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东亚经济复兴与东亚经济发展模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
东亚模式曾经受到广泛赞扬,成为众多落后国家争相效仿的楷模.经历了1997年金融危机洗礼,东亚模式随着经济发展不断完善、不断更新.这次面临全球金融危机,东亚经济发展模式在金融风暴中展示出的一些优势,是抵御冲击的有效措施.因此,有必要再辨东亚经济发展模式的新特征,探讨东亚生产网络的形成与区域经济的构建以及目前面临的能源和通货膨胀新挑战,为东亚乃至世界经济的发展探索新途径.  相似文献   

亚洲金融危机之前,东亚经济创造的成就举世瞩目。然而,1997—1998年的金融危机以及日本经济长达10年的停滞,使人们对所谓的“东亚模式”产生怀疑。为此,今年9月9日,世界银行发表了题为《东亚再创活力》的报告,就东亚进入21世纪后,在变幻莫测、竞争日趋激烈的全球化大背景下,其经济应采取何种战略来保持昔日的发展势头,并将制造业传统优势扩展至新的产品与服务领域等问题作了详实的分析和评述。其主要观点如下: 一、创新是经济增长的“引擎” 在经历金融危机之后,对东亚许多中、高收入经济体而言,以资源密集为特征的工业化初始阶段已逐渐走向尾声。一味扩大投资非但不是良策,反而会造成严重的资源浪费。因此,世界银行认为,东亚未来的发展在于创新,创新(包括产品创新、工序创新、服务创新和交易创新)将成为生产力与出口竞争  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机的政治分析樊党生一、世界政治经济环境对东南亚金融危机的影响东南亚在过去的十年里一直是世界上经济增长最快的地区,而其独特的发展模式被称作“东亚模式”,其中发展领先的国家和地区被誉为“四小龙”,泰国以其高速的经济增长也被称为第五条“小龙”。...  相似文献   

1998年,因受亚洲金融危机和国际金融市场动荡的波及,加拿大经济增长速度有所减慢。为稳定宏观经济,刺激经济增长,克雷蒂安政府适时调整了货币政策。1999年,在消费支出和企业投资的推动下,加拿大经济增长步调良好。各种经济指标表明,加拿大经济已摆脱东亚金融危机的影响,回到了稳步增长的轨道。  相似文献   

2004年亚洲经济迎来了一个增长高峰,其中东亚和东南亚的经济增长尤为强劲。迅速扩张的对外部门加上强劲的内需使许多国家的经济增长更加稳固,企业投资也出现良好的增长势头,这是1997年亚洲金融危机以来罕见的现象。  相似文献   

]随着东亚经济的持续高速增长,东亚各国之间的经贸关系进一步密切以及大量的经济增长三角的出现,东亚地区显现出一体化的趋势。而在众多的一体化模式中,又以自由贸易区为最适宜的模式。各国可以有步骤分阶段地实施东亚自由贸易区的计划,从而使东亚各国之间的贸易和投资更加活跃,同时有利于我国经济的进一步发展  相似文献   

前言最近20年期间,越南在东亚保持着仅次于中国的高经济增长率。越南经济的坚挺基本上可以认为是因为其坚持与中国一样的政治体制、经济运营方式。越南与中国一样在共产党一党领导下实行市场经济化,利用ODA改善基础设施,引进外资企业,扩大出口等,采取了重视增长的经济政策。此外,越南与中国一样,不对外开放金融市场,并严厉限制外汇交易。正因为有了这种慎重的金融政策,才能从亚洲金融危机和雷曼兄弟破产冲击中保护国内经济,这一点越南与中国是相同的。  相似文献   

在许多经济学家看来,80年代是拉美国家“失去的10年”;90年代拉美经济开始恢复增长,但速度缓慢。造成这种局面的原因是多方面的,但国内储蓄率低下是最重要的原因。在金融危机爆发以前,东亚经济持续高速增长的动力主要来自于超乎寻常的高储蓄率和高投资率。1975~1995年,东亚的私人储蓄率从15%上升到25%;与此同时,人均国内生产总值(GDP)也增长了2倍。大量研究表明,拉美和东亚经济发展中最显著的差异就是拉美的资本积累率低且增长缓慢,东亚的资本积累率比较高;这种差异是造成两地区经济发展业绩不同的重…  相似文献   

过去10年间,东亚经历灾难性的亚洲金融危机和之后的蓬勃发展的区域经济一体化加深两个完全不同的阶段,对东亚地区的经济发展以及世界经济格局都产生了迥异而深远的影响。亚洲金融危机导致东南亚国家和除中国外的东亚国家货币大幅贬值,股票价格和资产价格下跌,许多国家多年的经济繁荣毁于一旦,不仅破坏了东亚乃至全球的金融体系,而且对世界经济增长以及贸易流量产生了严重的消极影响。  相似文献   

本文从贸易地位、出口商品结构、贸易结合度梳理了东亚与美国经贸关系的演变。结果显示,源于国际分工模式的改变,中美经贸关系逐年紧密,东亚其余经济体与美国经贸紧密度逐年下降,而对东亚区域内部的依赖远超过对美国的依赖。金融危机带来的全球经济格局和结构的重大调整使东亚出口急剧萎缩,而后危机时期发达国家"无就业复苏"和重振制造业的动向,更使东亚须通过内部经济循环寻求新的发展出路。  相似文献   

