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在埃及,凡是穆斯林都必须严格自觉地遵守教规.如一天中要有5个时间向"主"祈祷,在上述5个时间内,电台同时播放<古兰经>.作为一名真正的穆斯林,此时不论在干什么,都得停下来,就地向"主"祈祷.  相似文献   

事不过三.在经过三轮富有成效的对话之后,G20终于在各方共同推动下实现了机制化.尽管机制化的具体运行有待细化、前景仍具某种不确定性,但其所体现的时代意义异常深远,对中国外交的现实启示也值得总结.  相似文献   

This article explores the teaching and learning challenges for the discipline of international studies (IS) that arise from the contemporary social, economic, and political changes usually labeled "globalization." The focus is upon the challenge posed to IS by a transformation in the nature of the relationship of teachers and students to the subject matter that they study: that is, teachers and students increasingly experience and contribute to globalization in the course of their daily lives as they simultaneously teach and learn about it. Significantly for the study of globalization in IS, pedagogical debates surrounding active teaching and learning highlight the potential for strategies that actively engage students' interests and everyday experiences with the subject itself. On this basis, the article outlines some potential routes into the active teaching and learning of globalization in the field of international political economy, illustrating these with examples from classroom activities and exercises.  相似文献   

日本古代法文化的基本精神源于中国儒学的思想体系。但随着日本社会形态的变化,以庄园制为中心的武家政治逐渐取代了传统律令政治,其法律内涵也发生了嬗变。故日本在明治维新之前是一种双重结构的氏族律令国家,这一政治形态与文化形态是一致的。而且,时至今日,仍然可以见到这一基本结构对日本社会的影响。  相似文献   

The September 11 attacks have spurred international counterterrorism onto a new level of state security strategy for many countries in intensifying the war on terror from varied angles, in a multi-layered, omni-dimensional way. Strange enough, terrorist activities have become all the more rampant in spite of such full-scale, worldwide clampdowns- a paradox indeed. This merits in-depth explorations into the underlying problems for seeking feasible solutions in response to the needs of theoretical research and the fight against terrorists. We have therefore invited experts from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations for discussions on the present anti-terrorist dilemma. It is our hope that their views may be of some help to relevant scholars and antiterror fighters.……  相似文献   

盛欣 《亚非纵横》2011,(2):22-25
2010年12月17日,日本安全保障会议和内阁会议批准并颁布了(2011年度以后的防卫计划大纲》(以下简称“新大纲”)和(2011至2015年度中期防卫力量建设计划》。新大纲反映出日本新的安全战略、防卫思想、防卫政策,以及防卫力量的发展方向等,是今后5—10年日本自卫队建设的指导方针。由于新大纲是日本民主党执政后首次主导修订的有关国防建设的纲领性文件,因此更引起人们的广泛关注。  相似文献   

自杀盛行是日本社会的顽疾,战后日本人自杀死亡率一直居高不下,位居世界前列.战后日本人自杀行为随着社会发展出现了三次大的波动,在年龄、性别及自杀方式方面出现了一些新的特征.除了健康问题外,崇尚自杀的文化传统、经济危机引发的失业率增高和贫富差距扩大等也是日本人自杀的诱因.近年来,受欺负、网络集体自杀等新的自杀诱因和自杀方式的出现,使得自杀现象呈现愈演愈烈的趋势.特别是1998年以来,每年自杀死亡人数高达3万人左右,成为严重的社会问题,引起了社会各界的关注.  相似文献   

近年来,日本否认和美化侵略历史的逆流不断升级,与德国在历史问题上的立场和态度形成了巨大反差。日本的错误历史观,既根源于战后处理的不彻底,也受到政治气候变化的深刻影响,与日本的民族文化心理也有着内在关联。抵制批判日本在历史问题上的翻案活动,防止历史悲剧重演,是包括日本人民在内的世界人民的共同责任。  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of the La Francilienne CD-ROM, which I developed with my colleague Alain Lempereur, law professor at ESSEC Business School, near Paris. As a professor in the ESSEC Department of Environment, I use the CD-ROM as the basic tool for my course "Concertation, Decision, and Local Democracy." The CD-ROM's simulation of a public negotiation process for a highway project allows me not only to teach basic concepts and methods of negotiation and mediation but also to enhance two important concepts in public decision processes in planning and environment: conflicts and creativity. The students are given the opportunity first to experience, and then to discuss, conflict and creativity in a quasi-real setting. These experiences and discussions encourage an internal change process for the students and help them to integrate the negotiation and mediation concepts and methods taught. This internal change will be conceptualized in this article according to two educational theories: transitional thinking theory and experiential learning theory.  相似文献   

受全球金融危机和经济衰退的影响,日本经济于2007年秋陷入二战结束以来最严重的周期性衰退,多项指标创战后最坏记录。进入2009年第二季度,得益于政府推出的紧急经济对策,日本经济运行与发展出现了回升的迹象:经济增长转负为正;股市止跌回升;生产规模开始扩大。然而,靠政府刺激和外需拉动的日本经济回升尚缺乏自律性和持续性,在回升的道路上还面临多种风险,前景并不乐观。  相似文献   

