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Two cases of fatal attacks by large cats are presented. In the first case, a 30-year-old female zoo worker was attacked by a jaguar that had escaped its cage. In the second case, a 2-year-old girl was fatally injured by her father's pet leopard. The pattern of injuries in these cases is nearly identical to those of these cats' prey in the wild.  相似文献   

A typical case of suicidal strychnine poisoning by a rodenticide is presented. The forceful muscular convulsions were accompanied by a clear sensorium. Pathological findings consisted of an early onset of postmortem rigidity and microscopic hemorrhages with minimal degenerative neuronal changes in the spinal cord. The highest tissue concentrations of strychnine were found in the bile and liver. The pathophysiology and epidemiology of strychnine poisoning is reviewed and discussed in context.  相似文献   

Maternal hepatic rupture is a rare complication of pregnancy that can be fatal to both mother and child. This phenomenon is most often associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome, which is defined by a collection of clinical features including hemolysis (H), elevated liver enzymes (EL), and a low platelet count (LP). These disease processes are typically identified and treated during pregnancy, often in the last trimester. The described case is unusual in that the decedent had no known history of preeclampsia/eclampsia or HELLP syndrome during this pregnancy, and she died suddenly several days postpartum of liver rupture with massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage following a routine cesarean section delivery and an uneventful hospital course. Similar cases are infrequent in the literature, which is reviewed in this report.  相似文献   

The most effective resuscitative procedure in choking by foreign bodies is the Heimlich maneuver, described for the first time by Henry Heimlich (1974) and recognized by the US Surgeon General (1985) as the "only method that should be used for the treatment of choking from foreign body airway obstruction." If performed correctly, this lifesaving maneuver is associated with rare complications, of which the most frequent are rib fractures and gastric or esophagus perforations. Other rare traumatic injuries such as pneumomediastinum, aortic valve cusp rupture, diaphragmatic herniation, jejunum perforation, hepatic rupture, or mesenteric laceration have been described.However, we are unaware of previous reports of splenic rupture after Heimlich maneuver. We present an interesting case of fatal hemoperitoneum due to a hilar laceration of the spleen following a correctly performed Heimlich maneuver.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of fatal retropleural hematoma complicating percutaneous insertion of a central vein catheter. The patient was a 55-year-old female undergoing surgery for severe rheumatic mitral valve disease. Factors responsible for this catastrophic incident are the anticoagulation of the patient, the edematous state of the soft tissues, and the multiple punctures of the wall of the jugular vein.  相似文献   

Acupuncture is practiced as a complementary medicine worldwide. Although it is considered a safe practice, pneumothorax is one of its most common serious complications. However, there have been few reports of deaths due to pneumothorax after acupuncture treatment, especially focused on electroacupuncture. We report an autopsy case of a man in his 60s who went into cardiopulmonary arrest and died immediately after receiving electroacupuncture. Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) showed bilateral pneumothoraces, as well as the presence of numerous gold threads embedded subcutaneously. An autopsy revealed two ecchymoses in the right thoracic cavity and a pinhole injury on the lower lobe of the right lung, suggesting that the needles had penetrated the lung. There were marked emphysematous changes in the lung, suggesting that rupture of bullae might also have contributed to bilateral pneumothoraces and fatal outcome. The acupuncture needles may have been drawn deeper into the body than at the time of insertion due to electrical pulses and muscle contraction, indicating the need for careful determination of treatment indications and technical safety measures, such as fail-safe mechanisms. This is the first case report of fatal bilateral pneumothoraces after electroacupuncture reported in the English literature. This case sheds light on the safety of electroacupuncture and the need for special care when administering it to patients with pulmonary disease who may be at a higher risk of pneumothorax. This is also the first report of three-dimensional reconstructed PMCT images showing the whole-body distribution of embedded gold acupuncture threads, which is unusual.  相似文献   

