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In animal and cell culture experiments, chronic morphine treatment has been followed by 'up'- as well as 'down-regulation' of the mu opioid receptor (mu OR) number. The present postmortem morphometric study of morphine-related fatalities of drug addicts (n=12, and 22-35 years old, with blood unconjugated morphine levels from 27.1 to 458 ng/ml, m.v. 198.5 ng/ml) versus a non-addicted control group (n=13 and 10-44 years old) was intended to examine whether chronic opiate exposure affects the numerical density of mu OR expressing neurons in the human neocortex (area 10 according to Brodmann). For the immunohistochemical procedure, thick (100 microm) vibratome sections were incubated with a monoclonal antibody against the mu OR [Arvidsson et al., J. Neurosci. 15 (1995) 3328] and immunoreactive sites were visualized using an immunoperoxidase protocol. The numerical densities of mu OR-expressing and Nissl-stained neurons were assessed morphometrically (camera lucida-drawings). In both collectives, the anti-mu OR immunoreactivity was mainly found in pyramidal neurons of layers (L) II/III and V and in multiform neurons of L VI. In the drug-related fatalities and the control group, the density of neurons expressing mu OR protein was similar, amounting for 2698 +/- 153 and 2688 +/- 172/mm(3), respectively. These findings extend the binding studies of opioid ligands in postmortem brains of heroin addicts [Gabilondo et al., Psychopharmacology 115 (1994) 135] revealing similar receptor densities and affinities by showing no difference in the density of mu OR-positive neurons.  相似文献   

In animal experiments and in cell culture, chronic morphine treatment has been followed by "up-regulation" as well as "down-regulation" of the mu-opioid receptor (OR) number. The present postmortem morphometric study of morphine-related fatalities of drug-addicts (n=13, 20-35 years old, with blood unconjugated morphine levels from 27.1 ng/ml to 458 ng/ml, m.v. 198.5 ng/ml) versus a non-addicted control group (n=13, 10-44 years old) was intended to examine, whether chronic opiate exposure affects the numerical density of mu-OR expressing neurons in the human neocortex (areas 11, 24 and 25 according to Brodmann). For the immunohistochemical procedure, vibratome sections (100 microm) were incubated with a monoclonal antibody against the mu-OR, diluted 1:100, and immunolabelled sites were visualized using an immunoperoxidase protocol. The numerical densities of OR immunoreactive neuronal profiles and Nissl-stained central profiles were assessed morphometrically (camera lucida-drawings). In both groups, the anti-mu-OR-immunoreactivity was mainly localized in pyramidal neurons of layers (L) II/III and V and in multiform neurons of L VI. In the areas 24 and 25, the density of the immunoreactive neuronal profiles did not display a significant difference between the two examined groups. In the area 11, however, the number of immunolabelled neuronal profiles amounted to 2777+/-206 mm(3) in the drug-related fatalities and to 2320+/-124 mm(3) in the control group and thus was significantly increased.  相似文献   

Testicular sections of 50 deceased drug addicts were examined by light microscopy using morphometric methods and determining the extent of spermatogenesis by application of the Johnsen score count. Twenty cases of violent death served as reference sample. The study was aimed at obtaining data about the degree of germinal gland damage following the duration of the individual drug career, which was correlated to the histologic findings. Progressively reduced maturation of germinal cells, decrease of tubular diameter and height of sperm-producing epithelium were found the longer the individual case history has been. The results clearly indicated a substantial impairment of male fertility in the course of a drug career, but etiology seems to be multifactorial, since most of the deceased were polytoxicomanic and more than 40% were under the influence of alcohol at the time of death. Testicular damage is obviously a sequel of long-lasting abuse and a very complex process, presumably progressing with the duration of the adverse habit.  相似文献   

All drug-associated deaths from 1989 to 2000 were analysed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Cologne. Information concerning sex, gender, drug consumption, time, place and circumstances of death were analysed. A number of 605 cases were recorded; in 518 cases a toxicological analysis was possible and in 171 an autopsy was performed. When it was possible to determine the cause of death form the information available, acute drug intoxication was recorded in 65%. Heroin head the list of identified substances. Sixty-three percent of the specimens showed a combination of several substances, especially a combination of morphine, benzodiazepines, other medications and alcohol. In comparison with other studies the percentage of methadone-positive specimens is low, even though the proportion of specimens positive for methadone increased from 1989 to 2000. This analysis is discussed using background information concerning the management of substitution therapy and the available literature.  相似文献   

