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A case report of fatal spontaneous dissection of the distal left circumflex coronary artery in a 37-year-old postpartum female is presented. Samples of arterial wall from this patient and from six other postpartum females who died of unrelated causes were examined by light (LM), scanning electron (SEM), and transmission electron (TEM) microscopy. Morphological changes to explain the recognized predisposition of this cohort to coronary artery dissection were sought. The origin of the dissection was demonstrated by serial LM sections to be in midmedia with no intimal extension. The predominant plane of dissection was the junction of media and adventitia. Sarcolemmal blebbing and accumulation of amorphous intercellular material were demonstrated at the dissection site by SEM but were not seen elsewhere in the affected heart or in any of the six control hearts. These changes could not be distinguished by TEM from prolonged ischemic injury. There was no accumulation of eosinophilic leukocytes in the vessel wall or adventitia, and adventitial mast cells were not consistently more frequent than in the controls. No increase of stainable intramural mucopolysaccharides was seen in the fatal case. The results indicated no generalized arterial change in postpartum coronary arteries to account for the increased frequency of dissection. A focal degenerative process remains the most likely possibility.  相似文献   

Spontaneous dissection of the coronary arteries is an extremely rare event that occurs usually in middle-aged women and is mostly recognized at postmortem examination in victims of sudden death. It is a rare coronary pathologic finding whose precise incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and evolution have not been clearly established. We present a sudden death case of a 53-year-old woman with spontaneous dissection of the left anterior descending coronary artery with eosinophilic coronary arteritis.  相似文献   

Traumatic vertebral artery dissection is not often seen by forensic pathologists, and cases investigated are scarce in the forensic literature. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman cyclist who was struck by a car while wearing a helmet, and was neurologically near normal immediately thereafter at Emergency. She presented 48 h later with acute right hemiparesis, decreasing level of consciousness, and unsteadiness. CT revealed massive cerebellar infarction. CT angiography was normal. The patient died in coma 7 days after injury and autopsy revealed bilateral edematous cerebellar infarction and bilateral vertebral artery dissection. Rotational neck injury and mural tear in the wall of the Atlantic parts of both vertebral arteries is suggested as the possible mechanism of the arterial injury. Head and neck injuries are reported as a precipitating cause of vertebral artery injury. The possible influence of trauma may be further underestimated if longer intervals between vessel dissection and ischemia occur. The current case illustrates that "talk-and-die" syndrome may be due to occult vertebral artery dissection, possibly bilateral. In forensic cases of delayed death after mild trauma to the head and neck, the vertebral arteries should be examined for the cause of death.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic thrombosis of the middle cerebral artery   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Posttraumatic cerebral infarction resulting from carotid or cerebral artery occlusion is rare. Traumatic dissection of the carotid artery is the most frequent cause of infarction, whereas posttraumatic thrombosis of the cerebral artery is very rare. The authors describe a case of posttraumatic thrombosis of the left middle cerebral artery. Early in the morning, a 16-year-old boy was found unconscious in the parking lot of a supermarket. He had received fist blows and kicks to the head, face, body, back, and hip during the night. Computed tomography 10 hours after the violence revealed a gross cerebral infarction in the area of the left middle cerebral artery. He died 9 days after the violence. The autopsy revealed a thrombosis in the left middle cerebral artery. Microscopically, granulation tissue in the intima and a rupture of the internal elastic lamina were observed near the beginning of the artery. It was concluded that the blows to the head and face caused a partial rupture in the arterial wall, leading to thrombosis and cerebral infarction.  相似文献   

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare cause of acute myocardial infarction and sudden death. It typically, but not always, occurs in healthy postpartum women without traditional risk factors for atherosclerosis. Moreover, the site of dissection usually involves the proximal, major coronary arteries: left main coronary artery and/or the left anterior descending artery, and in men, more often the right coronary artery. We report a case of sudden death caused by dissection of the obtuse marginal branch of the left circumflex artery, in a 49-year-old man, a very rare site of fatal coronary dissection.  相似文献   

Aneurysms of the hepatic artery are rare and frequently diagnosed only at autopsy. First described by Wilson over 250 years ago, less than 400 cases have been reported in the literature (1,2). Dissection of these aneurysms is documented even less frequently, with only 11 cases reported in a review by Larson et al. (3). A case of sudden death from dissection and rupture of such an aneurysm was seen at the Westchester County Medical Examiner's Office, New York.  相似文献   

