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陕西地区75例刑事死亡案件的法医学分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对刑事死亡案件进行系统的分析讨论,有利于发现其内在的规律,本文收集2001年1月至2004年12月陕西地区75例刑事死亡案件资料,分析死者年龄分布、损伤类型、损伤部位、死亡机制等法医学特征,并与其他地区同类资料进行比较,以期为法医学检案提供参考。  相似文献   

材料和方法回顾性研究我所2003~2005年间检案实践中4例白血病死亡的法医学鉴定案件。结果4例死者生前均无明显的血液病症状,其中1例死亡前经临床确诊为急性颗粒增多型早幼粒细胞性白血病(M3),另外3例均无血液病相应的临床资料。尸体解剖主要所见:(1)多器官(尤其是脑)白血病细胞浸润;(2)肝、脾肿大;(3)凝血功能障碍引起的出血倾向,如:皮肤紫癜、创口渗血或迁延不愈等;(4)可排除暴力死亡。结论白血病细胞脑浸润引起的脑内血肿和血液病的并发症弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)是导致死亡的常见原因;在白血病患者突发死亡的案例中,死者生前往往缺乏典型的血液病症状,或仅有轻微的症状未引起注意;此类案件的法医学鉴定应注意收集临床资料,必须进行系统的尸体解剖检验,在有检验条件的情况下应进行骨髓细胞学病理检验。  相似文献   

目前,通过脑组织推断死亡时间已经成为法医学领域研究的新热点,大量研究资料表明:死亡时间与脑组织细胞DNA、RNA、ATP含量及脑温度、脑组织血管内皮生长因子等变化有高度相关性。脑CT、MRI、磁共振波谱等检查手段对死亡时间的推断也有帮助。本文对国内外相关文献进行综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的通过对监管场所非正常死亡案例进行筛选、收集,分析其影响因素及法医学特点。方法收集某鉴定中心2000—2015年间受理的监管场所在押人员非正常死亡案例25例,从性别、年龄、历年发案数、死亡原因、死亡方式等方面分析其特征,并对公安类监管场所和监狱类场所的案件性质进行对比。结果涉案死者均为男性,中青年人群为高危人群,历年发案数量呈逐年下降趋势。公安类监管场所的伤害案件发生率(64.7%)大于监狱类场所(12.5%),而监狱类场所的自杀率(62.5%)高于公安类(23.5%)。死亡原因以损伤和窒息为主,其他还有中毒和电击等。结论监管场所非正常死亡案件暴露出执法不规范、监管有漏洞、医疗水平差等问题。进行全面、细致的尸体解剖对于查明此类案件的死因有重要意义。  相似文献   

药物过敏性休克死亡法医学分析22例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过敏性休克是一类以急性循环衰竭为主要表现的全身性病理反应,其病因复杂,多数为药物所致,最常引起过敏性休克的为青霉素、半合成和合成青霉素及头孢菌素。本文就过敏性休克死亡案件的法医学特点和鉴定要点进行讨论,希望为相关案件的预防和处理提供参考?  相似文献   

新生儿呼吸系统疾病死亡的法医病理学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析和探讨呼吸系统疾病引起新生儿死亡的病理学特点,为法医学死亡原因鉴定和相关医疗纠纷鉴定提供科学依据。方法回顾性总结分析1993~2008年16年间攀枝花市公安局尸检档案中85例新生儿死亡案例。结果呼吸系统疾病是引起新生儿死亡的首要因素(共56例,占65.88%),其中新生儿吸入性肺炎20例(23.53%)、新生儿感染性肺炎14例(16.47%)、新生儿窒息12例(14.12%)、新生儿肺透明膜病6例(7.59%)、新生儿肺出血4例(4.71%)。结论新生儿尸检应重视呼吸系统的检查,根据新生儿发病特点和肺部病理变化明确临床诊断和死亡原因。  相似文献   

