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正过去的三年间,整个智能交通产业沉醉在智慧停车的幸福收获之中,由于企业的发力和技术日新月异,资本、政府与社会期待共同将目光投向这一新概念、新领域。为此,分析当下停车场产品和技术,必然都将与智慧停车相融合。我国停车场市场现状分析停车场系统对于中国而言,应用较早,这和市场刚需有关。在上世纪八十年代,我国汽车保有量少,对停车场管理系统的需求有限,主要依靠引进国外停车场设备来满足这小部分的需求。随着改革开放的不断深入,我国经  相似文献   

刘梅芳 《政府法制》2008,(21):31-31
荫城镇李坊村位于山西省长治县东南部,南依凤凰山,北邻陶清河,东靠长陵公路,地理位置得天独厚。该村以村内著名的金代建筑——洪福寺闻名于周边地区。近3年来,李坊村新一届两委班子垂:上级党委和政府的领导支持下,团结带领全村群众,认真贯彻新农村建设20字方针,扎实工作、真抓实干、艰苦创业、勇于创新,使全村进入了一个崭新的发展时期。  相似文献   

来自最高法院的声音 提起死刑执行,您的脑海里一定会勾勒出这样一幅场景:阴冷灰暗的天空、戒备森严的刑场、荷枪实弹的武警.随着神情严肃的行刑指挥人员的一声令下,正义的子弹飞出枪膛,凶恶的罪犯应声倒地并毙命于血泊之中……  相似文献   

<正>近年来,人们生活水平不断提高,城市化进程也在加快,导致停车需求迅速增长,从而引发了动静交通间的冲突。我国停车场市场现状分析停车场系统对于中国而言,应用较早,这和市场刚需有关。在上世纪八十年代,我国汽车保有量少,对停车场管理系统的需求有限,主要依靠引进国外停车场设备来满足这小部分的需求。随着改革开放的不断深入,我国经济开始腾飞,国内汽车保有量逐年上升,催生停车场设备的巨大需求。到新  相似文献   

2000年年初,当所有的人用所有的期望和喜悦,用所有的镜头和文笔,用所有的表演和设计,用所有的瞳仁和声音,欢呼新千年到来的时候,绝没有想到,新世纪竟然还在不远处,还在不远处善意地向我们所有的人招手致意……一种希望之后的失望。一种失望之后的希望。希望也好,失望也罢。关键在于我们的心态我们的感觉,不论拍手欢呼.还是迎面反对.历史老人总是要向前发展的,岁月长河总是和着时间的节拍向我们走来。假如当初没有耶稣,也不会有什么公元,没有公元,也就不会有什么世纪。一些没有刻意想跨世纪的人,却与一个又一个世纪并辔…  相似文献   

正一个人只能发出微小的声音,而当这种声音成为了大众共识,将会引领和创造一个新时代。很显然,在无处不智慧的时代潮流中,智慧停车已经进入百姓生活。为寻找一个智慧城市项目的典型,记者走进了浙江云行天下网络科技有限公司(S P S国际运营中心),去领略他们引领城市智慧停车的风采。  相似文献   

<正>1980年1月14日,原中国专利局(国家知识产权局前身)正式建立。四十年来,几代知识产权人披荆斩棘,改革创新,开拓进取,接续奋斗,走出了一条中国特色知识产权事业跨越式发展之路。笔者作为从事知识产权工作近36年的亲历者,感慨颇多,谈几点真切的感受和体会。  相似文献   

土地是脆弱的。 土地的沙漠化已成为世界性的灾难。全世界现有沙漠、戈壁和沙漠化土地4560万平方公里,受沙漠影响地区的人口约有10亿。 沙漠意味着贫困和落后。 然而,沙漠也意味着效益和财富。 20年前的一天,一位穿绿色军装的科学家在西北某导弹基地,望着附近沙漠间一丛一丛的梭梭树和一片一片的骆驼刺曾  相似文献   

卞国福 《江淮法治》2012,(23):56-56
停车伸个懒腰,掸落一身的疲惫,推开一扇由排排门钉夹嵌着石砖的大门,就走进了盛春的徽州。"深潭与浅滩,万转出新安"、"他年一携手,摇艇入新安"、"一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州"……不管我走到哪里,多少年来,徽州一直在心中看着我、想着我、呼唤着我。我也一直把我生命的源头之路,注入到守望的睡梦  相似文献   


Dentin proteins from 24-individual permanent molars from patients aged 15 to 73 years were sequentially extracted, with guanidinium chloride (G1-extract) and then with EDTA; after demineralization, the material was again extracted with guanidinium chloride (G2-extract). Extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and the gels were processed for zymography to detect gelatinolytic activities. The patterns of gelatinase A distribution differed in the different dentin protein fractions, and the changes varied with age. Significant differences were detected in gelatinase A in G2-extracts between individual younger than 20 years old and the rest of the sample (chi2exp = 19.429; 1 d.f.; p < or = 0.001). The incidence of true and false positives and negatives, and sensitivity and specificity for the presence of gelatinase A in dentin extracts, were calculated. Determination of gelatinase A in human dentin may be a useful marker to estimate age, especially when other morphological methods are of limited usefulness.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a relatively short period between childhood and adulthood. It is very difficult to determine adulthood based on biological indicators. The third molar may be considered a potential age marker for the period between the ages of 16–21. Our study evaluated a set of 1700 panoramic radiographs of individuals aged between 5 and 21 years. Results confirmed the statistically significant difference in the course of third molars development. The mean deviation for individuals with one third molar agenesis is ?0.98 years, for individuals with two third molars agenesis ?1.89 years, and with three molars agenesis ?3.28 years. Thus, the extent of the deviation is directly proportional to the number of unformed third molars. The calculation of age according to the mean of stages of all third molars could lead to the underestimation of age. No intergender differences were found. Age determination using third molars could be used for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

