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引发埃及等多个中东国家政局、社会动荡的一个引人关注的论点,是西方媒体所大肆渲染的"三无青年膨胀"现象。其实,中东"三无青年"膨胀只是表象,深层次原因是埃及等中东国家工业的落后,无法通过发展工业来为失业青年提供足够的就业岗位;而"工弱文强"的高等教育大众化,非但没有为埃及工业发展培养出大批合格工程师,反而培养出大批失业文科生,这些有激进思想的失业文科生成为"阿拉伯之春"的积极参与者。与此类似的是,中国失业文科生急剧"膨胀",也为社会管理与社会稳定带来很大挑战,埃及等中东国家的教训中国应引以为鉴。  相似文献   

由于特殊的历史渊源和地理条件,闽台两地人民血脉相亲、语言相通、习俗相近,因此,福建成为培训和提供接收台湾人才的基地.台湾光复初期,福建为台湾培养和输送了大批重要的行政干部,也为台湾培养和提供了大批师资,更有众多的闽籍专业技术人才赴台工作.大批的福建人为光复初期台湾社会经济的恢复以及各项建设事业的发展作出了重要的贡献,闽台两省人事关系的密切程度超过历史上任何时期.  相似文献   

古代埃及人创造的辉煌灿烂的文明与其自然环境有着密切关系.古代埃及是一个典型的以河流(尼罗河)为中心的国家,所以,水利灌溉在古代埃及农业发展中起着重要的作用.古代埃及在自然地理环境上具有很大的孤立性.这种孤立性是古代埃及文明成为历史最悠久文明的影响因素之一,也是古代埃及文明始终保留了它的连续性的重要影响因素之一.古代埃及东西两边的沙漠对其丧葬文化尤其是木乃伊的制作产生了重要影响.古代埃及为了保全尸体,防止腐败,发明了木乃伊的制作技术,而木乃伊的发明又和埃及的自然条件有密切的关系.  相似文献   

大革命时期的黄埔军校,首创了崭新的革命制度,为中国培养与造就了大批军事和政治人才,在中国革命史和军事教育史上占有重要地位."美国有西点军校,中国有黄埔军校",已成为世界军史界的共识.作为一所军事名校,黄埔军校的办学特色,对于我们今天仍具有重要的历史启示:  相似文献   

一、教学目标1.情感态度价值观目标:体会父母对子女的爱是世界上最无私、最伟大的爱,增强热爱自己家庭、热爱父母的情感,增强履行家庭义务的责任观念。2.能力目标:能够通过收集父母为家庭作贡献的具体事例,感受家庭亲情;培养孝亲敬长的行为实践能力。  相似文献   

埃及地处非洲的东北角。孕育了伟大而辉煌的古埃及文明的尼罗河,是世界上最长的河流之一,它纵贯埃及全境。因此,到埃及旅行,乘上游船,沿着尼罗河探寻埃及文明,或许是最好最浪漫的方式之一。  相似文献   

李阳  马利章 《思想战线》2002,28(2):84-87
埃及与中国都是享誉世界的文明古国。两国的自然条件、文化传统、社会环境等差异巨大 ,但近代教育的兴起和发展轨迹却有惊人的相似之处。近代教育源于欧洲 ,具有学科门类多、涵盖范围广、社会应用性强等特点。埃及的近代教育兴起于 19世纪初叶穆罕默德·阿里的改革与维新时期 ;中国的近代教育产生于 19世纪下半叶的“洋务运动”时期。对于两国来说 ,传统教育主要培养宗教人士、官员及知识分子 ,而近代教育则适应了社会经济发展的要求 ,培养各领域所需要的人才。埃及的近代教育有别于传统的伊斯兰文化教育 ,中国的近代教育有别于孔孟之道的强化灌输。  相似文献   

