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社会主义法治文化建设是个开放的系统工程,必须坚持用法治理念指导社会主义法治文化建设,把树立和贯彻社会主义法治理念作为全面加强法治文化建设的价值追求,突出重点,稳步推进。  相似文献   

Promoting rule of law reforms will have positive impact on the economy and business,and China’s future anti-corruption activities will also promote reforms to its economic structure.  相似文献   

肖和平 《湖湘论坛》2001,14(6):48-49
江总书记在纪念中国共产党成立75周年座谈会上的讲话中强调指出:“要抓住时机,推动干部选拔任用工作逐步走上制度化、规范化的路子。”随着组织人事制度改革的不断深化,领导干部的选拔任用工作也逐步规范。在依法治国的大环境下,选拔任用领导干部的工作也必然逐步法制化。这既是实现社会主义法治国家的客观要求,更是加强党的干部队伍建设的重要举措。一、选拔任用领导干部工作法制化的必要性、迫切性和可能性1.必要性。在社会主义社会,政策与法律是相辅相成、相互作用、互为条件的。党的政策对法律有指导作用,我国法律的制定和实…  相似文献   

本文从历史的角度分析了现代环境保护意识的起源与现代环境法的密切关系,指出欧洲殖民地的生态扩张,也引起了现代环境保护意识的产生。并论述了环境危机的严峻现实与现代环境法律体系发展的联系。  相似文献   

随着我国法治理念和法治事业的深入推进,尤其十八届四中全会明确提出了全面推进依法治国的重大决定,监狱行刑领域的法治问题开始进入公众视野和国家治理创新议程。依法治国在社会发展和国家建设中的重要作用已经凸显,其对于监狱活动的影响也日益加深。"行刑法治"既是对于行刑活动规范化要求和法治化构建的重要概括,也是我国现代监狱实践发展的指导思想和基本前提。因此,我们有必要立足于监狱行刑的基本理论,着重从学理层面探讨行刑法治的基本内涵、具体内容和重大意义,为监狱领域贯彻法治思想和法治理念寻求理论支撑和价值引导。  相似文献   

FU ZITANG 《人权》2014,(5):18-18
<正>The Southwest University of Political Science and Law is one of the earliest higher-learning institutions that conducted human rights education and research,with a long history and rich experience in human rights education and research and a great number of professionals.After many years’efforts,the Human Rights Education and Research Center at the university has cultivated an excellent academic team,consisting of four  相似文献   

法治、维权与维稳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国进入改革攻坚期和社会稳定风险期,维护社会大局稳定具有必要性和正当性。维权是维稳的基础,维稳的实质是维权。法治是维权与维稳的结合点。通过法治实现维权和维稳的统一,要求政府依法办事,善于运用法治思维和法治方式行使权力,要把群众合理合法的利益诉求解决好,要完善对维护群众切身利益具有重大作用的制度,要强化法律在化解矛盾中的权威地位,要树立法治底线,不能突破法律底线维稳和维权,同时要推进法治社会建设。也就是要坚持依法执政、依法治国和依法行政一体推进,法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。  相似文献   

Consultative democracy in urban and rural communities ensures the participation of ordinary people in democratic governance to guarantee their legitimate rights and interests.The rule of law aims to restrict power and safeguard social harmony,enabling people to live and work happily.The rule of law provides an institutional guarantee of consultative democracy.Village meetings,legal mediations and correctional supervision in the community for of enders exem-  相似文献   

大国法治规模视野里的中国法治建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大国法治是一个值得探讨的崭新课题。以“中央和地方关系”、“统一司法考试”和“马加爵案”为例,可以看出大国法治建设中面临的“非制度化”、“渐进性”和“高成本”三大难题。因而,我们尝试通过专门法律,实现大国治理从“非制度化”到“制度化”的转型;关注农村法治,以挖掘法治的本土资源优势;通过法治手段,变人口负担为人力资源优势,并且也要认真汲取传统法律文化的积极因素。这或许是我们从制度设计、地域因素、人口因素和传统法律文化4个层面破解大国法治难题的必由之路。  相似文献   

美国网络隐私权的法律保护   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪90年代以来,网络隐私权问题越来越引起关注。美国作为互联网最发达的国家,又是隐私权的发源地,是最早意识到这个问题的国家之一。网络隐私权问题主要有:个人数据的非法收集、使用和交易;干扰个人网上通信,包括垃圾邮件泛滥和监看私人电子邮件。美国在保护网络隐私权的过程中,采取了立法、司法、行业自律等多种方式,取得了很大成绩,但也暴露出一些问题。  相似文献   