This article studies East Asian political economy from a regional perspective. The Asian financial crisis showed that East Asian economies are highly regionalized. However, the linkages among Asian economies, mostly informal in nature, often appear "invisible" to many in the West, who focus more on the states and formal institutions. Drawing on a broad set of literature mostly in Asian languages, this paper provides a systematic study of informal integration in East Asia, which consists of not only regional production networks, but also ethnic Chinese business networks and subregional economic zones. It finds that the three informal mechanisms have formed an interrelated pattern of regional integration in East Asia. The nature of the economic networks is very useful in explaining the Asian crisis and the different performances of East Asian economies in the crisis. The crisis has also resulted in profound changes in informal integration. While the Japanese–led production networks have been greatly weakened, the Chinese Economic Area is rising, driven by the ethnic Chinese business networks and subregional economic zones. As a result, the Japan–dominated "flying geese pattern" has been broken. The connections between Greater China and the United States have also been enhanced and are out–competing the Japanese production networks. Many of the new developments have been ignored in the West but they are key factors that will shape the future of Asian and World political economy.  相似文献   

杨帆 《东南亚纵横》2009,(10):70-74
随着国际金融危机的持续深化,近期国际市场上不管是美元汇率,还是原油、黄金和有色金属等大宗商品期货价格,都在频繁波动,这种金融市场的剧烈震荡,意味着美元本位的国际货币体系正在经受严峻的考验,世界经济形势不容乐观。  相似文献   

Karel van Wolferen argues that, since Japan's political economy was the main factor in creating the circumstances that led up to the East Asian financial crisis, studies must focus on it to understand this event. The Japanese economy, which is here described as a war economy operating in peacetime, provided the model for East Asia's 'tiger economies' that imitated the Japanese government in its targeting of sectors for investment, especially the construction industry in the 1980s. These other East Asian economies proved more vulnerable to crisis than the Japanese economy because they were more open to foreign investment and did not have Japan's closely knit economic and financial networks and institutions. After presenting this preface to the crisis, van Wolferen then criticizes the current East Asian economic situation, in which international institutions continue to force the Western ideals of transparency and deregulation on most of the East Asian economies while permitting Japan to remain the least transparent economy of the entire region.  相似文献   

Although the economies of East Asia emerged from the global financial crisis of 2008 in comparatively strong positions, they remain structurally embedded within global markets. The degree of regional integration that has occurred within East Asia is thus predicated on the on-going interdependence with the economies of Europe and North America. Moves to advance East Asian regional cooperation in the wake of the crisis reflect this global interdependence, as well as intra-regional differences in interests and a lack of strong leadership within the region. Modest cooperation on an East Asian basis has continued since 2008 but the region is very far from realising a substantive regional governance model on economic and financial issues and does not appear to be pursuing a distinctive governance agenda. This article examines recent developments in East Asian regional cooperation, with a view to assessing the significance of current achievements and explaining the mixed and sometimes contradictory nature of initiatives for regional governance in East Asia.  相似文献   

美国金融危机到底以何种方式在全球传播,以至于演变成全球经济海啸,一直是近几年学术界所关注的问题之一。本文以美国金融危机对外传播的贸易传染渠道为切人点,分析了美国金融危机通过贸易伙伴型传染和贸易竞争对手型传染这两个贸易传染子渠道对东亚新兴经济体的溢出程度。对面板数据进行的GLS实证结果显示,美国金融危机通过贸易传染渠道的溢出,与大部分东亚新兴经济体经济波动之间存在10%以上显著性水平的相关性,因而贸易传染渠道是美国金融危机对东亚溢出的一个重要机制。  相似文献   

在世纪之交,东南亚国家经济出现了急剧的波动。2001年,各国家经济又急转直下,甚至出现负增长。面对国内经济的迅速衰退,东南亚国家政府积极采取措施,大力实施国内经济重组与调整。在世界经济周期波动的冲击和金融危机后国内经济转型与结构调整的拖累下,东南亚经济短期前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

This article situates the East Asian financial/economic crisis among other key economic events of the post-Cold-War world, assessing its significance alongside that of America's extraordinary economic growth in the 1990s and the collapse of the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle. According to the author, the financial crisis could not have been avoided merely by removing national governments and international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund from markets. Such faith in unregulated markets is based on the incorrect assumption that investors are rational, as well as on the anomalous experience of the United States in the 1990s. While the US economy did improve markedly over the last decade, this growth was not due to unfettered capitalism, but rather to idiosyncratic aspects of the economy, such as a high borrowing rate. Gilpin points out that the end of this economic growth, alongside the protectionist impulses exhibited at the Seattle meeting, has contributed to a move away from international trade liberalization. The American free-market model, tarnished by corporate corruption, he argues, is no longer the goal of developing economies concerned about the lack of market controls. The result, he fears, is a growing fragility in the stability and governance of the global economy.  相似文献   

美国金融危机演变为全球性经济衰退之后,对东南亚的虚拟与实体经济造成了沉重的打击。随着美国金融危机“溢出”效应的加强和全球经济形势的恶化,东南亚经济在2009年面对更为严峻的挑战与考验。东南亚各国在采取各种积极灵活的应对举措的同时,大力推进东盟区域内部的经济整合,加大泛区域甚至跨区域的经济合作,并积极争取外援,以最大限度地减少全球经济衰退对东南亚经济的冲击。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the current state of financial regionalism in East Asia and discusses why and how the East Asian countries should go forward in terms of financial and monetary regionalism. It highlights intra-regional exchange rate stability as an important regional public good and makes the case for greater exchange rate cooperation. To this end, East Asian countries should gradually reduce their exposure to the US dollar and move towards currency basket regimes which would sustain relative intra-regional exchange rate stability while allowing for sufficient flexibility to accommodate idiosyncratic shocks. Against the backdrop of the global and European financial crisis, the article also urges a reconsideration of the costs and benefits of international – and regional – financial integration and calls for a further strengthening of East Asia's regional financial architecture.  相似文献   

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