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This article describes how the integration of computing and communications complicates policy choices for protecting information systems. The technical challenge in the aggregate can be labeled “trustworthiness.” Its dimensions include information security, privacy of personal data and system safety and reliability. Although a holistic technical approach is promising, forging a consistent policy solution is another matter. Proposals for new institutions recur, while calls for public‐private partnership are a new theme. Yet industry signals growing discomfort with government programs associated with national security and law enforcement, fueling conflict and controversy over cryptography policy. Meanwhile, more federal agencies are addressing relevant issues, and more private sector organizations have entered the advocacy game. The article describes multiple policy legacies, key players and perspectives and policy trends. It outlines issues that shape the context for policy that responds to dependence on networked information systems.  相似文献   

In this article we undertake a detailed exploration of the research and development activities in one particular middle-income country. We explore what the data from R&D surveys can tell us about the levels, the determinants and the effectiveness of R&D in the manufacturing sector. We point to some of the broader factors that may have influenced South Africa’s drive to improve the technological capacity of its manufacturing sector, but we mostly focus on those issues associated directly with R&D. We show that the degree of interaction between the different domains of R&D activity, business, government and the tertiary sector has been weak, and that the possibility of positive spill-overs between these domains has not been fully exploited. In addition, little or no policy intervention designed to stimulate R&D activity by industry has been deployed in South Africa. We find that South African R&D activity has mainly been reactive in character and suggest that this lies at the heart of South Africa’s mixed R&D performance in relation to other developing countries.  相似文献   

The electronic patient record (EPR) is a major technological development within the healthcare sector. Many hospitals across Europe already use institution-based electronic patient records, which allow not only for electronic exchange of patient data within the hospital, but potentially also for sharing medical data with external healthcare providers, involved in the patient's care, such as general practitioners or pharmacists. In this article, we discuss the attempt made by the Dutch government to introduce a nationwide electronic patient record (n-EPR). Describing and analyzing the new legislation that is currently being developed to establish the infrastructure for the n-EPR and the related legal issues, we conclude that the introduction of a n-EPR give rise to some substantial concerns. These vary from technical and quality issues such as the reliability of patient data and sufficient standardization and interoperability of the systems used, to issues in the field of data security and confidentiality. For a successful introduction of the n-EPR within the healthcare sector, a condicio sine qua non is that the related legislation provides sufficient safeguards and clarity with respect to the responsibilities and liabilities of its main users: the healthcare professionals.  相似文献   

Fraud and corruption in the public sector have become issues of increasing importance for the government in the United Kingdom. Numerous initiatives have emerged ranging from high profile publicity campaigns against benefit fraud and tax evasion to the establishment of specialist bodies, such as the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (NHSCFSMS). One of the most interesting developments, however, has been the emergence of the ‘counter fraud specialist (CFS)’ across central and local government, as well as the private sector. These are specially trained civilian personnel who are tasked to prevent, investigate and secure sanctions against fraudsters. They undertake common training packages and are accredited by the Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board (CFPAB). This paper first outlines the emergence of the CFS; then draws upon the results of recent survey data to discuss some of their characteristics. The paper also considers some of the main issues raised by the growth of the CFS including the possible emergence of an embryonic ‘fraud police’, the indirect ‘load shedding’ of fraud investigation and the governance of this new breed of policing personnel.  相似文献   

Donor conception has historically been shrouded in secrecy. Such secrecy has been underpinned by social views and legal issues concemrning the adults involved in the process--the donor, the recipient parent(s), and, at times, the doctor. However, there is increasing recognition of the need to focus upon donor-conceived people's interests and rights to have identifying and non-identifying information about their donors. This editorial examines issues raised in relation to information release, while also introducing some of the arguments presented by other authors in this Special Issue of the JLM. It also considers recent Australian federal and State government inquiries that have favoured information release and the former Victorian Infertility Treatment Authority's service model to support people in the process of information access and release. While there has been a clear shift to favouring openness and honesty, legislative action is still required to ensure the balancing and realisation of people's interests.  相似文献   

Artisanal small-scale mining remains a concern to many mineral-rich countries in the developing world. In Ghana, a significant number of those engaged in the sector are operating illegally. The ubiquity of the illegal mining sector has posed a policy challenge to the government, and high-handed measures to curb the problem have failed. This study contributes to our understanding of the problem by providing a more nuanced alternative perspective to the illegality discourse that has informed discussions and policy till now. Based on qualitative primary data collected from Noyem, a mining community in Ghana, the study shows that the so-called illegal small-scale mining is an outcome of existing social injustices suffered by the miners. It further reveals that those engaged in the sector are not homogenous but differentiated by class and motive. The study recommends among others that government addresses the identified social injustices rather than simply focusing on law enforcement to address the problem.  相似文献   

