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本文从犯罪现场为基础,并以环境犯罪学观点,自国外实证研究结果就个人层级(理性选择理论)、社会互动层级(犯罪型态理论)、社会层级(日常活动理论)三种不同层次探讨性侵害加害者的决策模式(decision-making model)、犯罪空间型态(spatial patterns)、作案手法(modus operandi)与犯罪现场迹证(crimescene evidence)彼此关联性。并针对个案刘菖菖进行生命叙说之访谈,透过犯罪现场迹证及生命故事脉络交叉验证和修正对于心理迹证之假设,期盼形成有助于侦查实务的实践知识(practical knowledge)。  相似文献   

论街面犯罪的特点及侦查对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,我国社会型态逐渐由静态社会向动态社会转变。街头犯罪这一新的犯罪形态也呈现上升势头。街头犯罪的特点是:发案高、报案少、犯罪黑数高,作案人员以流动人口为主,作案过程短、逃离现场快、跨区域作案,人员流动性大、调查取证相对困难。安机关需要探索建立以街面犯罪情报信息为基础,由情报信息主导侦查,综合运用巡逻堵截、视频图像监控、便衣侦查、专案侦查、专项斗争、公开悬赏等侦查措施相互协调而形成的侦查对策体系。  相似文献   

在中国社会转型(social change)的大背景下,流动人口(floating Population)犯罪的严重性已经引起大量的关注,对犯罪问题的探讨最终要回归到社会层面,这便是笔者解释流动人口犯罪问题的根本理论前提。在这一理论框架下,笔者试图从犯罪社会学的剥夺论(deprivation theory)、文化冲突论(culture conflict theory)以及社会规范的软化(criterion intenerate)等方面探讨流动人口的犯罪问题,并提出相应的社会防治对策。  相似文献   

犯罪网络分析:社会网络分析在有组织犯罪研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在刑事司法领域所使用的"网络"(networks)一词通常是指犯罪组织。一个犯罪网络首先也是一个社会网络,社会网络分析是对社会关系结构及其属性加以分析的一套规范和方法。它主要分析的是不同社会单位(个体、群体或社会)所构成的关系的结构及其属性。自美国"9.11事件"以来,世界各国政府、学者、媒体逐渐认识到社会网络分析在有组织犯罪防控研究中的重要作用,纷纷使用社会网络分析方法对恐怖主义犯罪等有组织犯罪进行犯罪网络分析、研究,通过解构犯罪组织,发现犯罪成员体系、结构特征与行动目标,从而对有组织犯罪进行有效预防和打击。我国应充分认识社会网络分析在现代有组织犯罪防控研究中的重要价值,全面了解国外有关理论与应用发展,积极采取政府资助项目研发与直接设立研究机构等多种手段,促进犯罪网络分析理论与方法在我国的迅速发展。  相似文献   

先进的电脑设备和网络技术可让人们在虚拟的世界里更快的获取比其它任何途径更多更好的信息,其廉价的通讯成本和迅捷的联络速度也大大缩小了人与人之间的距离。然而,与之相伴的计算机网络犯罪也进入了人们的视野。本文拟对网络犯罪管辖权的确定等相关问题进行探讨。一、网络犯罪的特征(一)网络犯罪的特征辨析网络犯罪是一种新兴的犯罪型态,属智能型犯罪。有一种观点认为网络犯罪有三个特点:1.利用计算机所联结之虚拟因特网空间,非法对他人的计算机设备进行数据的窥视、搜集、刺探、毁损、窃取等行为。2.在因特网上以共同、教唆、煽动或帮助…  相似文献   

犯罪现象论是研究一般犯罪现象的理论,主要是把犯罪作为群体(一定的整体)的社会现象进行研究的理论,是犯罪学理论体系中的一个独立而相当重要的部分,是科学犯罪学的基础。没有犯罪现象的研究,就不会有科学的犯罪原因论,就会使犯罪学理论黯然失色。犯罪现象论是犯罪学理论价值的基础。然而,犯罪学至今对它的研究却很不充分。  相似文献   

