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魏燕 《各界》2007,(4):40-41
教材是保证高校教学的基本工具,教材建设在面临市场经济的挑战过程中,以学生为本的管理理念显得尤为重要.该文从教材选用、招标采购供应、学生账目管理等方面阐述如何在市场经济为主导的情况下做好教材管理工作.  相似文献   

训诂学是我国高校人文学科开设的一门基础性课程,相关的概论性著作和教材也已有多部。其中,洪诚和郭在贻先生各自所著的《训诂学》以及周大璞先生主编的《训诂学初稿》三部各具特色的教材均问世于20世纪80年代,在当时的训诂学重新繁荣时期产生了重要的影响,至今也常为各高校所采用。本文以洪诚《训诂学》为主要讨论对象,以各书的体例,对三部训诂学教材做了一定的比较,为目前训诂学教材的建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的特点决定了教材的特色:理论的适度性、应用的系统性、实践的指导性、内容的先进性。根据工作流程的教学模式,高等职业教育应建立基于工作流程的高职教材编写体制。在教材编写中应按照岗位工作流程、以工作实践为主线,组织教材内容;教材要充分体现职业教育的要求,以职业能力培养为重点;教材编写结构应为学习情境——项目任务——知识点——巩固提高等;教材应是立体化教材。  相似文献   

郭俊龙  柳迪 《学理论》2013,(11):271-272
教材是教学过程中的一个关键模块,教材编写的内容和质量将直接影响到教师授课和学生学习的成效,影响课程改革的进程。以系统论为理论支柱,采用美国中学物理教材《科学发现者——物理:原理与问题》作为研究文本,采用文献分析法、案例分析法等对本套教材建立分析模型,从知识、技能、逻辑、非智力等四要素深入分析文本,旨在总结美国教材的特点,使其能够为我国的物理教材编写和物理教学改革提供一个交流的平台,为我国中学物理教育改革提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

李哲 《学理论》2015,(2):204-205
高等院校教材是体现教学内容和教学方法的知识载体,是学校教学工作的重要组成部分。教材管理工作的水平是衡量办学水平的重要标志之一,是提高教学质量的基础性工作。新建本科院校教材管理工作应做到:建立健全组织结构,加强队伍建设,完善教材管理规章制度;改善基础设施,改进工作方法,提高教材管理信息化水平;完善教材审批制度,加强教材选用质量;重视教材建设,构建特色化、立体化的教材体系。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教师要增强思想政治教育的时效性和针对性,应在教学过程中思考如何促进教材体系向教学体系的转化。教师在促进教材体系向教学体系转化的过程中应注意把握好三方面关系,即理论讲授与社会生活实际的关系、遵循教材与教学改革的关系、课堂教学与实践教学的关系。同时教师应结合课程特点做好教材体系向教学体系转化的实践探索。  相似文献   

教材建设是学校基本教学建设工作之一,也是影响高等农业院校教学质量的一个基本因素。文章分析了高等农业院校教材建设存在的问题,并对如何加强高等农业院校教材建设工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对铁道警察学院4个本科专业共210名学生进行问卷调查,总结出了教材工作中关于采购方式、使用频率、教材多样性、规划教材建设以及教材选用评价等多方面的问题。为进一步加强合格本科院校建设,改进教材工作思路和方法提出了参考和建议。  相似文献   

系(部)档案,是高校档案事业的重要组成部分,是系(部)过去和现在建设、改革、发展的真实记录。系(部)档案管理,是系(部)开展各项工作的前提和基础,影响系(部)教学、行政管理水平和工作效率,以及学院综合档案的建设,对学院各项工作的科学决策、科学管理都具有重要价值。因此,系(部)应切实做好档案的管理工作,为学院档案事业的发展奠定良好的基础,为学院各项工作的开展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

