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在全球出版业整体萎缩的大背景下,日本出版业自上个世纪末开始遭遇了长达十几年的萧条。日本号称世界出版大国,它的教训与经验值得关注。通过对日本出版业市场萎缩的原因及其应对措施进行认真探析,以期为我国正在发展中的出版市场带来一些警示和启迪。  相似文献   


Japan has now been mired in economic stagnation, punctuated by recurrent recessions, for the past two decades. What are the causes of this longstanding malaise? Is it merely the natural consequence of financial retrenchment and the onset of a pervasive “liquidity trap” after the collapse of the “bubble” economy in the early 1990s, or does the present slump signify a more profound historical phase of structural decline? The aim of this study is to provide several tentative hypotheses. In the first section, some of the possible causes of this phase of prolonged stagnation will be examined. The next section provides a theoretical treatment of the dynamics of debt-deflation from a Minsky-Fisher perspective. The final section evaluates whether the historical evidence lends credence to the debt-deflation thesis.  相似文献   

The aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, has seen a public debate emerge over the future desirability of nuclear power in Japan. While Japanese citizens’ suspicion of nuclear power has grown, the nuclear industry and electricity utilities have called on the central government to recommission the country’s reactors amid warnings of devastation for the Japanese economy. This article analyses nuclear policy-making in Japan in the aftermath of Fukushima, with the aim to identify key theoretical, institutional and organisational drivers and constraints to future change in Japan’s nuclear energy policy. Despite the growing anti-nuclear sentiment and concerns about the environmental risks of nuclear power, we contend that the continuing power of vested interests will make it difficult for Japan to completely abandon nuclear power during the course of the next decade. However, given the independence of the newly established nuclear regulator and the fact that an effective veto power is held by local government officials, some of whom are opposed to the recommissioning of nuclear plants in their prefectures, we argue that the nuclear policy and regulatory landscape in Japan will undergo moderate change.  相似文献   

金融危机下日本报业的困境与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本素有报业大国之称,但这次金融危机的出现使得日本报业面临发展的困境。面对金融危机,日本报业会采取何种应对策略,引起了越来越多的中日传媒人和专家学者的关注。本文通过分析在金融危机下日本报业面临的发展困境及应对策略,以期为我国报业在金融危机影响下的发展提供些许启示。  相似文献   

As relations between Japan and China change due to a paradigm shift that has occurred over the past few years, the need for a new security outlook and world view has emerged. In East Asia, the foundation for the relationship between Japan and China must be fairness and justice, and the rule of law. This article proposes ways that Japan and China can work to cultivate common ground that would bring forth the possibility of a new Japan-China relationship based on the “strategic reciprocal relationship” established in 2006.  相似文献   

冰岛危机刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年10月,冰岛爆发了严重的金融危机,国家濒临"破产"。冰岛危机的实质是金融业无限膨胀导致的金融泡沫在外部条件发生恶化时终于破裂。金融泡沫的产生与银行私有化后金融业盲目地走向国际市场以及政府放松对金融业的监管等因素有关。金融全球化趋势的快速发展为冰岛金融业的膨胀起到了推波助澜的作用。冰岛危机的教训是:银行在拓展其海外业务时没有量力而行;不能放松对金融业的监管;不能依靠信贷扩张来刺激经济;要正确处理发挥比较优势与提升产业结构的关系。  相似文献   

从德国的视角看,欧债危机的根本原因在于PIIGS国家("欧猪国家")在享受超出自身收入水平的生活方式上走得太远,导致其政府的持续预算赤字。一位著名的美国经济学家持不同见解,他认为成员国的竞争力差异以及加入共同货币区导致的政策工具的丧失使得欧元已经失败。德国政府相信有两个政策工具可以解决危机:第一,制定强制所有成员国采取预算紧缩的财政协议;第二,创建一个基金用以救助受到破产威胁的成员国政府。包括发行欧元区共同债券和赋予欧洲中央银行以最后贷款人地位在内的一系列政策措施都被德国政府拒绝了。德国政府强烈反对将欧元区转化为转移支付联盟。而由德国政府提出的政策措施也都归于失败,因为预算紧缩政策导致了"欧猪国家"的经济负增长,进而加大了其减少公债的难度。在德国政府看来,为保证"欧猪国家"不放松降低财政赤字的努力,继续保持金融市场上的压力是必要的。笔者认为,除非德国政府采取针对经济弱国的更加合作的态度,否则欧元区将极有可能归于终结。  相似文献   


