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刘双丰 《行政与法》2013,(12):92-95
本文分析了领导干部应对突发事件应当具备的洞察和鉴别能力、统御全局能力、组织协调能力、快速反应和决断能力,提出了提高领导干部应时突发事件能力的对策,即应当充分认识提高领导干部应对突发事件能力的重要性,切实加强学习,重视在实践演练中提高,增强服务意识,不断对突发事件应对工作进行深刻的反思和总结.  相似文献   

张旭 《行政与法》2005,(12):127-128,F0003
现代社会在各种高度的隐蔽性、组织性、复杂化以及高超的反侦查手段等无被害人犯罪日益增多的情况下,对传统的侦查方法提出了巨大的挑战。诱惑侦查作为一种特殊的侦查方法以对付那些使用传统的侦查手段已无法或难以侦破的犯罪案件,其作用显得尤为突出。本文试从诱惑侦查的有关问题出发,对其进行分析。  相似文献   

蔡宝刚 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):41-46
知识经济已经成为新世纪经济发展和法律变革的时代主题 ,社会经济的知识化以及由此带来的知识的权力化 ,引起了构成法律基本要素的“理”即生产方式与“力”即国家权力的相应变化 ,进而引起了法律的知识化发展趋势 ,建立在知识基础上的法律更具有合法性 ,未来法治的重心应是加强知识的法律化和法律的知识化建设。  相似文献   

A key problem in trying to manage diverse societies is finding social policies that will be acceptable to all individuals and groups. Studies suggest that this problem may not be as intractable as is often believed, since people's acceptance of policies is shaped to an important degree by the fairness of the procedures used by authorities to make policy. When policies are fairly made, they gain widespread support, even among those who may feel that the consequences of the policy for them or their group are undesirable or even unfair. These findings support an optimistic view of the ability of authorities to manage diverse societies. On the other hand, research suggests that the ability of procedural justice to bridge differences among individuals and groups may not be equally strong under all conditions. People's willingness to accept policies is more influenced by procedural justice judgments when they identify with the society that the authorities represent and view them as representing a group of which they are members. They are less influenced by procedural justice judgments when they identify more strongly with subgroups than with society and/or view the authorities as representatives of a group to which they do not belong.  相似文献   

Advances in medical science have done much to improve the quality of life but in some cases medical treatment may result in the prolonging of death rather than the enhancement of life. Patients may wish to refuse or withdraw from medical treatment even though they realise that this will lead to an early death. Medical attendants may, however, see it as their legal or ethical duty to impose medical treatment in the interest of preserving life. At a broad level two crucial interests come into headlong conflict--the patient's right to self-determination and society's interest in the preservation of human life. In this article the legal principles which are invoked to resolve this conflict both at common law and under recent Victorian legislation, the Medical Treatment Act 1988, are discussed and the thesis advanced that, in relation to competent patients, the law favours the right to self-determination.  相似文献   

论法学对依法执政的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法学是治国之学、强国之学、正义之学、权利之学,对依法执政具有十分重要的作用.法学为依法执政提供文明的执政理念、构建最佳执政模式、合理配置执政资源、营造良好执政环境.中国共产党加强执政能力建设、实行依法执政,必须重视和发挥法学的功能.  相似文献   

The issue of whether civilly committed patients should be extended the right to accept or refuse treatment has generated much controversy and litigation during the past 15 years. In general, the current rule is that in nonemergency situations, individuals who are competent to give informed consent to treatment should be extended the right to refuse it. Obviously, the manner in which this rule is implemented partly depends on how competence to consent to treatment is defined and measured. Most researchers have implicitly assumed that an understanding of treatment information is the sole criterion of competence. It is argued that such a definition may be incomplete and is in need of reexamination. Following a review and analysis of the relevant legal and psychological literature, a comprehensive construct of competency to consent to treatment is proposed and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

夫妻生育权冲突的法律救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴国平 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):67-70
在婚姻关系中,夫妻双方的生育权处于对立统一的关系。夫妻双方均享有平等的生育权,夫妻生育权利的行使和实现有赖于夫妻双方的协力与配合,应当通过协商方式加以解决。其中,妻子一方享有生育的天然优势,完全有权实行意思自治。法律在保护女性生育权的同时,对男性生育权也应予以肯定和保护。当夫妻之间发生生育权冲突时,应由当事人协商或第三人调解解决;在双方无法达成合意的情况下,离婚便成为解决夫妻生育权冲突的合理途径。  相似文献   