郭国兰  忻韵  李金柯 《学理论》2011,(3):251-252
高职专业英语教材是优化专业英语课堂的重要环节。文中通过分别分析机械工业出版社与高等教育出版社出版的《制冷与空调专业英语》教材的优劣,及其使用过程中的师生评价,提出改进意见。作者认为,专业英语教材的编制应考虑专业英语教师的师资现状,以优化课堂为宗旨。  相似文献   

This paper describes the materiality of street signs, an unappreciated and ubiquitous type of everyday written text. Drawing on social semiotics, linguistic landscapes and writing system research, it uses a categorisation of social roles associated with street signs and of the functions of street signs applied to street signs in Newcastle upon Tyne, with some other wider examples. The materials are divided into: stone and metal signs, which use capitals and archaic letters, convey permanence and quality, and are locating in function; signs handwritten or printed on paper, which also use capitals, convey temporary status and novelty and are mostly informing; painted signs, which often use lower case, have highly individual letter forms to express identity, and are usually informing; other materials ranging from glass to snow, expressing diverse ideas of permanence. The conclusion is that the meaning of street signs depends in part on the materials they are made of, particularly to convey permanence and identity.  相似文献   

视频侦查课程设置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在信息化时代背景下,公安院校设置视频侦查课程是必要的。其课程开发要符合教育规律,必须组建课程开发团队实施课程的开发工作,并按照非技术—非科学法的课程开发原理科学安排教学内容。视频侦查课程的设置应致力于解决公安机关视频侦查专业人才不足、技术方法落后、理论研究缺失的问题。教学内容安排是视频侦查课程设置的核心问题。建构一个有机的视频侦查课程体系,是培养优秀的应用型视频侦查人才的关键所在。  相似文献   

Recent studies examine politicians’ decisions to use social media, as well as the content of the messages that these political actors disseminate on social media platforms. We contribute to this literature by examining how race competitiveness and a candidate’s position in the race relative to her opponent affect their decisions to issue attacks. Through content analysis of nearly 15,000 Facebook posts for tone (positive or negative), we find that while competitive races encourage both candidates to issue more negative posts, candidates in less competitive races embrace attack messages with more or less frequency depending on whether they trail or lead their opponent. We find that social media negativity is much more likely to be a desperation strategy employed by underdog candidates in less competitive races. We also run separate models examining the factors that drive policy and personal attacks. While underdog candidates are more likely to engage in issue attacks, candidates in competitive races are significantly more likely to use Facebook to make personal attacks.  相似文献   

元好问是金代杰出的诗词曲大家。本分析金亡以后,元好问在蒙古王朝统治下,诗词曲创作和理论探讨方面取得的伟大成就;在编撰金代史料方面取得的重大成果;还肯定元好问在宣传儒学,保护儒士名贤,促进中华各民族之间的友谊团结等方面的重要贡献。  相似文献   


Research suggests that over the last two decades China has undergone dramatic changes in its communication climate. The former mono-glossic environment has made way for a plurality of voices, now debating (non-sensitive) political, social and economic issues on online fora. While this has contributed to a more consultative state-society relationship, the leadership still wields the conductor’s baton over the ensemble of voices to ensure adherence to the main melody. The uneasy coexistence of transformation and conservatism is especially salient when it comes to propaganda and soft power, which the Chinese authorities fully deploy to disseminate their vision of the ‘China story’ abroad and to legitimize continued CCP rule at home. This paper examines the various strategic narratives that cumulatively constitute this ‘China story’, designed for the international as well as domestic audiences. It looks into divergences/convergences with the political discourse of previous generations of leadership by examining argumentation patterns and discursive strategies used in speeches and texts produced by top-level officials and their ‘core’ leader, Xi Jinping. While, on the surface, new slogans, such as ‘the Chinese dream’, the ‘New Normal’, the ‘Four Comprehensives’, the ‘Community of Common Destiny’ appear to be Xi Jinping’s hallmark, and cumulatively contribute to the all-encompassing official doctrine of ‘Xi Jinping Thought’, no paradigmatic ideological change emerges from the narratives. Yet, the strategies utilised to spread ‘the China story’ are more diverse, the conductor’s baton is held more tightly, the main melody is chanted more loudly and the echoes are carried further abroad over the mountains and seas via the new Silk Road initiatives to present an alternative world order of ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’.