The article is a summary of the development of the District of Columbia Superior Court's Fathering Court Initiative. The Fathering Court Initiative is a problem‐solving court that has developed an innovative approach to child support cases that involves noncustodial parents returning from a period of incarceration. The program is designed to operate as a court based partnership between government and private sector organizations that match resources with family needs to promote responsible co‐parenting.  相似文献   

公共服务既是现代政府的核心职能,也是公法研究的时代课题。滥觞于20世纪七、八十年代的全球公共改革运动,其目的就是提高公共服务的能力和水平,建设服务型政府。正处于社会转型过程中的中国公法,应当全面回应建设服务型政府的现实需要,通过公法变革来拓展公共服务范围,确立公共服务原则,建构公私合作公共服务模式,重塑公共服务程序,完善公共服务配套制度,以实现公共服务供求关系的平衡,并推动公法制度体系和理论体系从以强制性行政管理为主旨的传统模式向以公共服务为核心的现代模式的深刻转变。  相似文献   

There is a simple underlying message in this discussion, which has three parts. First, science has the capacity to generate new knowledge and harness that knowledge in the cause of developing products and technology that can reduce disease burdens among developing nation populations. Second, intellectual property is a tool to use in order to insure that new knowledge is not expropriated and exploited in a manner that threatens the ability to provide products and technology to poor people at an affordable price. Third, and finally, academic scientists need to understand that they can stride both pathways of the R&D road, remaining involved in generating basic knowledge while participating in the application of that knowledge towards product development and, through the use of best practice IP management, making it available in resource-poor environments. In order for this to happen, academia needs to maintain bridges to the private sector, while assiduously avoiding financial conflicts of interest, a topic not discussed in this paper. Academic scientists, whether already established or still completing their education, need access to training modules that allows them to define the challenges of the high disease burdens in the third world in human, and not just in consumption or dollar, terms. They also need education regarding the problems they work on, in order to engage them in the technology transfer from academia to the private sector; promote collaboration with scientists in the developing world; provide them with enough insights into the process and how it operates so that they know about the terms of any agreements with the private sector that would prevent poor people from accessing the ultimate product; and finally "reward" them in the academic system by advancement based on applied and field-based international translational and operational applied research. If these education programs develop and expand to increasing numbers of people in the research sector of academia, the number of people taking both paths described here will substantially increase. With that, the amount of research relevant to improving the health status--and indirectly, development--of developing countries will have been substantially increased.  相似文献   

试论我国合伙财产的立法定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周显志  陆露 《河北法学》2005,23(7):46-49
合伙财产的法律性质是合伙制度中最根本也是最具分歧的问题之一,不仅学者众说纷纭,而且各国立法也迥然各异,这些学说和立法都积极或消极地影响着合伙的发展。目前,我国合伙的优势在相当程度上尚未能体现出来,这在一定程度上或可归责于法律相关规定的不完善所致。借鉴他国立法,认为:我国应明确规定合伙企业财产为共同共有。  相似文献   

A dynamic set of diplomatic, political, and cultural forces is driving action on global climate change in many legal arenas. These include novel multi-state compacts to regulate certain emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), vigorous legislative initiatives by the new Congressional leadership, judicial actions seeking damages and injunctive relief, and private sector responses to the potential new liabilities and obligations associated with climate change. In this environment, pressure is mounting on the federal government to abandon its policy of encouraging voluntary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and to adopt programs that will impose mandatory and uniform national emission requirements.  相似文献   

Health care policy issues in the drug abuser treatment field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As we enter the 1990s drug abuse has once again become a major health concern, and for the first time the drug treatment field has had to address many of the policy, regulation, and planning issues resulting from cost inflation that have become commonplace in other parts of the health care field. To avoid serious errors and confusion, drug abuse health policies must recognize the very different needs of the public and private sectors. The public sector, where poor addicts receive drug treatment provided or purchased by the government, has long suffered from chronically inadequate funding. Although responses to several epidemics (heroin, crack, and AIDS) have produced periods of increased allocations for drug abuse treatment, more often than not long waiting lists at programs have rationed treatment to lower-income addicts seeking care. Low salary levels have limited the quality of public treatment services, and the absence of resources has hindered the development of programs that respond to new technical developments and drug abuse problems, such as the crack epidemic. Despite severe resource shortages, the public drug treatment system has sometimes used resources inefficiently, with little attention to appropriateness of admissions, lengths of stay, ambulatory treatment modalities, or varying levels of care. Public sector goals for the 1990s should include filling current shortages in drug treatment services, developing adequate long-term funding for treating addicts who lack third-party coverage, modernizing the treatment system, developing new patterns of practice that use existing resources more efficiently, and developing a plan for treating intravenous drug users infected with the AIDS virus. In the private sector, the advent of working- and middle-class demand for drug treatment in the 1970s and 1980s has produced a new drug treatment system that suffers from many of the policy problems common to the rest of health care. Drug abuse in the workplace has resulted in much wider coverage of substance abuse services by insurance companies and HMOs. The availability of third-party funds has spawned a for-profit chemical dependency treatment industry. The high cost of private residential treatment services has caused significant cost inflation. Cost-containment measures, which are a new phenomenon for this field and are inappropriate for the public sector, have led to the same confusion and debates that they have produced in other areas of health care.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article reports on data from a small pilot survey evaluating the compliance of voluntary databases in respiratory medicine with privacy laws and the National Health and Medical Research Council's National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans. The increasing complexity of privacy law, including the recent private sector amendments, creates many challenges for database administrators. The impact of privacy laws upon voluntary or non-statutory databases, and upon doctors reporting patient data to such databases, is far from straightforward. The article suggests way in which the law might be adapted in order to better facilitate the role of voluntary data registers in health research and public health surveillance, while still protecting the privacy of patient information. The article also briefly considers how database administrators might "future-proof" their existing data holdings to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.  相似文献   


