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条约与协议Interim Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Mea-sures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT Ⅰ)《美苏关于限制进攻性战略武器的某些措施的临时协议》(简称《第一阶段限制战略武器条约》)Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of StrategicOffensive Arms (SALT Ⅱ) 《美苏关于限制进攻性战略武器条约》(简称《第二阶段限制战略武器条约》Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limita-tion of Strategic Offensive Arms (START Ⅰ) 《美苏关于削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》(简称《第一阶段削减战略武器条约》)  相似文献   

刚刚离我们远去的2005年,是郑和下西洋600周年。英国学者孟席斯在《1421年:中国发现世界》一书中大胆地推测,郑和比哥伦布发现美洲早72年。如果说美洲确实是我们中国人发现的,但这一发现对世界发展进程产生的影响却大大小于哥伦布“发现”美洲后产生的影响。哥伦布“发现”美洲  相似文献   

《西班牙统治下的阿兹特克人:1519~1810年墨西哥谷地的印第安人史》(《TheAztecs:Under Spanish Rule,a Historyof the Indian of the Valley of Mexico 1519~1810》)是一本难得的史书,它详细记载了被西班牙殖民者征服后墨西哥印第安人的社会经济状况及其发展变化。这部著作是1964年斯坦福大学出版社出版的,1976~1985年间先后十次重印,在美国拉美史学界有很大影响。  相似文献   

BRICs‘ Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lin: We have discussed the main idea, the background of the re- port, crisis consciousness of the West, BRICs development conditions and mutual comparisons. Finally let us discuss the prospect of the BRICs. Ji: Though the purpose of the raising of the BRICs concept is rather complicated and the ideal projection is making an overstatement, one thing is certain that the BRICs will speed up their development and narrow the their gap with the West. The key issue for the statesmen and strat…  相似文献   

BRICs'' Future     
Lin: We have discussed the main idea, the background of the report, crisis consciousness of the West, BRICs development conditions and mutual comparisons. Finally let us discuss the prospect of the BRICs.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the parliaments of Italy, Malta, and Cyprus and the Organizing Committee of the Fourth Presidents’ Meeting of Israel, Chen Italy: China-Italy relations are developing smoothly. Cultural exchanges are at the best time ever.  相似文献   

The year2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of the an-ti-fascist war of the world and the founding of the United Na-tions. By resolution of 58/291 of May 6, 2004, the General Assem-bly of the United Nations held a summit meeting on September 14-16of the same year. Based on the report by UN Secretary-General An-nan In Larger Freedom: towards Development, Security and HumanRights for All, the participants in the meeting had a full discussion ofthe practices of Millennium Decl…  相似文献   

Judging from the international circumstances and the balance of strength be-tween the forces for and against peace in the Middle East, the short-rangeobjective of the accord will be realized, i. e., limited self-government for the PLO.the reasons for this are as follows: 1. The international community, most Middle East countries and the majorityof Jews and Palestinians all support the accord. After the declaration of the conclu-sion of the accord, most member countries of the United Nations, including the  相似文献   

Editorial note: The State Council of the People's Republic of China has published the Circular of the State Council on Policy Measures for the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the Western Region on December 27, 2000. The following is the full text (unofficial translation).The implementation of the development strategy of the western region for speeding up development of the central and western regions, is an important component of the modernization strategy in China. It is …  相似文献   

Since the independence of Russia, Sino-Russian relations have been develop-ing all along in a progressive momentum. At present, the two countrieshave established the "21st century-oriented strategic cooperative partnership of e-quality and mutual trust". Serving the basic interests of both sides with solid po-litical basis, the state relationship of this new type has proved to be the bestchoice of the Chinese and Russian people for the further development of bilateralties in the 21st century. Its major characteristics are as follows: A. Strategic cooperative partnership is established on the basis of the com-prehensive and gradual development of the Sino-Russian relations.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Bangladesh-China People's Friendship Association (BCPFA), a 4-member delegation led by Jiang Shuxian, Council Member of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) visited Bangladesh from Oct. 21st to 28, 2005. The delegation attended seminar on "Bangladesh-China Relations: Prospects for the Future" on the occasion of the 56th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and 30th anniversary of the establishment of dipl…  相似文献   

I. Several features of current international situationi. The international situation is further becoming multi-polarized.The end of the bi-polar pattern in the world situation in the early 90s of the 20th century brought about two consequences: one is that it has broken the former structure of the balance of power and led to a relative imbalance of power in the world; the other is that after the Cold War in which two super powers sought domination over the world, there is only one super power…  相似文献   

