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情感是主体与客体之间的一种内心体验。情感在大学生思想品德形成过程中具有基础性作用,它能够保证道德认识与道德行为的统一。运用情感对大学生进行德育,是增强德育实效性的内在保证和重要切入点。  相似文献   

直觉属于非理性认识范围。这种认识,建立在认识主体的认知图式基础之上,并与主体的现有知识、实践经验、主体情感、环境诱导等密切联系,是对客现事物的本质及规律作出直接的结论式的认识。  相似文献   

在改革中,要重视发挥主体的能动性。人作为改革的主体可分为三个层次,即个体主体、群体主体和社会主体。发挥主体能动性的机制,包括:建设社会主义的高度民主,克服官僚主义和封建主义余毒;切实贯彻按劳分配的原则,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质和文化需要;重视情感、意志在主体能动性发挥中的作用;完善主体自身的素质,实现人的现代化。  相似文献   

论国有企业公司制改革中的产权问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国有资本权利主体的特殊性及其产权关系的复杂性,决定了产权改革 问题仍然是国有企业公司制改革中具有理论和实际价值的重要问题。对产权问题的 认识首先是科学、正确地理解“产权清晰”的基本含义,其次是认识产权改革在国有企 业公司制改革中的作用。在由国有企业改造而来的公司中,国有资本产权清晰的关 键在于法律对国有股权主体权利、义务和责任的规定是否明确;法律对公司权利、义 务和责任的规定是否明确。这不仅是建立规范的公司法人治理结构的前提,而且也 是公司法人治理结构得以发挥其作用的重要条件。  相似文献   

论权利实践理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权利实现是主体在一定情景中,选择与其个人情感偏好和睿智相吻合的行为方式,将法律性权利转化为权利事实的实践过程,受主体认识能力和心理素质的影响,理性和非理性方式是权利实践理性的两个基本范式,其价值性在于一方面它是权利实践生动活泼的形式,凸显权利实践过程中权利的主体性;另一方面,它对法律的背反具有批判性,推动法律制度以合理性为价值取向不断完善,形成具有时代特征的权利制度和权利文化。  相似文献   

在外语教学中,情感因素发挥着重要的作用,它直接影响着学生的智力发展和认识过程以及教学成果的优劣。本文作者通过对情感及其情感与语言学习的关系,就情感在外语教学中的应用提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

王娟  卢山 《犯罪研究》2007,(4):20-25
犯罪可以从不同侧面进行研究,而犯罪学与刑法学的研究是这些不同侧面的重中之重,犯罪——犯罪原因——犯罪对策是犯罪学的研究轨迹,而犯罪——刑罚则大体体现了刑法学中的犯罪关系。但在这些研究中,人的主体地位是决定性的因素,人之为人,在于其情感因素的作用,因此,虽研究视角不同,但主体性因素决定了要对人的情感因素进行探析,其中,既有个体情感因素,也有社会情感因素。恰当评价情感因素的作用,在犯罪原因的探求中体现了人的主体性,而在定罪量刑的过程中亦是达至罪责刑相适应的必然要求。  相似文献   

人的情感大体分两个方面:一是人自身的,即与生俱来,亘古不变的,诸如亲情、母爱等等一是社会的,随着历史条件和社会关系而变化,诸如善恶、是非、美丑的评价等等。人的情感问题就是人对社会的物质需要和精神需要所持的价值取向。情感的客体,可以是物质的东西,也可以是精神的东西。作为主体,可以是个人、集团、阶级、民族。情感具有社会性,在阶级社会中具有鲜明的阶级性,随着社会制度和阶级关系的变化,人们的是非、善恶、好坏、美丑等观念亦会随之发生变化。人的情感,是人类社会实践和教育的产物,又受社会形态和时代的制约。司法…  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,信用原则在社会生活以及经济市场中的作用逐渐体现出来,并且所体现的范围也是非常广泛的,其中主要的功能体现在以下三个方面:其一是对民事行为具有指导作用;其二是对民商法中的主体利益保持平衡;其三是起到对我国现有的法律补充的作用。但是对我国民商法中信用原则的分析之后可以看出信用原则在我国民商法中存在一定的缺陷,因此研究民商法中的信用原则具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

