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Magic Needles     
Acupuncture and moxibustion inscribed on UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage on November 16, UNESCO officially approved the inclusion of acupuncture and moxibustion, a traditional Chinese medicine therapy, on its Representative  相似文献   

正UNESCO adds abacus to intangible cultural heritage listThe Chinese abacus has joined UNESECO’s list of Intangib Cultural Heritage of Humanity,following a decision to that effect by UNESCO committee meeting held in Baku,Azerbaijan,on December2013.  相似文献   

Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing jointly apply for UNESCO World Heritage status for their unique karst formations.  相似文献   

正The 44 th Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee is currently underway in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this is the first time for UNESCO to review World Heritage applications online. A series of operational norms for online review were established and adopted at this session and will become an important reference for the combination of online and offline platforms in the World Heritage field.  相似文献   

LAST March, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to four European countries - the Neth- erlands, France, Germany and Belgium, and also visited the headquarters of UNESCO andthe EU.  相似文献   

OPINION Rigged OpinionA hearing was recently held on the price of admission to Pingyao ancient city in Shanxi Province,which has been named aWorld Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO.  相似文献   

The only Arts Troupe in China that has vislted more than 60 countries UNESCO Artist for Peace——China Disabled people’s Performing Art Troupe  相似文献   

<正>China has a new spot on the UNESCO World Heritage ListThree sites of the Tusi heritage—areas resided in by ethnic minorities in southwest and central China from the 13th century to the mid-20th century—were added to the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in July,increasing the number of the country’s World Heritage Sites to 48,the second largest in the world following Italy.The three sites are Laosicheng Fortress in central China’s Hunan Province,Tangya Fortress in central China’s Hubei Province  相似文献   

The Chinese abacus has joined UNESECO's list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, following a decision:to that effect by a UNESCO committee meeting held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on December 4, 2013.  相似文献   

ZHANGJIAJIE innorthwesternHunan Province isknown for its vastexpanse of uniquelandscapes.It wasincluded in the UNESCO WorldNatural Heritage List in 1992 andselected as one of the first batch ofChinese national geological parksin 2001.In 2003,it was among thefirst batch of world geologicalparks.  相似文献   

799naturereservescovernation'sland.Ofthese,106arestate-levelreserves,includingWolongNatureReserveinSichuanProvince,BaishuijianginGansuProvince,FopinginShaanxiProvince,MountWuyiinFujianProvince,HuapinginGuangxiZhuangAutonomousRegion,andChangbaiMoun-tainsinJilinProvince.TheWOlong,ChangbaiMountains,Dinghushan,andnine0thernaturereserveshavebeenrecog-nizedbytheUnitedNationsEducational,ScientificandCul-turalOrganization(UNESCO)aspartsoftheworldbi0spherepreservationz0nes.SixReserveTy…  相似文献   

Historic monuments in Dengfeng, formally referred to as the Center of Heaven and Earth, in Henan Province, as well as Danxia Landform in several southern and eastern Chines provinces, were proclaimed UNESCO world heritage sites recently.  相似文献   

A s the year turned into 1997,we once again welcomedto China the delegation of the Ja-pan-China Friendship Associa-tion headed by its president IkuoHirayama, an old friend of theChinese people, well-knownJapanese painter and special ad-viser to UNESCO.  相似文献   

The admission of the art form will boost protection of this national treasure Peking Opera was recently inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was made  相似文献   

IN July two more of China’s ancient sites were desig-naied UNESCO world heritage:the Ming Tombs inBeijing and Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing.Thisbrings the number of Chinese world heritage sites to29.  相似文献   

The Gao Family Mansion, built 400 years ago, is a well-preserved Ming Dynasty residence and proud winner of the 2002 UNESCO Asia-Pacific cultural heritage preservation award. As the Gao family held official gov-ernment positions for generations, the formidable Empress Dowager Cixi  相似文献   

Since the first batch of cultural and natural sites of China were inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987, China now has 40 listed sites, ranking third in the world in terms of the number of listed sites.  相似文献   

FROMSeptember1to12,theUnitedNationsEducational,ScientificandCulturalOrganizanon(UNESCO)willsponsoranexhibitionofChineseartinParis,France.Theexhibition,entitledthe"SemaineCulturelledeChine1999aParis(ChineseCultureWeekinParis)"willshowcase5,000piecesrepresentativeofChinesefolk,ancient,andmodernart.ExhibitswillportraydifferentfacetsofChinesecultureincludingeducation,scienceandtechnology,thePekingOpera,ancientmusicalinstrument,andnaturalandculturalheritage.Inadditiontothedisplays,there…  相似文献   

正Late last year, at a meeting of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bali, Indonesia, China’s traditional shadow puppetry was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.  相似文献   

Lost in Profits     
<正>The Palace Museum is swamped in criticism for failing to take care of precious national treasures Last month,the Palace Museum in downtown Beijing,a World Cultural Heritage site recognized by UNESCO,was hit by a series of scandals.  相似文献   

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