This article explores the ongoing condition of the ombudsman sector through models of change adopted from the social science literature. Debates about change are fleshed out through an analysis of the ombudsman/tribunal partnership initiative currently underway. As well as providing an explanation for the slow process of reform in the ombudsman sector, the article highlights the need for further research into the partnership initiative to detail the strengths, weaknesses and sustainability of such bottom-up reform agendas in the administrative justice system. We conclude that the impact of each individual initiative is likely to be minor but as a process they represent important moments of institutional learning which, in the context of current crisis, could operate as catalysts for major administrative justice reform.  相似文献   

Only the best manufacturers will remain competitive in today's challenging environment. Any manager involved with developing new products knows the excitement, complexity, and risk of this unpredictable undertaking. Based upon findings from four world class manufacturers of medical imaging technology in Japan and the United States, this article presents a new organizing framework for integrating external information into the NPD process. The findings are particularly timely in an era when manufacturers are vulnerable to intense global competition. The article concludes with several implications for managers involved in the new product development process.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, the health policy debate focused on whether government or the medical profession should control the health care system. This article asserts that that struggle between two forms of centralized control was both less promising and less consequential than the devolution of decision-making authority upon consumers and their agents that is occurring today and that seems likely to continue as competitive forces become stronger and opportunities for meaningful consumer choice increases. What we are witnessing is the simultaneous deprofessionalization and depoliticization of important decisions affecting health care, a decentralization and diversification of the system that is opening new possibilities for translating diverse consumer desires into provider performance. Although covering much familiar ground, this article links a variety of seemingly discrete issues under the sterility of the competition-versus-regulation debate and to show the historical and ethical significance of the major changes that are under way in the health care sector today.  相似文献   

At the beginning of 2006 the media reported instances where people who had been convicted of sexual offences against children were permitted to work in schools. A list of unsuitable people (known as ‘List 99’) has existed for over 80 years and yet the system appears to have broken down. In this article I seek to examine some of the issues involved in the operation of List 99, including the suggestion that those who are cautioned for committing offences against children should equally be unable to work with children. A second article will then critically analyse the changes proposed by the government to the operation of List 99 and the vetting of those who wish to work with children.  相似文献   

Environmentally harmful activity undertaken by powerful corporations receive approvals from multiple levels of government, therefore leaving the wellbeing of the environment to those individuals and organisations committed to fighting against such corporate-driven, government-backed projects. This article discusses three avenues for challenging corporate interests, drawing upon issues and events in Australia. Dissent, as illustrated by the Gunns20 case, can provide ordinary individuals with a means to democratically debate existing practices, proposals, and even the law itself. Litigation, as seen in the Carmichael mining case, can be a valuable tool in postponing environmentally disastrous activities by challenging the government’s legitimacy in approving projects that would result in environmental harm. Investigation can expose the manipulation of information presented to the public by both governments and corporations. These three areas of engagement constitute important components for effective environmental activism.  相似文献   

Charities are playing a significant role in the implementation of the government's New Deal programme. From providing advice on local employment issues to administrative services to work placements, the voluntary sector has been working in public/private partnerships throughout England and Wales. However, despite the government's commitments in the Compact between it and the voluntary sector to support the independence and creativity of the sector, the New Deal for 18-24 year olds reinforces many of the negative sides to the 'contract culture'. This article will examine working relations between charities and the State post Compact, using charities'participation in New Deal as a case study. We will argue that participating charities face a series of potential legal pitfalls. They might also find that, instead of being fully funded through State funds, their participation in the delivery of New Deal is partially funded through their own charitable resources.  相似文献   

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