Since John McCain's first aspirations for the presidency became public in 1999, he has often indicated his affinity for Theodore Roosevelt as his role model. Though McCain is not alone in admiring Roosevelt, his 2008 bid for the White House offers an opportunity to observe Roosevelt's legacy, and particularly how that legacy has impacted foreign policy thinking. The central argument of this article is that John McCain's impression of Roosevelt is as a composite of realist and idealist standpoints. This perception of Roosevelt is outlined in McCain's own publications and in his advocacy for foreign policy as a representative, senator, and presidential contender in both 2000 and 2008. John McCain's own style of statecraft is also conducted in full recognition of the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt.  相似文献   


The Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS) community has produced an important volume of work assessing and critiquing epistemological understandings of the War on (of) Terror. Largely missing from this body of work, however, is the experience of those who are directly impacted by the policies of this global phenomenon. By rethinking the War on Terror as an experience of war, I posit a wider understanding, by reassessing its temporal and spatial boundaries, but more significantly, the ways in which it is experienced. By providing a wider understanding of war and expanding our knowledge of its boundaries, I am able to show that those impacted by the policies of the War on Terror can claim to have been subject to an experience of war, even when that experience takes place outside of the war zone. This reflection, however, serves a larger purpose, which is to act as a call to the CTS community to centre the lived experiences of those impacted by the War on Terror in their work and decision-making when engaging with policy and policymakers. This represents a call for an ethical re-centring of CTS scholars to the violence of the War “of” Terror, by reminding us of the many ways in which harm can occur.  相似文献   

20 0 0年日本经济的主要特点(一 )经济缓慢复苏 ,动力不足 ,未能实现内需主导的经济增长。2 0 0 0年第一季度GDP增长 2 .5% ,第二季度增长 1 .0 % ,第三季度虽然增长了 0 .2 % ,但这是基于GDP新计算标准而得出的结果 ,若仍按原来标准计算未必为正增长。第四季度受个人消费低迷以及政府投资和出口减少的影响 ,很难指望GDP有所增长。通产省发表的第四季度产业经济动向显示 ,主要企业的DI(企业景况调查 )指数比第三季度减少。日本银行 1 1月发表的金融经济月报表明 ,出口增长缓慢 ,生产增长也有所放慢。但从全年情况看 ,经济整体继…  相似文献   

新一轮改革后的日本经济评析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
日本经济在经历了20世纪90年代的衰退后,为实现经济复苏,开始了一轮新的改革.通过一系列改革措施,日本经济在2002年走出低谷,实现了复苏,改革成果显现.可以说,日本经济的复苏是在世界经济发展的背景下实现的,日本经济对世界经济尤其是美国经济具有很大的依赖性.随着全球经济形势的严峻,日本经济也难以独善其身,势必会随世界经济的起落而起落.但由于政府对经济的调控手段的不断成熟和完善,经济转型的延续,日本经济不会出现像20世纪90年代那样大的滑坡,应从发展的眼光把握日本经济今后走势.  相似文献   

在发达国家,非营利组织能力建设是一项广为接受的活动,它主要是指在各种支持组织的帮助下非营利组织提升组织能力的活动,而兴起根源在于福利国家变革背景下非营利组织的发展困境、市场化的负面影响、"志愿失灵"与治理危机以及新自由主义话语的兴起等综合作用的结果。发达国家的非营利组织能力建设活动取得了一定的积极成效,但也面临着一些问题。在我国,社会组织能力建设要与制度建设的实践相结合。  相似文献   

日本企业对华直接投资发展极快 ,前景看好 ,但由于中日双方经济、文化背景不同 ,难免存在矛盾和纠纷 ,这就要求我们要不断完善法律 ,建立公平竞争的投资环境 ,同时 ,也要求日本企业处理好文化的主体化与客体化的关系。  相似文献   

日本对华直接投资的不合理因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 80年代以来 ,日本对华直接投资呈现出发展起伏、速度缓慢、产业结构技术构成偏低、地区分布集中、规模中小型化等特点。究其原因 ,一是日本对华投资动机的主流是利用低廉而丰富的劳动力 ;二是中国引资政策的调整及其导向 ,使日本对华直接投资发展不平衡 ;三是日本在进行投资决策时过于谨慎 ,不积极 ,且结构不合理。  相似文献   

日本企业研发机构的组织特征和运作方式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本企业研发机构经过不断改编重组 ,逐步趋向完善 ,形成了研究人员知识多样、职历多方面、地位较高等显著特点。在运作方式上 ,尊重自由、自主 ,重视意会型知识的作用 ,做法独特。  相似文献   

2009年4月3日,纳吉布接替巴达维出任马来西亚第六任总理后,即提出以“一个马来西亚”理念推动改革,以构建和谐、安定的多元文化社会。然而,“一个马来西亚”政策实施至今虽取得了一些成果,但仍面临诸多问题,尤其是在处理宗教、种族等问题上面临种种挑战。  相似文献   

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