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电大远程开放教育利用网络、远程教学等技术手段,给学生提供了便利的学习平台,但相应面授辅导教学滞后。应改变面授教学模式,树立以学生为中心的教学理念,将学生的需求作为课堂教学设计的依据,使面授教学做到“量体栽衣”,更具有针对性。在教学中加入多种生动有效教学元素,由被动学变为主动学,这样才能取得预期效果。  相似文献   

面向澳门实施高等教育,要做好教育站定位分析,制定可行的专业教学计划,编写好课程面授教学指导材料,因地制宜搞好教学的组织实施,坚持办学的长期性和系统化。  相似文献   

"产学"结合作为高校教学质量建设的重要内容,对于应用型高校的财务管理专业教学具有重要意义。中国劳动关系学院"民生班"的教学实践,提出"产学"结合的培养模式,让学生系统掌握财务管理专业课程的各类知识要点,并结合实操,创造出学生爱学、学后有用、提高综合应用能力的教学新模式。  相似文献   

现代启发式教学 ,强调的是“教”与“学”的双向沟通 ,“学”与“学”的多向沟通 ,使学不仅“学” ,而且会“问” ,增强学生的求知兴趣和参与意识。  相似文献   

怎样的教育才是成功的教育?这是广大教育工作者历久弥新的探讨课题。联合国教科文组织指出:“将来的文盲是没有学会学习的人!”教师应该更新教学观念,优化教学环境,实施愉快教学;激发学生学习兴趣,引导学生自主学习。“愉快教育”以教学观念的转变为先导,以激发培养学生学习的兴趣为核心,以使学生乐学会学为目的。  相似文献   

现代启发式教学,强调的是“教”与“学”的双向沟通,“学”与“学”的多向沟通,使学不仅“学”,而且会“问”,增强学生的求知兴趣和参与意识。.  相似文献   

合作学习在英语课堂上的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习指让学生在小组中进行一系列学习活动,并达成其共同目标的一种教学理论与策略。合作 学习视教学动态因素之间的互动为促进学生学习的主要途径。用合作学习的互动观作为理论依据的英语合作学 习,探究的是交互性的语言教学。  相似文献   

高校时装表演专业如何培养高素质的复合型、应用型人才,是高校、企业和社会普遍关心的问题。在发展高校时装表演专业的过程中,产学合作、面向社会需求办学有利于学生创新思维、创新能力和创业能力的提高;产学合作模式包括定向班、产学联合体和创建产学研实体等三种方式;高校必须在教学观念、教学手段和教学内容上及时更新,才能实现新型时装表演人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

从这几年的教学效果看,工会理论教学基本沿袭的是凯洛夫的《普通教育学》中的教学方法论。即“教学过程实质上是教师引导下的学生再认识过程。”但是从现代教育学的观点来看,凯洛夫的教学论难免有其片面性,尤其对于成人教育·它忽略了一个很重大的教学原则,就是学生的主体性开发。主体性原则,是以课堂教学中充分开发学生的智能因素,发展其较强的思维能力为目的。作为教师的课  相似文献   

1987年,连云港市总工会通过调查发现,全市专职工会干部中,属工会“科班”出身的只占1%,经上级工会院校正规培训的占1.5%,远远适应不了形势的要求和工会工作的需要。因此,为了适应改革的形势,市总工会决定把提高工会干部队伍的素质作为一项重点工作来抓。经过三年的努力和培训,在中国工运学院的帮助和支持下,我们采用集中和分散相结合,脱产和业余相结合,教师面授和音像辅导相结合、把学员请进校和教师送教上门相结合及举办讲座等形式和方法,分期分批对全市一千多名专兼职工会干部进行了培训,系统学习了《工会学》、《工运史》、《劳动法学》、《企业管理》、《工会领导学》等几门全总规定的课程,并针对国际工运风云的变幻,国内政治经济改革的发展以及共保合同、工会自身改革等问题举办了多场专题讲  相似文献   

在强调以“学生为中心、教师为主导”和多媒体辅助教学的课堂教学模式下,作为一名教师的课堂驾驭能力、教学方法和技巧的使用,从某种意义上讲,比教材内容显得更为重要.因此,课上把握时机,采用灵活多样、学生乐于接受而又简便易行的教学方式,检查学生对所学知识的理解掌握情况,对调动学生学习积极性和参与热情,对调控教学进度和发挥教师课堂主导作用均不失为行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

VB程序设计是一门实践性、理论性很强的课程,如何提高学生的学习兴趣,理论联系实际,学以致用,就成了该门课程教学设计的关键。采用任务递进驱动教学法实施课堂教学,为学生提供了研究性学习和创新性学习的环境,学生参与程度高,收到了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

大学英语口语教学探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,大学生英语口语交际能力越来越受到重视。如何培养和提高大学生英语口语能力,一直是英语教学中的一个重要课题。本文分析了目前大学英语口语教学现状及存在的问题,提出了在交际教学法和评估理论的基础上,以学习者为中心,以任务型课堂活动为平台,建构多元化口语评价体系,从而全面提高学习者综合语言运用能力,促进大学英语口语教学改革。  相似文献   

