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This article explores Timor Leste's experience of reportingunder the reformed international human rights treaties reportingsystem during the period 2004–2007. Whilst consciousnesshas grown of the difficulties faced by states by the duplicationof treaty reporting processes and the resource burden representedby reporting, the reforms instituted to date have been comparativelyminor. Timor's experience with the new Common Core Document(CCD)/treaty-specificdocument format affirms that reporting serves useful purposes,particularly in stimulating human rights education initiatives,government/NGO collaboration and awareness of human rights gapsin practice. The reformed process highlights cross-cutting humanrights matters. Yet, significant challenges remain, particularlyfor developing, post-conflict states, before reporting willattain its desired potential of support for improved human rightspromotion and protection at the national level. The CCD itselfraises complex conceptual difficulties needing resolution. Thereremains a paucity of appropriate methodological tools to supportthe reporting process and facilitate the integration of humanrights and development goals. Further work is thus needed toshape a sustainable process for reporting.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that human rights appear, based on proclamations made by EU representatives, to be of critical importance in the EU's negotiations with Turkey, human rights reform has not been a primary target of pre‐accession aid to Turkey. Why is human rights reform not a central priority in the EU's allocation of aid in this case? First, Commission representatives and Members of the European Parliament disagree over the relative importance of the status of human rights in the pre‐accession reform process. Second, the format of the aid allocation process magnifies inconsistencies in the EU's approach to human rights reform.  相似文献   

庞从容 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):82-87
人权是我们这个时代的共同话语,同时也是一个深刻、敏感并极富争议性的论题,其中人权概念就是一个必须认真对待的基本问题。现代人权概念是一个历时性与共时性相互作用的产物。在人类的人权发展史上,曾先后出现过人权的几个基本概念,厘清这些概念将有助于我们理解人权概念本身的演变及其内涵与外延的丰富与发展过程。它们从某个角度记载了人权事业发展的曲折艰难历程和人类在人权事业上不断进步的足迹。  相似文献   

个人主体教育的反思与类主体教育的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从个人主体到类主体,是现代社会对人的发展的要求。教育作为人的自我建构的实践活动,也必须由个人主体教育向类主体教育转变。这就是在教育目的上,由个人主义转变为共同体主义;在教育过程中,由主客体间的对象化活动转变为主体间的交往活动;在教育内容上,由片面的分裂的教育内容转变为全面的整合的教育内容。  相似文献   

宪政的设计和运行程序集中表现为权利保障与权力控制二者之间的张力。宪政与检察行为的内在逻辑在于人权保障,宪政的基调决定着检察行为的品质。在宪政环境下,检察机关应当充分履行法律监督职责,以保障人权为终极价值,通过规范、创新检察行为,避免对公民个体权利的侵犯,最大限度地保障各刑事诉讼参与人的合法权益。  相似文献   

企业并购融合的沟通问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购不仅是有形资产的合并而且是企业文化、人力资源的有效整合。沟通是企业并购过程的重要活动,是实现企业并购整合的重要途径。  相似文献   

庞敏英 《河北法学》2006,24(5):148-151
从程序公正的要求以及抑制重复追诉保障被告人人权的角度出发对我国现行刑事再审程序的实事求是、有错必纠、不枉不纵的理论基础进行反思,提出实事求是、依法纠错、加强监督、保障人权的刑事再审程序新理念,以促使我国刑事再审程序与国际刑事再审制度接轨.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the scavenger fauna associated with buried human corpses, particularly in clandestine burials. We report the presence of 20 shells of the terrestrial snail Allopeas micra, within hollow bones of human remains buried for 5 years, during the process of collecting DNA material. The fact that a large number of shells of A. micra had been found in the corpse and in the crime scene supports the assumption that there was no attempt to remove the corpse from the area where the crime occurred. Despite this, our observations cannot be used to estimate the postmortem interval because there is no precise knowledge about the development of this species. This is the first record of a terrestrial snail associated with a human corpse and its role in this forensic medicine case.  相似文献   

A brief insight into the phenomena of technology transfer are reviewed. With this as background material two propositions are stated:
  1. Technology emerges from the human mind into widespread economic reality, with resulting social impacts over a long period of time. This is the process of technological innovation.
  2. There always are some distinctive events, points or stages in this process that mark progress. If they can be identified, progress can be measured and related to time, cost, performance, resource usage, possible impact and other attributes. It is argued that there are at least eight identifiable stages of the process.
These stages are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

Both endogenous growth theory and the (augmented) Solow model propose a role for human capital in the growth process though each is based on different conceptual arguments. Since both approaches can justify the inclusion of human capitallevels andgrowth rates in an output growth regression the two theories cannot readily be distinguished empirically. This paper argues that the variable most commonly used in empirical studies to proxy human capital (levels or growth) — school enrolment rates (SERs) — may capture bothstock andaccumulation effects, butchanges in SERs can provide useful additional dynamic information on the contribution of human capital to growth. Empirical evidence from samples of developed and less developed countries during 1960–85 suggests important growth effects associated both with ‘initial’ levels of, and changes in, SERs. The nature of these effects appears to differ between the two country groups.  相似文献   

