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传染病全球化与全球卫生治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化加剧了传染病的全球传播,构成人类安全的新危机.同时,传染病全球化也加强了国际社会的共同利益与共同意识,迫使各国开展国际卫生合作,发挥国际法的作用;前国际卫生合作机制存在诸多缺陷,无法有效应对传染病全球化这一非传统安全因素的挑战;因此,应该确立更好的全球卫生治理机制,包括发展问题的解决,治理结构的多维化及世界卫生组织的主导.  相似文献   

By suggesting predictable and controllable patterns of development, the literature on global governance seems to simplify the world for decision-making tractability. In this respect, security narratives often remain analytically frozen, while the dynamics of global life are not. Relying on complexity thinking, this article both comments on the construction and potential reconstruction of the concept of security as it relates to the question of global governance and engages with the cognitive multiplicity of the notion of global security governance. Such an exploration suggests the need for the complexification of the discourses and practices of security governance through the adaptive contingency of “security as resilience”, which rejects the detachment between human and natural systems and the ability of the former to control the latter. The argument is that the logic of “security as resilience” is more appropriate than the conventional logic of “security as control”. In policy terms, therefore, the complexity of global security governance intimates an ability to cope with vulnerabilities, defy adversity and construct a new proficiency in response to the uncertainty, cognitive challenges, complex unbounded risks and the need for continuing adaptation prompted by the alterations in global life.  相似文献   


The threat of pandemic spans beyond traditional security concerns to challenge conventional understandings of urgency, power, the threat–defence dynamics of states and the protection of sovereignty itself. This paper argues that confronting this non-conventional threat in Europe requires not only moving beyond a linear understanding of the proximity of threat across space and time to recognise the global circulation of disease, but also a reconceptualisation of how Europe is understood. In effectively confronting the challenge of infectious disease to the region, Europe needs to be understood less as a territorially bounded space, and more as a dynamic and fluid one, constituting a node within broader interdependent systems of circulation.  相似文献   

全球治理改革与美国的领导地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奥巴马总统倡导美国实施新时代的接触政策。该战略核心要素包括:现大国与崛起国和平相处的世界秩序;共同管理跨国问题;彻底修正现有国际机制,以适应大国力量对比和全球议程的新变化。与往届总统相比,奥巴马较少强调追求美国的优势地位,更期望其他全球性力量能够承担更多责任,但奥巴马政府缺乏推进全球治理改革的有效办法。美国与其寄希望于联合国,不如将正式的国际机制与更加灵活的伙伴关系结合起来,以实现美国家利益。  相似文献   

G20开启了探索"全球治理"新路径的机会之窗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我主要就两个问题谈谈自己的想法,第一个是G20的缘起及其与国际体系转型问题;另一个问题涉及G20崛起与"全球治理"的关系,二者都发端于G20的崛起.  相似文献   

In most studies on global governance, problems are treated as exogenous factors. Even constructivist global governance approaches normally concentrate on persuasion about global norms and rules, but take the existence of global problems as given. This ignores the fact that it may be necessary to persuade rule addressees of the existence of a problem in the first place. States comply with global rules voluntarily only if they agree that there is a problem. Hence international rule makers have to “problematise” the issue they attempt to regulate, i.e. to construct the issue as a global problem that requires global rules in order to be solved. This article inquires into the why and how of “problematisation” by international regulators. To this end it reconstructs how the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has turned the issue of money-laundering, which was not considered a problem until the late 1980s, into a global problem requiring a global solution.  相似文献   

In a Conference convened at Princeton University in January 2010, international relations experts were asked to consider, among other things,  相似文献   

二战结束以来,一直是美国和欧洲充当全球治理的领导者。随着全球化的深入发展和国际格局的发展变化,西方主导的全球治理面临前所未有的挑战。近年来,全球治理乱象频出。随着中国实力的增长,中国参与全球治理的过程也从被动参与到主动推进,并逐步成为全球治理的引领者。这种引领既是国内外形势的发展使然,也是中国在全球治理过程中自信自觉的表现。当下中国在引领全球治理过程中遇到的问题主要有以下三个方面:一是引领全球治理的合法性问题;二是全球治理成本的平衡问题;三是引领全球治理过程中的权力分配问题。解决以上难题,我们要总结历史经验,统筹规划,制定切实可行的措施,先易后难,分阶段落实。现阶段应着重关注以下几个方面:首先,引领全球治理要坚持人类命运共同体的价值取向;其次,针对全球治理的不同主体要坚持权责一致,开放包容的价值理念;最后,在全球治理的行动中要坚持"共商、共建、共享"的原则。与此同时要提高中国自身的国家治理能力,完善国家治理体系。  相似文献   

全球关注:公司治理结构的国际比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在合同和信息不完全的情况下,如何协调公司经理人员与股份持有人的利益诱因和动机,使其趋向一致,并在企业的所有权和管理权分离条件下,实现有效的监督控制和问责,已经成为世界各国关注的热点。世界银行在网站上开辟了专门的公司治理论坛,OECD则制定了公司治理的国际性基准,其目的是在公司治理方面加强全球和地区性的对话和信息沟通,分享经验,形成共  相似文献   

气候安全是一个事关各国发展和人类生存的重大全球热点问题,引起国际社会的高度关注与重视。为了遏制日益加剧的温室效应势头,中国和其他各国积极采取防范措施和应对行动。但在国际合作层面,由于发达国家态度较为消极,进展不大。解决地球气候变暖问题任重道远。  相似文献   

