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泰国是中国的近邻和友邻,侨居着大量华人,随着中泰两国交往的不断深入,学习中文的泰国人数量也在不断增加,他们对文化产品的需求与日俱增。本文分析当前泰国的中国文化产品消费情况,理清开拓泰国市场的思路,找准开拓泰国市场的重点,为中国文化产品企业开拓泰国市场提供参考。  相似文献   

泰国的社会与文化独特精巧,随着其旅游业的日益繁荣逐渐远播世界。本文以笔者在泰国的亲身经历,对泰国的各种社会现象做了细致的观察,涵盖政治、经济、交通、教育、宗教和社会生活等方面,并深入分析其历史文化渊源,旨在揭示泰国社会和文化的部分哲思底蕴,以期能为系统地研究泰国文化提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

小乘佛教传入泰国已有700多年的历史,佛教文化是泰国的主流文化。泰国谚语作为泰国主流文化世俗化的体现,承载了厚重的佛教文化思想精髓。泰国诸多蕴含了佛教因果业报思想的谚语,通过一代又一代泰国民众的传承,对泰国人民的思想观念、道德追求、行为方式和人格塑造均产生了巨大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

泰国政治文化与政治发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治文化与政治发展有着紧密的联系,政治文化对政治发展起着不可忽视的作用,现代性的政治文化有利于政治的发展,而那些守旧的政治文化,则有碍于政治的发展。"文化是制度之母",本文以泰国为例,探究泰国的政治文化与政治发展之间的互动作用,分析泰国文化何以有碍其政治的发展。  相似文献   

中国岭南、泰国的水崇拜之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,笔者在研究泰国水文化时,发现中国岭南地区的风俗民情、宗教文化、饮食男女等跟水也有很大的关系,而且岭南的水文化与泰国的水文化有诸多的相似相近之处。笔者认为,岭南人对水的崇拜之所以与泰国人有许多相似之处,主要是由于:一、源于民族生活的现实环境相似在古代,人  相似文献   

本文以中国潮剧在泰国本土化的两种形态——酬神潮剧和泰语潮剧为研究对象,探讨泰国华族与佬族是怎样在泰国潮剧这一场域中实现国家与社会地位关系的转变的,进而尝试分析潮剧如何超越国界与族群社区,在泰国多元文化结构中获得特殊的社会意义,同时揭示体现在泰国潮剧发展形态中的艺术与社会政治、不同文化、不同艺术传统之间的关系。  相似文献   

从华人认同看泰国华文教育的复苏与发展(1992~2012)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华文教育起源于海外华人社会,泰国的华文教育亦是如此。1992年,泰国政府放宽华文教育的限制,泰国华文教育复苏并迅速发展,目前泰国有超过80万人学习汉语。虽然泰国华人被高度同化,但是他们多元的政治、文化和族群认同反而促进了泰国华文教育的复苏和发展。  相似文献   

夫妇伦理是家庭伦理中最基本、最核心的内容。综观泰国谚语有关夫妇伦理的文化蕴涵,泰国夫妇伦理规范呈现出了复杂、多样的意蕴,有着与该国社会、历史、经济发展等因素密切联系的特质。但总的来看,男主外女主内的社会分工是泰国谚语有关夫妇双方职责文化的主要蕴涵。在泰国传统家庭中男尊女卑的伦理倾向较为突出,但对恩爱和谐的夫妻关系的倡导是当今泰国社会的主流。  相似文献   

泰国华侨华人民间信仰的特点及其前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间信仰是一种植根于人民群众中的、古老而又特殊的宗教文化现象。早期华侨出国,不仅给泰国人民带去先进的生产工具和耕作技术,而且也把中华民族的民间信仰等优秀传统文化传播到泰国。于是寺庙便随着华侨的足迹遍布到泰国各地,并与会馆、学校构成了泰国华侨社会的三大特征。华侨华人民间信仰与泰国当地民族的其他宗教信仰通过长期的接触,互相影响,互相渗透以后,必然会产生一种新的信仰。但是,它必须经过一个漫长的形成发展过程。  相似文献   

以泰王国教育部副次长赛裕·恰巴通先生为团长的泰国文化代表团一行八人,由文化部亚洲处负责同志和工作人员陪同,于8月7日来我所参观访问,并与我所研究人员座谈。在座的还有:云南省文化厅厅长郭兆华、副厅长高德林等。 泰国文化代表团是泰国教育部国家文化委员会派出的第二个访华团。泰国教育部国家文化委员会是泰国政府主管文化政策和对外文化交流的部门。代表团到我所参观访问,希望了解我所关于东南亚特别是泰国的研究情况,以便促进中泰两国的文化学术交流。在座谈中,我所同志向泰国客人介绍了我所的情况。泰国客人饶有兴趣地听了介绍,并与我所研究人员就泰族族源问题深入地交换了意见。赛裕·恰巴通先生说:“关于泰人从哪里来的  相似文献   

