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Autoerotic death by hanging or ligature is a method of autoeroticism well known by forensic pathologists. In order to analyze autoerotic deaths of nonclassic hanging or ligature type, this paper reviews all published cases of autoerotic deaths from 1954 to 2004, with the exclusion of homicide cases or cases in which the autoerotic activity was not solitary. These articles were obtained through a systematic Medline database search. A total of 408 cases of such deaths has been reported in 57 articles. For each case, the following characteristics are presented here: sex, age, race, method of autoerotic activity, cause of death, and location where the body was found. Autoerotic death practioners were predominantly Caucasian males. Victims were aged from 9 to 77 years and were mainly found in various indoor locations. Most cases were asphyxia by hanging, ligature, plastic bags, chemical substances, or a mixture of these. Still, atypical methods of autoerotic activity leading to death accounted for about 10.3% of cases in the literature and are classified here into five broad categories: electrocution (3.7%), overdressing/body wrapping (1.5%), foreign body insertion (1.2%), atypical asphyxia method (2.9%), and miscellaneous (1.0%). All these atypical methods are further discussed individually.  相似文献   

Aircraft designated for sport or recreational use only, including ultralights, experimental aircraft and light-sport aircraft, have become increasingly popular. Because of their relative safety and the rarity of fatalities resulting from crashes of these aircraft, the forensic literature contains little information concerning the pathologic findings in such deaths. We report 9 deaths resulting from 6 sport aircraft crashes in southwest Florida, 6 pilots and 3 passengers. The vehicles involved 3 experimental aircraft, 1 ultralight and 2 "ultralight-like" aircraft. The patterns of injuries included trauma predominantly to the chest (3 cases), abdomen (1) or head (1), as well as multiple blunt force injuries involving the chest and abdomen (1) or the head and torso (3). Extremity fractures were found in only 2 cases, whereas injuries to the symphysis pubis were found in six. No "control-type" injuries were identified. These cases illustrate the varied pathologies associated with deaths due to crashes of sport aircraft and reveal the lack of uniformity associated with the investigations of such deaths.  相似文献   

Between September 2005 and April 2007, 350 fentanyl intoxication deaths were investigated and certified by the Cook County Medical Examiners Office. Investigations revealed that the majority of these fatalities were by intravenous injection of a white powder followed by a rapid collapse. The fentanyl was clandestinely produced in a lab in Toluca, Mexico and sold by the Mickey Cobra street gang. The term "Drop Dead" was coined for this "tainted heroin." Postmortem samples were screened by ELISA and confirmed by standard GC-MS methods. Fentanyl fatalities peaked at 47 per month in May and June 2006. Fifty-two percent were single fentanyl intoxications, with the remainder accompanied by either cocaine, morphine from heroin, or alcohol. This epidemic stressed the limited resources of the toxicology laboratory and autopsy service of the Medical Examiners Office. The clandestine lab was terminated, distributing gang members and leaders arrested, and the epidemic ceased in April 2007.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Alcohol can contribute to various manners of death by acute intoxication that places a person at risk for fatal injury, acute fatal alcohol poisoning, or the various fatal complications of chronic abuse with or without superimposed acute intoxication. The reporting of alcohol use on the death certificate may vary with office policy or procedure, certifier judgment, and the timing of information received during investigation. OBJECTIVE: To determine the number of deaths including mention of alcohol use in the investigative case file, the number of death certificates on which alcohol use is reported, the number of discrepancies between the 2, and the possible reasons for observed discrepancies. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective case review of all deaths where alcohol use was mentioned in the investigative case file and/or on the death certificate for deaths investigated by the Fulton County Medical Examiner in Atlanta, Georgia, during a 1-year period between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2004. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Percentage of deaths with alcohol use reported on the death certificate, tabulation of where and how alcohol use is reported on the death certificate, and tabulation of the differences between the investigative case file and death certificate regarding alcohol's possible role in causing death. RESULTS: Among the 1324 deaths certified by the office, 105 (8%) had alcohol use reported on the death certificate. The majority (67%) of these cases were natural deaths. Sixty-nine (5%) deaths had mention of alcohol use in the investigative case notes but did not include it on the death certificate. Twenty-five (2%) deaths had mention of alcohol on the death certificate but did not have mention of it in the investigative case file based on our search criteria. However, subsequent review of additional case follow-up information disclosed a history of alcohol use or acute intoxication in each case. CONCLUSIONS: The data show that more natural deaths are considered to be directly caused by alcohol than other manners of death. For the unnatural manners of death (excluding acute alcohol poisoning), alcohol use is often viewed by medical examiners as an incidental, associated finding or risk factor surrounding the circumstances of death rather than being an actual cause of death. In such cases, alcohol use is often omitted from the death certificate. For deaths directly caused by alcohol, the proportion of cases involving possible underreporting or overreporting of alcohol involvement was relatively small and usually involved the omission of chronic alcohol use from the death certificate. Researchers need to be aware of potential limitations of death certificate data for studying alcohol-related deaths.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of electronic monitoring, explains basic functions, discusses applications, provides information on specific equipment, examines test results, and presents a brief overview of the Electronic Surveillance Program (Work Furlough Program) operated by the San Diego County Probation Department. The paper concludes with a synopsis of the major public concerns about electronic monitoring. A version of this paper was presented to the Forty-Second International Conference, Correctional Education Association on July 27, 1987 at the Cathedra Hill Hotel in San Francisco, California.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Our purpose is to highlight novel ocular findings of 102 forensic pediatric cases under 2 years of age who die suddenly. Forensic information, grossing, and microscopic eye protocol was followed. The most common diagnosis was Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (57/102). Novel cytoid bodies were present in the retina of 72/102 cases and they were located predominantly 90% (65/72) at the anterior part of the retina ( p  < 0.001). Of the SIDS cases, 85% (47/57) showed the presence of cytoid bodies, and among all diagnosis, SIDS was the most associated with cytoid bodies ( p  = 0.003). A second observation was extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) identified in 35/102 cases and 22 of the 57 SIDS cases. The most frequent EMH location was the choroids (29/35). This study is the first to demonstrate the presence of cytoid bodies and extramedullary hematopoiesis in the retinas of SIDS cases and children who die suddenly from other causes.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 237 fatal ground-level falls occurring in decedents aged 65 years or older reported to the Seattle-King County Medical Examiner's Office during the year 2007. Head injuries accounted for 109 (46%) of the deaths, and nonhead injuries accounted for 128 (54%) of the deaths. Falls occurred in similar locations in both groups. Compared with those of nonhead injuries, decedents of head injuries were younger (82 vs 87.5 years), were more often male (58% vs 45%), died sooner after their injury (9 days vs 23 days), and were more likely treated with anticoagulants, especially warfarin (48% vs 16%). Subdural hematoma was the most common specific traumatic lesion, occurring in 86% of the decedents of head injury; skull fractures occurred in 13%. Decedents of head injury who were treated with anticoagulants, on average, sustained less severe head injury than those who were not treated with anticoagulants.  相似文献   

