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Vital reactions to frostbite in the paw and ear skin of guinea pigs were studied in order to find an animal model for frostbite in cases of accidental hypothermia. One group of animals was rendered hypothermic (rectal temperature, 30 degrees C) by exposure to an ambient temperature of -20 degrees C, and samples were taken from the frozen skin. A second group was rendered hypothermic and rewarmed in warm air at 45 degrees C, and samples were taken from the thawed skin. The only vital reaction in the first group (freezing time, 4-5 h) was mild initial inflammation, which was expressed in granulocyte adhesion to the vessel wall and the migration of a few cells into the dermis. The inflammatory reaction was more distinct in the second group (freezing and thawing together 5-7 h), with a large number of granulocytes being present in the dermis. Oedema and hyperaemia were also present in the frostbitten tissue after thawing, but no signs of necrosis developed. The alkaline-phosphatase reaction demonstrated the presence of granulocytes more clearly than H & E or Masson trichrome staining. Vital reactions were more advanced in the ear skin. It is concluded that vital reactions are very scarce in cases of frostbite, even after several hours' exposure, unless the tissue is allowed to thaw.  相似文献   

吴林长  薛瑞 《证据科学》2001,8(2):100-101
某男,43岁,工人。1999年10月13日被人用拳头伤及头部。伤后4小时入某医院诊治。入院体检见左前额部有一5cm×5cm头皮血肿,全颅多处压痛,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,光反应灵敏,耳、鼻、口腔无明显流血溢液。伤后5天CT检查报告:右额骨骨折、左额部皮下血肿。   伤后5天法医检查,伤者神志清,精神可,问答切题,体检合作,对受伤前后记忆清楚;左额部有一5cm×4cm淡黄色淤血,压痛。阅头颅X片示“右额骨距中线3cm处,见一边缘较锐利、略不整齐的颗粒状透亮影,约0.5cm;阅CT(1999/10/18)片见额骨右侧近中线处有一低密度隧道状影,边缘清楚锐利且不规则,呈口略大漏斗状,穿通外板,脑实质内无异常,邻近软组织无肿胀(见图1、图2)。  相似文献   

某男 ,43岁 ,工人。 1999年 10月 13日被人用拳头伤及头部。伤后 4小时入某医院诊治。入院体检见左前额部有一 5cm× 5cm头皮血肿 ,全颅多处压痛 ,双侧瞳孔等大等圆 ,光反应灵敏 ,耳、鼻、口腔无明显流血溢液。伤后 5天CT检查报告 :右额骨骨折、左额部皮下血肿。伤后 5天法医检查 ,伤者神志清 ,精神可 ,问答切题 ,体检合作 ,对受伤前后记忆清楚 ;左额部有一 5cm× 4cm淡黄色淤血 ,压痛。阅头颅X片示“右额骨距中线 3cm处 ,见一边缘较锐利、略不整齐的颗粒状透亮影 ,约 0 .5cm ;阅CT(1999/ 10 / 18)片见额骨右侧近中线处有…  相似文献   

大鼠索沟生活反应的免疫组化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在40只Wistat大鼠颈部制成5分钟至1小时生前索沟损伤模型、应用免疫组化技术(SABC),观察不同损伤时间索沟常规石蜡切片上纤维连结蛋白(Fn)和纤维蛋白原(Fb)的阳性着色和分布情况。结果发现,生前索沟损伤5分钟即能在索沟部真皮组织内发现Fn和Fb阳性反应,随着损伤时间的延长,阳性反应加深。Fn和Fb最强的着色是带状显于索沟表面表皮剥脱处,除个别死后索沟真皮内有Fb的弱阳性着色外所有对照组均未见阳性反应。结果表明Fn和Fb可以作为生前和死后索沟的鉴别指标。  相似文献   

Legal context: At the interface between patent law and biotechnology, a debatehas arisen over the application of the morality provision, designedto ensure the future development of society on a principledbasis. This article reviews the provision in its European context,adopting UK and European perspectives for analysis. Key points: Analysis of the provision identifies that there is ambiguityregarding interpretation of the morality provision, which haslead to inconsistent application between the European PatentOffice and the European Patent Boards. This article assessesthe provision in the context of the patent system and offersa legal philosophy framework within which to understand theprovision as conveying: a methodology, a standard of moralityand a source for that standard which can be utilized to describethe possibilities. It then re-centres the debate to its practicalcontext in order to demonstrate that the patent system removesthe options which are inapplicable: advocating valid and achievablemethods for complying with the law both nationally and on aEuropean level. Practical significance: The morality provision has become an accepted ‘wild card’in assessing the patentability of biotechnology: it has cometo rely upon the identification of danger areas in innovationthat may trigger moral objections. This falls far short of thelegal certainty which is so vital to biotechnological growth.In the face of the impending implementation of the unitary patentright across Europe, the importance of achieving a predictableand practical approach to applying the morality cannot be underestimated.  相似文献   