The present era is defined by sweeping changes in economies, social institutions, political party systems, and communication processes in many nations. These changes go by various names from globalization to poststructuralism. The impact of these tectonic shifts in the political foundations of nations is greatly debated. In particular, considerable uncertainty surrounds the effects of various changes on the importance of politics for individual citizens and for the kinds of civic activities that people engage in and even regard as political. This is an important time for communication scholars to develop comparative frameworks that bring conceptions of social change together with how people located in various cultural, demographic, and audience groups define their relations to government and, more broadly, to civil society. At stake is our understanding of the role of communication in shaping these political relations, and in shaping the attitudes of citizens about politics, government, and society itself.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical discursive analysis of proper names used in Polish political discourse, focusing on six addresses to the nation made by prominent public figures of the Polish political scene?the president, prime minister, and the primate of the Catholic Church. The names used in the speeches did not function merely as means of referring to places or persons. The speakers used them to construct an ideologically preferred reality. Those used by the president of Poland ''embellished'' the Communist past of the country and showed his political (post-Communist) option as a viable proposal for Poland. The speeches made by the primate of Poland created a politically uncontroversial image of the country, with the head of the Catholic Church positioned as a moral authority. Finally, the visible absence of names in the prime minister's speech represented the etatistic view of Poland.  相似文献   

略论中国地名文化对越南的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地名是文化的载体之一,中国文化对越南的巨大影响也深刻地体现在越南的地名上,这一点学术界尚无系统的研究。举凡越南历史上的国名、政区通名、地名渊源解释、地名别名等等,无不受到中国文化的辐射,从而在越南各类地名的不同侧面上均烙下了深深的印迹。  相似文献   

文章对槟城、雪兰莪、马六甲、柔佛、砂拉越及吉隆坡的1241个饮食业中文招牌样本进行调查分析,发现它们有独特的典型基本结构,而且以"专名项+业名项+通名项"为主。文章也罗列了马来西亚饮食业中文招牌普遍运用的18种命名法,其中4种是此研究中新发现的。研究结果除了可起到填补空缺及留下及时记录的作用,也对从事饮食业的人士有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Denno, Deborah W. (1993). The privacy rights of rape victims in the media and the law: Perspectives on disclosing rape victims' names. Fordham Law Review, 61, 1113–1131.  相似文献   


This article addresses some of the trends and issues as they relate to media and cultural globalisation. Grounded in a fundamental cultural perspective, the problematic of international communication is framed in different views of ‘local culture’, ‘cultural identity’ and ‘processes of cultural mixing’. In the end, a research framework for the study of cultural globalisation/localisation is outlined. The framework captures the issue of hybridised cultural products from a people centred perspective.  相似文献   


This article examines the controversial impact that English literary studies is having upon cultural studies. Instead of reconstructing itself in the light of moving onto the terrain of cultural studies, English literary studies is in danger of over-textualising cultural studies, and remains captive to appropriating texts ethically to suit its historical mission as a 'surrogate religion'. These prevent English literary studies from properly engaging with the recent shift within cultural studies to notions of the 'active audience'. However, the preoccupation of English studies with postmodern textualist theories can enable cultural studies to break with the damaging opposition between 'text' and 'social context'.  相似文献   

王淑芳 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(5):121-124
文化全球化是伴随经济全球化必然到来的社会现象,它带来了全球范围内不同文化的交融、碰撞,这对辽宁老工业基地的振兴也产生了极大的影响。优先发展先进的文化生产力、建立健全文化创新体系、公共文化服务体系和现代文化市场体系,借鉴日本、韩国发展文化产业的有益经验,是文化全球化条件下辽宁老工业基地振兴必然的战略和策略选择。  相似文献   


Since the end of the Second World War, the growing influence of television and the gradual decline of newspaper readership worldwide have been linked to a continuing lowering in the level of cultural literacy and general knowledge of the general population, and specifically that of adolescents. Various surveys have confirmed that specialisation can also be linked to this phenomenon.

Since 1987 the debate about the causes of the decline in acceptable levels of cultural literacy has centred on the study of E D Hirsch who refused to lay the blame for this state only at the door of television, rather suggesting that a great deal of accumulated evidence exists that faulty policy in the schools is the chief cause of deficient literacy and, eventually, cultural literacy.

Journalism educators are confronted daily by the reality of unacceptable levels of cultural literacy when it is often expected of them to bring journalism students up to standard, even in postgraduate courses.

In this article a brief historical background is given of the debate about the causes of cultural illiteracy. Definite proposals are also made to address the question of eliminating this problem among journalism students who purport to be the future information gatherers and messengers. Some of these are, inter alia, the introduction of stricter admission standards at journalism schools and a structured course in cultural literacy and general knowledge, as well as the teaching of higher-order skills (metaskills) to students.  相似文献   

The history and identity of fundamentalism is complex. Religious fundamentalism names an ideological perspective found in most, if not all, major religions and is currently associated with variant forms of extremism and religiously-motivated acts of violence, including terrorism. Following a discussion of religious extremism per se, a typological paradigm of religious fundamentalism that attempts to demonstrate the ideological development from what might be referred to as an “initial” and relatively benign fundamentalism into extremism and thence to terrorism, will be presented. A discussion of a model of fundamentalism as applied to Islam will provide a comparative basis for assessing Christian fundamentalism and extremism, so setting the scene for an applied exploration of religious extremism and terrorism with particular reference to Christian contexts and examples.  相似文献   

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