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This article is both a biographical sketch of the career of Nehemia Levtzion and a reminiscence. Levtzion grew up in Israel during the period of its founding. He early chose to study Islamization in Africa and became the leading interpreter of the history of Islam in West Africa. Though often called on to assume administrative responsibilities in the Israeli educational system, he maintained a commitment to scholarship. The small conferences he held in Jerusalem over the years often involved a re-thinking of basic problems in the history of Islam in Africa and in the larger Muslim world. He was particularly interested in processes of conversion and the dynamics of change. Though he described many varieties of Islam and different levels of Islamization, he never accepted the notion of a distinctively Africa Islam. He saw instead processes that were similar throughout the Muslim world.  相似文献   

为纪念世界反法西斯胜利60周年,本刊特约请专家、学者撰写了三篇有关文章, 以飨读者。  相似文献   


This article attempts to measure the multilayered, diverse historical memories of contemporary Ukrainians, drawing on a cluster analysis of nationwide survey data collected after the Euromaidan. A significant minority of Ukrainian citizens still gravitate toward Soviet–Russian narratives. These are not merely copies of those embraced in Russia, however; they include ambivalent ‘hybrid’ feelings of nostalgia for the Soviet Union while supporting Ukraine's independence. This article argues that historical memories of Ukrainians in the southern and eastern regions are amorphous and heterogeneous, and that the architects of the Novorossiya project failed to distinguish Soviet nostalgia from Ukrainophobia and separatist grievances.  相似文献   

Memory wars in Asia still revolve around Japan. Much has been discussed on the so-called ky??kasho mondai (history textbook controversies), yet, not much has been explored on the domestic social function of history textbooks per se. Emphasizing creators of history narratives (and their production), the field tends to overlook the audience, or, receivers in the process. In this article, by referring to the original interviews with Japanese college students, I question the very assumption of the creator?Creceiver connection. How are history textbooks perceived as a source for promoting Japanese people??s underlying historical consciousness? How have they been utilized in schools? Are they useful? If so, how? If not, why? I argue that in the case of Japan, how people reflect upon history issues is not necessarily the function of school history textbooks as often assumed, making a strong case for the importance of receivers in the analysis of public discourse.  相似文献   

In 2001, Joanna Rajkowska, a Polish contemporary artist, made a trip to Israel, after which she decided to make people aware of the significance of Warsaw’s Jerusalem Avenue [Aleje Jerozolimskie], one of the Polish capital’s main streets. She intended to point out the street’s history in a vacuum, as she claimed, caused by the absence of Jewish community after World War II. She “planted” an artificial palm tree—in her view a plant typical of Jerusalem streets—in the middle of a major traffic circle in the center of Warsaw. Even though Rajkowska made a project based on “just” one of the forgotten pasts, it revealed a whole new potential for “other” pasts in that particular space, which suddenly became impossible to be taken for granted as they had been before. Furthermore, the artist opened a new social space in which pasts were brought back to interact with the present. The palm quickly became the object and symbol of much more contemporary Polish struggles: for gay rights, for nurses’ wages, for liberal values, and the right to think differently. Rajkowska’s palm tree managed to bring these and many other issues to the general public, to make it aware of the everyday inhabited space, to make that space visible—with all its ambiguities, different layers of meanings, interpretations of the past, and visions of the future—while transforming that very public along the way.  相似文献   

中国共产党是一个立足国情,纵览天下,放眼世界,与时俱进,具有世界眼光,重视同外部世界联系,善于同世界交往的政党。经过一代又一代中国共产党人艰辛的开拓与创新,中国共产党的对外工作逐渐成为党和国家卓有成效的外交之一,中国共产党的国际地位不仅依靠其卓越地领导中国革命、建设和改革的成功而获得世界称赞,也通过党自身卓有成效的对外工作得到有力的提升。党的对外工作的成就与经验,是党极为宝贵的财富。中国共产党的对外关系史,不仅是中国共产党党史的重要组成部分,也是中华人民共和国总体外交史的重要组成部分。在中国共产党建党90年、中共中央对外联络部建部60周年前夕,本刊从第八期开始,开辟“党的对外工作理论与实践”专栏。邀请部分党的对外工作的亲历者、参与者、见证者拨冗撰文,他们既从中国革命、建设、改革事业的战略高度,也从党的事业和国家总体外交关系的角度来分析党的对外工作,既从亲身经历的党的对外工作的重大事件,又从大量鲜为人知的重大细节,梳理了党的对外工作的发展脉络。总之,他们从宏观与微观视野,认真分析、总结了党的对外工作的发展历程及规律。  相似文献   