6月5日,中国人民对外友好协会和中国埃及友好协会举行招待会,隆重庆祝中国和埃及建交40周年。国务委员司马义·艾买提和有关方面负责人出席了招待会。埃及驻华大使沙米尔·伯罕、使馆外交官和埃及在京专家、留学生也应邀出席了庆祝活动。 齐怀远会长在讲话中说,黄河和尼罗河哺育了两个勤劳勇敢的民族,蕴育了世界上两个辉煌的古代文明。在历史上,两个伟大、智慧的民族共同为人类历史的发展与进步做  相似文献   

尤拉 《今日上海》2009,(3):52-54
埃及大部分领土位于非洲东北部,只有苏伊士运河以东的西奈半岛位于亚洲西南部。埃及有约2900公里的海岸线,但却是典型的沙漠之国,全境96%为沙漠。世界最长的河流尼罗河从南到北贯穿埃及1350公里,被称为埃及的“生命之河”。沙漠中金字塔的神秘、尼罗河之女克里奥配特拉的妖冶美艳早已经为国人所耳熟能详。  相似文献   

<正>1月,我应埃及驻华使馆以及埃及旅游局邀请,踏上了掀开这座拥有古老文明国度面纱的旅程。了解这个神秘国度始于登上埃及航空的那一刻,起飞前,飞机会先播放《古兰经》,祈祷行程顺利。落地后,穿梭于埃及的大街小巷,随时都能听到"中国最棒"、"我爱中国"、"中国人是朋友"等等这样的赞美和夸奖。对我微笑的头纱姑娘,竖起大拇指的长袍大叔,即便语言不通也要用手比划着表示要合照的当地小伙……这是其他外国游客来到埃及不曾享受的待遇。当地商人奥萨马边随意指了些  相似文献   

The preservation of face is an important concept in Chinese behavioral patterns, both at individual and national levels. Beyond national interest considerations, modern-day diplomacy between China and the world also involves substantially the exchange of face. This article will argue that face represents a relational understanding of how China views and interacts with the world. By linking face to three themes that international relations scholars frequently use in describing how China sees the world, namely, the tribute system, the Chinese memory of historical humiliation and China’s distrust of the American-led international system, the article hopes to show how the understanding of face—as a crucial element of Chinese identity—can inform scholars and practitioners in their attempts to engage China.  相似文献   

The relationship between area studies and political science is fraught with tradeoffs. In particular, a danger exists that the field of Chinese politics is being hollowed out because (a) there are many islands of highly specialized research with few bridges between them; and (b) more and more Chinese politics scholars are engaged in debates in which the ‘other side’ is no longer a China scholar but instead a colleague in the discipline. At a time when China's economic growth and prominence in world affairs have generated remarkable interest inside and outside the academy, few scholars are willing to take a stab at characterizing the polity or addressing other, equally large questions. Further thought is needed about the ‘terms of enlistment’ for China scholars in political science, in an era when ever more-focused studies and greater participation in disciplinary debates have become the norm.  相似文献   

The rapid ascendency of China has attracted considerable attention from American scholars, policymakers, and media. Yet what does the American public think about the rise of China as a world power? In this paper we use survey data collected by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and other organizations to explore the nature and causes of Americans' views. It turns out that most Americans are well aware of the rise of China. Some are apprehensive about that rise, chiefly for national security (rather than economic) reasons, and many favor a degree of off-shore ‘balancing’ of the sort that realists recommend. But few Americans want to actively work to limit the rise of China. Very few favor the use of troops to defend Taiwan. Very few favor a nuclear-armed Japan. Large majorities of Americans take stands more akin to those of neo-liberals than realist theorists, favoring cooperation and peaceful engagement with China.  相似文献   

祝洪娇 《桂海论丛》2005,21(5):24-26
西方经济学界对于收入分配差距问题的思考由来已久,关于收入分配差距的经济理论不断丰富。改革开放以来,我国的收入分配差距不断拉大,很多学者针对中国当前的收入分配差距状况,发表真知灼见。笔者将时国内外关于收入分配差距的变动趋势问题、公平与效率问题、扩大程度问题等若干重要理论进行梳理和评析。  相似文献   

