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Forensic anthropological examinations typically involve the analysis of human skeletal remains, but in cases where samples are very small and/or physically compromised, it may first be necessary to determine whether the material is even osseous or dental in origin. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a technique that reveals the elemental composition of materials and is hypothesized to have utility in such cases. XRF analysis was conducted on a variety of tissues and materials in unaltered and altered (damaged) states. With few exceptions, osseous and dental tissues in unaltered and altered conditions contained characteristic levels of calcium and phosphorus, while other materials did not. Materials could be accurately identified as osseous or dental in origin based on the calcium and phosphorus levels identified by XRF, and we therefore conclude that XRF analysis is a valid and effective means of determining osseous or dental origin of unknown material.  相似文献   

Developing countries where women have not been permitted into the judiciary are excluded from feminist scholarship on women and the law. Such exclusion limits comparative views to a specific cultural‐historical domain. This paper explores the case of Egypt, where women have not entered the judiciary, in an attempt to extend the cross‐cultural discussion. A premise of the paper is that a theological vision of women's gender roles, which is qualitatively different from the prevailing one in the West, is a strong influencing factor on women's access to the judiciary in Egypt. After presenting a brief overview of women's status in Islam, this paper explores perspectives on women's role as judges within Islamic Shari'a. Building on the brief exploration of Islam's views regarding women's access to the judiciary, this paper then presents contemporary debates regarding women as judges in the Egyptian case. A recommendation for a more careful examination of the theological influences on the Egyptian debate regarding women's access to the judiciary concludes the paper.  相似文献   

Counterfeit coins (277 samples) were analyzed by both X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) methods without any pretreatment. The counterfeit coins were clearly classified into two groups using cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) for XRD peak patterns. One group (250 samples) was made by a pressed method and another one (27 samples) was made by a nickel-plated method. Using four elements (Cu, Ni, Fe and Zn) and obtaining XRF for 257 samples, they could be divided into four groups by CA. On the other hand, they were classified into five groups using their diameter, thickness, weight, density, density/thickness and density/weight. The latter classification method would suggest something of a change in the process of the pressed method.  相似文献   

Two hundred prepaid cards, which had been used in Nagoya-city's subway in Japan, and another 32 prepaid cards (11 were real turnpike cards, 20 were counterfeit cards and 1 was a white card) were evaluated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) without any pre-treatment. A preliminary investigation was performed on 200 prepaid cards in order to find an identification method for the turnpike cards. By plotting the relative intensity of titanium versus that of iron obtained by XRF, the cards were clearly classified into seven groups. On the other hand, the cards could be divided into four groups by a multivariate analysis using the relative intensities of five elements such as chlorine, calcium or tin, titanium, iron and barium. Using these results to classify the Japanese turnpike cards, they were divided into three groups or two groups. One of three groups or two groups was the counterfeit card group.  相似文献   

Recently, different portable hand-held and battery-powered dental X-ray units have become available. Especially for forensic odontological purposes, they offer diverse advantages such as for use in disaster areas and crime-scene locations as also in autopsy rooms and mortuaries. For any application, the most important feature of these hand-held devices is the delivered image quality. The aim of this study is to evaluate the radiographic image quality acquired by two portable X-ray devices in combination with two types of image receptors and to compare the findings with the image quality of a standard intra-oral X-ray device.Eleven samples consisting of eight teeth, two dry skeletal specimens and one formalin-fixed mandible part were mounted on blocks for standardised (re)positioning. Radiological images were acquired with two hand-held (AnyRay® 60 kVp, 0.02–4.00 mAs and NOMAD® 60 kVp, 0.023–2.277 mAs) and one wall-mounted (MinRay® 60/70 kVp 0.14–22.4 mAs) X-ray device combined with two image receptor systems (VistaScan® phosphor storage plate (PSP) and SIGMA® M CMOS Active Pixel technology sensor). The effect of X-ray source-to-object distance (SOD) was checked at 20 cm in conjunction with object to image receptor distances (OIDs) of 0.8 and 2.5 cm. For each parameter setup, the exposure times were run from low till high. An expert consent statement was achieved by agreement of four expert observers selecting the optimal images based on a developed four point quality rating system. Next, a selection of the images was assembled in a set of 198 observation screens and scored by seven observers. The observation screens were designed to compare observer scores, relations between devices, receptors and OIDs and images obtained from the different devices at equal exposure levels (mAs). All results were statistically analysed.Radiological image quality was significantly higher for phosphor plate compared with the CMOS digital receptor system (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, a significantly superior image quality was obtained for OID = 0.8 than for OID = 2.5 (p = 0.039). A significant difference in image quality between the three devices was also established (p = 0.02). The present study demonstrated the feasibility of portable X-ray systems for forensic odontological applications based on rendering optimal image quality, provided an in vitro guideline of optimal parameter settings and offered a radiological image database usable in further research.  相似文献   