Multistakeholder initiatives that bring together actors from the state, the business sector and society to formulate, implement and/or monitor rules governing different policy fields have assumed a prominent role in global governance since the 1980s. In the governance literature, it is generally assumed that the actors from the three sectors have diverse interests, but contribute different resources. This should allow to address transnational problems more effectively. While cooperation among the various collective actors in these initiatives might be based in part on complementary resources, we argue here that such cooperation is also shaped and conditioned by ideational prealignments of the participating actors. Such ideational prealignments are consequential, because they predetermine (1) the composition of multistakeholder forums in terms of which actors participate and which do not, (2) the processes that govern these forums, (3) the results of these forums and (4) the relations among the collective actors who participate in these forums and the stakeholders they are deemed to represent. When viewed from this perspective, multistakeholder initiatives are a form of club governance that is based on ideational factors. We illustrate this argument by drawing on research that examines the setting of standards for private military and security companies (PMSCs).  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机以后,全球治理模式转型成为国际社会的热点问题。在国际权势转移、治理失灵以及全球治理自身不断演进的背景下,国家中心主义治理模式难以为继,因此推动全球治理模式的转型显得必要且迫切。本文在借鉴不同治理理论的基础上,提出全球治理模式应该向多元多层协同治理的方向转型。具体的转型路径包括:推动治理主体的多元化、治理机制的改革与完善、治理理念的创新以及治理体系的互动。中国作为一个重要的治理主体,对全球治理模式转型的态度总体上是积极的,同时也存在一些疑虑,因此应通过能力提升、培育非政府组织发展、处理好双重国家身份的关系等方式来适应治理模式的转型,并在转型过程中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

Global Energy Governance Changes:Challenges and Reform Trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The energy issue is a focal point in intemational relations not only at the level of nation-states but in transnational and interdisciplinary facets.The advance of globalization and scientific-technological development,the absolute need for reliable,continued energy supply for stability and the protection of humanity,make it imperative for all actors to coordinate and cooperate.Modern-day energy governance was given birth out of security concems from major energy consumers.Today's major energy importers such as China still need to guard energy supply security but,additionally,fluctuating prices also impact energy exporters.The non-marketization factor has accentuated the uncertainty of energy prices.The carrier of global energy governance currently is a multi-level,diverse and dispersed network.1  相似文献   

核安全风险超越国界,可能跨越地区,甚至影响全球,因而核安全的治理必然是全球治理。各国对核安全风险的评估、核安全意识的养成是一个演进的过程,与此同步的是核安全全球治理。核安全全球治理经历了冷战、冷战结束和九一一事件以来的三个发展阶段,治理的主要内容随着国际安全形势的变化而调整。冷战期间的核安全全球治理主要体现为建立国际原子能机构以管理核能的和平利用,防范无核国家以发展民用核能为由发展核武器,签署和履行与核安全密切相关的国际公约、培育核安全的意识;冷战结束初期,国际原子能机构强化了保障监督能力,多边出口管制机制加强了对涉核物项出口的管控,国家间展开了实质性的核安全合作;九一一恐怖袭击之后,核安全全球治理呈现加速度的趋势,国际社会日益形成核安全共识,全球性制度建设加速,多边合作加强。经过多年努力,核安全全球治理的制度建设取得了显著成就,双边和多边国际合作得到实质性推动,但核安全全球治理仍然面临如何有效减少核材料存量、如何推动相关国家切实履行国家责任等挑战。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,民族国家奉行主权防务的传统没有改变。基于现实主义的视角,所有大规模毁伤性武器的扩散主要都有安全动因的驱动,解决扩散问题必须提供可信的替代安全产品,集体防御以及合作安全都具有这种功效。霸权可能导致一时的稳定,但更会引起大规模毁伤性武器扩散所带来的长期性的不稳定。同时,扩散不仅容易产生地区失稳,它也不无平衡霸权从而产生新的稳定。然而所有个体的理性,未必保证系统的整体理性。在平衡国家安全和国际安全之间,经由全球治理来交换国家安全利益从而促使人类社会分享更为普遍的安全,乃是一种更为理想的出路。  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a growing interest among scholars of international relations, and global environmental governance in particular, in the role of transnational networks within the international arena. While the existence and potential significance of such networks has been documented, many questions concerning the nature of governance conducted by such networks and their impact remain. We contribute to these debates by examining how such networks are created and maintained and the extent to which they can foster policy learning and change. We focus on the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) program, a network of some 550 local governments concerned with promoting local initiatives for the mitigation of climate change. It is frequently asserted that the importance of such networks lies in their ability to exchange knowledge and information, and to forge norms about the nature and terms of particular issues. However, we find that those local governments most effectively engaged with the network are mobilized more by the financial and political resources it offers, and the legitimacy conferred to particular norms about climate protection, than by access to information. Moreover, processes of policy learning within the CCP program take place in discursive struggles as different actors seek legitimacy for their interpretations of what local climate protection policies should mean. In conclusion, we reflect upon the implications of these findings for understanding the role of transnational networks in global environmental governance.  相似文献   

从伊拉克战争剖析美国全球战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3月20日美国无视联合国宗旨以及公认的国际法准则,也不顾国际社会普遍反对,悍然对伊拉克发动了军事行动。这是美国凭借它的超强地位和高科技军事优势,实施“先发制人”战略,以武力开道,以美式“民主”和价值观“整合”整个中东以至全世界的重要步骤。  相似文献   

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