The statutory protection provided by European Community law to employees during transfers of undertakings and other restructurings has been criticised on the grounds that it undermines insolvency procedures and interferes with the ‘rescue’ process. We present an analysis which suggests that granting employees rights of this kind may be an efficient means of recognising their firm-specific human capital. Case-study evidence is then presented to show that while in some situations employment rights may obstruct reorganisations, in others they allow employee interests to be factored into the bargaining process in such a way as to enhance the survival chances of enterprises undergoing restructuring. The law functions best when effective mechanisms of employee representation are in place and when the conditions under which employees’ acquired rights can be waived in the interests of preserving employment are clearly specified.  相似文献   

向达 《行政与法》2014,(1):119-124
权利及其能力是与主体紧密相关的,主体是权利的载体,因此,主体的内涵与外延对权利及权利能力的内涵及外延产生了巨大的影响.从历史的角度看,人类的权利能力经历了从模糊到清晰、从狭隘到宽广、从习惯到法定的漫长过程,这个过程也影响了权利的发展演变过程.  相似文献   

徐莉 《时代法学》2009,7(2):101-108
贸易与人权问题是各国对外政策博弈的核心之一。在整个国际交往过程中,贸易体制侵害和逐渐边缘化人权,人权的内涵与外延也曾一度因政治的原因被曲解。这些都是对人的全面自由发展和人类社会的共同进步的顽固阻滞。以“人”的视野去思考贸易与人权保护制度冲突的产生、冲突的动因与本质及冲突的协调理论与原则,这正是历史的要求和必然,也是文章的内容和目的所在。  相似文献   

Piracatinga (Callophysius macropterus) are a type of bottom feeder catfish encountered in the Amazon River and its tributaries. We report two cases in which human remains were first located based on a characteristic circular distortion of the surface of the river that the Piracatinga make while they feed. Human skin samples of one of the victims recovered from the Piracatinga digestive tract were subjected to mitochondrial DNA analysis that allowed identification of the body of Case 1; the family recognized body parts of Case 2. Importantly, the location of human body parts and their identification based on DNA analysis enabled the respective families to obtain a death certificate expeditiously in the absence of identifiable remains—a process that normally requires 5 years under current Brazilian law, and in the absence of closure, imposes severe emotional stress on the family of the deceased.  相似文献   

有限理性与立法程序的设置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人的理性是有限的,表现在立法程序中就需要我们从一种重视立法结果的立法思维方式转向一种重视“过程理性”的思维方式。但是,正是因为如此,立法程序也有着内在的局限,因此,需要一种宪政民主程序给这种“过程理性”设置一种价值底限,那就是要保障人的基本权利和自由。  相似文献   

论我国侦查程序中法官角色的重塑   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
侦查程序的正当化系现代法治国家刑事诉讼文明的重要标志,而法官的应然作用对侦查程序的正当化起关键性作用。我国侦查程序中法官应然角色作用缺失,形成种种弊端,严重违背程序正义理念的要求,亟待予以重新塑造,以充分保障人权,促进我国刑事诉讼文明、民主的进程。  相似文献   

高等院校学籍管理中的法制化建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会主义市场经济和高等教育改革的发展,使传统的高校学生管理工作面临严峻的挑战,这也给高校学籍管理工作提出了新的问题。法治理念的普及和个人权利意识的增强,使得高校管理的实践进程不可避免地出现新旧观念的碰撞、价值矛盾和权利冲突。传统的高校管理工作正经历一场适应整个国家法治发展进程的深刻变革。我们必须采取措施,用法治的理念和精神来回答和解决实践中提出的各种问题,建立并不断完善管理体制,开展学籍管理中的法制化建设。  相似文献   

Abstract: In view of the difficulties in extracting quantitative information from burned bone, we suggest a new and accurate method of determining the temperature and duration of burning of human remains in forensic contexts. Application of the powder X‐ray diffraction approach to a sample of human bone and teeth allowed their microstructural behavior, as a function of temperature (200–1000°C) and duration of burning (0, 18, 36, and 60 min), to be predicted. The experimental results from the 57 human bone sections and 12 molar teeth determined that the growth of hydroxylapatite crystallites is a direct and predictable function of the applied temperature, which follows a nonlinear logistic relationship. This will allow the forensic investigator to acquire useful information about the equilibrium temperature brought about by the burning process and to suggest a reasonable duration of fire exposure.  相似文献   

张卓明 《时代法学》2011,9(4):23-33
在人类漫长的民主历史中,对于选举权性质的认识,也有个变迁的过程,其间充斥着广泛而又激烈的争论,深刻地影响了人类社会的历史。关于选举权的性质,主要出现过以下六种观念和理论:公民属性论、特权论、个人权利论、公务论、权利兼公务论和阶级论。这些观念和理论流行于不同的时代,与当时社会背景有着紧密的关系,并对当前实践产生了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

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