On an evening in November, a 25-year-old man was found dead in his bedroom. There were many empty snap-out sheets for flunitrazepam tablets in the trash at his bedside. He had been beaten by a gang of young people earlier in the morning of the same day. At the medico-legal autopsy, although there were many bruises and/or abrasions on the whole body, only slight subdural hemorrhage was observed, and none of them was thought to be the cause of death. Flunitrazepam and its metabolites were not detected in his body fluid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Marked lung edema and a severe congestion of organs were observed. His blood alcohol concentration from the femoral vein was 2.00 mg/ml. Fatal cases of acute alcohol intoxication usually have shown higher alcohol concentration (2.25-6.23 mg/ml). Although the genotype of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) has not previously been mentioned as a contributing factor in determining the cause of death, in this case the genotype of ALDH2 was ALDH2*1/2 and thus is important. Those who possess the ALDH2*2 gene show high concentrations of acetaldehyde (AcH) at even comparatively lower alcohol levels. Consequently, the cause of death was considered to be acute alcohol intoxication including AcH poisoning.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a diagnosis of exclusion difficult to make due to a lack of pathognomonic features. Diagnosing NMS by postmortem examination becomes increasingly challenging when possible underlying brain pathology is obscured. The diagnosis is based on clinical history and laboratory findings. Autopsy and histologic findings, if any, usually are reflective of hyperthermia or complications (eg, aspiration pneumonia) of NMS. The authors describe a case of a 36-year-old Hispanic woman with a presumptive diagnosis of pseudoseizures, treated with various combinations of neuroleptic medications over a 6-week period prior to her sudden, unexpected, in-hospital death. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is likely to have contributed to this patient's death. Confounding factors and medicolegal issues of a postmortem diagnosis of NMS are discussed.  相似文献   

Poisoning may also lead to both coma and multiple organ failure, also in youngsters without a known major medical history. As not all toxic agents are routinely screened when a poisoning is suspected, it is useful to consider less frequently encountered poisons in certain cases. We describe the occurrence of asystole and multiple organ failure which occurred in a young man after a suspected tramadol overdose. The tramadol concentration on admission in the ICU was indeed 8 microg/ml (mg/l), far above the therapeutic range. Subsequently, the patient developed severe acute liver failure, finally leading to death. Post-mortem toxicology did not reveal any other poison responsible for this unfavourable course as only very high serum and tissue tramadol and desmethyltramadol concentrations were found. Only a few fatal poisonings attributable to tramadol alone, as observed in our case, have been reported. An overview of these cases is presented.  相似文献   

This article describes the autopsy findings of a victim of a shark attack that took place off the coast of Pernambuco, Brazil. The victim was rescued and immediately taken to a nearby hospital but did not survive, even though the lapse of time between the attack and verification of death did not exceed 15 minutes. The presence of a single, large, contused and incised, semiarched wound with a serrated aspect was decisive in elucidating the event. Thus, this study discusses aspects related to the aggressor species, to the autopsy, to the type of wound, and to the causes that have led to a significant increase in this type of event in the area. It was concluded that the lesion was produced while the victim was still alive and that it was the cause of death.  相似文献   

Bear incidents are widely publicized, though serious incidents rarely occur. We describe here a case of human death caused by brown bear (Ursus arctos) feet. The brown bear is the biggest carnivore of Greece, reaching up to 200-300 kg weight.This is the first documented fatality involving a brown bear in Greece in which the victim died as a direct traumatic result of the attack.  相似文献   

Sudden death after sexual activity is a well-known entity, but it is rare in females. Herein we present a case of fatal, massive subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured berry-shaped aneurysm, during sexual anal self-stimulation. A 39-year-old woman was found dead on a couch, with the wooden handle of a spring twirl whisk inserted inside her anus and rectum as a dildo-like object. External examination was unremarkable with no signs of injuries. Intracranial examination showed a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, up to 6 mm in thickness, especially around the brainstem and the inferior side of the brain. After removing the blood clots, the saccular aneurysm was found at the site of the bifurcation of the left internal carotid. In this case study, we underline the utility of forensic autopsy, as well as death scene investigation, in reconstructing the mechanism of death, as well as the dynamics of the event.  相似文献   

A report is given of two young people who died after intake of dextromethorphan, one by suicide and the other for uncertain reasons. To our knowledge this is the first reported fatal intoxications with this drug.  相似文献   

