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吕斌 《法人》2013,(2):56-57
最新出炉的全球互联网公司排名数据显示,中国互联网产值已经达到2600多亿,腾讯和百度跻身全球互联网公司前十位之列。这些可喜进步,彰显了中国互联网产业的良好势头。  相似文献   

微商是“互联网+”时代商务活动向移动社交平台拓展的产物.社交平台功能异化改变了传统商事活动的格局.微商井喷式发展的同时出现微商乱象.诚信缺失、维权成本与收益失衡、征税两难、群聚效应下的行为合法性危机以及监管空白成为制约微商发展和法律规制的困境.需要全景式动态考察微商运营及微商商人的形态,预设微商行为中的人像、场景以及信用基础,进而对微商进行分类调整和制度设计.  相似文献   

贺丹 《法学杂志》2016,(2):79-85
作为维持与重建市场主体信用基础的基本法律,破产法必须回应互联网经济发展对传统规则的挑战.互联网企业以专利权、客户信息等作为核心资产的特征对破产法中的资产处置提出了挑战,主要表现在融资的权利性质界定、客户资产的可出售性以及待履行合同的处置方面;互联网用户群有可能扩展现有的破产法的利益相关者范围,破产法需要对新的利益相关者对破产程序的参与提供规则设计;互联网构建在技术基础上的管理模式革新会使得破产法中管理人监督下的债务人自行管理成为主流的营业控制模式;互联网+的发展趋势要求法院进行破产程序的司法技术革新,以降低破产程序的成本.  相似文献   

正在如火如荼进行中的PPP模式,有力推地动了我国公用事业的快速发展,但也暴露出诸多问题,并对传统政府监管提出了挑战。现代政府监管应当从监管理念、目标、方式和法律救济等方面进行适当转型。在监管理念上,传统严格监管的理念已经不符合PPP模式的本质要求,应引入市场竞争机制,逐步打破行业垄断。在监管目标上,核心是如何正确处理好公共利益和私人利益的关系,应更加注重对私人利益的保护,以提高私人部门参与的积极性。在监管方式上,应打破主要倚重行政许可等事前监管手段的传统,充分发挥事中、事后监管的优势。在法律救济上,应重新审视传统救济途径所存在的不足,处理好民事诉讼与行政诉讼之间的关系,并努力将仲裁打造成PPP纠纷解决的主渠道。  相似文献   

互联网药品经营出现于上世纪末,国外形成了多元主义、法团主义和国家主义三类监管模式。我国目前有第三方、B2B、B2C等经营类型,新业态不断涌现,然而安全状况不容乐观。现有监管制度存在立法位阶偏低、内容缺失、主体混杂和手段单一等问题。完全放开或彻底禁止互联网药品经营都不符合实际,应采取折衷的互联网药品经营监管模式。建议利用修订《药品管理法》和开展互联网药品经营第三方电子商务平台试点的契机,重构我国互联网药品监管制度的定位、理念、路径和手段。  相似文献   

中国已经走到了世界贸易组织的入口处。“入世”会给司法行政带来哪些机遇和挑战2我们应当采取哪些对策,抓住机遇、应对挑战,以确保司法行政各项工作在新的形势F、新的世纪里取得更大的发展呢?笔者想就此谈点粗浅的认识。“入世”对于我国政治、经济等各个层面的影响将是巨大的,其中对于我国法制建设的影响特别重大。从长远看,我国的法制建设将表现出一种向国际化、现代化发展的趋势;“入世”无疑将大大刺激和加快我国法制建设的国际化、现代化进程。我国将遵循WTO法律规则,加快制定同国际市场经济运行体制相吻合、同国际规范和国…  相似文献   

互联网的兴起对人民法院的自身管理、审判执行工作都带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。面对势不可挡的互联网,我们必须高度重视、妥善应对,积极运用好互联网改进人民法院自身工作,并进一步履行好国家审判职能。  相似文献   

构建“一带一路”自由贸易区网络是实施“一带一路”战略的重要措施.“一带一路”沿线国家签署的自由贸易区协定存在着碎片化、自由化程度低、覆盖面窄等问题.构建统筹和协调的“一带一路”自由贸易区网络面临着与重要经济体的利益分歧、高门槛的贸易壁垒、区域内法制和政治经济发展水平的差异等诸多挑战.我国需要坚持服务“一带一路”战略的核心目标,遵循主权和互信共赢的合作原则进行宏观层面的布局,推进高水平贸易协定谈判、设计协定范式,加强区域内外重要经贸安排的对接、协调和互动等.  相似文献   

“80后”在押人员呈逐年上升趋势,已成为违反监规和监管事故的主体。针对看守所“80后”在押人员违反监管的问题,研究“80后”在押人员关押情况、违反监管行为产生的原因和违反监规及监管事故发生的规律,并围绕确保监所安全中心工作,提出以落实监所保障机制为基础、规范监管执法为关键、建立科学防控体系为保证、化解在押人员贫富矛盾为根本的治理对策。  相似文献   

