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1. Current Conditions
Since the founding of New China, especially since reform and opening up, China has made tremendous progress in protecting the rights of women. However, there also arises a new situation in which women do not have adequate participation in democracy and political power and their participation in state affairs is not in positive proportion to the social status they enjoy and the role they display in the society;  相似文献   

YU HUAIQING 《人权》2009,8(3):24-27
"Women's rights and interests are human rights" is now a concept accepted by all. The power of the law now safeguards the rights and interests of women. Recalling efforts in recent years to safeguard women's rights and interests, we cannot but feel gratified to know that we have made great progress.  相似文献   

WANG YANBING 《人权》2006,5(1):33-35
Since its promulgation a decadeago,the Law on Protection ofWomen's Rights and Interests ofthe People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as theWomen's Protection Law for short)hasplayed a pivotal role in protecting the legit-imate rights and inter…  相似文献   

The room is in utter chaos, with chairs piling up in a comer and the cable TV not connected to the power source. But one thing is put in place: a slogan on the wall "Creating an outstanding WFQ team for the benefit of all women and children."  相似文献   

Shen yubiao 《人权》2006,5(5):13-16
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are some of the stories about how migrant workers' rights and interests are protected in Zhejiang, one of the best developed province on the Chinese mainland. Through interviews with more than 100 migrant workers in the province, we found that migrant workers there enjoy equal treatment as their counterparts registered as urban residents, and that their rights and interests are effectively protected.  相似文献   

RONG WEIYI 《人权》2010,(4):17-23
The efforts and achievements of the Chinese government and Non-governmental organizations in fighting against gender violence are closely assoclated with the progress of the international movement for the human rights of women and for fighting against gender violence and with the domestic social development.  相似文献   

VONG HINFAI 《人权》2012,(5):28-30
I. Introduction With China’s reform and opening up,great achievements have been witnessed by all of us in the protection of human rights, the basic pursuit of which is gender equality. Remarkable achievements have also been accomplished in the protection of women’s rights and interests. it has been 12 years since Macau’s return to its motherland. Over these years,Macau, under the framework of the Basic Law, has successfully practiced the great concept of one country, two  相似文献   

女权保护不仅是立法的任务,更须在司法中得到落实,如何适用法律对妇女权利保护至关重要。在民国一起妇女诉请别居案中,虽然《中华民国民法》并未规定别居制度,按照民法传统理论,当事人不能享有诉请别居的诉权。然而在南京国民政府时期,司法官秉持社会本位司法理念,突破法律常规,以保护妇女权利的社会价值共识指导司法过程,赋予妇女诉请别居的诉权,并在别居后的权利义务安排上予以照顾,从而使妇女权利得到了保护。  相似文献   

LIU BOHONG 《人权》2010,(2):4-7
On December 18, 1979, the 34th General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women with an overwhelming majority of the votes in its favor. Over the past 30 years, the Convention has come to be known by increasing numbers of governments and people, particularly women's organizations. It has played an increasingly great role in protecting women's rights and enhancing women's status in society.  相似文献   

本文利用2010年中国人民大学组织的家庭及生育状况研究调查数据,仅以妇女家庭地位的一个重要表现—重大决策权为切入点,系统地将各个可能的影响因素分为自身素质、娘家撑腰、母以子贵、外界冲击和文化差异五类,并作为自变量逐类加入,进行两分类logistic回归,以此考察和比较各类因素的影响大小和显著性程度。结论表明,一些以往单独研究中与农村妇女家庭地位存在显著相关的因素在加入了各个方面影响因素后变得不再显著,而在本文所考虑到的所有因素中,女性的收入状况和居住状况(是否与婆家同住)对农村女性家庭重大决策参与权的影响最为显著且强烈,夫妻受教育程度的差异和各地不同的文化也对农村女性家庭重大决策参与权有着较为显著的影响。  相似文献   

FENG JIANCANG 《人权》2011,(5):34-36
Introduction to the Chinese Prison System Prisons are the State’s organ for carrying out criminal punishment.Chinese laws require that criminals sentenced to a fixed-term sentence, a life sentence, or to the death penalty with a two-year reprieve should serve their terms in prisons. China’s highest  相似文献   

ZHAN ZHONGLE  SU YU 《人权》2010,(2):26-31
During the process of human rights protection worldwide, poverty is increasingly attracting attentions from the international community. Whether the right of getting out of poverty can be regarded as a basic human right is still undetermined, at least it has become an unavoidable focus in the human rights area. In the article, I plan to discuss the significance of poverty eradication to human rights protection, review the efforts and achievements China has made in this regard and analyze, examine and introspect the existing problems.  相似文献   

NIU YOUNING 《人权》2011,(5):16-21
Employment is fundamental in improving the livelihood of the people and social security is the source of human happiness. This is how the international community protects and improves basic human rights. It is also the policy China has adopted to achieve sustainable economic and social development. Furthermore,  相似文献   

目前,配额制已成为促进妇女参政的重要机制之一。本文从中国和印度妇女与配额制有关的参政运动开始,比较两种道路的同与不同以及背后的原因。进而引发出有关的问题和思考:在配额制问题上如何既关注数字又超越数字?在妇女参政问题上如何激活我们的历史传统?妇女为什么要参与政治?参与进去后到底要干什么?  相似文献   

THE last sleeper was laid at Lhasa Railway Station on October 15, 2005. sig naling completion of the world's highest railway.According to a project spokesman, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway's trial operation is set for July 1, 2006, and its formal in- auguration is scheduled to take place a year later, on July 1, 2007. Tibetan peo- ple living on the "roof of the world" will then have access to railway transporta- tion for the first time ever. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway stretch- es 1.956 kilome…  相似文献   

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are a major force in promoting modern human rights cause. NGO plays an important and indispensable supplementary role in the system of human rights protection led by the government. In developing human rights, it is imperative to display the advantages of NGOs in protecting and developing the right to survival and development.  相似文献   

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