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Since the end of the cold war, the world has undergone extensive, complex and profound changes. The features of such changes are multi -polarization, globalization and diversification. These three features are interconnected and closely linked. They influence each other and promote each other. Muhipolarization, globalization and diversification are still in the process of development, and are therefore fluid and constantly changing. Generally speaking, the development of the world situation is in favour of world peace and stability. But in the process of multi-polarization, globalization and diversification, various unprecedentedly complicated contradictions and new problems crop up, so we still need to jointly and appropriately handle the situation.  相似文献   

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) started to work in over 20 countries in Africa since their independence. To promote democracy has always been the focus of our work in Africa. We believe that democracy is the important and necessary precondition for the sustainable development of mankind. And we are fully aware that there is still no blue print for democracy in Africa.  相似文献   

AfterthesuccessfulconveningoftheFourthWorldConferenceonWomen熏1995andNon-GovernmentOrganization穴NGO雪ForumonWomen熏Beijing'95熏theissueofwomenhasarousedfurtherconcernfromtheinternationalcommunity.Inthepasteightyears熏theChinesegovernmenthasmadeunremit鄄tingeffortstoimplement″BeijingDeclaration″and″PlatformforAction″tomatchitspromisewithac鄄tion.Asabiggestnon-governmentalwomen'sorga鄄nizationinChina熏theAll-ChinaWomen'sFedera鄄tion穴ACWF雪熏bygivingfullplaytoitsadvantagesoforgani…  相似文献   

This article traces efforts to mainstream social issues in the institutional architecture of the IMF, attributing the lack of progress in this area mainly to the Fund's organisational culture, which steers the IMF towards the path of least resistance when it comes to policy innovation. Whereas the IMF is frequently portrayed as a puppet of powerful member states, this article identifies the Fund's organisational culture as the central factor explaining the slow pace of mainstreaming social issues in the Fund’s architecture. In the absence of member state leadership on this issue, and in light of committed management’s limited room for manoeuvre, IMF staff enjoyed much leeway to pursue an approach that was most suited to their skill set, ideological orientations and the Fund's core mandate. Due to the Fund's strictly hierarchical structure, its recruitment policies, insufficient self-evaluation and reluctance to seriously engage with reform initiatives emanating from civil society, social issues are far from being mainstreamed in the Fund's daily operations.  相似文献   

StrenghtheningUnderstandingImprovingCooperationandPromotingDevelopment──HighlightsontheSeminar“SocialSecuritySystemsinAsianCo...  相似文献   

In the season of the bloom ing Japanese flow eringcherry, I attended the Conference of Sino-JapanPeople's O rganizations held in Tokyo and m ade afriendly visitthere as a m em ber of the C A FIU del-egation from A pril 11to 17. The conference w aswidely attended and closely watched by the peoplefrom allw alks of life both in C hina and Japan andregarded as one of great significance for the peo-ple's organizations in the two countries as it washeld on the occasion of the 60thanniversary o…  相似文献   

FromMay10to282004regularsessionoftheNGOCommitteeoftheEconomicandSocialCouncilECOSOCoftheUnitedNationswasheldintheUNheadquarterinNewYork.ChineseAs-sociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFIUsentadelegationtoparticipateinthesessionattheinvitationoftheNGOsectionundertheDe-partmentofEconomicandSocialAffairsDESAoftheUnitedNations.Duringtheseseveraldays'participationinthesessionwe'vegotabetterun-derstandingoftheconsultativestatusaswellasfurthercomprehensionofhowtomakebetteruseofthiss…  相似文献   

沈尤佳 《拉丁美洲研究》2012,34(1):17-22,79,80
迈克尔·A.勒博维茨是马克思主义经济学家、加拿大西蒙.弗雷泽大学名誉教授、委内瑞拉总统查韦斯的理论顾问,他的学术思想构成拉美21世纪社会主义实践的重要理论基础。他强调以人的全面发展为出发点理解马克思的全部的社会主义思想要义,将生产场所的自我管理和社区的自治、生产资料的社会所有、满足公共社区需要和公共意图归纳为21世纪社会主义的三个核心要素,并认为每一要素都是在革命的实践中发展人的潜能的可靠途径。三个核心要素的同时发生是社会主义的产生与发展不受资本主义传染、关上资本主义复辟大门的保证。  相似文献   

From Nov. 23 to 24, the 3rd New Century Sino-Japanese Symposium on the Asian Situation and Peace was held in Beijing. Present at the Symposium were Chinese experts and scholars from the International Department of CPC Central Committee, the Foreign Minist…  相似文献   


Anglo‐Russian relations during the period 1894–1914 were filled with incidents in large part stemming from the very different social and political frameworks of the two countries. The two countries had sharply differing traditions concerning individual liberty, freedom of the press and other such matters usually covered by the rubric of human rights. While the realities of great power politics forced the two countries to work together, it is not surprising that their collaboration was often marred by clashes of political and social sensibilities.  相似文献   

J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics and Targets: An Analysis of Tactical Aspects of the Armed Struggle 1969–1989. Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland: Poolbeg Press Ltd, 1990. Pp.117. $11.95. ISBN 1–85371–086–5

David A. Charters and Maurice Tugwell (eds.), Armies in Low‐Intensity Conflict: A Comparative Analysis. London: Brassey's (UK) Ltd, 1989. Pp.272, 5 maps. ISBN 0–08–036253–2

Rod Paschall, LIC 2010: Special Operations and Unconventional Warfare in the Next Century. New York: Brassey's (US), Inc., 1990. Pp.x + 166 select biblio., index. ISBN 0–08–035982–5

Austrian Foreign Policy Yearbook: Report of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs for the year 1990. Distributed by Verlag Manz, Kohlmarkt 16, A‐1014 Vienna. 187 Austrian schillings. ISBN 3–214–08261–2

Oliver Peter St. John, Air Piracy, Airport Security, and International Terrorism: Winning the War Against Hijackers. New York, Westport, CT, London: Quorum Books (Aerospace Management Law Series), 1991. Pp.296. $49.95. ISBN 0–89930–413–3  相似文献   

Voice power is a crucial indicator of a nation’s soft power.Be it sovereign states like the United States,Russia,Norway,Singapore,or those having no bearing on international political game like multinational companies,non-governmental organizations,media,  相似文献   

Distinguished Mr. Chairman,Distinguished guests,Today I am very pleased tohave this opportunity to exchangeviews with our German friends onthe current Middle East situationand prospect.The Middle East is a regionof important influence in theworld, as it i…  相似文献   

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