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俄罗斯"入世"进程及相关问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,俄罗斯一直为争取加入世界贸易组织而进行着不懈的努力.目前正在与世贸组织就"入世"问题进行着艰苦谈判.本文从分析俄罗斯加入世贸组织的艰难历程以及最近出现的积极变化入手,对俄"入世"的利弊得失、"入世"谈判的主要内容及进展情况和问题等,进行了深入考察和分析研究,并在此基础上得出了若干结论.  相似文献   

本文主要运用国际政治经济学相关理论,以美国对世界自由贸易体制的双重影响为研究对象,揭示国际贸易领域政治与经济的互动机制,认为美国出于自身利益,在维护以自由贸易为目标的世界贸易体制的同时,也利用自己在制度制定方面的结构性权力,对贸易自由化采取双重标准,实际上又阻碍了世界资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

We argue that the global spread of ideas contributes to trade liberalization. Building on insights from a rich case-based literature, we suggest an explicit mechanism of trade policy diffusion: US-trained Ph.D. economists, who share a common belief in the benefits of free trade, and who operate with varying degrees of political influence around the world. We offer the first cross-national test of the impact of economists on trade liberalization using a unique dataset recording the country of residence of all 6,493 foreign-based, US-trained American Economic Association (AEA) members over the period 1981–1997. Specifically, we measure the influence of economists on the timing and extent of trade liberalization. First, we endogenize the date of trade liberalization using hazard and probit models. Controlling for alternative diffusion mechanisms and other confounding variables, our results suggest that economists significantly speed up the reform process. Second, we find that countries with greater numbers of economists are more open to trade at the end of the period. All of our results are robust to an instrumental variables strategy that employs the number of Fulbright grants allocated by the United States as an instrument for the number of US-trained economists.  相似文献   

American Grand Strategy in a World at Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If there is no single long-standing American grand strategy, one nonetheless sees through the course of U.S. history the tracks of a grand strategy. It started with the idea of a U.S. monopoly in the Western Hemisphere, along with balances of power in the chief theaters of the world; with belief in the primacy of sea and air power and the need for an economic system to support these; and the objective of transforming international politics. Since 9/11, even if the strategic hierarchy, intensity, and political basis have changed, the Bush administration has largely been continuing in this same project, with a sensible strategy but poorly considered tactics.  相似文献   

拉美国家作为发展中成员,陆续从参与关税和贸易总协定(GATT)各回合的货物贸易谈判开始,到“乌拉圭回合”启动前后的服务贸易谈判、与贸易有关的知识产权谈判,再到世界贸易组织(WTO)成立后,在“多哈回合”启动的新一轮多边贸易自由化谈判等一系列世界多边贸易自由化进  相似文献   

The relationship between political conflict and trade has contributed to a riveting discussion in international relations about whether trade produces conflict, or whether conflict itself reduces trade. Most studies proxy "the flag" using militarized interstate disputes (MIDs). However, extensions of "the flag" might well obtain in environments short of MIDs. A more general way to proxy the flag is troop deployments. The deployment of military troops is an essential element of foreign policy. Using panel data for 126 developing countries from 1965 to 2002 and a two-stage least square approach, this essay investigates the relationship between trade and United States troop deployments. We find that trade and troops have a nonrecursive relationship: trade follows the flag and troops follow trade. Given the increased insecurity in the world today, the results are timely and reinforce previous research about the reciprocal relationship between the flag and trade.  相似文献   

A Polycentric Post-Hegemonic World The world is becoming polycentric.The unipolar moment is fading,as the U.S.President himself has recognized.The relative decline of the U.S.and the EU is not the consequence of the current financial crisis but of the rise of China,India and Brazil and of a number of middle powers.As the EUISS ESPAS Report on Global Trends 2030 predicts,there will be a plurality of actors,and no single world power will play a hegemonic role.Polycentrism will be accompanied by an economic power shift toward Asia,where over half of the world's population will be concentrated by 2030.  相似文献   

一20世纪50年代至90年代中,以欧洲自由贸易联盟、北美自由贸易区和亚太经合组织为标志的区域经济合作势头迅猛。然而,20世纪90年代后期,以信息通讯技术为支撑的新经济,为生产销售的国际化注入了新的活力。电子商务、无纸贸易等新手段的运用使传统的国际贸易发生了显著的变化,大大提高了经济效率。在这种条件下,WTO 成员的关注焦点转向了双边自由贸易,其特点是两个经济体商签双边自贸协定(FTA)。包括双边FTA 在内的区域经济合作并非新事物,早在20世纪50年代便已成为世界贸易体系的  相似文献   

西方世界深陷三重危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竺彩华 《和平与发展》2012,(1):56-61,70
西方的金融危机导致财政状况空前恶化,引发主权债务危机,主权债务危机的扩散造成金融市场和实体经济剧烈震荡,西方世界进入"财政危机—金融动荡—经济停滞"的严重恶性循环中,经济财政危机引起了西方社会对资本主义体制的再思考。  相似文献   

"和谐世界":国际秩序的新构想和新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“和谐世界”国际秩序观的提出是国际秩序理论发展中的一次重要理论创新。它由安全、发展、和谐三个关键概念所组成,关注三个层次不断递进的目标,即通过共同安全实现持久和平稳定,创设国际秩序有序运行的基本条件;通过共同发展和共同繁荣既满足世界各国的发展利益需求,又促进全球安全威胁根源的消除,为国际秩序的有序运行提供保障;通过开放包容实现不同文明和谐相处,共同进步,实现国际秩序的公正与合理。“和谐世界”所提出的目标和新观念,以及解决国际秩序建设中安全困境问题、国际秩序的持久和平稳定问题以及国际秩序的公正与合理问题等三大难题的思路,已经使它超越了西方国际秩序理论,成为一种崭新的国际秩序构想和范式。  相似文献   

The year 2014 was the centennial of World War I,and it was marked by chaos.Wild predictions that a new Cold War was coming,or even World War III were proved to be wholly wrong.The Cold War was a period marked by two military powers armed with nuclear and conventional weapons and engaged in an arms race.Their antagonistic ideologies were crossed swords.Today,the U.S.and Europe,are maybe on the same chorus,but they are singing different tunes,while Russia is a lonely soloist.More importantly,the U.S.,the only country that could really reignite汪Cold War,has shown no signs that it intends to do so.Ironically,U.S.President Barack Obama described Russia as a regional power,a thinly-veiled sarcasm,seeming to imply that Moscow is no longer  相似文献   

We can predict what will happen in 2015 from six global developments that took place last year.The Ukraine crisis,a typical geopolitical conflict,plunged U.S.-Russian relations to their lowest ebb since the end of the Cold War.After Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Crimea’s return to the motherland on March 18,an opinion piece in The New York Times said:Our new era is one defined by ideological clashes,nationalistic resurgence and territorial occupation~an era in some ways similar to the tragic periods of confrontation in 20th-century Europe.Falling oil prices reflected that market forces were at work,geopolitics notwithstanding.Huge investments into the oil/gas industry  相似文献   

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