The beliefs of 107 teachers who students have for mathematics the last year of elementary school are compared to the beliefs of 64 teachers the same students have for mathematics the first year of junior high school. As hypothesized, posttransition teachers trust students less, believe more strongly in controlling and disciplining students, and have a weaker sense of teaching efficacy than do pretransition teachers. There are no significant differences in beliefs about the nature of ability as a fixed trait. It is suggested that societal stereotypes about early adolescents may flourish in school settings that are exclusively for that age group, so that teachers believe these students are unlikely to make much academic progress and must be controlled.This research was made possible by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH31724) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (HD17296) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles, and the National Science Foundation (BNS-8510504) to Jacquelynne S. Eccles and Allan Wigfield.Received Ph.D. in Education from the University of Michigan. Research interests are adolescent development, middle years education, teacher beliefs, and classroom processes.Received M.A. in Education from the University of Michigan. Research interests are adolescent development, classroom environments, and supporting beginning teachers.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles. Research interests are development of self-concept, subjective task value, interests, and activity preferences, especially during early and middle adolescence. Also investigating the impact of school and family experiences on these constructs.  相似文献   

实践教学已经成为当今时代高校教育的重要教学模式。实践教学是一个完备而规范的体系,其中课堂实践教学是最为基础的部分,是连接理论教学和实践教学的中介和桥梁。目前,高校教育中,过分重视实践教学中的硬件(实验室和基地建设)建设,而忽略了课堂实践教学的规范和建设。探索新的课堂教学方式,已成为提高高校教学质量的关键。  相似文献   

In recent discussions regarding concerns about the academic achievement of US students, educational policy makers have suggested the implementation of certain teacher policies. To address the limited empirical research on the putative educational impact of such policies, this study used multilevel structural equation models to investigate the longitudinal associations between teacher evaluation and reward policies, and student mathematics achievement and dropout with a national sample of students (n = 7,779) attending one of 431 public high schools. The student sample included an equal number of boys and girls averaging 16 years of age, and included a White (53%) majority. This study examined whether associations between teacher policies and student achievement were mediated by the teacher–student relationship climate. Results of this study were threefold. First, teacher evaluation policies that allowed students to evaluate their teachers were associated with more positive student reports of the classroom teaching climate. Second, schools with teacher reward policies that included assigning higher performing teachers with higher performing students had a negative association with student perceptions of the teaching climate. Lastly, schools with better student perceptions of the teaching climate were associated with lower student dropout rates by students’ senior year. These findings are discussed in light of their educational policy implications.  相似文献   

Classroom context and school engagement are significant predictors of academic achievement. These factors are especially important for academically at-risk students. Grounded in an ecological systems perspective, this study examined links between classroom context, school engagement, and academic achievement among early adolescents. We took a multidimensional approach to the measurement of classroom context and school engagement, incorporating both observational and self-reported assessments of various dimensions of classroom context (instruction quality, social/emotional climate, and student–teacher relationship) and school engagement (psychological and behavioral engagement). Using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, we tested whether school engagement mediated the link between classroom context and academic achievement among 5th grade students, and whether these pathways were the same for students with previous achievement difficulties identified in 3rd grade. Participants included 1,014 children (50% female) in 5th grade (mean age = 11). The majority of the participants were white (77%) and 23% were children of color. Results indicated that psychological and behavioral engagement mediated the link between classroom context and academic achievement for students without previous achievement difficulties. However, for students with previous achievement difficulties psychological and behavioral engagement did not mediate the link between classroom context and academic achievement. These results suggest that improving classroom quality may not be sufficient to improve student engagement and achievement for students with previous achievement difficulties. Additional strategies may be needed for these students.  相似文献   

试论案例教学法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
案例教学法是现代教学方法的必然要求,传统的教学模式在价值目标、教学功能以及具体操作上存在诸多不足.案例教学法的实施在实现互动式的教学活动、促进学生的自主学习、达到教育的应然目的方面具有明显优势.  相似文献   


Teachers’ conditional positive regard and conditional negative regard are common motivational techniques in the classroom. This study investigated their respective effects on adolescent students’ agentic engagement, while considering students’ basic psychological needs for autonomy and relatedness as potential mediators. Data collected from 30 teachers and 651 7th to 10th graders (52% female) were used to test a multilevel mediation model. The results indicated that teachers’ conditional negative regard undermined students’ agentic engagement by frustrating both of their autonomy and relatedness needs. Teachers’ conditional positive regard thwarted students’ sense of autonomy, which consequently undermined their agentic engagement. The findings are discussed in terms of conditional positive and negative regard as undesirable classroom motivational practices and the mechanisms through which they operate. The discussion also notes the importance of investigating contextual factors at the classroom level.


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