Does the @realDonaldTrump really matter to financial markets? Research shows that new information about the likely future policy direction of government affects financial markets. In contrast, we argue that new information can also arise about the likely future government's resolve in following through with its policy goals, affecting financial markets as well. We test our argument using data on U.S. President Donald J. Trump's Mexico-related policy tweets and the U.S. dollar/Mexican peso exchange rate. We find that Trump's Mexico-related tweets raised Mexican peso volatility while his policy views were unknown as well as thereafter, as they signaled his resolve in carrying out his Mexico-related agenda. By helping politicians disseminate policy information to voters, and since voters hold governments accountable for their policy performance, social media allows investors to gather information about the likely policy direction and policy resolve of government, especially those of newcomers whose direction and resolve are unknown.  相似文献   

作为东方主战场,中国抗战为世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出了巨大贡献。相应地,有关中国抗日战争史的研究几十年来取得颇为丰硕的成果。特别是新世纪以来的研究又有了新的进展,但也存在国外史料运用不够、史料运用的不规范、忽视史料解读及军事史的研究等多方面问题。今后抗日战争史研究需要注重海外档案文献的利用与国际间的交流对话,加强多层面、多角度、多方法的研究。  相似文献   


The abiding motif of election campaigns in the USA is not the spot ad, nor the candidate debate, nor even the campaign Web site, but instead remains the campaign button. It should be consigned to history by fast paced development of campaigns into modern technologies, but there are still hundreds of designs produced quadrennially for national campaigns, and many more for races at all levels. Even if the life of the campaign button is coming to a close, it has been a long run, from the brass buttons of 1789, to the tiny framed daguerreotypes of the mid-19th century, through the celluloid buttons of the 1890s, to the chip implanted versions of today.

But the campaign button is just the most ubiquitous example of the material culture of the US election. It has been modified by changes in artisan skills, industrial production, bulk availability, the changes in inexpensive materials and manufactures, and cost effectiveness and profitability. Over the same period of time many other artefacts have been used by entrepreneurs and campaigns to bring the candidates and their public together at the same time as making a profit-either financial or political. This article discusses the role of entrepreneurship, changing industrial technology, and the emergence of newly cost-effective materials, as contexts for the creation of the wealth of campaign ephemera that has adapted to change and maintained its place in the campaign for over 200 years.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in our ability to collect, analyze, and disseminate information are transforming public administration. This “big data” revolution presents opportunities for improving the management of public programs, but it also entails some risks. In addition to potentially magnifying well‐known problems with public sector performance management—particularly the problem of goal displacement—the widespread dissemination of administrative data and performance information increasingly enables external political actors to peer into and evaluate the administration of public programs. The latter trend is consequential because external actors may have little sense of the validity of performance metrics and little understanding of the policy priorities they capture. The author illustrates these potential problems using recent research on U.S. primary and secondary education and suggests that public administration scholars could help improve governance in the data‐rich future by informing the development and dissemination of organizational report cards that better capture the value that public agencies deliver.  相似文献   

Throughout the private sector it is commonplace for different buyers to pay different prices for products or services that appear identical in every respect. Many economists have concluded that such instances constitute an unmistakable signal of the presence of imperfections in the competitive process. Recent experience in the airline industry suggests, however, that much of the differential pricing we observe in the private sector is not discriminatory at all in the usual sense. In the airline industry and elsewhere, differential pricing may be interpreted as an efficient and fair response to the presence of important scale economies that traditional cost studies have failed to recognize. Traditional antitrust activities and even certain government programs to disseminate consumer information accordingly have the effect at times of reducing consumer welfare.  相似文献   

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