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Barrington Moore 《Society》1998,35(2):287-299


随着人工智能技术向社会各个领域的广泛渗透,我们所生活的社会日益成为透明的社会。透明社会的人们处于"裸奔"状态。越来越多的人有了这样的担忧,我们还有隐私吗?除了我们所担忧的信息泄露、隐私被侵犯以外,更为严重的问题在于那些拥有技术优势的大企业与政府组织可以以非常隐蔽的方式来控制个人隐私。不同于传统的物理空间,智慧社会的网络空间是一种虚拟现实空间,这意味着我们需要调整对隐私的认知,在智慧社会中公与私之间的边界发生了迁移。在此基础上,我们要通过技术上防范和与智慧社会相适应的制度建构来维护隐私。  相似文献   

This article explains why the Supreme Court's privacy jurisprudence has become deeply problematic for addressing emerging reproductive and sexual choice issues, focusing on abortion funding, minors seeking abortions, adults engaging in consenting homosexual sex, and pregnant women accused of abusing their fetuses. The article makes two arguments. First, it contends that what is private about the rights asserted in cases like Eisenstadt v. Baird and Roe v. Wade has never been fully articulated nor defended, leaving these central decisions conceptually unpersuasive. Second, the article shows that "privacy" is used in two very different senses in Supreme Court constitutional right-to-privacy decisions: one rooted in respect for marriage and the family, the other in notions of personal autonomy. Although both senses deserve to be protected, the court has tended to prefer the familial sense of privacy to the autonomy one, with serious consequences for privacy concerns that are not connected to family relationships or that are perceived as undercutting "family values."  相似文献   

Politicians, Privacy and Media Intrusion in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

New currencies designed for user anonymity and privacy – widely referred to as “privacy coins” – have forced governments to listen and legislate, but the political motivations of these currencies are not well understood. Following the growing interest of political brands in different contexts, we provide the first systematic review of political motivations expressed in cryptocurrency whitepapers whose explicit goal is “privacy.” Many privacy coins deliberately position themselves as alternative political brands. Although cryptocurrencies are often closely associated with political philosophies that aim to diminish or subvert the power of governments and banks, advocates of privacy occupy much broader ideological ground. We present thematic trends within the privacy coin literature and identify epistemic and ethical tensions present within the communities of people calling for the adoption of entirely private currencies.  相似文献   

孙颖 《行政论坛》2005,(5):59-61
目前,我国出现了大量行政权侵犯公民隐私权益的事件,因而如何在行政法的视野内保护公民的这一权益就有探讨的必要了。行政法领域中的隐私保密权概念,是从对隐私、隐私权的解析中得出的。在对隐私保密权与社会公众的知情权、行政主体的公权力之间的关系阐述的基础上,提出了平衡他们之间利益冲突的措施,即:行政主体在执法过程中应把握“比例原则”和行政相对人可行使程序对抗权制衡不法的执法行为。  相似文献   

姚震乾 《学理论》2014,(7):127-130
隐私权是重要的人身权利,隐私权保护问题开始日益受到公众的关注。以政府为主导的社会管理机构在对履行职责的过程中,部分做法与公民的隐私权相冲突,民政救助过程是其中一个体现。首先对民政救助制度进行概述,进而论述民政救助过程中与隐私权相冲突的表现,最后讲述现行法律制度下对民政救助中隐私权保护的局限以及克服的方法。  相似文献   

This paper explores the questions of whether or not a centralized personal-information databank system presents a greater threat to the privacy and other related rights of the persons on whom data are kept than does a decentralized system that collectively holds the same data, and which databank system can provide better data security. It is concluded that, except possibly in the case of a coup d'état, a properly designed and controlled centralized databank system is a smaller threat to privacy and provides more effective security than a decentralized system.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 29943.  相似文献   

The rhetoric of public policy after September 11 encourages us to believe that the preservation of freedom and the safety of the common good requires our universal acquiescence to technological invasions of privacy. The purpose of this article is simply to warn that the rhetoric of public policy solutions post–September 11 may be inconsistent with the philosophical and legal framework of American democracy. While serving as a solution today, this rhetoric may pose a devastating blow to the balance of individual privacy and common good that is essential to the preservation of freedom.  相似文献   

行政处罚信息公开与隐私权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政执法信息是否公开在目前的《政府信息公开条例》中没有明确的答案,学术界和实务界也众说纷纭",隐私"一词由于在我国公法领域不包含个人身份基本信息,故个人身份基本信息不属于不予公开的范畴,但是由于其特殊性,应该区分情况进行公开。首先,应对行政处罚信息作区分处理,违法行为信息应该主动公开,个人身份信息应该由利害关系人依申请公开,媒体在特殊情况下可以申请公开行政处罚相对人的身份信息,一般情况下,应有所限制。  相似文献   

儿童由于认知能力不足、好奇心强以及消费行为活跃等原因,成为网络环境下企业收集和处理个人信息的主要对象之一,这往往导致其隐私权等权利面临更为复杂的受侵害的风险。尽管在国际和国内层面的法律制度以及行业自律规则中都规定了企业尊重和保护儿童网络隐私权的人权责任,但是当前企业运营各环节的实践活动却缺乏符合儿童特殊需要的、覆盖所有儿童主体和整个信息生命周期的系统性规则,不仅忽视了儿童群体因年龄、性别等方面的能力差异造成的不平等保护,也忽略了监护权与儿童独立隐私权、保护与促进参与发展的平衡问题,这些都不利于儿童在网络环境下的成长和发展。因此,应促使企业在保护儿童的网络隐私权方面,针对他们特殊的心理和社会发展的需要,进一步完善针对儿童的隐私保障政策、细化监护人同意制度,充分开展儿童网络隐私权的影响评估,为儿童网络隐私权提供技术和网络素养的赋权,促进其更好地利用网络技术,全面实现发展目标。  相似文献   

"人肉搜索"自产生以来,大家对其褒贬不一,最大的争议就是"人肉搜索"容易引发对别人隐私权的侵犯。根据搜索目的,"人肉搜索"主要可归为公共事件型和窥探隐私型两类,对与人格尊严没有直接关系的个人信息,在不同的"人肉搜索"网络行为中是否构成侵犯隐私应做具体分析、区别对待。在对"人肉搜索"侵犯隐私权的责任认定上,应充分考虑侵权行为、侵权产生的后果、行为与后果间的因果关系、侵权人主观过错等构成要件,而如果侵权行为是为了维护公共利益或合法取自于公共场所,则可成为抗辩事由。  相似文献   

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