This article provides readers with a biopolitical critique of the recent debates that have swirled around the renovations at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (rmca) and the ‘Memory of Congo’ exhibits. The author argues that the rmca has become a contested site of memory, where some older photographs that were once used in Congo Reform Movements have been reappropriated in (post)colonial disputes about the epistemic and demographic features of what Adam Hochschild has called the forgotten Congolese ‘holocaust’.  相似文献   

在当今社会,随着经济全球化和世界经济一体化的深入发展,国际货物贸易往来日渐频繁,随之而来的贸易摩擦与纠纷也层出不穷。而在国际货物买卖过程中,风险转移的划分直接涉及到买卖双方对于风险损失的承担。因此,国际货物贸易的风险转移问题一直是国际货物买卖双方的关注重点。文章旨在通过对国际货物买卖中的风险转移问题进行研究,简要分析风险转移的相关理论,以期对我国合同法中的风险转移问题提出建议,保证我方当事人在国际货物买卖中的合法权益,并保障我国对外贸易的健康发展。  相似文献   

印度号称世界上最大的民主国家,拥有11.5亿人口和数千个政党。问及印度任何一个政党负责人:最重要的事情是什么?对方必然回答:选举。若问:最重要的选举是什么?答案一定是:人民院大选。印度人民院相当于议会下院,是国家主要立法机构,主要职能包括制定法律和修改宪法、调控联邦政府收支、对联邦政府提出不信任案,  相似文献   

预防未成年人犯罪的基本点:提升父母教育素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在未成年人犯罪的家庭影响因素中,一个不容忽视的问题是父母教育素质的缺陷。由于父母失职或教育不当,孩子身心健康受到伤害,厌学、逃学、沉迷刚络、离家出走、直至走上犯罪道路的越来越多。造成父母教育素质缺陷的原因主要是:家长自身学习不足、家庭教育指导执行不力、社会舆论引导偏颇。应当把父母教育素质提升作为预防未成年人犯罪的基本点,重视家庭教育指导,着力强化依法履行父母职责、尊重和保护儿童权利的理念;引导家长自我教育,着力促进父母与孩子共同成长。父母教育素质的提升,将让更多的家庭、更多的孩子从中受益,使预防未成年人犯罪工作产生更大的社会效益。  相似文献   

数百万“网瘾少年”现象引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年8月28日,在十一届全国人大常委会第四次会议上,全国人大常委会副委员长、秘书长李建国代表全国人大常委会执法检查组作关于检查<未成年人保护法>实施情况的报告时披露了一个惊人的数字,那就是目前我国约有4000万未成年网民,其中"网瘾少年"占10%左右.  相似文献   

药家鑫案的死刑适用符合我国刑法第48条所规定的“罪行极其严重”的死刑适用标准。成立激情杀人的关键要件在于被害人的严重过错,不能随意扩大激情杀人的内涵。同时,存在自首情节并不意味着必然获得从轻处罚,少杀慎杀的死刑控制政策并不排除对罪行极其严重的犯罪分子适用死刑。  相似文献   

结构视野下的新型毒品使用行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型毒品作为娱乐场所药物,它的使用体现年轻化、大众流行与集体狂欢的娱乐特点。吸毒是个体在制度压力下的不恰当选择,与无业空虚、职业需要、社会交往、逃避现实等需求有关;应该通过促进就业、认清危害与树立健康的娱乐交往方式等治理办法减少吸毒行为的发生。  相似文献   

中国共产党百年奋斗实践构成一部党的建设科学化发展的历史。把科学化要求植入党的建设,事关马克思主义党建思想的中国化、事关党的建设的与时俱进、事关对马克思主义执政党建设规律的认识和把握、事关党的建设思想向实践的转化,意义十分重大。党的百年建设实践在科学化轨道发展,马克思主义政党的生命力随着党的建设科学化水平的不断提高而日益旺盛。坚持科学化的建设逻辑,驱动着中国共产党在加强自身建设的探索过程中收获了丰硕的理论成果。中国共产党百年建设实践科学化发展积淀的理论和实践成果是一笔宝贵财富,是党团结和带领中国人民在新长征路上砥砺奋进的巨大资源优势。  相似文献   

少年审判中的刑事和解制度,是针对承认基本犯罪事实、愿意补偿损害、修复被破坏社会关系即主观恶性较小的未成年被告人提供的一种恢复性司法制度,适用该制度的两大前提之一是对未成年被告人主观恶性的判断。本文在总结审判实践的基础上,提出了判断未成年被告人主观恶性的“望、闻、切、问”四诊法,并以此判断机制为核心,构建了未成年被告人主观恶性考量系统,即主观恶性的判断机制、主观恶性判断效度的验证机制、主观恶性判断的监督机制和主观恶性判断的保障机制,以期能够提高主观恶性判断的效度,充分发挥刑事和解制度的作用。  相似文献   

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