经济法律责任独立性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨德敏 《河北法学》2005,23(3):138-141
对法律责任划分标准的正确理解,是认识经济法律责任独立存在的前提条件。经济法律责任是以法律责任的部 门法性质为标准对法律责任进行分类的结果,且经济法律责任具有其独特性。独立的经济法律责任体制有利于 责权利效相统一原则的实现;更能体现经济法的"社会本位"性;充分发挥经济法作为独立部门法的作用;促进经 济法主体守法和执法。构建时,必须遵循经济法自身体系要求,体现经济法律责任自身特色,形式上可以与其他 部门法形式相交叉,可通过经济法中的民事责任、经济法中的行政责任、经济法中的刑事责任、经济法中的经济责 任的方式来实现。  相似文献   

This paper challenges recent influential arguments which would encourage legislators and courts to give weight to an assessment of the "evaluative judgements" expressed by the emotions which motivate crimes. While accepting the claim of Kahan and Nussbaum and others that emotions, other than moods, have intentional objects ("the cognitive conception"), and are not mere impulses which bypass cognition ("the mechanistic conception"), it suggests the following criticisms of their analysis. First, the concept of an emotional "evaluative judgement" tends to elide the distinction between (misleadingly named) "judgements" that are merely the sense of an emotion, and do not have the character of acts, and deliberative emotional judgements that do resemble acts and so properly fall within the corrective scope of the law. Second, intentional emotions are empowered by pre–intentional psychological resources which are less amenable than intentional states to the agent's conscious supervision: The traditional recognition of "infirmity" in mitigation of crimes uncharacteristic of the criminal's overall conduct towards others is justified by the unpredictable action of these pre–intentional elements and can survive the abandonment of the mechanistic conception of emotion.  相似文献   

元认知的结构、功能与开发   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
元认知是关于认知的认知,是个体对自己的认知加工过程的自我觉察、自我反省、自我评价与自我调节,它包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个成分,它们相互联系、密不可分.元认知具有自我意识性、调节性、能动性、反馈性、有效性、迁移性等特点,其实质是主体对认知活动的自我意识和自我调节.元认知的发展水平直接制约着个体智力的发展,影响着个体的认知效率,因此教学中对学生进行元认知开发、提高学生的元认知发展水平从而教会学生学习、促进学生智力发展显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

The frontal lobes play a major role in the regulation of our emotions and behavior, planning, decision making, social conduct, actions, and executive functions. They are quite vulnerable to damage when an individual sustains a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury. Patients who sustain damage to their frontal lobes may not complain of any cognitive or neurobehavioral symptoms. They often do not show any abnormalities on standardized neuropsychological tests, particularly when the anterior and ventral areas of their frontal lobes are damaged. When these patients are observed in unstructured, novel, or complex real-world settings, they frequently exhibit cognitive difficulties, neurobehavioral symptoms, and problems with their executive functions. Since standardized neuropsychological tests are generally poor at assessing these problems and symptoms, neuropsychologists may not be aware of these problems if they have never observed these patients function in real-world settings or have never interviewed the significant others of these patients. As a consequence, neuropsychologists should not rely solely on the quantitative test data of these patients since it may provide inaccurate and misleading information.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, we have learned how similarly harmful are experiences of terror, violence, and abuse, whether they occur on the combat field or at home. The field of family violence has gained much from the field of traumatic stress, and collaborations between these two previously separate fields have yielded important new answers, as well as new research questions. The field of traumatic stress is poised to integrate, more fully than in the past, a variety of aspects of trauma such as social betrayal, as well as outcomes of trauma such as depression, criminality, and physiological harm that go beyond posttraumatic stress. The field of family violence has much to offer in this process. We look forward to improved research designs that will further our knowledge of how trauma affects aspects of people's lives, including productivity, relationships, cognition, and emotions, in negative and positive ways.  相似文献   

尹奎杰 《北方法学》2016,(3):113-121
法治认同作为社会认同的一种,需要社会公众在社会交往和社会实践中形成对于法治的理性认知和情感,并把这种理性认知和情感转化为自身的行为选择和具体行动。在这一过程中,理性的社会群际关系是培育法治认同的社会心理基础,人们对法治整体化范畴的认知和社会性自我归类意识的培育是当代中国社会法治认同培育的关键所在,培育人们的法治认知、法治情感、法治思维与法治观念和理性的法治行动,是当代中国社会法治认同培育的实践展开方式。  相似文献   