Building on the foundation offered by Cropanzano et al. in their recent book titled Social Justice and the Experience of Emotion (Cropanzano et al. in Social justice and the experience of emotions, Routledge, New York, 2011), we argue that further integrating the literatures on organizational justice and affect has the potential to create important insights that can further our understanding of both literatures. In order to capitalize on these opportunities, however, we argue that justice scholars must increase the clarity of our constructs, address critical gaps in the literature, and question underlying assumptions in the field as well as within the paradigms that have traditionally been adopted to explore justice issues. We propose a number of research avenues that can not only facilitate our understanding of organizational justice by addressing challenges and gaps in the literature, but can also help further integrate the organizational justice and affect literatures. We conclude by discussing methodologies and approaches that can help organizational justice researchers to explore these new research opportunities.  相似文献   

This Book of the Seton Hall Law Review presents the contributions to Follow-On Biologics: Implementation Challenges and Opportunities, a one-day roundtable event hosted by Seton Hall University School of Law in the fall of 2010. The roundtable fostered an international dialogue regarding the future of follow-on biologics in the United States resulting from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 2010. THE BIOLOGIC PRICE COMPETITION AND INNOVATION ACT OF 2010. The March 23, 2010, enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the companion Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 ushered in landmark reform of the American health care system. Along with sweeping overhauls of the health care system generally, PPACA also provides a new regulatory challenge for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A subtitle within PPACA, the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA), bestows upon FDA broad authority to implement an abbreviated approval route to market for biological products (also known as biologics) that are "biosimilar" to an existing marketed product. The brief introduction will provide a basic comparison of biologics and conventional pharmaceutical drugs that will prove central to the FDA's development of this follow-on biologic pathway as well as specifically examine the content and scope of the BPCIA provisions and identify future challenges for the FDA. It will conclude by highlighting details of presentations during the roundtable held at the Seton Hall University School of Law and introduce the two resulting articles contained with this Book of the Seton Hall Law Review.  相似文献   

互联网治理模式经历了从个人管理到以互联网名称与数字地址分配机构为核心的网络化治理过程。近年来,互联网治理模式面临新的重要变局,由政府、私人部门和公民社会共同组成多利益攸关方模式将是未来重构方向,互联网全球共治的时代即将到来。中国将在互联网安全和治理领域面临新的机遇,可通过参与全球互联网管理制度的顶层设计,鼓励企业及社会团体共同参与、大众创新等路径,加入互联网全球治理的历史进程。  相似文献   

The new Millennium heralded a promise of change. For refugeesand other displaced persons, the start of the new Millenniumwas mixed; not much changed on the ground, but the fiftiethanniversary of the 1951 Convention brought Declaration of Statesparties reaffirming their commitments and the Agenda for Protection.Five years on, has the reaffirmation of States' commitment tothe international protection regime, and their endorsement ofthe Agenda for Protection, made a difference to refugees? Havewords been matched with actions to ensure access to asylum forthose who need it and a greater sharing of international responsibilityin this regard? This article looks at the major refugee protectionchallenges that confront us at the beginning of the 21st centuryon both sides of the development divide. It also addresses whymany of these problems have developed and examines some of theemerging opportunities, which, if seized in good faith, couldprovide more robust protection for refugees, while respondingto the security, sovereignty and economic concerns of States.  相似文献   

试论转型期我国政府规制的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放特别是我国确立建立社会主义市场经济体制以来,我国政府规制改革取得了重大进展,计划经济体制下所形成的计划管制正逐渐被基于市场经济的法制化、规范化的政府规制所取代。但同时我们也应该看到,我国政府规制改革仍存在许多问题,已落后于市场经济发展的要求。因此,在借鉴西方规制改革经验的基础上,结合我国实际对我国政府规制改革进行探讨有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Theory matters in crime prevention. Indeed, but this is hardly the full story. Crime prevention is oftentimes viewed as atheoretical—not grounded in the etiology of crime and offending. Reasons abound for this view, and the recent interest in an evidence-based approach to policy-making has been at the forefront. This article reviews the role that theory plays in modern day crime prevention, with a special focus on the three main crime prevention strategies: developmental, community, and situational. The review identifies a number of key challenges and opportunities for making theory more central to crime prevention. It suggests that the classification system employed in situational crime prevention has allowed for a more explicit connection between sound theory and prevention techniques, and may provide important lessons for developmental and community crime prevention.  相似文献   

网络的发展给政府提出了难题.这里像是"法律盲区",不需要规则,不需要政府管理.所以,传统的政府的这只"看得见的手"还应不应该发挥它的作用?要的话,又应该怎样发挥它的作用?扮演什么样的角色?是警察还是"守夜人"?这一系列疑问都摆在了政府面前.是网络给予政府沉思的机会.如果这里定位不准确或是有偏差,都将给网络的发展带来不利的影响.所以,探讨政府在网络法律中扮演的角色问题就摆在了前列.本文就此作一点阐述.供参考.  相似文献   

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