In the poisonous incident case occurred in Japan, clarification of the identity between seized poisons and retrieved from crime scene is strictly required from the court. In this case, arsenous acid was used as a poisonous material and, seized one from suspect's house was only twenty particles. The synchrotron X-ray fluorescence spectrometry by comparing the intensity ratios of L(alpha) line of four heavy metal, such as Bi, Sn, Sb, Se to K(beta) line of As was performed to overcome this problem. In this paper, the evaluation of this new method using 13 authentic arsenous acid samples, 4 of 13 were refined by Chinese method, 7 of 13 were refined by Japanese method (Sumitomo mining Co. Ltd. method), 2 of 13 were refined by German and Swiss method. As a result, by the comparison of the ratios of these four elements to As, these 13 samples were clearly classified to three products classes produced by different refining methods.  相似文献   

Red spray paints from different European suppliers were characterised to determine the discriminating power of a sequence of analysing techniques. A total of 51 red spray paints were analysed with the help of three techniques: (1) optical microscopy, (2) Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and (3) X-ray fluorescence. Infrared spectra were classified according to binder type, filler and pigment composition and a searchable spectral library was created. Due to the difference in the elemental composition of spray paints, a further discrimination was possible. The microscopic analysis was not taken into consideration for classification purposes. The structure of the substrate under a paint coating strongly affects the surface characteristics of this spray paint. Together with the spectral library, a database of information of spray paints was build.  相似文献   

Soup is used as a simulated stomach contents matrix to determine the lower level of detection for 16 metals. All of the metals can be detected at the levels which might be expected for acute fatal doses even if the stomach contents are considerably diluted. However where small doses are administered over a prolonged period this method may not be sufficiently sensitive. A case of fatal poisoning by the ingestion of mercuric chloride is described to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. In this case mercury was also detected and determined at highly significant levels in blood and liver by the same technique. This energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) method is easy to use, rapid and non-destructive.  相似文献   

目的对常见的黑色墨迹进行初步筛选,为墨迹的进一步检验提供依据。方法依据黑色墨迹的同色异谱特征,利用显微共焦激光拉曼光谱仪对19种黑色墨迹进行分析检验。结果根据不同墨迹的拉曼谱图,19种黑色墨迹可以分为3大类,即:未检出拉曼峰的墨迹,只检出碳物质的墨迹,以及主体色料为染料的墨迹。结论拉曼光谱可用于区分不同种类黑色墨迹,从而为选择合适的方法对黑色墨迹进一步进行检验奠定基础。  相似文献   

In forensic science, the analysis of gunshot residues was traditionally done by the detection of lead (Pb), antimony (Sb) and barium (Ba) usually found in a primer. However, the recent development of lead-free ammunition represents a new challenge for ballistic specialists. This analysis study gunshot residues from primers and ammunitions in the area surrounding bullet holes, a very important tool to determine the shooting distance. The ammunitions used were 9 mm Luger and .38 spl + p calibers, where lead in the primer was replaced with strontium (Sr) and where the lead bullet was plated with copper (Total Metal Jacket). Gunshot analysis results were obtained using an energy dispersive X-ray microfluorescence spectrometer. The method allows the detection and quantification of strontium residues on the target up to a distance of 45 cm.  相似文献   

张桂华 《证据科学》2004,11(2):136-138
在法医鉴定和审判实践中经常遇到被鉴定人诈伤,他们或故意夸大伤情,将本不是他人所为的损伤说成是他人所为,或采取不就医而加重病情,或请人作伪证、写假病历来编造较重的伤情,或者采取各种化学的、物理的方法加重伤情,甚至造成新的更大的创伤,来达到获取赔偿或惩治对方的目的,有的还真的如愿以偿。诈伤没有被发现,甚至造成案件实体处理错误,最容易引起人们对法医工作的置疑,为此,笔者对诈伤致错误鉴定案件做些分析。  相似文献   

在法医鉴定和审判实践中经常遇到被鉴定人诈伤,他们或故意夸大伤情,将本不是他人所为的损伤说成是他人所为,或采取不就医而加重病情,或请人作伪证、写假病历来编造较重的伤情,或者采取各种化学的、物理的方法加重伤情,甚至造成新的更大的创伤,来达到获取赔偿或惩治对方的目的,有的还真的如愿以偿。诈伤没有被发现,甚至造成案件实体处理错误,最容易引起人们对法医工作的置疑,为此,笔者对诈伤致错误鉴定案件做些分析。案例资料本组诈伤致错误鉴定案件共2 4件,均来自法医鉴定实践,有关诈伤及鉴定情况详实可靠。一、一般情况男11人(占46% ) ,女1…  相似文献   