The expression of the human micro-opiate receptor (MOR1) in post mortem human brain tissue was examined using real-time PCR technology. Tissue samples from 11 fatalities due to opiate overdose and five normal subjects with different causes of death were analysed in order to elucidate whether chronic opiate abuse is followed by a regulation of MOR1 expression. In each case nine selected brain regions (thalamus, caudate nucleus, hypothalamus, ventral tegmentum, hippocampus, amygdala, frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, putamen) were evaluated. The MOR1-mRNA level was determined relative to the housekeeping gene beta2-microglobulin. While in most regions the MOR mRNA levels in the brain of addicts were not different from the control group-with varying levels between 0 and 15% of housekeeping gene level-in the brains of three drug-related fatalities an enormous increase was encountered in the thalamus where the MOR-mRNA level amounted for up to 10,000% of the measured housekeeping gene level. The results obtained by toxicological hair analysis in the group of drug-related fatalities indicate that the enormous thalamic MOR1-expression is primarily found in individuals who died from acute heroin overdose but did not show signs of a substantial chronic administration of the drug. Further studies have to be performed to evaluate if the observed MOR1-mRNA up-regulation in the thalamus in a subpopulation of acute lethal intoxications mirrors a state of functional hypersensitivity associated with the occurrence of death.  相似文献   

崔敏 《证据科学》2008,16(4):384-393
毒品犯罪案件有许多不同于普通刑事案件的特殊性,毒品案件中的证据又具有相对的单一性,必须当场缴获毒品和毒资才能证实犯罪。本文结合缉毒侦查中的具体情况,强调办理毒品案件必须增强证据意识,要把握好破案的时机,适时取证;收集证据一定要十分仔细,获取的证据应做好固定保全工作,并特别注意取证的合法性;采用技术侦察手段须把握住一条底线:不得诱人犯罪;应正确运用推定规则判定“明知”,对推定结论允许以确凿的事实予以反驳。  相似文献   

Analysis of fatalities in road accidents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is based on the analysis of 524 autopsies carried out on the victims of road accidents at the Office of the Judicial Medical Officer, Colombo for a 2-year period ending December 1985. 51.4% of the fatalities were among pedestrians. The highest number of fatalities were in the age group 20-29 years. Cranio-cerebral injury was the commonest cause of death in all groups of victims.  相似文献   

Forty-eight cases of electrocution in the bathtub are reported which were recorded in Düsseldorf and G?ttingen from 1972 to 1986; 19 cases were established to be suicides, with a sex ratio of 1:3 in favor of females. Marks of electricity were found in 8 cases. Five other cases were distinguished by linear marks indicating the water level, and in 10 cases a peculiar restriction of the postmortem hypostasis on the submersed areas could be seen. We presume from our own material that the latter findings can be easily ignored. As linear, circumscribed lividity could not be detected in bath deaths without electricity, it may be a specific finding. We recommend that more attention be paid to this phenomen. In all of our cases, 220 V current was involved, i.e., the usual household supply. The calculated amperage was about 100 to 250 mA, which means that ventricular fibrillation occurred within a few seconds. In 14 cases foam was established at the mouth and the nostrils, or in the air passages. We presume that, in these cases, death by electrocution was finally superimposed by drowning without developing the typical emphysema aquosum.  相似文献   

毒品犯罪案件有许多不同于普通刑事案件的特殊性,毒品案件中的证据又具有相对的单一性,必须当场缴获毒品和毒资才能证实犯罪。本文结合缉毒侦查中的具体情况,强调办理毒品案件必须增强证据意识,要把握好破案的时机,适时取证;收集证据一定要十分仔细,获取的证据应做好固定保全工作,并特别注意取证的合法性;采用技术侦察手段须把握住一条底线:不得诱人犯罪;应正确运用推定规则判定"明知",对推定结论允许以确凿的事实予以反驳。  相似文献   

The circumstances in drug-related deaths were investigated in this study. The basic client sample was composed of 743 drug addicts of the opiate type who had been admitted into the institute's drug-free outpatient program from 1969 to 1982. In this program, 91 clients died during the observation period. In order to be able to judge the various backgrounds adequately, a multiply subdivided classification system was developed for the death cases. Each case was recorded in three main categories: manner of death, cause of death, and phase of addiction. This was a more elaborate procedure than those commonly used since, in general, such death cases are only subdivided into a few groups that differ little from one another. Two manners of death predominated in this sample: accidents caused by poison (62%) and suicide (25%). Within in the various causes of death, poison cases prevailed (80%) and opiate intoxication (single or combined) was predominant (60%). Concerning the phase of addiction two phases were distinguished: the actual drug addiction phase (65%) and the intramural stay in prison or a hospital (25%). There were no significant sex-related differences. Various combinations regarding the mechanism of lethal opiate intoxication of drug addicts were scrutinized, concentrating on three approaches: the lack of opiate tolerance after periods of abstinence, the synergistic effect of simultaneously taking other CNS-depressant drugs, and differences in concentration in the heroin used. Our conclusions are given from the point of view of adequate counseling for drug addicts.  相似文献   