杨帆 《犯罪研究》2009,(6):16-21
基因犯罪是伴随着基因技术而产生,因基因技术不当研发、滥用所带来的以及侵犯基因资源、基因信息的严重危险、危害行为。基因犯罪往往关联着不可预知的基因风险,基因风险是系统性的、不可测量性的、人为建构性的、复杂性的新型风险;它正是“风险社会”中典型的风险型态。刑法须由法益保护的基点,转换到风险控制的维度,方能有效应对。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化社会的到来,老年人犯罪案件激增,引起了社会的广泛关注,如何预防老年人犯罪已经成为维护社会稳定的一个重要议题。文章从精神与物质两方面探寻、解析近些年老年人犯罪的原因,并结合老年犯罪特点,以环境设计预防犯罪(CPTED)理论为基础,提出更加合理的应对策略和刑罚体系,希望对预防和处理老年犯罪提供助益。  相似文献   

黑社会组织犯罪是集团犯罪的最高组织形式之一,因为从本质上讲犯罪是孤立的个人反对统治关系的斗争(马克思语)。黑社会组织犯罪是社会和经济发展到一定程度必然出现的社会现象之一,因为犯罪的根源在社会,犯罪是社会生态体系中必然存在的一个系统。在治理犯罪的系统中,刑罚只起到一部分而且是较小部分的作用,根据“刑罚崩溃”理论,刑罚不能随着犯罪的增长而增长,刑罚发展的趋势是打击面趋宽,打击度趋轻。在犯罪的预防和打击中,犯罪预防  相似文献   

治理理论是当今世界上颇具代表性的新型国家——社会关系架构和公共事务管理模式,也是认识刑事政策体系中民间社会与官方(国家)在犯罪抗制场域界分时的重要分析工具。运用这一工具可以看出,民间社会与官方(国家)在刑事政策体系中存在着专治与共治领域的治理分工。其中,专治领域是国家保有的专属犯罪抗制场域,共治领域则是官方(国家)与民间社会合作抗制犯罪的开放空间。同时,在共治领域中,官方(国家)与民间社会应形成协同支持、国家主导的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

JOHN R. HIPP 《犯罪学》2016,54(4):653-679
I propose a general theory for examining the spatial distribution of crime by specifically addressing and estimating the spatial distribution of the residences of offenders, targets, guardians, and their respective expected movement patterns across space and time. The model combines information on the locations of persons, typical spatial movement patterns, and situational characteristics of locations to create estimates of crime potential at various locations at various points in time and makes four key contributions. First, the equations make the ideas involved in the theory explicit, and they highlight points at which our current state of empirical evidence is lacking. Second, by creating measures of spatial “potentials” of offenders, targets, and guardians, this theory provides a precise grounding for operationalizing spatial effects in studies of place and crime. Third, the equations provide an explicit consideration of offenders and where they might travel and, therefore, incorporates offenders into crime‐and‐place research. Fourth, these equations suggest ways that researchers could use simulations to predict stable patterns, as well as changes, in the levels of crime at both micro and macro scales. Finally, I provide an empirical demonstration of the added explanatory power provided by the theory to a study of place and crime.  相似文献   

With the possible exception of terrorists, sex offenders in the United States experience a greater degree of punishment and restriction than any other offender group, nonviolent or violent. Members of the public overwhelmingly support “get tough” sex crime policies and display an intense hostility toward persons labeled “sex criminals.” The theoretical literature has identified three models potentially explaining public opinion on the social control of sex crime: the victim‐oriented concerns model, the sex offender stereotypes model, and the risk‐management concerns model. However, empirical work that directly tests these models is absent. This article addresses that gap by analyzing national survey data that includes measures of the key concepts outlined in the different theoretical models and items gauging support for punitive sex crime laws as well as support for sex offender treatment. The findings provide partial support for all three models but suggest that extant theories can better explain support for punitive sex crime policies than views about sex offender treatment.  相似文献   



Although rational choice researchers has investigated how offenders successfully commit certain crimes, there is a lack of research looking at the factors explaining the use - or not - of certain detection avoidance strategies. This study introduces the concept of “forensic awareness” as a detection avoidance strategy, and proposes to examine the effect of disinhibitors, target selection behaviors, and acts that may potentially leave evidence at the crime scene on its use.


Factors influencing forensic awareness are tested using logistic regression models on a sample of 222 rape events collected from offenders incarcerated in Canada.


Offenders exhibit less forensic awareness when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. However, offenders who show some form of target selection are more likely to take forensic precautions. Finally, offenders who break and enter in the victim's residence, and undertake specific sexual acts during the crime are also more likely to exhibit forensic awareness.