By 1965, Taiwan has changed from a labor surplus economy into a labor shortage economy. This article examines how rising demand for labor due to rapid economic growth in Taiwan has been met since 1965. This article attempts to answer 1) Where did the labor supply come from? 2) Has all of the potential labor supply been tapped and exhausted? 3) Is it possible for labor shortage and unutilized labor reserve to occur simultaneously? The authors hope that this study will lead to a better understanding of the limitation of the free market mechanism and help identify the proper public policies to enhance labor utilization.  相似文献   

为了应对全球性金融危机对金融系统的冲击,日本银行采用了极为宽松的货币政策,在灵活调整货币政策框架的同时运用了大量传统和非传统的政策工具。文章主要从货币政策目标、货币政策工具以及货币政策传导机制三个方面考察了金融危机后日本银行从传统货币政策体系框架向量化货币政策体系框架的演变过程。日本银行的政策实践对我国进一步完善货币政策框架有一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The article analyses the responses of three established European powers, France, Britain and Germany, to a world of rising regional hegemons. It argues that Europe as a region remains unique as it consists of three regional powers of similar material and ideational power resources and is the most institutionalised region worldwide. The current transformation of world power configurations, debated in competing visions of global order, challenges Europe's central place. Facing gradual marginalisation, the foreign policy adaptations of Germany, Britain and France have been insufficient and remarkably static. Old foreign policy identities still play a significant part in European self-perceptions. However, views are gradually changing as the world becomes more heterogeneous. Among the emerging regional powers, China, India and Russia are perceived as decisive global players. Other rising powers are viewed as mainly regional and, hence, more manageable actors. Finally, the article calls for a general shift in European attitudes towards the non-European world and argues that European powers should overcome traditional Euro-centric world views. Rather, they should start to engage with rising powers in a serious discourse over common global responsibilities.  相似文献   

以人文研究参与国际问题研究,为我们透视当代乌克兰的发展演变提供了一个新的研究视角.<乌克兰沉重的历史脚步>一书,从乌克兰特殊的历史文化背景、苏联解体后乌克兰民族认同的形成过程等方面入手,考察了乌克兰未来的内部发展及其对外选择的前景等问题.  相似文献   

从利益攸关方到战略再保证:霸权衰落下的中美关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近五年来,美国对华政策定位经历了从利益攸关方、中美国、G2到战略再保证的转变,也成为当前国际关系领域研究的热门话题。这种转变与美国霸权衰落紧密相连,是美国为了延续霸权,希望中国继续融入其霸权体系的手段之一。面对复杂多变的国际局势,战略选择成为中国当前必须慎之又慎的问题。历史证明,与霸权国的对抗没有出路,因此中国只能选择合作。机制化的双边协调对话必然是今后中美关系保持良性发展的趋势,也是中国努力的方向,但也必须时刻警惕美国对华战略中的陷阱。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下的中日中小企业合作:现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中日中小企业合作成为中日经贸合作的新热点。首先分析了中日中小企业合作开展的背景,然后从日本中小企业对华投资、中日中小企业政策对话等几方面阐述了中日中小企业合作的现状及存在的主要问题,最后在上述分析的基础上提出了促进中日中小企业合作的政策建议,并展望了金融危机背景下中日中小企业合作的发展前景。  相似文献   

"日本制造"的衰落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本企业接连出现的质量事故以及知名大公司大面积的巨额亏损,使"日本制造"的神话呈现终结趋势.认为技术垄断症与日本的分级制度是质量事件的罪魁祸首的观点是错误的.日本企业沉醉于运作层面的管理而缺乏长远的战略规划,结果坐失战略改革时机才是问题的主要根源.  相似文献   

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