易旭夫  李元福 《证据科学》2001,8(3):153-155
目的 探讨妊娠死亡的特点。方法 对1990-2000年华西医科大学法医学院所做32例妊娠死亡尸检病例进行分析。结果 妊娠产妇死亡年龄以25-30岁为多见,职业以农民常见,且绝大多数无产前检查记录,死亡多发生于分娩过程中,区、乡一级卫生院出发。前四位的死因依次为:胎盘残留、输卵管妊娠破裂、产后感染和子宫血管结扎出血,绝大多数妊娠产妇死亡前产下活婴。结论 有必要加强基层与农村医疗保健工作和制订有关的预防措施,以降低妊娠产妇的死亡率。  相似文献   

正1案例资料1.1简要案情李某,女,26岁。某年3月8日以"停经39周、阵发性下腹疼痛3小时"之主诉入院;3月9日以左枕前位(LOA)娩出一女婴,羊水清亮,无脐带绕颈;新生儿Apgar评分为3分,心率60次/min,皮肤青紫,肌张力差,无呼吸;立即予以正压通气、气管插管、心肺复苏,经抢救无效死亡。1.2尸体检验女婴尸体法医学解剖检验主要所见:发育正常;指(趾)甲长出指(趾)端;尸斑显著,分布广泛;口唇  相似文献   

目的通过对过敏反应死亡案例分析,探索过敏反应死亡法医学鉴定标准,为法医学鉴定提供依据。方法收集上海地区1998—2008年59例诊断为过敏反应死亡案例,对案例中死者的临床病史、过敏反应临床表现、尸体检验结果等进行分析。结果 59例过敏反应死亡案例中有58例死于药物过敏(其中77.6%为抗生素),正规医院与非法行医各占37.3%和61.0%,过敏症状主要为呼吸困难、颜面发绀等,自接触过敏原至死亡从1 min到3 d,血清总Ig E浓度50~576.92 IU/m L,临床表现和病理解剖检查结果也有明显改变。结论在排除其他死因基础上,综合分析案情、病史、临床表现、尸检结果,可以得出过敏反应死亡的鉴定结论。其中案情调查(包括过临床病史、过敏原接触史、临床表现)对诊断过敏反应死亡具有关键性作用。  相似文献   

新生儿肺出血死亡的法医学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程杰  赵晓东  龚志强  叶敏 《法医学杂志》2002,18(2):95-95,97
1资料案例1:冬季早产男婴,体重2.3kg,出生后第3天出现双下肢硬肿症,第6天突然口鼻腔喷出鲜红色液约50ml,随之出现叹息样呼吸,面色青紫,经抢救无效于8h后死亡。死后一天进行尸检。尸斑呈暗紫红色,两眼睑结膜充血,并有多处针头大小的出血点,鼻腔有淡红色泡沫,口唇粘膜青紫,两手指甲青紫。脑沟变浅,脑回增宽。两肺体积增大、实变,气管、支气管内有血性泡沫液,两肺切面均有多量血性泡沫液流出。镜检:脑膜血管高度淤血,脑水肿,灶性蛛网膜下腔出血;心肌部分纤维断裂;两肺各叶高度淤血、水肿,有两叶肺组织的肺泡内及肺间质出…  相似文献   

目的总结不明原因猝死案例的流行病学及法医病理检验特点,为探明其死因提供依据和线索。方法回顾分析发生于云南省的81例不明原因猝死案例的年龄、性别、死亡时状态等流行病学特征以及解剖检验和组织学检验结果。结果 81例不明原因猝死中7例为聚集性不明原因猝死,74例为散发性不明原因猝死。聚集性不明原因猝死发生具有时间、空间和家庭聚集性,死亡时清醒状态较多。散发性不明原因猝死以男性较多见,死亡时以睡眠状态居多。聚集性不明原因猝死病理改变以心肌炎为主,同一家庭内死亡案例间病变可互不相同。散发性不明原因猝死常见的心脏病变依次为心肌脂肪浸润、心肌间质水肿、心肌纤维断裂等非特异性病变和心肌间质局灶性炎性细胞浸润。结论聚集性不明原因猝死符合云南不明原因猝死的特征,其病因可能与季节、环境、遗传等多种因素有关。散发性不明原因猝死大多数具有青壮年猝死综合征的特征。  相似文献   

