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Many US veterans leave military service with a variety of psychosocial risk factors stemming from readjustment to civilian life, and there is increased public concern about the incarceration of veterans given ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prisons are playing instrumental roles in developing interventions to address the problems justice-involved veterans face both psychologically and environmentally in the form of veterans’ service units (VSUs), dormitories developed to assist with community reintegration, and connecting veterans to medical and mental health services. This study uses qualitative data from 87 veterans on a VSU who participated in a program improvement survey asking about their programming and reentry needs, experiences on the unit compared to other units, and any suggestions for improvement. Qualitative analysis of responses identified several themes including veterans’ needs around physical fitness, job training, education, and mental health and substance abuse treatment; positive experiences on the VSU compared to traditional units; the positive partnership role with the State Department of Corrections and the local Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center; and concerns on the unit about VA eligibility, combat status, and “real veterans.” These results are some of the first to capture the experiences of veterans on a VSU and the findings highlight potential benefits and challenges with implementing VSUs. Greater research and evaluation are needed to develop more treatment-oriented, rehabilitative models of justice and to continue to refine the VSU model.  相似文献   

We often think of health policy and health services research as offering solutions to cost, quality, and access problems. Many of us see health policy as simply ineffective. But any activity that has the power to cure can also do harm. Is it possible that the health policy enterprise has contributed to the very problems it has been attempting to eliminate? We argue that it has. Reasonable assumptions have led to a series of solutions that have provided political cover for those vested in the status quo. This process is nonpartisan, with those of us on the left and the right unintentionally and inadvertently contributing to the problems we are so committed to solving.  相似文献   

Legal scholars and social scientists are increasingly calling on legislators, lawyers, and judges to recognize and embrace expanding definitions of the family. Implicit in such calls is the expectation that legal recognition of expanding definitions of the family will protect children's attachment relationships with adults, irrespective of their biological ties to those adults. Through a detailed, historical examination of custody decisions in disputes between biological and nonbiological parents in the state of Iowa, this research suggests that judicial recognition of more expansive definitions may not result in decisions that protect children's attachment relationships. This is true because the legal impact of family definitions appears to be contingent upon cultural and political factors that may undermine the expected effects of changing definitions. This research also suggests that judicial recognition of children's rights may be the most apt way to promote legal changes that will protect children's attachment relationships.  相似文献   

Purpose. The blaming of rape victims can cause secondary victimization. It is of importance to investigate factor that might lead to victim blaming. This study investigated the effect of belief in a just world (BJW), gender of participant, and level of relationship closeness between victim and perpetrator on attributions of both victim and perpetrator blame. Methods. In a between‐subjects experiment, a community sample (N= 166) answered questions of victim blame and perpetrator blame after reading one of four scenarios, each depicting a different level of relationship between the victim and the perpetrator (strangers, acquaintances, dating, or married). Results. Overall, high levels of perpetrator blame and low levels of victim blame were found. Contrary to previous research, the victim of a stranger rape was blamed more than when the perpetrator was known to the victim. Furthermore, participants high on BJW attributed higher levels of victim blame and lower levels of perpetrator blame. Specifically, female participants high on BJW attributed most blame to a victim of stranger rape. Conclusions. In conclusion, BJW was a significant predictor of blame attributions, and relationship type is a variable that merits further research.  相似文献   

Anil Balan 《The Law teacher》2018,52(2):171-189
At undergraduate level the tutorial system at Oxford University has several features that serve to make it almost unique in UK Higher Education. Undergraduates are taught in tutorial groups, typically made up of one to three students, on a weekly basis. Work is usually prepared in advance of these sessions by students and the tutorial is then used as an opportunity for students to receive direct feedback on their work, as well as a platform for further work and tutor-led discussion. The central issue to be explored in this paper, which reports the findings of tutorial observations and interviews involving Oxford University Law students, is the effectiveness of this system of teaching. Supporters of the Oxford tutorial system regard it as more academically challenging and rigorous than other methods of teaching, with its emphasis on developing critical thinking skills and a critical dialogue around feedback. Its detractors, meanwhile, consider it open to potential inconsistency and misuse by tutors. Key findings of this study give more support to the arguments of the former. It will also be demonstrated that there are a number of discipline-specific issues, which make consideration of the tutorial system particularly relevant and enlightening for undergraduate Law students.  相似文献   

A fatality following ingestion of the tricyclic antidepressant trimipramine is presented. Whole blood concentrations of trimipramine and its metabolite N-desmethyltrimipramine were measured by gas-liquid chromatography and found to be 400 and 1130 ng/mL, respectively. These findings are compared to those of previous unpublished trimipramine fatalities and fatalities caused by other tricyclic antidepressants.  相似文献   