Rupture of a splenic artery aneurysm is a rare and usually catastrophic event, most commonly associated with pregnancy. In spite of increasingly common reliance on abdominal angiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computerized tomography during the past quarter century, clinicians uncommonly recognize any of the various splanchnic arterial aneurysms absent premonitory signs or symptoms. Accordingly, rupture of a visceral aneurysm, including splenic artery aneurysm, typically presents as sudden, unexpected obtundation or death. As a consequence, the initial recognition and diagnosis of splenic artery aneurysm rupture take place only at autopsy. This report presents two such cases of sudden death resulting from splenic artery aneurysm in a pregnant woman and a postpartum woman, respectively.  相似文献   

Neurosurgical vascular complications were evaluated by postmortem angiography in a consecutive prospective series of 63 patients in Helsinki who suffered a fatal outcome following neurosurgery for ruptured intracranial aneurysm. Operative vascular complications were revealed in 28 (44%) of the cases. Massive intraoperative bleeding resulting from rupture of the aneurysm or adjacent major artery during dissection or clip application complicated the operation in 16 (25%) patients. Clip-induced obstruction of cerebral arteries was detected by angiography in seven cases (11%). In six of the patients an adjacent cerebral vessel was accidentally clipped. In one case a kinking of the clip had caused obstruction of the right anterior cerebellar artery with resulting frontal infarct. A combination of rupture of the internal carotid artery and accidental ligation of the left posterior cerebellar artery occurring simultaneously during the clipping of a ruptured basilar aneurysm was detected in one patient (2%). Other types of complication were revealed in four cases (6%): detachment of clip with re-bleeding; clipping of an uninvolved aneurysm instead of the ruptured one; displacement of the clip beneath the ruptured aneurysm. Operations on ruptured basilar artery aneurysm were significantly (P less than 0.01) more prone to complications. The results indicate that operative vascular complications play a significant role in the mortality of aneurysm patients. Post-mortem angiographic technique with contrast medium that vulcanizes at room temperature is particularly suitable for demonstration of the haemodynamic significance of clip-induced cerebrovascular accidental occlusions, and is the only method at autopsy to reveal an occlusion caused by a kinking of a properly placed aneurysm clip.  相似文献   

Spontaneous dissection of the coronary arteries, in the absence of trauma, is an unusual but well-documented entity that occurs usually in middle-aged women. It is a rare cause of sudden death and myocardial infarction. Coronary eosinophilic arteritis is suggested to result in a predisposition to intimal disruption and dissection. We present the case of the sudden death of a previous healthy, 53-year-old postmenopausal female, while working, in a town of Thessalia in Greece. The cause of death was left anterior descending coronary dissection with histologic findings of eosinophilic arteritis and autoimmune thyroiditis.  相似文献   

Sudden death secondary to acute dissection of a coronary artery is a rare, but increasingly recognized, cause of sudden, unexpected death in apparently healthy persons. It has been reported more frequently in women and has been associated with sudden death during the puerperium. It has also been reported that these involved coronary vessels contain increased numbers of eosinophils and often show areas of cystic medial necrosis. In this article, we report a case of sudden death in a 47-year-old white woman due to dissection of the distal segment of her left anterior descending coronary artery. There was marked involvement of the coronary arterial walls with cystic degeneration of the media with accumulation of glycosaminoglycans as demonstrated by Alcian blue staining. There was no eosinophilic infiltrate within the arterial walls. This case is unusual in that this woman's mother and brother both have had aneurysms, which stresses the importance of not only searching carefully for these lesions, but also of obtaining family history in such cases.  相似文献   

Spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in children is uncommon, but is sometimes seen after rupture of aneurysms, and in different disorders. Traumatic SAH is common after serious accidental head injury, but is also reported after child abuse with vigorous shaking. To avoid unnecessary accusations of innocent care givers, it is important not to misinterpret the findings as abusive head trauma in small children with SAH. In the presented case, a nearly two-year-old girl was brought to the hospital after a fall witnessed by her father. The girl was unconscious, with elevated intracranial pressure, SAH and bilateral retinal haemorrhage (RH). She was pronounced dead after 9h. Premortem angiography revealed a dissection of the right vertebral artery, and postmortem examination revealed a traumatic lesion deep in the neck, at the base of the skull. Cerebral edema, in combination with SAH and RH, is highly suggestive of abusive head trauma. However, no external lesions, no skeletal lesions, especially no long bone metaphyseal lesions, or subdural haematomas occurring at the same time as SAH, were found. There was no report of previous child abuse in the family. Based on the radiological and postmortem findings, we believe that an accidental fall caused a blunt force trauma with a subsequent dissection of the right vertebral artery. To our knowledge, accidental tear of one of the vertebral arteries, leading to SAH in a toddler, has previously not been described. Child abuse is an important exclusion diagnosis with serious legal implications.  相似文献   

Carotid artery (CA) dissection and/or thrombosis may occur in a number of medical and forensic relevant situations. However, post traumatic carotid artery dissection is considered rare, and often underestimated due to possible delayed presentation. We describe two cases of carotid artery dissection following strangulation with delayed symptoms as well as discuss medical diagnostic problems and their forensic implications.  相似文献   

Amphetamine is one of the most common illicitly abused drugs in certain countries. It is a potent sympathomimetic that may lead to vascular events, including stroke and myocardial infarction. Most reports of stroke after amphetamine abuse are of intracerebral hemorrhage. In this report, the authors describe a ruptured aneurysm of the right internal carotid artery in a young man with amphetamine abuse. It grew rapidly within 2 weeks. Surgery revealed fibrosis and fibrinoid necrosis around the aneurysm. The aneurysm was successfully embolized with Guglielmi detachable coil. A rapidly growing aneurysm in the major intracranial vessels resulting from amphetamine abuse is very rare.  相似文献   

A 58‐year‐old man died suddenly in Madagascar and poisoning was suspected. The body was embalmed after death and the general state of preservation was good. We found a major aortic dissection with a large false lumen from the aortic root to the common iliac arteries and a hemopericardium with formalinized blood clot. The intimal tear was on the ascending aorta, and an intramural hemorrhage was noted at the right coronary artery, attesting to a retrograde dissection. Microscopic studies confirmed aortic dissection with extensive intramural hemorrhage and also confirmed the retrograde dissection to the right coronary artery with a reduction of 90% of the true lumen. Classically, aortic dissection occurs in individuals with hypertension and individuals with genetic disorders of collagen formation. The diagnosis is often first established at the postmortem examination. Aortic dissection is therefore dealt with largely in necropsy studies. The usual cause of death is rupture into the pericardial sac. One case of bloodless dissection has been reported but the sudden death was explained by acute myocardial ischemia secondary to dissection of the left coronary artery. In our case, we found major hemopericardium and also intramural hemorrhage at the right coronary artery. We were able to make the diagnosis of aortic dissection and exclude the suspicion of homicide 15 days after death and after embalming.  相似文献   

The 2 common carotid arteries bifurcate in the neck into the internal and external carotid arteries. The internal carotid artery enters the skull and further divides into the anterior and middle cerebral artery. During its short course in the neck, the carotid artery travels encased in the carotid sheath along with the vagus nerve and the internal jugular vein. During its course in the neck, the carotid artery is quite superficial, making it vulnerable to both penetrating and blunt traumatic injuries. We report here a case of a 40-year-old man who presented to the emergency department after sudden collapse and loss of consciousness a day after an attempted strangulation. Imaging revealed large hemorrhagic infarcts in the left anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery territories as well as a smaller infarcts in the right anterior cerebral artery territory necessitating emergency decompressive hemicraniectomy. Our case report adds to the existing literature on nervous system injury due to strangulation. Physicians should be aware of the possibility of delayed presentation of neurological deficit after attempted strangulation.  相似文献   

Coronary artery aneurysms are an extremely rare cause of death at any age, but particularly so in young adults. A case is described of a young and previously fit man who died suddenly following thrombosis within one of multiple coronary artery aneurysms. He had had a childhood illness with symptoms consistent with an episode of unrecognized infantile polyarteritis nodosa. It is suggested that many cases of aneurysm of the coronary arteries in young adults, where atherosclerosis has been excluded, may in fact be due to previous polyarteritis, rather than of congenital origin as is usually claimed.  相似文献   