The role of empathy, the capacity to read someone else’s emotions, in the legal context has previously been studied in relation to primarily judges’ decision-making, often with a concern for objectivity. Our purpose is to study professional emotion management in the legal process through an analysis of Swedish prosecutors’ use of empathy. An ethnographic data collection took place between 2012 and 2015, including shadowing, observations and interviews with 36 prosecutors from 3 prosecution offices. The analysis shows that during the investigation, empathy helps identify the prerequisites of a crime and deciding if and how to prosecute. When preparing for trial, empathy is used to anticipate the situation in court. During the trial, the empathic process includes management of the emotions of others in order to stage credible testimonies, convince the judge and calm victims. The empathic process is oriented and restricted by the emotive–cognitive judicial frame through which prosecutors are rewarded by emotions of comfort and pride in demonstrating expertise of legal coding. We conclude that empathy is integral to prosecutors’ professional performance, including the requirement to be objective. The study points to the problems with silencing emotions and maintaining a positivist notion of objectivity in the legal system.  相似文献   

Data from a case study of piecemeal zoning change suggest that the decisions of citizen zoning boards of appeal are neither lawless nor ineffective – the majority of requests that come before them are for bulk and dimension variances which typically do not threaten the land use status quo and are usually granted unless there is local opposition. When substantial changes of land use are involved two factors are influential in determining the outcome of zoning cases – the consistency or clash between the proposed land use and that of the neighborhood surrounding the site, particularly in single-family residential areas; and the expression of opinion (positive or negative) by the residents of the community.
Despite criticism of zoning boards as defective and illegitimate legal institutions and calls for their abolition, they remain popular and extremely resistant to change because they have come to play important dispute settling and community maintenance functions in the urban environment in addition to their explicit rule enforcement functions. These broader community functions of zoning can only be understood in terms of a participatory model of legal process where legal rules are understood as functioning to identify situations as much as they are norms to be enforced.  相似文献   

In recent years the police have faced sharply increasing pressures, criticisms, and role confusions due to such factors as rising crime rates, widely publicized incidents of police corruption and brutality, judicial changes in legally acceptable due process procedures, and new functions and tasks being assigned to police. This study investigates aspects related to the effects of increased strains and role confusions on police. Specifically, the study examines, with a semantic differential scale administered to 492 state and city police, how police perceive themselves and their roles, and their perceptual evaluations of the general public and various groups they interact with. The findings indicate that the respondents evaluate themselves and their profession highly implying they have a positive self-concept and are favorably disposed to their career. The four most negatively evaluated groups were lawyers, college students, politicians, and prison inmates. The low evaluation of lawyers may be due to the respondents' view that attorney frustrate and complicate the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

朱秋 《行政与法》2005,(9):10-11
政府职能分为原生性职能和再生性职能两个属性.政府职能转变的根本动因是社会环境的变迁.政府职能转变实际上就是政府职能的再生和向社会的释放.政府职能在转变过程中会出现缺位、越位和错位的不正常现象.政府职能转变的目标是建立和谐社会的国家关系模式.  相似文献   

Data from a case study of piecemeal zoning change suggest that the decisions of citizen zoning boards of appeal are neither lawless nor ineffective. The bulk of requests that come before them are for minor dimension or use variances and are typically allowed unless there is local opposition. The proportion of changes granted varies with the degree of clash between a proposed use or structure and the preexisting local land use-the "character of the community" (particularly in single-family residential areas). Expressions of opinion (positive or negative) by current neighbors and other community members are given heavy weight in zoning decisions.
Despite criticism of zoning boards as defective and illegitimate legal institutions and calls for their abolition, they have remained popular and extremely resistant to change. This is because zoning boards have evolved beyond their explicit rule enforcement functions to also play important dispute-settling and community maintenance functions in the contemporary urban setting. These functions of zoning can only be understood in terms of a participatory model of legal process where legal rules serve to identify situations and trigger sociopolitical processes as much as they serve as substantive norms to be enforced .  相似文献   

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