Discussing legal issues related to smart contracts on the blockchain is very topical. This article will discuss primarily smart contracts on the blockchain the conclusion and execution of which does not interact with the physical world, as well as briefly touch upon smart contracts on the blockchain which do interact with the physical world. For these smart contracts, it will be determined to what extent existing EU internet laws can help support their development and if not, what is needed to support this. In order to answer this question, the following will be discussed: the rise of e-commerce and in particular the EU internet laws supporting and regulating e-commerce, how smart contracts work and how smart contracts compare with existing technological developments and comparable legal constructs (internet, bank accounts and bank guarantees). Subsequently, it will be explained how the use of smart contracts leads to a shift of confidence, from trust in people to trust in code. On the basis of The DAO hack and the problems that arose, it will be illustrated that this shift to trust in code is not as absolute as is often thought. The article concludes that applying specific EU laws on supporting and regulating e-commerce to smart contracts is difficult for two reasons. First of all, the starting points differ: trust in people versus trust in code. Secondly, technical and practical obstacles often inhibit applying internet laws in a meaningful manner. When using smart contracts, it makes more sense to prevent problems from arising than to correct them afterwards. For this reason, it is advocated that programmers work together with lawyers to create better smart contracts and that the legislator focuses on laws dealing with auditing smart contracts code by trusted third parties and automatically equating smart contracts with written contracts with wet ink signatures. This will hopefully facilitate the rise of smart contracts on the blockchain.  相似文献   

This study is the first to investigate police investigators’ adherence to, and the effectiveness of, a training program for detecting true and false intentions. Experienced police investigators (N = 53) were either trained or not trained in how to interview to discriminate between true and false intentions. All investigators interviewed mock suspects (N = 53), of which half lied and half told truth about their intentions. Both subjective and objective measures showed that the trained investigators interviewed in line with the training received. That is, a large proportion asked about the planning of the stated intentions. Noteworthy, none of untrained investigators reported to have posed such questions for strategic purposes. The trained investigators reached a higher detection accuracy level (65 %) than their untrained colleagues (55 %), however not significantly. Given that the investigators adhered to the training, this training package is a viable starting point for developing more effective training programs.  相似文献   

This is the first of a planned series of articles considering the EU’s limited harmonisation of the laws regulating the activities of businesses using the Internet. This first article considers five key EU directives, all of which require website operators to provide a variety of information to website visitors. We consider the circumstances in which the various requirements apply and the information that must be provided, to simplify the process of navigating through rules which, although similar in nature, arise from disparate sources. We consider data privacy and “ePrivacy” rules; consumer protection rules arising in the field of e-commerce; and rules protecting potential creditors dealing over the Internet with limited liability companies.  相似文献   

郑莹 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):112-117
社会保障权是社会保障法的核心,是现代社会的一项基本人权,其本质是社会权。有权利就应当有救济,其中司法救济又是权利救济途径中最权威、最行之有效的方式,是保障公民社会保障权利恒久不易的追求。由于社会保障权的特殊性质,传统的民事和行政救济体系已不能适应社会保障争议的需要,打破传统的普通诉讼程序,借鉴国外成熟经验,完善和创设符合社会保障权特征的现代的特殊司法救济机制已成为必然之选。  相似文献   

This paper examines a particular type of argument often employed to defend welfare rights. This argument contends that welfare rights are a necessary supplement to liberty rights because rights to freedom become hollow when their bearers are not able to take advantage of their freedom. Rights to be provided with certain goods are thus a natural outgrowth of a genuine concern to protect freedom.I argue that this reasoning suffers from two fatal flaws. First, it rests on an erroneous notion of what it is to have a right, neglecting the fact that the exact source of a person's inability to exercise a right is crucial to determining whether that right is being respected. Second, the argument equivocates as to the freedom that rights are intended to protect, sometimes confusing freedom with ability, sometimes confusing not being free with not having other desired things, and sometimes confusing what a person is able to do with what a person is entitled to do.  相似文献   