The essence of international security is common security, which relies heavily on basic consensus on security concepts and strategies among nations. However, since the beginning of the 20 th century, such a consensus or value basis has become very “thin” as a result of the following four factors: the inception of the global international system along with its cultural diversity; the great changes in political, economic and military arenas; the rise of nationalism and popular politics; and the emergence of superpowers and their antagonistic ideologies. Within strategic culture, there is juxtaposition between confrontational culture and cooperative culture. In security concepts, people have different preferences for national, international or global security. In terms of security strategies, there exist several competing models such as hegemonic stability, balance of power and institutional cooperation. The primary aims of international security remain: avoiding major wars, maintaining the stability of the international system and safeguarding the integrity of the nations. There are two new challenges: promoting global economic justice to avoid any domestic or international conflicts caused by an imbalanced international economic order; and meeting the challenges of various non-conventional security issues affecting human life on a global scale. In an era of security interdependence, the international community must make joint efforts to rebuild the consensus on security in light of the fundamental values of common security and cooperative security, and to practice a truly “international” security strategy so as to break away from the security dilemmas inflicted by each nation’s reliance on its own self-help and competing “national” security strategy.  相似文献   

Lin: My impression is that everyone here gives a positive view of the projection given by the Goldman report. Let us give specific focus on the development environment and condition of the four countries to see the feasibility of the Goldman report. Fang: Objectively, the four countries do have favorable conditions to preserve long-term rapid economic growth. They are all regional powers with abundant human resources, vast territories and strong de- velopment potentials. In addition, the inf…  相似文献   

: This article deals with two of the strongest conclusions from general studies on the causes as well as absence of interstate war: the importance of territorial disputes and the significance of regime type. The first is termed the “territorial peace” hypothesis; the second is known in the literature as the “democratic peace” proposition. This article discusses if these two issues have to be settled prior to the building of quality peace between states that have a history of war among them. These findings are used to analyze the actual Western European experience since World War II and then relating this to the East Asian situation today. In this way this article also points to important differences. Still, the territorial issues take on particular role if the East Asian region is to move towards more durable and positive conditions, what might constitute ingredients of quality peace. At that moment, also Real politik concerns enter the equation.  相似文献   

In commemoration of the golden jubilee of the first Bandung Conference held in 1955, at the proposal of Presidents Bambang Yodhoyono of Indonesia and Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, a second Asian-African conference was held on April 22-24,2005 again in Bandung under the theme of "reinvigorating the Bandung Spirit: Working torwards a New Asian-African Strategic Partnership. "The Bandung Spirit has exerted deep impact on history. In the age of globalization, the spirit has added to brilliance beyond era and assumed brand-new meanings after the Asian-African summit this year. To develop the Bandung Spirit is in the interests of the developing countries. Therefore, at the invitation of Contemporary International Relations, some experts concerned from China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations had discussion over the Bandung Spirit and its historical significance as well. Hopefully our discussion could offer our readers some food for thought.  相似文献   

1992年是哥伦布首航美洲500周年。多年来,世界各国的许多学者在研究这位美洲的发现者时,遇到一个又一个的障碍。这位500年前的历史人物似乎有意与后人捉迷藏。人们发现,哥伦布的一生扑朔迷离,在许多方面都是一个谜。已故的美国共产党主席福斯特在他的《美洲政治史纲》中,转引权威拉美史专家喀尔蒂斯·威尔格斯和罗尔·德加的话说:“我们不能确实知道他是什么时候生的,也不知道他在哪里出世,他的早年生活究竟如何,他的面貌怎样,他能不能读书,他最初登陆美洲究竟在哪里,也不知道他死后葬在何处。”美洲历史学家艾·巴·托马斯在《拉丁美洲史》中干脆地写道:“哥伦布其人是一个谜”,“关  相似文献   

Editor's note: Considerable erosion of U. S. international prestige from worldwide antiwar waves and even anti-Americanism since the Iraq war has fueled a controversy among the internationalacademic community over the future of U. S. international status a major issue related to the trends of the world situation as a whole. For further exploration, a one-day symposium of the Experts Forum of our journal was held at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing on Ma…  相似文献   

我不是历史学家,记得的年代很少,但是1492年却是一个怎么也忘不了的年代。理由非常简单。60年前,在江浙一带的初中二年级英文课本里,上学期大都用《泰西五十轶事》;下学期大都用《泰西三十轶事》。《泰西三十轶事》的第一课就是《哥伦布竖鸡蛋》;而课文的第一句话就是:“克里斯托弗·哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲”。当时的英语教学还承袭中文教学的老办法,一课书教完,第二天老师就叫学生在课堂上背。因此这句话我是死记硬背过的,直到现在还能记得。说句题外话,时至今日我还赞成背书,因为觉得这对自己确有好处。  相似文献   

Two contradictory new trends appear in international life at the turn of the cen-tury: partnerships among major powers and extension of the military scope ofNATO and US-Japan security alliance, or the trend toward partnership-building ininternational relations and NATO globalization/US-Japan security regionalization.Evolution of this pair of contradictions will determine the direction of major powerrelationships and international configuration in the forthcoming decade. Then,  相似文献   

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