A total of 317 upper and lower third molars were randomly divided into working and control samples and used to estimate chronological age employing a method which combined multiple regression analysis of data from Gustafson's and Maples's scoring system, direct morphological measurements obtained with a Kontron image analysis system and logarithmic data transformation. The standard errors of estimate were 2.4-6.8 years in the working sample and 1.9-7.5 years when the derived formulae were tested on the control sample, respectively. Compared to previous studies, this method provides a smaller standard error of estimate from a single molar tooth. The method is presently being tested on other tooth categories, like premolars, canines and other types of molars.  相似文献   

张希坡 《法学家》2001,(4):37-46
前言 被世界推崇为五大法系之一的中华法系,自战国至清朝延续两千多年,在中国和世界法制史上占据着重要的历史地位和深远的影响.但是,自1840年鸦片战争后,随着帝国主义的入侵和国内资本主义的缓慢发展,中国社会制度逐渐由封建社会演变为半殖民地半封建社会.固有的以封建法律制度为特征的中华法系,因不能适应社会经济关系的急剧变化,也随之逐步停滞或解体.……  相似文献   

As a consequence of the U.S. pursuit of neo-liberal global hegemony in the post-Soviet era, the language of empire has returned to political discourse and social analysis after an eighty-year absence. Although the pursuit of empire and the exertion of imperial control is deeply and demonstrably injurious to the nations and people subjected to this control, orthodox criminology has given relatively little attention to this emerging world of transnational social injury, choosing instead to continue its traditional focus on private crimes of greed, lust and rage. In this essay I detail how legal formalism, methodological individualism, ameliorative motives, mass-communications and the reward structure of orthodox criminology combine to form a meta-theoretical framework that has kept the criminological gaze averted from injurious actions of transnational structures of power. I then offer an alternative framework for a criminology of empire and other power crimes focused on how intersections among economic, political and cultural processes generate social injuries that are analogous to crimes in their nature and consequences, and that, as a result should become as significant a focus of criminological inquiry as the street crimes that now dominate criminological research and writing. What do we do with our knowledge about the suffering of others, and what does this knowledge do to us? -Stanley Cohen   相似文献   

电信网络资源的稀缺性要求对从业者进行总量控制,这是行业初期采用特许入门的经济学基础。随着电信技术的发展,电信业的自然垄断性可以最大程度地与运营资格剥离:只有涉及使用稀缺资源的领域才有必要保留特许。待行业发展成熟后,管制重点不在入门,而是以清晰的权利义务规范为依据的日常监管。如果不涉及稀缺资源使用权分配,可不设入门许可,或采用登记制。欧盟电信框架指令和美国1996年电信法皆反映了此立法趋势。  相似文献   

While a number of studies examine the parenting and social bond causes of low self-control in data obtained in the United States, very few focus on these constructs on data collected in international settings. The resulting gap in the literature is a major one in terms of the understanding of how low self-control potentially develops in other countries. This study tests several parenting and social bond models in an attempt to spur future global research on the concepts that are associated with low self-control. The data were collected from a convenience sample of 414 high school students in a suburb of a large Chinese city. Measures of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s parental variables as well as those of other investigators are included. Additionally, important social bonds such as maternal, school, and peer attachment are also specified. Results indicate that almost all of the parenting and bond measures are significantly associated with the development of low self-control. These findings indicate the possibility that both parenting and relationship factors are potentially important to the development of low self-control in Chinese high school students.  相似文献   

How can we account for trials in which the judgment speaks not only to and about the defendants and their deeds, but also about injustices from a more distant past? Building on approaches to ghosts and haunting by Jacques Derrida and Avery Gordon, I propose to examine a set of the German post-1990 trials for human rights violations committed in the former East Germany as instances of haunted justice. Here, the courts not only adjudicated the present cases, but also tried to ‘go back and make whole what has been smashed’ (Benjamin 1969) by their own lack of judgment in the failed trials of the Nazi perpetrators. In this instance, the ‘time is out of joint’, and we see the ghosts of the failed trials of Nazi perpetrators standing next to the inheritance of impunity fostered in West German courts, and next to the now present East German perpetrators. What can justice mean in such a complex constellation of injustices? I argue that the ghostly dimension of these cases point to a need for a kind of justice and engagement that can ultimately not be found in courts—yet the courts’ engagement with this ghostly matter is nevertheless important.  相似文献   

An anthropological method designed for determining the age is under discussion; it is based on the point-evaluation of age-related changes observed in the hand bones by X-Ray, i.e. osteophytes, osteoporosis, osteosclerosis and joint deformations. The method was made use of to elaborate a new modified point-based assessment of the above changes in the hand bones with respect to their severity.  相似文献   

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