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Farmers in the eastern part of China are luckier than those in the west How much can a rural Chinese guy's fortune change in two years? Well, Yu Lasheng successfully face-lifted into a rich dad from a poor dad. In 2006, Yu made a rural fortune of over 100,000 yuan with his small village restaurant and 0.26 hectares of land.  相似文献   

Chinese people always pay considerable attention to a well-matched diet. Perhaps what they didn’t know was that combining certain ingredients could be hazardous on their health. An online survey shows that as many as 61.7 percent of participants deeply believe in a so-called theory by which food such as crab and persimmon cannot be eaten together due to a poisonous chemical reaction.  相似文献   

<正>A high-spirited series about the explorer debuts for global audiences ‘An epic Silk Road adventure"is how video streaming and Dv D delivery service Netflix describes its latest creation Marco Polo.Following the success of its original dramas like House of Cards and Orange Is the  相似文献   

When Beijing-based Jiahe Life Insurance Co.released its financial report for 2011 in May,it grabbed the attention of insurance industry professionals because its solvency ratio for 2011 was minus 86.  相似文献   

Everyone Has an ’Avatar’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avatar woos Chinese fans and kindles audience passion for 3D US. director James Cameron has offered the planet another blockbuster after  相似文献   

Unauthorized testing to feed GM rice to school children violates academic ethics and integrity T he mystery surrounding the controversial joint China-U.S.test of genetically-modified(GM) rice on school children in central China’s Hunan Province unraveled as  相似文献   

In November 2012,over 100 preschoolers in Zhengzhou,central China’s Henan Province,were "married" in a mock group wedding organized by their kindergarten.Little boys wearing suits and girls in gowns exchanged "wedding" vows in the presence of their parents.  相似文献   

China’s permanent observership to the Arctic Council is clearly a great step forward for all Arctic states and indigenous groups.Going further,it offers indisputable proof of what Chinese strategists have understood since 2009 in terms of how one non-Arctic state must act to work its way into a region in  相似文献   

The appellate body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) expired on December 11,2019,since the member countries could not reach consensus on appointing new judges.Only one judge remained after all others’terms expired,the last two leaving on December 10.It made the trade dispute resolution mechanism defunct as according to WTO rules,appeals have to be heard by three judges.  相似文献   

自从“视频”聊天技术被开发出来,“裸聊”便迅速登场,很多人迷上了这类聊天。最近,国务院新闻办、公安部、信息产业部联合开展了打击利用互联网视频聊天等从事淫秽色情活动专项行动,一场色情阻击战随即在网上展开。“裸聊”是否违法引起广泛争议。  相似文献   

<正>Advocates of the China model believe the country’s economic success owes to a powerful government tightly controlling the economy.But that model is not without flaws as problems of corruption and the urban-rural divide continue to stretch nerves of policymakers.Wu Jinglian,a renowned economist,discussed these issues in an article recently published in the Caijing magazine.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

As an office worker on Jinbao Street,one of the most bustling business areas in Beijing,Su Wei is accustomed to bringing his lunches to the office in polystyrene boxes."My colleagues and I all eat food from such boxes," Su said,unaware that there had ever been aban on polystyrene bowls and takeout boxes.  相似文献   

齐玉东 《春秋》2013,(5):41-44
翁文灏(1889年-1971年),字咏霓,浙江鄞县(今属宁波)人,中国最著名的地质学家之一。对中国地质学各方面研究皆有贡献,并创造了多个中国第一:第一位地质学博士(比利时鲁汶大学),第一个撰写中国矿产志、编成第一张全国地质图,第一位代表中国出席国际地质会议的地质学者,第一位对中国煤炭按其化学成分进行分类的学者,燕山运动及与之有关的岩浆活动和金属矿床形成理论的首创者,  相似文献   

张新实 《创造》2008,(10):98-98
党的十七届三中全会前后,有关农村改革与发展问题成为理论争议舆论热议的焦点,其中的一个话题是农民的“地权”。一些人认为要有根本性的变革,就要让土地真正变为农民的资产,可以抵押、担保、转让,甚至说白了应把“长久不变”的经营性“地权”变成实际的“私有化”,从而可以自行买卖、变现等,并称之为“新土改”政策。  相似文献   

一九五三年,山西襄汾縣丁村村南的汾河東岸,發現了一些動物化石。經過山西省文物管理部門進一步調查,又获得了原始牛角、象的下頜骨、犀牛和馬的牙齒等化石,還有人工打擊的石片等。一九五四年秋,中國科學院古脊椎動物与古人類研究所同山西省文物管理部門等單位組成發掘隊,在這里又進行了系統的調查發掘。他們在以丁村為中心的長达十一公里、寬五公里的地段内,發現大批石器、動物化石和三枚人類牙齒化石。經古人類學家鑒定,这三枚牙齒,一為上内側門齒,一為右下二臼齒,另一為右上外側門齒,均属于一个十二三岁儿童个体的;从齒冠較高、體積較小、嚼面紋理不甚複雜及石化程度等特徵考證,比較早發現的‘北京猿人’進步,而比現代人原始,属于人类发展史上的古人階段的一種人類,故命名為‘丁村人’。  相似文献   

中央电视台《经济半小时》在《对话》栏目请吴敬琏先生从"问题"的角度谈了自己对股市的一些认识和看法,目的十分明确,即希望中国的股市走向规范健康,为投资者提供畅通和较为安全的投资渠道。但万万没有料到,吴敬琏先生当时的一番言论却引起了轩然大波,遭到许多媒体、学者、股民甚至重量级经济学家的"围追堵截"。有人指责他的"言论"有操纵股市之嫌,是最近股市下跌的直接"导火索";有人指责他"情绪化"、"偏激不专业"、"不是股民,没资格谈股市";甚至有些经济学家还给他戴了不少帽子,认为他"反感股市","否定股市的成就",暗含着否定"国企改革和改革开放"的意思。  相似文献   

A photo recently posted on microblogging showing several Chinese characters scrawled across delicate sandstone on the east bank of the Nile River in Egypt, which dates back more than 3,000 years, has been forwarded more than 90,000 times, triggering vast interest and public outrage. A "human flesh search," a Chinese term for crowd-sourced investigation using social media,  相似文献   

经济体制改革’94回顾与’95展望国家经济体制改革委员会宏观司副司长冯艾玲在邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的十四届三中全会《决定》精神指引下,按照中央“抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放、促进发展、保持稳定”的方针,1994年,我国在财税、金融、...  相似文献   

Marrying a great idea with a great team convinced one angel to help The mysterious concept of angel in vestor is getting ever closer to the business wor ld of China.In recent years,angel investors have frequent-ed the domesticventure investment ma r ket.T…  相似文献   

统筹兼顾是科学发展观的根本方法。做好2008年经济和其他各项工作,实现经济社会又好又快发展,必须坚持以统筹兼顾为根本方法,按照党的十七大报告提出的“八个统筹”的要求,紧密结合浙江实际,创造性地开展工作,不断提高经济社会协调发展水平。  相似文献   

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