Pulmonary artery aneurysm and pulmonary artery dissection are rare antemortem diagnoses, most often associated with sudden death. These pathologic entities are strongly associated with chronic pulmonary hypertension due to structural cardiac defects, either congenital or acquired. We report the case of a 49-year-old woman who died suddenly due to dissection and rupture of a large pulmonary trunk aneurysm, with subsequent cardiac tamponade. Key historical and physical findings are described. Additionally, we present a discussion of the incidence, clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and pathologic diagnostic features of pulmonary artery dissection.  相似文献   

Over the 19-month period November 7th, 1984 to June 11th, 1986, 200 consecutive autopsies were conducted on victims of motor vehicle accidents. In each case, both common carotid arteries and their respective internal and external branches up to 2 cm beyond the bifurcation were examined for evidence of contusion, partial tearing or rupture. All lacerations or disruptions were excised together with a segment of surrounding arterial tissue, and processed, sectioned and examined by conventional light microscopy for the presence and extent of arterial tears. Several findings emerged: (i) in nearly one-third of subjects there was some degree of arterial disruption; (ii) dual or even triple vessel involvement in both an ipsilateral and contralateral distribution occurred in 38.6% of the 57 subjects in whom traumatic arterial lesions were found; (iii) the large number of intimal disruptions encountered, 44.7% of which showed extension of the tear to the internal elastic lamina with further longitudinal continuation of the tear along the lamina without breaching it; (iv) tears along the laminar planes of the media occurred in 52.6% of the 57 subjects and was particularly apparent at sites of subsidiary vessel bifurcation; (v) compound intimo-medial tears occurred in almost two-thirds (63.2%) of the 57 subjects, highlighting the dual involvement of these layers of the arterial wall in traumatic lesions; (vi) the occurrence of adventitial contusions in 70.2% of the 57 subjects; (vii) the occurrence of complete vessel wall transection in more than one-quarter (26.3%) of the vessels with positive findings and involving nearly one-third (31.6%) of subjects, indicating perhaps the severity of the trauma to which the victims were exposed.  相似文献   

This report describes a 38-year-old man with osteogenesis imperfecta who died of a ruptured cerebral artery aneurysm and bacterial meningitis. He had multiple long bone fractures in the past, and approximately 4 months before death, he had surgery to relieve symptoms of basilar impression. The surgery was complicated by a postoperative wound infection. For the next 4 months, he had intermittent headaches and vomiting. He was found dead in his bed at home. At autopsy, he had a ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm and bacterial meningitis. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood cultures had growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of type I collagen. Type I collagen is present in many tissues, including blood vessels. The etiology of cerebral artery aneurysm formation is multifactorial. Some patients with cerebral artery aneurysms have been shown to have abnormalities in type III collagen. There has not been a reported relationship made between abnormalities in type I collagen and aneurysms. Meningitis can also result in cerebral artery aneurysms, but they are usually due to Aspergillus or Mycobacterium species. The case we report is unique; cerebral artery aneurysm formation may have been due to osteogenesis imperfecta and/or bacterial meningitis.  相似文献   

A 38-year-old woman with a 2-year history of chronic neck pain radiating down her right arm underwent radiological and neurological evaluations, which revealed no anatomical cause for her pain. She sought alternative therapies including intramuscular heparin injections. Following a right occipital injection of heparin, cyanocobalamin, and lidocaine, she had a sudden cardiorespiratory arrest and was successfully resuscitated, but did not regain consciousness.Computed tomography of the head and neck and subsequent autopsy revealed a right vertebral artery dissection, but at autopsy, no significant subarachnoid hemorrhage was noted at the base of the brain. This is the first case report where heparin (a potent anticoagulant) used in an occipital injection was documented to cause a vertebral artery dissection. It is also the first reported case where radiographically and histologically documented vertebral artery dissection did not present with overwhelming subarachnoid hemorrhage at the base of the brain. The subtle gross anatomical findings in this case highlight the importance of evaluating the cervical spinal cord in any case of sudden cardiorespiratory arrest following even apparently minor neck injury.  相似文献   

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