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Studies concerning inmate-on-inmate sexual assaults within male correctional facilities are sparse in the sociological and correctional literatures. Only a few studies have specifically examined the characteristics of male inmate sexual assault targets. The current research sought to address this gap by providing an examination of factors related to victimization likelihood. Using data gathered in March 2000 from 142 inmates (18% return rate) in one Southern maximum-security prison, the authors examined demographic and behavioral characteristics of male inmate sexual targets. Based on inmates' self-reports of sexual victimization--threatened and/or forced sexual assault encounters--correlates of victimization were identified. Approximately 18% of the inmates reported inmate-on-inmate sexual threats, and 8.5% reported that they had been sexually assaulted by another inmate while incarcerated.  相似文献   

蒋鹏飞 《行政与法》2009,(7):107-109
在我国监狱中,存在男性罪犯遭受性侵犯的现象,这给被害人与社会带来十分严重的危害.我国应当借鉴美国的经验,对性侵犯进行全面的调查,确立"零容忍"政策,建立调查、研究、预防与处理性侵犯问题的领导机制,同时完善被害人寻求救济的机制.  相似文献   

Yellow plastic-like particles were discovered on the clothing and body of a sexual assault victim. These particles were later associated to an athletic jersey with flaking yellow screen-printed numbers and letters, worn by the suspect. Depending on its intended substrate, screen-print ink can vary in color and composition. Particles dislodged from screen-printed garments may exhibit fabric impressions. Screen-printed clothing, commonly encountered in forensic casework, should be viewed as a potential source of trace evidence.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study examines the utility of social disorganization theory as an explanation for community rates of child sexual assault. We explore the sources of preteen (<=12) and teen (13-17) sexual assault victimization.MethodsDrawing on 1,172 child sexual assault incidents reported to law enforcement agencies in Orange County, Florida in 2004-2006, the present study assesses whether social disorganization theory can explain variation in amounts of preteen and teen sexual assault across census tracts. Social disorganization is assessed using measures of economic disadvantage, collective efficacy, and social cohesion, along with measures of population density, violent crime and presence of sex offenders in the community, and gender-related socioeconomic standing.ResultsEconomic disadvantage is positively related to the amount of both preteen and teen sexual assault. Surprisingly, immigrant concentration is negatively related to both preteen and teen sexual assault. Housing density is positively related to preteen sexual assault and the presence of registered sex offenders is positively related to teen sexual assault.ConclusionSocial disorganization provides a moderate explanation for community variance in the amount of preteen and teen sexual assault. Also, sources of child sexual assault are different between younger children and older adolescents.  相似文献   

精神发育迟滞患者的犯罪学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shang QJ  Hu ZQ  Cai WX  Yu XD  Gu Y  Jiang MJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):58-60,69
目的探讨司法精神病学鉴定中精神发育迟滞(MR)患者的犯罪学特征。方法采用自编的司法精神病学鉴定案例登记量表,对83例MR患者的犯罪学特征进行分析,并对轻度MR与中重度MR的犯罪学特征进行比较。结果MR涉嫌犯罪者中轻度MR占62.7%,中度MR占22.9%。性犯罪占37.3%,凶杀占34.7%,财产犯罪等占28.0%。犯罪动机明确者占96.1%。有犯罪史者占34.7%。轻度MR与中重度MR两组间作案预谋(χ2=11.9,P=0.001)、作案目标确定(χ2=7.531,P=0.006)、作案动机(χ2=7.920,P=0.019)、作案类型(χ2=7.855,P=0.02)有显著性差异。结论MR涉嫌犯罪者以轻度居多,犯罪类型以性犯罪及凶杀犯罪占比例较大,大多数犯罪动机明确。轻度MR组有作案预谋、作案前确定目标者明显高于中重度MR组。中重度MR作案动机为性满足者明显高于轻度MR。  相似文献   

In this study, gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) was observed by short tandem repeat (STR) typing from the aborted tissues in a sexual assault case. By histological screening, the fetal tissue could not be distinguished from the maternal tissue in this case. Therefore, five specimens were collected randomly from the aborted tissues for DNA analysis. STR typing was performed by the commercial ABI Identifiler kit. The results showed that three specimens were of the maternal origin, one was a mixture of the mother and male fetus, and the other one was of male fetal origin with partial triploid. Three alleles were identified in each locus of D8S1179, D7S820 and VWA for the fetal specimen. For these three alleles, one matched the maternal origin and the others matched the putative paternal origin (suspect). Analysis of the Y-STR by using the commercial ABI Y-Filer kit, the fetal types matched the types of the suspect. We reported the case of partial mole on forensic evidence and gave the valuable information from its identification.  相似文献   

Associative head and pubic hair transfers can provide a circumstantial connection between persons and objects in sexual assault cases. The occurrence of reported hair transfers in one analyst's casework are presented.  相似文献   

This study prospectively evaluated perpetrator risk factors for sexual assault perpetration, including peer influences, beliefs and attitudes about sexuality, alcohol use, and token resistance. Perpetration of sexual assault was evaluated at three time periods: pretest, 3-month follow-up, and 7-month follow-up. Retrospective and prospective analyses yielded differential predictors of sexually aggressive behavior. However, perpetration of sexual assault at any particular assessment period was a predictor of perpetration during the subsequent follow-up period. Furthermore, several variables that have previously been demonstrated in the literature to be related to the perpetration of sexual assault were not significant in regression analyses, indicating that these variables may be rendered insignificant when accounting for past perpetration in prospective analyses. These findings may have significant potential impact on development of sexual assault prevention programming with men.  相似文献   