Conclusions In a review of available literature on the topic of adverse effects of the use of hallucinogenics, the authors found some remarkable evidence. First, there is not evidence that these drugs are physically or emotionally addictive. In fact, users generally discontinue use because of the impact of altering states of consciousness. Few have the desire to experience these effects beyond satisfying their curiosity about the drugs. There seem to be some specific personality factors that predispose individuals to experiment with psychedelic drugs, and certainly, specific personality types are prone to be associated with negative side effects in both the short and long-term. In light of the considerable amount of research which supports the premise that LSD is not as dangerous as once assumed, perhaps restrictive hiring policies should be reviewed and reevaluated in the case of the one-time user. If an individual passes all testing, and personal history shows stability, disqualifying a candidate for prior LSD use does not appear to be supportable by research finding. Again, this report is not meant to diminish the negative effect of hallucinogens on a small portion of our society. The intent is to point out that the medical literature does not support the contention that one-time hallucinogen use carries with it any undesirable long-term consequences. The importance of considering an individual within the context of testing and background can not be minimized.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the perceived certainty of punishment and general criminal thinking interact and whether the effect varies as a function of age. Data from all 1354 members (1170 males, 184 females) of the Pathways to Desistance study were used to test whether perceived certainty, general criminal thinking, and their interaction predicted subsequent offending during late adolescence (16–18 years of age) and emerging adulthood (20–22 years of age). The results showed that while perceived certainty and general criminal thinking failed to interact at age 17, general criminal thinking moderated the effect of perceived certainty at age 21. During emerging adulthood, offending was more common and varied in young adults with low certainty perceptions and high criminal thinking than it was in emerging adults with high criminal thinking and high certainty perceptions or low criminal thinking and either high or low certainty perceptions.  相似文献   



The current study sought to determine whether sex moderated peer mediation of the externalizing-delinquency relationship as part of a larger test of the gendered pathways theory of crime.


Data gathered from 4,144 (2,079 males and 2,065 females) members of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child sample were subjected to simple correlational and moderated mediation analysis.


Externalizing behavior and delinquency correlated equally in boys and girls but in testing a full moderated mediation model it was discovered that sex moderated the mediating effect of perceived peer pressure on the externalizing–delinquency relationship. Whereas externalizing behavior predicted delinquency in both boys and girls, perceived peer pressure only mediated the externalizing-delinquency relationship in boys.


These results support the gendered pathways to delinquency model to the extent that the relationship between childhood externalizing behavior and delinquency was mediated by perceived peer pressure in males but not females. The implications of these results for theoretical refinement of the gendered pathways approach and crime prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

理论的解释力来自哪里:中国经济法学研究的反思   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济法学的科学性、实践性以及在此基础上所形成的学科地位,从根本上讲都取决于其理论的解释力,但是,目前研究现状中,研究范式的混乱、理论框架不清晰、缺乏构建理论体系的方法与工具以及理论方法与技术的分离这四个因素削弱了经济法理论的解释力。中国经济法学提高理论解释力的基本路径在于:在吸收各范式优点的基础上,对经济法研究范式和理论进行多元整合,建立一种能够整合各种研究范式和理论流派优势的多元统一理论。在这个路径下,经济法学应当进一步厘清理论框架,引入科学主义的方法论,将科学方法与人文的方法结合起来,吸纳理性选择理论所包含的分析方法与工具,实现理论与技术的统一。  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy-six plants of 22 different lots of Cannabis sativa L., grown at the Botanical Garden of Siena (Italy) were chromatographically analysed in order to define the cannabinoid content in their leaves. The content of the major cannabinoids, delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinol and cannabichromene, determined weekly in vegetative and floral leaves enabled the determination of the chemical types of the plants, according to Turner's classification. The plants were easily distinguishable in drug, intermediate and fiber types. The cannabinoid characteristic of each type remains predominant, as compared with the other cannabinoids, throughout the whole period of growth, including the floral stage and after harvesting. On this basis, the predominant concentration of a specific cannabinoid can be used reliably for forensic application concerning drug-suspected material in very young plants.  相似文献   

In 2007 the European Commission published a White Paper on a "Strategy on nutrition, overweight and obesity", proposing measures to impede the current trend towards a steady gain in weight by Union citizens. In this article, these ideas are discussed critically in the light of the competences of the Union and from a public health law perspective, in order to scrutinise the effectiveness of the measures and to identify shortcomings in the White Paper. One focus of this article will be European food legislation, as food is one of the leading causes of people being overweight or obese.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents' ideas about girls' and boys' use and experience of physical and psychological abuse in heterosexual dating relationships. Canadian high school students who were enrolled in Grades 9 and 11 took part in single-gender focus groups. Eight themes emerged from the analysis. The themes highlight the importance teenagers place on context for defining specific behaviors as abusive. They also underscore gender differences in the criteria adolescents use to make these judgments, in the forms of abusive behavior teenagers typically use in a dating relationship, and in the reasons for youths' declining use of physical abuse and increasing use of psychological abuse. These views have important implications for future research and for programs targeting adolescent dating violence.  相似文献   

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