to fi ght for rights and dignity.Human rights has never been the patent of only a few countries,instead,it was the common ideal and pursuit of the humanity.  相似文献   

正The work for the year is best begun in spring.In this dynamic season,I’d like to extend sincere greetings and wishes to the readers of the International Understanding both home and abroad and people of all walks of life for your long-time care and support for the work and development of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU).  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Economic globalization and regional integration Economic globalization, a general trend in the world's development today, is interdependence for various countries in its real sense. Economic globalization, which began in the initial stage of development of capitalism, has a history of over a hundred years, and has undergone several stages from raw material procurement to trade in commodities and then to technology transfer and capital export, making economic links  相似文献   

From July 6 to 7,2004,co-sponsored by Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU),China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany (Ebert Foundation),the 6^th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights was held in Berlin of Germany.Mr.Liu Jingqin,head of the Chinese delegation,senior advisor of CFHRD and Vice President of Chinese People‘s Association for Peace and Disarmament,made a keynote speech at the seminar.The following is the full text of his speech.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, Mme. Herta Daeubler- Gmelin, Chairwoman of the Human Rights & Humanitarian Aid Committee of the Federal Parliament of Germany and member of parliament of SPD led a delegation to visit China from Oct. 16 to 28, and participate in the "9'h Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights" cosponsored by China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD), CAFIU and the Fredrich-Ebert Foundation of Germany. In Beijing, Mr. Huang Mengfu, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and President of CFHRD, Mr. Wang Chen, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, Mr. Li Chengren,  相似文献   

Vice-Chairman of CAFIU and Vice-Chairmanof the Foreign Affairs Committee of CPPCCFirst of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the successful opening of the 8th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights. The theme of this seminar “human …  相似文献   

正I am Ma Zhongfa, from Law School of Fudan University, speaking on behalf of China Society of Human Rights Studies.Foreign debt of developing countries and LDC becomes a heavy burden for them and produced negative impacts on protection of human rights. In order to pay the debt, they have to narrow the financial space for public services, which reduces the investment in improving educational infrastructure, medical facilities, and poverty eradication.  相似文献   

This is the 7th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights, jointly held by China Foundation for Human Rights Development, the Chinese Association for International Understanding and Germany's Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung. The Chinese and the German sides have had frank and friendly exchanges of views on human rights issues that both are concerned about. This has helped to promote the mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides, setting a good example of friendly dialogues on human…  相似文献   

Through almost ten years of development since the independence of the RussianFederation, Sino-Russian relations has achieved remarkable progress withwhich both feel satisfied and won high praise from the international community.Looking forward into the new century, how to further enhance relations betweenBeijing and Moscow and further promote their strategic cooperative partnership soas to make more contributions to the world peace and development are drawing  相似文献   

The strategy of peaceful development pursued by China in the present international environment is faced with both opportunities and challenges, with the former outweighing the latter. To make proper use of the opportunities and cope with the challenges so as to accelerate the process of China’s peaceful development, it is crucial to improve our diplomatic strategy and ideas and plan our diplomatic work from an overall strategic perspective. This is also a major issue posed to China’s diplom…  相似文献   

In his Report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) , Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC, pointed out that, "All Party members must fully understand the content and grasp the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development, be more conscious and determined in applying it, change notions that are not in line with it, work hard to solve major problems that affect or constrain scientific development, direct the whole society's enthusiasm for development to scientific development, and apply this outlook to every aspect of economic and social development." That means that the scientific outlook on Development is of universally great significance. It is scientific Outlook on Development when we are making a study on the question equally important to carry out of peaceful development  相似文献   

正This is Victor Gao, on behalf of CCG(Center for China and Globalization). It is our great pleasure to attend this important meeting. In today's world,many developing countries have the utmost need to develop economy to build up their capacities. I would urge all countries in the world to provide as much support as possible to the economic development of these developing countries, including both equity and debt. I think nation-building and capacity-building is a very important way to create more jobs and to lift people out of poverty in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

This year’s October coincided with the 34th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany. Mr. Li Beihai, Vice-President of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) headed a delegation to attend …  相似文献   

正The quality of early childhood development has a life-long crucial impact on the development of a person. Over the past 30 years, children's health care system in China has made great progress. The government is committed to providing free vaccination and physical examination to all children and continuously improving the quality of medical care.  相似文献   

Witnessing the development and progress of East Asian integration,especially the adoption of the goal of East Asian Community,both U.S. officials and academic circles have been showing more interest in and paying growing attention to the  相似文献   

Despite uncertainty over the international order,China and the US are increasingly creating a bipolar world.Compared with the former US?Soviet Union bipolarity,primary components of the Sino-US bipolar structure are economy,trade,finance,technology,culture,development model,and value.The complexity of the new bipolarity is a test for national strength,strategy and wisdom.Continuing to analyze the development of the international order will be crucial to assessing the international strategic situation and diplomatic policy-making.  相似文献   

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