目的研究慢性乙醇中毒引起小鼠脑神经细胞Ⅰ型1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇受体(IP3R1)表达的变化。方法 40只小鼠随机分为90d、180d组,各组再分为正常对照组、10%、20%、30%乙醇组,每组5只,乙醇组给予相应浓度乙醇饮用至相应时间;取各组小鼠脑组织,分别采用免疫组化和Western blot方法检测脑皮质神经细胞IP3R1表达的变化;SPSS 13.0软件对实验数据进行单因素方差分析。结果正常IP3R1免疫组化染色物分布于神经细胞胞浆内。90d组随乙醇浓度的增加,IP3R1免疫组化阳性细胞数和阳性细胞率逐步增加,组间比较,差异显著(P〈0.05);180d组中10%、20%乙醇组阳性细胞数和阳性细胞率逐步增加,组间比较,差异显著(P〈0.05),而30%乙醇组阳性细胞数和阳性细胞率反而减少,且低于90d组的相同浓度组(P〈0.05)。Western blot与免疫组化检测结果基本一致。结论慢性乙醇中毒可引起小鼠大脑皮质神经细胞IP3R1表达增加,而高浓度(30%)、长时间(180d)乙醇使IP3R1表达降低,可能与神经细胞变性、坏死、数目减少有关。  相似文献   

Effects of the Taser in fatalities involving police confrontation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen deaths associated with the use of the Taser were examined. All involved young males who had a history of abuse of controlled substances; all but three were under the influence of cocaine, phencyclidine [phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (PCP)], or amphetamine. All were behaving in a bizarre or unusual fashion which necessitated calling the police. The cause of death was an overdose of drugs in eleven, gunshot wounds in three, heart disease and Taser shock in one, and an undetermined cause in one. All were considered to be under the influence of PCP by the police at the time of the incident. All were unarmed, which was the reason a Taser was used instead of a more lethal weapon. The conclusion reached after evaluation of these cases is that the Taser in and of itself does not cause death, although it may have contributed to death in one case.  相似文献   

The deaths of 10 bushfire (brushfire) victims (aged 2-59 years; M/F 1:1) from the files of Forensic Science SA in Adelaide, South Australia, over an 8-year period (January 2002 to December 2009) are reported. Nine of the victims were found in or near motor vehicles. Death was attributed to incineration (N = 5), trauma from bushfire-related vehicle crashes (N = 2), inhalation of products of combustion with hyperthermia (N = 1), inhalation of products of combustion (N = 1), and undetermined (N = 1). Death scenes covered large areas and involved many victims. Loss of infrastructure and closure of local roads owing to debris limited access and made the finding of bodies difficult. Bodies in such fires may be exposed to the damaging effects of weather and animal predation. Heat damage hindered pathological assessment with resultant delays in identification. Assessment of antemortem injuries and determination of causes of death were also complicated by the condition of some of the bodies.  相似文献   

A study of 15 childhood fatalities due to farm or tractor-related accidents demonstrated extensive injuries typified by crushing, evisceration, and amputation of limbs. Although these injuries are characteristic of industrial accidents in adults, such accidents do not commonly occur in children. However, the unique circumstance of the farm, which incorporates home and industrial environments, results in particularly severe patterns of injuries in accidental childhood deaths. A knowledge of the range of machines that are used and the environment of the farm facilitates assessment of the types of injuries that may be found at autopsy in cases of pediatric farm accident.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) procedure is described for the detection and measurement of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in blood, or 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid in urine. About 50% of all homicide victims and motor vehicle drivers killed in Bexar County in 1985 were tested for the presence of cannabinoids. Of 130 homicides and 69 drivers tested, blood was analyzed primarily in all but 15 and 3 cases, respectively. In these latter cases, blood analyzed after urine was found to be positive. Of the homicide victims, 44 (34%), and of all drivers, 19 (28%), tested were positive for one or more of the cannabinoids. As a separate group, 16 motorcycle drivers tested had 38% positive as compared with 25% of the other vehicle drivers. Ethyl alcohol was present in 55% of the drivers, and in 63% of the homicide victims. Drugs other than alcohol or cannabinoids were found in 10% of the drivers, and in 12% of the homicide victims.  相似文献   

Mental health facilities are occasionally confronted with patients who display destructive or disruptive behaviors requiring physical restraint. Under these circumstances, restraint can be associated with death. This case report describes two fatalities associated with physical restraint applied by staff members at mental health facilities.  相似文献   

Testing the reliability of frontal sinuses in positive identification   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of frontal sinus radiographs in positive identification has become an increasingly applied and accepted technique among forensic anthropologists, radiologists, and pathologists. From an evidentiary standpoint, however, it is important to know whether frontal sinus radiographs are a reliable method for confirming or rejecting an identification, and standardized methods should be applied when making comparisons. The purpose of the following study is to develop an objective, standardized comparison method, and investigate the reliability of that method. Elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA) was used to assess the variation in 808 outlines of frontal sinuses by calculating likelihood ratios and posterior probabilities from EFA coefficients. Results show that using EFA coefficient comparison to estimate the probability of a correct identification is a reliable technique, and EFA comparison of frontal sinus outlines is recommended when it may be necessary to provide quantitative substantiation for a forensic identification based on these structures.  相似文献   

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