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Amagic Jada stone is an extremely rare calculus,or abnormal calcification,found only in one among ten thousand horse skulls. In days of old, Jadas were used to conjure up rain by ethnic peoples living in Altai, in Xinjiang, a region of northwest China To his surprise, the author found that the Pingpu people of Taiwan have a similar “conjuring rain culture.” In addition, other cultural relics show similarities between the two places. Such a coincidence leads to the author to speculate - could there be an ancient blood relationship between the inhabitants of Xinjiang in northwest China and Taiwan in southeast China-two communities separated by such a vast distance?  相似文献   

InChina,thedatepeoplechoosefortheirweddingisalmostasimportantaswhotheychoosetomarry.On"lucky"days,suchaswhenevendaysonthelunarandsolarcalendarscoincide,hotelsandrestaurantsareoverrunwithnewlywedsandtheirguests.Becausethefirstdayofthenewmillenniumiswidelyconsideredthegranddaddyofluckydays,anunprecedented10millioncouplesgotmarriedonJanuary1,2000,and500couplesfromalloverChinaparticipatedinaspecialmillenniumweddingceremonythattookplaceinBeijinglastNovember.Participantscamefromallwalksoflifeandre…  相似文献   

A Simple Wedding     
Zheng Tiantian and Ren Guoqing had three wedding ceremonies in 2018.One was in her hometown in Hebi City,central China's Henan Province;one in his hometown in Juxian County,east China's Shandong Province;and the third was in Shandong's Qingdao City, where the two work at a public institution.  相似文献   

The blushing young bride is a surgeon who works the night shift at a local hospital. Her strikingly handsome groom is also a doctor and surgeon at the same hospital. It is quite evident that they are deeply in love. The young professionals join hands as they enter the  相似文献   

THE lunar year of the dog augurs auspiciousness and wealth. Consequently many courting couples have decided to tie the knot in 2006. Whether or not it lives up to their expectations remains to be seen. But as far as wedding-related commerce is concerned, 2006 will most definitely  相似文献   

Alessandra Galloni:The coronavirus has clearly been tragic for many of your people.It has spread to other parts of the world.It has resulted in travel restrictions.Is China facing a crisis of confidence?Wang Yi:The sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus is a severe challenge to China and the world at large.Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping,the Chinese Government and people have withstood the test and won the respect and recognition of the international community with our efforts and sacrifice.  相似文献   

BUDDHISM dates back 2,500 years. It is a belief system that has 300 million adherents around the globe, one third of them in China. Last April, the first World Buddhism Forum opened in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province in eastern China. More than 1,000 Buddhist masters, scholars and statesmen from 34 nations and regions gathered at the forum, its theme "A harmonious world begins in the mind," to discuss Buddhism's  相似文献   

王蒙 《北京观察》2007,(4):24-25
同一个世界同一个梦想,One World One Dream,2008年北京奥运会口号,提得是何等好啊!以这样的奥运精神、这样的中国人民的胸怀来主办万国客至、四海瞩目的奥运会,以这样的共产主义、社会主义、爱国主义与国际主义的思想境界来展示中国形象,以建设和谐社  相似文献   

IT was the morning of June 24 when a special group of visi- tors arrived in Wuhu City, on the southern bank of the Yang- tze River in Anhui Province. At first glace, they seemed like any other Western tour group of moth- ers, fathers and excited kids. However, upon closer inspection, it became ap- parent that most of the young children had Chinese faces. They might have spoken with a strong American ac- cent, and played weird foreign games, but they had a distinctly Oriental look about th…  相似文献   

JANUARY 11, 2004, 20th day of the 12th lunar month, was Lisu ethnic minority girl Zhang Zhengxiu's wedding day. Her traditional wedding ceremony was held in her home village in Dechang County, Sichuan Province. The date had been cho-  相似文献   

I am now yearning for my second home.China,you are very hard to get out of one’s system,and I will return in a couple of weeks!I have just spent three months back in Australia,where the cost of living is so high that it is almost impossible to live without a second source of income.Fortunately,in my case this comes from my writing.While in Australia I negotiated two contracts,one of which was  相似文献   

<正>In the spring afternoon in Macao Fisherman’s Wharf on April 13,hundreds of guests from China’s mainland,Hong Kong and Macao gathered at the leading colored gem brand ENZO’s 20,000-square-feet flagship store to celebrate ENZO Wedding  相似文献   

<正>Standing in front of the magnificent Ballroom of Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall,the Ming Dynasty City Wall seems to be easily touched,which could provide a promised land through ancient and modern for your dream summer wedding.The sprawling banquet areas spread more than 2,300 square meters,which includes one ballroom and 12 function rooms suiting guests’individual needs for wedding.The marble step between  相似文献   

随中国改革开放制度的不断深入,社会步入经济转型的重要阶段,经济飞速发展伴随物价上涨以及公共政策的步步紧逼,由于人们思想的开放也使得市场上开始出现"假结婚"的现象。目前我国的婚姻法对此行为没有规定,但是真实发生的此类纠纷促使我们去应对该现象,确认该种情况下婚姻的效力。对此,比较法主要有无效与可撤销两种立法例。虽然我国婚姻法暂无相关规定,但我国《民法总则》对通谋虚伪行为的一般规定可以暂时适用于该现象的解决。然而从长远考虑,为权衡维护婚姻关系稳定以及保护当事人真实意思的双重利益,未来的民法典亲属编还是应当将此行为定性为可撤销婚姻,进而进行制度设计。  相似文献   

One,Two, Three     
正The three-child policy comes as a move to deal with demographic challenges in China The policy that supports every married couple to have up to three children in China has been rolled out far earlier than many expected. On May 31, one day before International Children's Day, a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee, which took place in Beijing, announced the new decision.Earlier in May, the results of the seventh national census were released to the public, demonstrating the country's multiple demographic challenges, including slower growth, a growing aging population and a shrinking working-age population.  相似文献   

The Confucius Institute ushered in its second decade this year.Since the first Confucius Institute was established in Uzbekistan in 2004,472 such institutes and 730 Confucius Classrooms have been established in univer-sities,as well as elementary and secondary schools,in 123 countries and regions.Some 50,000 teachers and volunteers have been dispatched abroad,educating a combined total of approximately 850,000 students  相似文献   

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