Differentiating between black powder toners used in laser printers and copiers can be challenging for forensic examiners. One hundred and sixty-two samples from 82 different types of cartridges produced by 21 manufacturers that are currently available on the Polish market were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). The spectra obtained by these two methods were classified into 14 groups and 28 groups using FT-IR and XRF, respectively. These classifications served as a basis for the development of an analytical scheme for differentiating black powder toners. This scheme can be used with any two methods that supply different information about an examined sample. The research will show that if two samples are similar in polymer composition (e.g., FT-IR spectra), additional quantitative elemental composition from XRF analyses may provide more discrimination. It was possible to differentiate 82.5% pairs of examined samples using only FT-IR, 90.8% pairs of examined samples using only XRF, and 95.8% pairs of examined samples using these two methods. Obtained spectra and all the available information could be used to create/build a database. The results obtained confirm the multiplicity and compatibility of toners. Additionally, it was stated that not all the samples were original (OEM).  相似文献   

京尼平显现渗透性客体上潜在手印方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的介绍一种能够用来显现潜在手印的新型物质—京尼平。方法依据京尼平能和手印遗留物质中的氨基酸或蛋白质发生反应,生成一种有荧光效应的多聚体深蓝色物质,通过自然光或多波段光源下显现观察,并将其与传统的茚三酮、DFO显现进行比较。结果京尼平显现法的显现条件与茚三酮类似,其处理后的潜在手印既在自然光下可见又在多波段光源的激发下有荧光现象。结论京尼平显现法可用于渗透性客体上潜在手印的显现。  相似文献   

Tooth-colored restorative materials are increasingly being placed in the practice of modern dentistry, replacing traditional materials such as amalgam. Many restorative resins have distinct elemental compositions that allow identification of brand. Not only are resins classifiable by elemental content, but they also survive extreme conditions such as cremation. This is of significance to the forensic odontologist because resin uniqueness adds another level of certainty in victim identification, especially when traditional means are exhausted. In this three-part study, unique combinations of resins were placed in six human cadavers (total 70 restorations). Simulated ante-mortem dental records were created. In a blind experiment, a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit was used to locate and identify the resin brands placed in the dentition. The technique was successful in location and brand identification of 53 of the restorations, which was sufficient to enable positive victim identification among the study group. This part of the experiment demonstrated the utility of portable XRF in detection and analysis of restorative materials for victim identification in field or morgue settings. Identification of individuals after cremation is a more difficult task, as the dentition is altered by shrinkage and fragmentation, and may not be comparable with a dental chart. Identification of processed cremains is a much greater challenge, as comminution obliterates all structural relationships. Under both circumstances, it is the nonbiological artifacts that aid in identification. Restorative resin fillings can survive these conditions, and can still be named by brand utilizing elemental analysis. In a continuation of the study, the cadavers were cremated in a cremation retort under standard mortuary conditions. XRF was again used to analyze retrieved resins and to identify the individuals based on restorative materials known to exist from dental records. The cremains were then processed and the analysis was repeated to determine whether restorative resins could be found under this extreme condition. Under both circumstances, sufficient surviving resin material was found to distinguish positively each individual in the study group. This study showed the utility of XRF as an analytical tool for forensic odontology and also the significance of the role of restorative resins in victim identification, even after cremation.  相似文献   

本罪的犯罪客体是复杂客体,即国家对于采集、供应血液、制作、供应血液制品的管理制度和他人的健康权、生命权。  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (SR-TXRF) was utilized to analyze various trace elements in small amounts of drugs of abuse. Sample amounts of 1 microL solutions containing 10 microg of drugs (methamphetamine, amphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin) were spotted on silicon wafers for direct analysis. In addition, a leaflet of marijuana was set directly on a silicon wafer, and opium in the form of a soft lump was smeared on another silicon wafer for analysis. In these experiments, about 10 pg of contaminant elements could be detected. For example, in a seized methamphetamine sample, iodine was found, which could be indicative of synthetic route. In seized 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine samples, variable amounts of phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and potassium were found, which could not be detected in a control 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine sample. For marijuana and opium, two spectral patterns were obtained that were far different from each other and could be easily discriminated. Using SR-TXRF, pg amounts of each trace element in 10 microg of various drugs can be easily detected, which is not the case either for a standard TXRF experimental system or for other elemental analysis techniques.  相似文献   

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