We reviewed all 87 deaths from the Happy Land Social Club fire. All deaths were due to smoke inhalation. The carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) concentrations ranged from 37 to 93% with a mean of 76.5%. The vast majority (97%) of the decedents had a COHb concentration over 50%. Cyanide blood concentrations ranged from 0 to 5.5 mg/L with a mean of 2.2 mg/L. Nine decedents had no cyanide detected, and seven had cyanide concentrations of less than 1 mg/L. Fewer than one third of the decedents had thermal injuries, and most were partial thickness burns involving less than 20% body surface area. Ethanol was detected in 72% of decedents with a range of 0.01 to 0.29 g% and a mean blood concentration of 0.11 g%. Cocaine or cannabinoid use was identified in 9% of the decedents. All decedents were visually identified, and all had soot in the airway extending to the major bronchi. Carboxyhemoglobin concentrations corresponded well with deaths from smoke inhalation. Cyanide concentrations did not correspond with the extent of smoke inhalation, and the role of cyanide in contributing to these deaths is doubtful. Hydrogen chloride inhalation, as evidenced by comparison of the pH of tracheal mucosa to controls, was not a factor.  相似文献   

Deaths due to decapitation are rare in civilian populations. A study in South Australia over 17 years from January 1986 to December 2002 revealed 20 cases (age range, 14 to 72 years; average, 30.7 years; male to female ratio, 15:5). There were 13 suicides consisting of 11 train-related deaths (age range, 14 to 72 years; average, 31.3 years; male to female ratio, 10:1), 1 hanging death, and 1 death using a ligature and a motor vehicle. Five cases related to motor vehicle crashes (age range, 19 to 46 years; average, 30.2 years; male to female ratio, 1:4) and 2 were associated with industrial trauma. Suicidal decapitation accounted for <1% of total suicides and showed a striking male predominance, with the favored method involving trains.  相似文献   