Recordings from video surveillance systems are used as evidence from crime scenes. It would be useful to perform comparisons between disguised perpetrators and suspects based on their gait. We applied functional anatomical and biomechanical knowledge to analyze the gait of perpetrators, as recorded on surveillance video. Using a structured checklist, which addresses the single body segments during gait, we were able to give a statement concerning the gait patterns. Characteristic parameters were, e.g., varus instability in the knee at heel strike, and larger lateral flexion of the spinal column to one side than the other. Based on these characteristic features, we are able to state with reasonable certainty whether the suspect could be the perpetrator, but it is not possible to identify the perpetrator positively. Nevertheless, we have been involved in several cases where the court has found that this type of gait analysis was a valuable tool.  相似文献   

RNA是近年来分子生物学技术领域的研究热点之一,随着分子生物学技术的发展与成熟,RNA技术逐渐在法医学领域得到应用,用来处理传统的DNA分析方法难以解决的法医学问题,如推断死亡时间(PMI),检测伤口形成时间以及体液鉴定等。本文综述介绍目前RNA分析技术在法医学中的国际发展趋势以及目前存在的局限性,为今后该技术在法医学领域的更广泛应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Case data from 200 morphine-involved deaths (Spiehler, V. and Brown, R., Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 4, July 1987, pp. 906-916) were analyzed for patterns and relationships using artificial intelligence (AI) computer software. Case parameters were blood unconjugated morphine, blood, brain, and liver total morphine, sex, age, frequency of use, time of death after injection, cause of death, and presence of other drugs. The programs used were Expert 4 (Biosoft-Cambridge), BEAGLE (Warm Boot, Ltd.), and KnowledgeMaker (Knowledge Garden Inc.). Interpretation was defined as estimating the dose, response, and time after drug dosing. The AI programs were used to advise on time and response outcomes for cases, to calculate the probability of the estimate being true, to develop rules for interpretation of morphine-involved cases, and to diagram a decision tree. On known cases the AI programs were successful 70 to 90% of the time in classifying the cases as to response and time. No data on dose were available in this database. The success rate in individual cases was proportional to the program-estimated probability. All three programs found the case parameters of most value in predicting response to be blood unconjugated morphine, blood total morphine, and liver total morphine. The case data most useful in estimating time of death since drug injection were blood unconjugated morphine, percent unconjugated morphine in blood, and brain total morphine. The rule induction programs found that morphine overdoses were characterized by blood unconjugated morphine greater than 0.24 micrograms/mL, liver morphine greater than 0.50 to 0.75 micrograms/g, brain morphine greater than 0.08 micrograms/g or greater than blood unconjugated morphine, and percent blood unconjugated morphine greater than 37%. Rapid deaths were characterized by percent unconjugated morphine greater than 44 to 50%; blood unconjugated morphine, as a function of other drugs present, greater than 0.09 to 0.21 micrograms/mL; and brain total morphine greater than 0.16 to 0.22 micrograms/g. This work demonstrates that inexpensive AI programs commercially available for personal computers can be useful in interpretation in forensic toxicology.  相似文献   

It is for the first time that an issue is raised on the need to introduce a system of standardization into the forensic medical field. A general scheme is suggested of how to do it.  相似文献   

Meng H  Xiao B  Yan JJ  Ma KJ 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):372-375
传统法医人类学对肋软骨的分析检验仅限于形态学检验.近年来,法医影像学以及分子遗传学的发展丰富了人类肋软骨的分析检验技术,并且已经能够运用于法医学实践中.本文从肋软骨的组织学特性入手,综述了近年来肋软骨在法医人类学性别判定、年龄推断等方面的研究进展,以期为同行提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

The necessity of learning more about the criminality and the culture of persons from overseas is upon us. As forensic scientists, we have to take a lead in presenting information to our colleagues that would facilitate their investigations. In this paper, we look at many of the different cultures that have been presented to American authorities, and the activities of the Milton Helpern International Center for the Forensic Sciences are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the merits of participation by medical examiners in the area of clinical forensic medicine. The present connotation that we deal after the fact should be abandoned with enhanced involvement in assisting the living. The paper focuses on a broad range of categories where forensic scientists by virtue of their training and experience could be most helpful in the application of medical knowledge to the solution of questions of law.  相似文献   

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