根据法治的价值内涵的不同,可以将法治分为形式法治与实质法治两大类.形式法治是分析实证主义法学传统的法治观念,认为法治就是法律之治;而实质法治则是价值法学传统的法治观念,认为法治必须是善法之治,必须以保障人权和自由为目的.在价值内涵上,实质法治和宪政主义的基本理念相契合,宪政主义构成了法治主义的价值本质.  相似文献   

2006年是中国法治亮点频频闪现的一年,同时也暴露出中国法治系统亚健康的一面。保持健康、良性的运行状态,逐步克服亚健康状态,需要付出时间和智慧。  相似文献   

正Criminal law involves crucial rights of the public,including property rights,political rights,freedom,and even life.As a result,on the one hand,any change to the rule by criminal law may have a significant impact on people’s lives;on the other hand,any change to the rule by criminal law is a highly sensitive issue.In view of these points,the rule by criminal law is often referred to as the seismograph for the protection of human rights,indicating the utmost importance of rule by criminal law  相似文献   

罗豪才 《人权》2015,(1):3-5
It is very timely and necessary for us to hold this seminar in the beautiful Suzhou Campus of Renmin University of China to deeply study and implement the decisions of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee,push forward the construction of China’s rule of law and jointly discuss the development of China’s human rights cause.  相似文献   

Rule of Law     
正China establishes a comprehensive socialist legal system The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC),China's top legislature,adopted an amendment to the Criminal Law at a bimonthly session in February,reducing the number of capital punishment by 13 to 55.  相似文献   

论私有财产权的行政法保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国现有行政法对公民一方即行政相对人私有财产权的保护存在许多不足,其背后存在着“公共利益绝对高于个人利益”和“私有财产在行政法中地位与民法中的地位混同”的认识误区,为此需要公正权衡行政相对人的财产权益和社会公有财产权益,正确认识行政相对人私有财产在行政法中的地位,并加强对行政主体特定行政法义务的要求,以有效保障行政相对人的财产权利。  相似文献   

法治与德治虽然特性各异,甚至偶尔也会发生冲突,但是两者并不时立,而且可以走近,达到相互融合.法治与德治的融合既是法治与德治功能互补的需要,也是人性的两重性的要求.法律与道德的内在统一性以及内容的相容性决定了法治与德治的融合是可能的.法律源于道德,并以道德为终极归宿,又决定了法治与德治的融合是人类社会的必然选择.  相似文献   

谷春德 《人权》2015,(2):113-121
Law is the fundamental method of governance and the rule of law symbolizes modern civilization. The socialist rule of law is the rule of law rooted in the Chinese tradition, and designed and led by the Communist Party of China(CPC). It is not only a tool for government, but also a driver of social progress. Meanwhile, the Chinese human rights system is also designed by the CPC. Both concepts—the socialist rule of law and the human rights system——are different from the West in terms of theory, path and systems. Human rights are the fundamental values of and the ultimate goal pursued by the rule of law; and the rule of law is the recognition of and guarantee for human rights. Efforts must be made to advance legislative, administrative and judicial protection of human rights.  相似文献   

<正>The Third Plenary Session ofthe 18th Central Committeeof the Communist Partyof China(CPC)was a vi-tally important meeting during thedecisive stage of China constructinga well-off society in an all-roundway.It endorsed the CPC CentralCommittee’s"Decision on CertainKey Issues on ComprehensivelyDeepening Reform"(hereafter,"thedecision.")The decision condensedthe thinking and wisdom of the entireParty and society regarding com-prehensively deepening reform andmade a series of new breakthroughsin theory and politics related to re-form.It was a general deploymentand mobilization for comprehensive-ly deepening reform and will play a  相似文献   

高校内部自治规则本身的合法性问题引发了高校治理的合法性危机。传统的行政法研究进路虽解决了高等学校作为行政诉讼被告的必要性问题,但对高校自治规则本身合法性问题的回避,使其无法在最终意义上为高校依法善治开出一剂良药。相较之下,软法则为高校自治规则的合法性构建提供了新的研究路径:一方面,以开放、参与和协商为特征的软法机制与高校自治的精神在本质上相契合;另一方面,软法规范需置于宪法和相关硬法的约束之下,则又可以防止高校自治脱离国家法,背离良法之治。  相似文献   

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