Despite the increasing use and knowledge of forensic evidence by law enforcement, offenders are inconsistent in their forensic awareness and they direct most of their efforts toward protecting their identity, neglecting to either destroy or clean up DNA that could be recovered at the crime scene.  相似文献   

PurposeKnowing sites used by serial sex offenders to commit their crimes is highly beneficial for criminal investigations. However, environmental choices of serial sex offenders remain unclear to this date. Considering the challenges these offenders pose to law enforcement, the study aims to identify sites serial sex offenders use to encounter and release their victims and investigate their stability across crime series.MethodsThe study uses latent class analysis (LCA) to identify victim encounter and release sites used by 72 serial sex offenders having committed 361 sex offenses. Additional LCA are performed to investigate the stability of these offense environments across offenders' crimes series.ResultsDistinct profiles of crime sites that are recurrent across crime series are found, suggesting that serial sex offenders present a limited diversity of victim encounter and victim release sites. Encounter sites representative of longer crime series are also identified. Specifically, the use of sites known to "attract" potential victims decreases over series and offenders become more risk-taking in regard of sites used to encounter their victims.ConclusionsThe study identifies patterns of site- selection for the victim encounter and release in cases of serial crimes. Implications for crime linkage and police investigations strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Substance use has an effect on an individual's propensity to commit acquisitive crime with recent studies showing substance users more likely to leave forensic material at a crime scene. An examination of acquisitive crime solved in Northamptonshire, U.K., during 2006 enabled 70 crime scene behavior characteristics to be analyzed for substance and nonsubstance use offenders. Logistical regression analyses have identified statistically significant crime scene behavior predictors that were found to be either present at or absent from the crime scene when the offender was a substance user. Most significant predictors present were indicative of a lack of preparation by the offender, irrational behavior, and a desire to steal high value, easily disposed of, property. Most significant predictors absent from the crime scene were indicative of more planning, preparation, and execution by the offender. Consideration is given to how this crime scene behavior might be used by police investigators to identify offenders.  相似文献   

Public concern about an escalation of sex crime is unsupported by a critical analysis of official crime statistics in England and Wales. Assumptions about the inveterate recidivism of sex offenders are unconfirmed by follow-up studies. A great variety of behaviours is covered by sex crime, from the grave to the trivial. To the traditional offences of predatory aggressors, violent rapists and a small number of dangerous offenders driven by pathological emotions, are now added date rapes and harassments previously little reported. All sex incidents involving children are widely believed to cause lasting damage, despite evidence to the contrary. Female offenders and boy victims are receiving more attention. Adolescent involvement is insufficiently distinguished from paedophile offences and male homosexuals are suspected of paedophile tendencies. The development of constructive therapeutic approaches is impeded by doubts about efficacy and a punitive ethos.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to identify distinct types of crime scene behaviors based on the criminal planning and motivation of offenders with mental illness in South Korea. Furthermore, our study examined the relationships between the identified types of crime scene behaviors in terms of the offenders’ sociodemographic characteristics, modus operandi, and types of mental illness. Utilizing latent class analysis, the associations between crime scene behavior types and offender characteristics such as demographic factors, crime scene actions, and criminal information were empirically investigated. In particular, based on a sample obtained from a national police database of offenses committed between 2006 and 2014, four offense groups were identified: (i) instrumental–planned, (ii) instrumental–unplanned, (iii) expressive–unplanned, and (iv) hybrid. Additionally, significant relationships were found between offense styles and offender characteristics as well as criminal backgrounds. The findings suggest that mental disorders influence the types of actions exhibited by offenders during the commission of their crime. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical utility to criminal investigation.  相似文献   

Drug- and nondrug-related acquisitive crime offences such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, were compared to assess whether drug abusers were more likely to be apprehended via forensic science techniques. Data were all acquisitive offences committed over a 6-year period within a police force area in England. Drug-dependent offenders committed a wider range of offence types than nondependent offenders, and they were significantly more likely to be detected via their DNA or fingerprints (p < 0.01). A logistic regression (n > 14,000) revealed a number of predictors that influence the detection of the crime by forensic techniques. The results indicate that a number of these predictors are of statistical significance; the most significant of these being drug use by the offender with sex, ethnicity, and employment status also being relevant. Age of the offender and number of offences committed were found not to be significant. Of the four hypotheses considered to explain this, the most likely was thought to be the physical and mental impact of drug use on crime scene behavior. Consideration is given to the disciplines of forensic science and forensic psychology working closely together to distinguish factors that influence crime scene behavior.  相似文献   

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