A survey has been made to assess the evidential value of tests carried out on 660 casework penile swabs. Most were from suspects in sexual assaults and were examined to see if the donor had had recent anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. The swabs were tested for one or more of the following: blood, faeces, saliva, vaginal secretions, semen. Blood was seldom found, it was usually weak and insufficient for grouping. Faeces were only identified on a pair of swabs from a dead homosexual showing that proof of buggery by this means is rare. Amylase, suggestive of saliva and oral intercourse, was occasionally detected. Glycogen-rich epithelial cells were sometimes present indicating vaginal intercourse. Semen was frequently found but its presence may not result from a recent sexual act. An ABO group different from the donor was obtained from a fifth of the swabs typed. Grouping in other blood group systems was rarely attempted or successful. Penile swabs provided a means of detecting a victim's ABO blood group on a suspect when it would not have been possible to demonstrate the suspect's group on samples from the victim. They also had value in assaults involving more than one offender. The main limitation of penile swabs was the paucity of material on them and the sampling site affected the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Much work in the area of male sexual assault and rape relies on small clinical samples. From these samples, researchers reported that most male victims were physically injured during the attack and that penetration occurred. This work rests on a subsample of 219 men from the 1994-1996 Violence and Threats of Violence Against Women and Men in the United States Survey. Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAW) show that the vast majority of male sexual assault victims reported that they were not physically injured during the assault, that a weapon was not used, that there was no substance use at the time of the assault, and that penetration did not occur. Only 29% of male respondents in the NVAW sought medical or psychological help after the assault. Prior work may have overrepresented men who reported being physically injured and/or penetrated. An analysis is presented of how those who presented for help in the NVAW differ from the whole sample. Results show that men who presented for help were more likely to have reported being physically injured during the assault and that penetration occurred. Thus, findings from prior work make sense; however, they may not be representative of male assault victims as a whole.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presence and extFent of genitoanal injury among sexually assaulted women and to estimate the risk of injury in subgroups according to the type of assault and to the sexually assaulted women's susceptibility to injury. STUDY DESIGN: A case-control study of 249 women exposed to sexual assault. Injury identified by gross visualization. Women with and without injury were compared. Logistic regressions analyses were performed to calculate the risk of injury. RESULTS: Thirty-two percent sustained genitoanal injury. Anal penetration and assaults on women without prior sexual experience were associated with genitoanal injury. CONCLUSIONS: Most women do not have visible genitoanal injuries. The risk of sustaining genitoanal injury during a sexual assault is higher among women without prior sexual intercourse experience and among women exposed to anal penetration. The severity of the assault is a poor predictor of genitoanal injury.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):651-688

In this study of prosecutors' charging decisions in sexual assault cases, we test the hypothesis that the effect of victim characteristics is conditioned by the relationship between the victim and the suspect. We categorize the victim/suspect relationship as one involving strangers, acquaintances/relatives, or intimate partners, and we examine the effect of victim, suspect, and case characteristics on charging decisions in each type of case. The results of our analysis reveal that the effect of victim characteristics, with one exception, is confined to cases involving acquaintances and intimate partners. In these types of cases, prosecutors were less likely to file charges if there were questions about the victim's character or behavior at the time of the incident. In contrast, the victim's reputation and behavior did not affect charging in cases involving strangers; in those types of cases, prosecutors were more likely to file charges if the suspect used a gun or knife or if the victim was white. We conclude that stereotypes of “real rapes” and “genuine victims” continue to influence the charging decision in at least some types of sexual assault cases.  相似文献   

Although a major predictor of sexual victimization is previous victimization, the mechanism underlying this effect is not well understood. Sexual assault history's impact on appraisal of and responses to sexual assault risk was examined in an experimental analog study. Intimacy with perpetrator was also examined as a potential contributor to appraisal and responses. Young women varying in sexual assault history were randomly assigned to receive a scenario in which type of perpetrator was manipulated (someone just met, friend, date, boyfriend). Respondents appraised the man's actions as sexual interest or assault and indicated intentions to respond (resistance and nonresistance). Sexual assault history did not directly influence appraisal or intended responses but had modest indirect effects on resistance via sexual assertiveness. The primary influence on appraisal and responses was perpetrator intimacy. Women facing advances within a more intimate relationship were less likely to appraise those advances as threatening and less likely to resist.  相似文献   

Female (n = 5,226) and male (n = 5,969) U.S. Navy recruits completed a survey assessing their premilitary histories of adult sexual assault (SA), defined as attempted or completed rape since the age of 14. The survey was completed under anonymous or identified conditions. Overall, 39% of women reported premilitary SA victimization and 13% of men admitted premilitary SA perpetration. As predicted, rates were significantly higher in the anonymous than in the identified condition. For the sample of women as a whole, marital status, ethnicity, and family income were associated with SA victimization; for men, only marital status was associated with SA perpetration. Compared to previous college samples, Navy recruits were more likely to have previous SA experience. Given the negative consequences associated with SA victimization and perpetration, the present study reinforces the desirability of developing additional treatment, education, and prevention programs to reduce the occurrence of SA among military recruits.  相似文献   

Relatively little research has examined the impact of victim, suspect and case characteristics on the probability of various case closures in regard to personal crimes requiring police investigation. The present article examines the effect of individual and case characteristics (i.e. victim–offender relationship, initially available evidence) on the police unfounding decision, and the probability of four other types of case closure (Arrest, Exceptional due to lack of victim cooperation, Exceptional due to lack of “prosecutorial merit”, and Open) among a sample of felony sexual assault cases. Using data from a large municipal police department's sexual assault investigative unit, results indicate that the race of the victim and suspect plays no role in determining any of the case outcomes in this sample, while prior relationship does appear to have a strong impact. Variable impacts for indicators of the strength of evidence, victim's cooperation, and the seriousness of the case are also discussed.  相似文献   

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