We reviewed 17 intentional ingestions of cyanide that occurred in New York City over a ten-year interval. The toxicologic and postmortem findings were reviewed. Certain occupations and nationalities of the decedents predominated among this group of suicides. Scientists, jewelers. and metal workers were common occupations among the decedents. In addition, 8 of 17 fatalities were West Indian/Caribbean Island and South American decedents, including three decedents from Guyana. Fourteen of the 17 fatalities were male. Pink lividity, a "bitter-almond" smell. and a hemorrhagic gastric mucosa were not prevailing findings in these decedents. A color test was used for screening for cyanide with confirmation and quantitation using gas chromatography.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of variation in the methods and wording used by medical examiners in the medicolegal investigation and certification of infant deaths. This paper was created by the NAME Ad Hoc Committee on Sudden Unexplained Infant Death to address several specific issues, namely: * To establish a functional approach to the investigation of sudden unexplained infant deaths; * To outline a "bare minimum" set of recommendations to define the scope of investigation required; * To recommend methods and wording to be used when certifying infant deaths; * To develop a list of potential stressors or possible external causes of death that should be identified and reported on the death certificate and/or within a medical examiner/coroner office database. This paper was electronically posted for NAME member review and comment for a period of 30 days. The paper was further revised based on member comments and then submitted to the NAME board of directors in the fall of 2005 prior to the annual meeting. This text of this paper was officially approved and endorsed by the NAME board of directors on October 14, 2005, at the annual meeting in Los Angeles, CA.  相似文献   

State Supreme Courts require a minimum threshold of reliability and acceptance in the scientific community for all medical and similar evidence to be admitted at trial. In Florida and some other states, the courts adhere to what is known as the Frye standard, whereas in most states and in Federal Courts, it is the so-called Daubert standard. The jurisdiction of the present case is Hillsborough County (Tampa), Florida. Forensic pathologists seldom, if ever, are requested to participate in such hearings, unlike their toxicological and basic science colleagues who are more involved in research methodology and technical procedures. The burden is on the proponent of the evidence to prove the general acceptance of both the underlying scientific principle of the test and procedures used to apply that principle to the facts of the case at hand. The trial judge has the sole discretion to determine this question and general acceptance must be established by a preponderance of the evidence. The authors describe in detail a hearing in a case in which they were all involved. One author (WQS) had researched and documented the original scientific methodology in the literature. The situation involved a car and tractor trailer crash with the two occupants of the car dying of multiple trauma, whereas the truck driver was not injured. Autopsy of the auto driver revealed multiple injuries with exsanguination, and only vitreous humor and liver tissue, but not blood, were tested for ethyl alcohol. The estate of the driver of the automobile brought suit against the owner of the trucking company for wrongful death. The plaintiff requested a Frye hearing to question the reliability of testing other body specimens to translate to probable blood alcohol level. The testimony, submitted documents, and eventual decision by the judge are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory investigation of deaths due to anaphylaxis.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To establish a useful laboratory protocol to investigate possible cases of fatal anaphylaxis, we measured mast-cell-derived tryptase levels and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody levels in sera obtained prior to or within 24 h after death from 19 anaphylaxis victims. Elevated serum tryptase levels (range = 12 ng/mL to 150 micrograms/mL) were found in nine of nine Hymenoptera sting fatalities, six of eight food-induced fatalities, and two of two reactions to diagnostic therapeutic agents. Tryptase levels were normal (less than 10 ng/mL) in 57 sequential sera obtained postmortem from six control patients. Tryptase could not be measured in pleural or pericardial fluids for technical reasons. Serum IgE antibodies were elevated in five of the nine Hymenoptera sting fatalities and in eight of the eight fatal food reactions; assays were unavailable for the two diagnostic/therapeutic agents. If elevated, the victim's serum IgE antibodies to food could be used to identify allergens in uneaten portions of foods consumed shortly before the anaphylactic event. IgE antibodies were moderately stable during storage in a variety of anticoagulants at room temperature for up to 11 weeks. Elevated mast-cell-derived tryptase levels in postmortem sera reflect antemortem mast cell activation and may be used as a marker for fatal anaphylaxis. If assays are available for IgE antibodies to relevant allergens, such assays provide evidence for antemortem sensitization; these assays may be modified to identify allergens in foods consumed by victims of food-induced anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

Nine people died of traumatic asphyxia due to an uncontrolled crowd at a community basketball game in New York City in 1991. We reviewed the circumstances, postmortem findings, and the causes of death. The majority of people had petechiae of the conjunctivae and face consistent with chest compression. There were minimal superficial blunt injuries and no fractures or acute intoxications. These deaths are often incorrectly attributed to blunt force injuries, while the cause typically is asphyxia due to chest compression.  相似文献   

During the course of dockside ship maintenance, a compartment was partially flooded with tricholotrifluoroethane gas. One sailor entered the compartment, collapsed, and was then rescued by two other men. All three victims then climbed a 11-m (36-ft) ladder and collapsed. They all experienced a rapid development of cardiac arrest. We report on the pathologic, toxicologic, and pathophysiologic aspects of the incident.  相似文献   

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