The fetus is subjected to mechanical forces during labor and delivery, which may result in traumatic injuries. Such injuries include intracranial hemorrhage, spinal cord lesions, cephalhematoma, cranial or peripheral nerve palsies, intraabdominal organ rupture, or bony fractures. Risk for perinatal trauma and mortality is increased in primigravidas, multiple gestations, abnormal presentations, maternal-fetal disproportion, oligohydramnios, forceps or vacuum extractions, and internal version maneuvers. Very-low-birth-weight neonates (<1500 g) are at high risk due to ease of deformity of the cranium. Infants with certain congenital anomalies or pathologic processes that distort normal anatomy are also at increased risk, especially when a prenatal diagnosis is lacking. The authors present a case of a term gestation neonate who sustained a cervical spine dislocation fracture of C5-7, with subtotal transection of the spinal cord and resultant paralysis. The fetus was in vertex presentation, and a manual vaginal delivery was attempted. When the infant lodged in the birth canal following a difficult delivery of the head and arms, its enlarged abdomen was palpated, and the delivery was converted to an emergent cesarean section. The infant lived for 3 days and then expired due to neurologic complications of trauma sustained during the attempted vaginal delivery. Autopsy revealed a previously undiagnosed intraabdominal immature teratoma. The pathology of teratomas, the most common neonatal tumor and occasionally implicated in cases of birth trauma, will be addressed, followed by a review of the literature concerning birth trauma.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 22-year-old male, who was found inside the cage of Himalayan black bears in the Belgrade Zoo. The victim attended the Belgrade Beer festival the previous night, drinking a lot of beer and acting aggressively. A medico-legal autopsy was performed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade. Autopsy findings showed numerous excoriations all over the body surrounded by bruises, as well as spindle-shaped, oval, and partly irregular wounds of variable size, large defects of skin and subcutaneous soft tissue, fractures of the thyroid and cricoid cartilage, and fracture of ribs. Postmortem toxicological analysis revealed the presence of ethanol in vitreous humor and urine and 11-nor Δ9 tetrahydrocannabinolic acid found in the urine. We discussed similar cases from the available literature in different regions of the world. In conclusion, we pointed out that the presented case does not follow the general pattern of Himalayan bear attacks.  相似文献   

Rapunzel syndrome is very extreme form of trichobezoar formation where the tail of the trichobezoar extends from the stomach into the small intestine. Death resulting from this condition is rare and is usually associated with gastric or intestinal perforation. We report a fatal case of Rapunzel syndrome in a 3 years and 10 months old girl. Review of the literature indicates that this case involves the youngest child to have died from this syndrome. Furthermore, this case is unique due to the clear association with the parent's neglect with failure to provide the child with adequate health care.  相似文献   

An unusual death caused by carbon monoxide poisoning after the detonation of explosives in an underground mine was investigated by the Office of the Medical Investigator of the State of New Mexico. The 50-year-old miner had 18 years of mining experience but no documented safety training. He collapsed approximately 20 minutes after entering the mine and working at the bottom of the single vertical shaft. The tight confines of the mine shaft hindered rescue personnel from reaching him, and the body was not recovered until 2 days later. The autopsy showed severe coronary artery atherosclerosis with remote and resolving myocardial microinfarcts, as well as the characteristic pink lividity of carbon monoxide poisoning, which was confirmed by laboratory analysis. Detailed investigation of the scene revealed no sources of carbon monoxide other than the explosives. The case represents an uncommon cause of death in mining that may have been avoided through the use of proper safety procedures, and illustrates the importance of recognizing the many sources of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

Pyomyositis is an acute bacterial infection manifesting as pyemic abscess formation in the skeletal muscles. We examined 8 autopsy cases (seven males, one female; age range 21-75 years) of fatal nontropical pyomyositis to better describe individual case characteristics and pathologic features of this rare disease. The pathogen most frequently involved was Staphylococcus aureus. In most cases, there were several abscesses and multiple sites involved. The trunk, shoulder girdle, and thigh muscles were most frequently affected and involvement of multiple sites was a common finding. In 6 cases, a recent trauma had occurred to the anatomic location where the pyemic abscesses were found. Three deceased were known as intravenous drug abusers. Except for the presence of pyomyositis, liver diseases such as cirrhosis in 3 cases, and a fatty liver in 2 cases were the most frequent autopsy findings. Death was due to sepsis in all cases. Because pyomyositis may develop in association with intravenous catheterization in the clinical setting, the question whether pyomyositis was caused by an infected or improperly placed indwelling intravenous catheter may be of forensic importance in the light of alleged medical malpractice. According to our observations, severe underlying illnesses seem not always necessary for fatal outcome of pyomyositis. Because a detailed dissection of superficial as well as deep skeletal muscles during autopsy is a prerequisite for the diagnosis, the disease may be overlooked when this essential step is not performed.  相似文献   

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