正确认识与积极应对技术性贸易壁垒   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
技术性贸易壁垒是20世纪80年代以来的国际贸易领域中引人关注的重要现象。这一现象以两种形式八种表现存在于当今世界经济之中。技术性贸易壁垒是一柄双刃剑,既有其存在的合理性,对世界经济和国际贸易有着积极的作用,并在一定程度上有利于舞障各国的消费健康和国民生命安全,同时也会被贸易保护主义思潮利用,成为影响世界经济和国际贸易发展的严重阻碍。应对技术性贸易壁垒必须熟知世贸组织关于技术性贸易壁垒的规则,尽量参与国际标准的制定工作,建立必须的预警机制,充分利用双边与区域合作协调机制等。  相似文献   

In Res. 1373 (2001), the Security Council laid down the dutyto bring terrorists to justice and to deny them safe haven.Whereas such duty expressed a clear political imperative inthe aftermath of 11 September 2001, it is less clear how nationalauthorities are supposed to translate it into a set of enforceablelegal obligations. If it is interpreted as ‘obliging’states to prosecute and try terrorists, as the Security CouncilCounter Terrorism Committee seems to suggest, the power of prosecutorsto decide whether or not to bring a case to court may be severelyimpaired. An unconditional obligation to bring terrorists tocourt would not necessarily strengthen states’ judicialresponse to the threat of international terrorism. A sensibleexercise of prosecutorial discretion may be instrumental inarticulating a flexible and more effective response in variouscircumstances. Moreover, a rigid interpretation of the requirementto bring terrorists to justice does not find support in SecurityCouncil and General Assembly resolutions on terrorism. Far frommandating that alleged offenders be unconditionally broughtto trial, the universal counter-terrorism conventions and protocolslimit themselves to requiring that the jurisdiction of nationalcourts be established, which is conceptually different fromimposing its actual exercise.  相似文献   

高轩 《政法学刊》2003,20(3):30-32
英美法系国家的宪法监督权,通常由普通法院和专门机关来行使,这些机关均享有宪法解释权和适用权,宪法监督主体享有宪法解释和适用权是行使宪法监督权的关键和保证。  相似文献   

逯惠艳 《行政与法》2006,(12):45-47
当代的公共危机管理是一个由危机预防、危机准备、危机回应及危机恢复四部分组成的循环。笔者从危机预防环节入手,分析了危机预防的重要性和当前我国政府在危机预防方面存在的问题,提出了有效防范的措施。  相似文献   

This article has been written from the position that we fail to understand the character of the changes in prison policy in the last decades if we concentrate too much on the new emphasis on control and security. By making use of Thomas Kuhn's paradigm model, the article argues that it is fertile to see the changes in Swedish prison policy during the last decades as a paradigm shift. Although the new emphasis on control and security is important, it is only one feature in a larger transformation which concerns changing perceptions of the criminal subject, new theoretical understandings, new treatment methods, as well as a new role for the prison in penal policy in general. The article conceptualizes the policy that has developed inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service during the last decades as the developing of a new paradigm in contrast to the old prison policy paradigm of the welfare state. The article especially discusses the significance of the development of so-called evidence-based knowledge as well as the creation of a Scientific Council inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service which have led to a re-pathologization of the criminal subject. Other features that make up the new paradigm are the numerous programmes built on cognitive therapy and the emphasis on individual risk assessments. On a general level, the new paradigm has developed during, and is congruent with, the dominance of a neo-liberal regime.  相似文献   

Conclusion The central aim of providing access to justice should be to ensure that every citizen receives implementation of his legal rights at the lowest overall cost, not just the cost to litigants, or the courts' budget, or insurers, but to society as a whole. How far the proposals in the Report will achieve that will have to be seen when they are implemented, whether in whole or in part. Although the proposals are radical in many ways, it is certainly possible to argue that on one construction they merely preserve the present distinction between small claims, County Court, and High Court cases, with a variety of significant modifications. If that be so, it is equally arguable that very much the same result could be achieved by modifications to both the County Court and High Court rules without the need for universal sweeping changes. Certainly all practitioners and judiciary are going to find that the next few years are full of challenge and interest. It will be fascinating to observe the changes and the outcome. Q.C., M.A., LL.M. (Cantab), J.D. (Chicago), one of Her Majesty's Circuit Judges since 1987. The opinions expressed in this article are purely personal to the author and should not be attributed to any other member of the judiciary.  相似文献   

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