This essay was adapted from a speech presented by the author on February 12, 2008 at a Colloquium entitled “What's Best for Children? How Judges Use Neuroscience to Break the Cycle of Child Maltreatment.” The colloquium was sponsored by the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and held at Harvard Law School. It focuses on the wealth of knowledge that has been discovered about infant and child development and the importance of incorporating that knowledge into judicial decision making in child maltreatment cases.  相似文献   

我国重大行政决策程序立法实践分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来,我国地方层面有关重大行政决策的立法与规范性文件的出台方兴未艾;与此同时,中央层面的立法显得较为滞后。及时、全面地梳理地方立法和其他规范性文件的文本,归纳、分析其中的积极经验与不足,对完善我国的政府决策体制、机制,对中央层面适时出台行政决策领域的立法具有重要作用与积极意义。  相似文献   

A 79-year-old man, who was in a helpless situation due to cardiac decompensation, suffered dog bite injuries on the left thigh and in the genital region while still alive. Two extensive soft-tissue defects with contused and bruised wound edges were surrounded by multiple slit-like skin lesions. The outer genitals were almost completely missing. Because of surgical emergency treatment, molecular biological investigations were no longer possible. Therefore, the cause of the bite injuries had to be determined solely on the basis of the documented morphology of the wounds.  相似文献   

Obesity can involve any organ system and compromise the overall health of an individual, including premature death. Despite the increased risk of death associated with being obese, obesity itself is infrequently indicated on the death certificate. We performed an audit of our records to identify how often “obesity” was listed on the death certificate to determine how our practices affected national mortality data collection regarding obesity‐related mortality. During the span of nearly 25 years, 0.2% of deaths were attributed to or contributed by obesity. Over the course of 5 years, 96% of selected natural deaths were likely underreported as being associated with obesity. We present an algorithm for certifiers to use to determine whether obesity should be listed on the death certificate and guidelines for certifying cases in which this is appropriate. Use of this algorithm will improve vital statistics concerning the role of obesity in causing or contributing to death.  相似文献   

《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》下达后,农民工维权已成为全社会普遍关注的热点问题。笔者通过对江苏省太仓市农民工法律援助工作的调研,分析了太仓市农民工的现状、特点、农民工法律援助需求以及农民工法律援助工作的改进和存在问题,提出了“农民工维权重在推进制度建  相似文献   

To determine whether posttraumatic reactions occurred in injured individuals not confronted with litigation or compensation (as reckoned in the U.S.), a parallel study was undertaken in a social-democratic country (Austria) between ski- and work-injured groups. Although each group had a significantly different way of regarding the injury, there appeared to be a comparable incidence of posttraumatic psychiatric reaction in each. The absence of compensation (in contrast to disability maintenance) did not inhibit the appearance of the posttraumatic reaction. A discussion of the effects of compensation and litigation pointed out the separate nature of the problems associated with these two aspects of dealing with injury, with those problems being imposed upon, but not causative of, the posttraumatic psychiatric reaction.  相似文献   

Bone fragments were stored in water for 2 years at room temperature and investigated serologically using the following methods: Absorption-elution, extraction of blood group substances and immunohistochemistry (PAP). All 3 methods gave essentially specific results for fresh bone tissue but with putrid bone tissue unspecific reactions were found predominantly with the absorption-elution and PAP techniques. In contrast, more specific reactions were obtained from the extracts although they were much weaker. From this it can be concluded that pure physical binding plays a substantial role in the unspecific reaction between antibodies and bone material. It is suggested that the relevant physical properties are altered by putrification.  相似文献   

李斌  吴家文  廖志钢 《证据科学》2006,13(2):147-149
死亡时间推断是指通过一定的手段推测尸体从检查时距死亡时刻的间隔时间(postmortem interval),是法医实际工作中首先要解决的重要任务之一.准确推断死亡时间,在很大程度上能为刑事案件的侦破提供重要的线索,划定侦查范围,确定犯罪嫌疑人有无作案时间乃至确定案件性质和阐明作案过程均有重要意义.  相似文献   

死亡时间推断是指通过一定的手段推测尸体从检查时距死亡时刻的间隔时间(postmortem interval),是法医实际工作中首先要解决的重要任务之一。准确推断死亡时间,在很大程度上能为刑事案件的侦破提供重要的线索,划定侦查范围,确定犯罪嫌疑人有无作案时间乃至确定案件性质和阐明作案过程均有重要意义。近年来,我国法医工作者在超生反应、法庭昆虫学、内皮细胞活性、核仁区噬银蛋白形态学变化、肌肉酶活性、骨骼肌运动终板乙酰胆碱酯酶活性、玻璃体液化学物质成分的改变、肝细胞自溶超微结构、家兔死后红细胞内钾离子含量、尸体腐败程度、植物根…  相似文献   

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