According to Zhu Wenli, Chinese scholars of political economy have been examining many of the same issues as their American counterparts, but have reached quite different conclusions. Chinese scholars accept the importance of globalization, but do not believe that globalization is making the nation-state less relevant or international regimes more powerful. They concede that economic and other transnational issues are becoming increasingly salient in international affairs, but conclude that they are simply altering the ways in which nations compete for power rather than making the international system more cooperative. They agree that much of today's world order is rooted in American hegemony, but do not consider that US foreign policy can be characterized as 'benign'. These conclusions have troubling implications for US‐China relations. They suggest that China will not agree to be integrated into an international community led by the United States, and that the relationship between Beijing and Washington is more likely to be competitive than cooperative.  相似文献   

Suisheng Zhao 《当代中国》2015,24(96):961-982
Looking to China's imperial history to understand how China as a great power will behave in the twenty-first century, some scholars have rediscovered the concept of the traditional Chinese world order coined by John K. Fairbank in the 1960s in the reconstruction of the benevolent governance and benign hierarchy of the Chinese Empire, and portrayed its collapse as a result of the clash of civilizations between the benevolent Chinese world order and the brutal European nation-state system. China was forced into the jungle of the social Darwinist world to struggle for its survival. As a result, China's search for power and wealth is to restore justice in an unjust world. China's rise would be peaceful. This article finds that while imperial China was not uniquely benevolent nor uniquely violent, the reconstruction of China's imperial past to advance the contemporary agenda of its peaceful rise has, ironically, set a nineteenth century agenda for China in the twenty-first century to restore the regional hierarchy and maximize China's security by expanding influence and control over its neighborhoods.  相似文献   

Song Xinning 《当代中国》2001,10(26):61-74
As an atmosphere conducive for scientific inquiry and research improves in China, many Chinese scholars are optimistic about the future development of International Relations (IR) studies. A younger generation of IR scholars has started to pay more attention to IR theory and begun to research issues like national sovereignty and China's national interests. This paper reviews the development of IR theory in China and the basic arguments among Chinese scholars on theory building, especially concerning the attempt to build an IR theory with 'Chinese characteristics'. It examines the reasons for the continuing challenges, amid progress, of IR theory in China and looks into the prospects in the near future.  相似文献   

王淑君 《青年论坛》2010,(2):135-137
语际迁移一直是外语界关注的焦点之一。迁移是个复杂的概念,对它的研究不应仅停留在静态层面上,更要从动态角度进行深入探究。汉语对英语学习产生干扰的同时,也有积极的促进作用,学习者应充分发挥母语的正迁移效应,加快外语学习进程。  相似文献   

李建良 《桂海论丛》2004,20(3):34-36
改革开放前,浙江的经济发展处于全国中下等水平。改革开放以来,既无资源、地缘优势,又没有获得较多的国家投资和国家给予的特殊政策的浙江迅速成长为一个全国经济大省,实现了从农业社会向工业社会的转变。浙江的工业化道路偏离了我国传统的工业化道路。浙江的工业化对内地有着巨大的示范价值。  相似文献   

Yan Xuetong 《当代中国》2001,10(26):33-39
The rise of China will create a huge market that will eventually make substantial contributions to scientific progress. The rise of China will benefit the Chinese as well as the rest of the world. Economic globalization makes it impossible for any country to keep its scientific and technological achievements from benefiting others. Every rich country inevitably invests largely abroad and imports many products from others. During the process of economic globalization, the rise of China will inevitably stimulate world economic growth by more inventions, investment, and importation. It is natural that there will be different views about the rise of China. Despite this, everyone agrees that China will increasingly play an important role in global affairs as China's modernization has a major impact on the world.  相似文献   

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