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South China Sea     
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi warned against attempts to in-ternationalize the issue of the South China Sea, where China has territorial disputes with some ASEAN member states, including Viet Nam and the  相似文献   

China and South Africa signed a series of documents aimed at strengthening ties and expanding areas of cooperation in Beijing during South  相似文献   

Good will Zwelithini, ZuluKing of South Africa, andthe Queen paid a friendly visit toChina from February 26 toMarch 5 at the invitation of theCPAFFC. South Africa has many eth-nic groups. The Zulus are one ofthe larger ones with a populationof over 10 million, a quarter ofthe country's total population.About 8 million Zulus live inKwazulu-Natal Province. ZuluKing is the traditional leader ofthe Zulus and enjoys high pres-tige.  相似文献   

正TERRITORIAL disputes over islands in the South China Sea have long been a latent threat to regional security and cooperation in East Asia,involving not only China and some of its Southeast Asian neighbors,but also members of ASEAN.For instance,sovereignty disputes over certain South China Sea islands also exist among the Philippines,Vietnam,Malaysia,Indonesia and Brunei.  相似文献   

Disputes have recently broken out between China and some Southeast Asian countries and the United States in the South China Sea. The Beijing-based Economic Information Daily spoke to Liu Nanlai, a research fellow at the Institute of International Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, on the origin of the South China Sea issue and China's position on it. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

In 1998, unusual heavy floods hit the middleand lower reaches of the Yangtze River andthe areas along the Songhua River, causing a tre-mendous loss of lives and property. Friendly organi-zations and personages around the world sent uscables, letters and donations to express their con-  相似文献   

The establishment of a non-governmental cooperative mechanism between China and the nations of South Asia was one of the most important fruits of the first everChina South Asia Friendship Organizations' Forumheld in Beijing October 28-30,2009.This is part of new strategic thinking for developing deeper relations between the various  相似文献   

徐杰舜 《思想战线》2001,27(1):77-81
华南地区少数民族族群来源复杂,结构多样.早在远古时代就有许多原始族群活跃在华南,族群之间不断互动、涵化,到清朝基本定型为三个层次.华南族群中既包括少数民族族群,也包括汉族族群.各族群的认同基本上都是从族源认同和语言认同两个方面来概定,其中,语言认同方面汉族族群的方言比少数民族族群的方言种类更多,内容更丰富.  相似文献   

WITH extravagant Hong Kong literally just round the corner, Daya Bay is an overlooked beauty. Except for a brief period in the 1920s when it gained notoriety as a haven for pirates, the bay  相似文献   

Michael Yahuda 《当代中国》2013,22(81):446-459
China's new assertiveness in the South China Sea has arisen from the growth of its military power, its ‘triumphalism’ in the wake of the Western financial crisis and its heightened nationalism. The other littoral states of the South China Sea have been troubled by the opacity of Chinese politics and of the process of military decision-making amid a proliferation of apparently separately controlled maritime forces. The more active role being played by the United States in the region, in part as a response to Chinese activism, has troubled Beijing. While most of the ASEAN states have welcomed America as a hedge against growing Chinese power, their economies have become increasingly dependent upon China and they don't want to be a party to any potential conflict between these two giants. The problem is that there is no apparent resolution to what the Chinese call, in effect, these ‘indisputable disputes’.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以降,研究中国的人类学作品始终在人类学与中国研究这两个不同的领域内摇摆,并具体聚焦于对华南社会的研究,但是在研究华南社区的过程中,人类学家追求的是一种超越社区的对中国的普遍性的理解.正是基于此种逻辑,华南的区域社会文化影响并塑造出一种相对类型化的关于中国的视野与模式,这在讨论社会主义背景下的中国乡村时表现得尤为明显.至少在美国学者的相关作品里,"作为方法的华南"这一概念得到了充分的展现.  相似文献   

简述建筑防雨的重要性并指出传统建筑防雨技术中的一些缺陷,重点探索岭南传统建筑在防雨技术中的精华,旨在为现代建筑的防雨提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

华南少数民族妇女与宗教文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少数民族妇女是华南少数民族宗教文化活动中的重要社会角色。一方面,女性宗教偶像崇拜表现较为突出,形式多样。另一方面,少数民族妇女也积极参与各种宗教活动,充分发挥社会性别的功能特色。进一步丰富了华南少数民族地区宗教文化的发展内容与特点,也从一个侧面反映了少数民族妇女在社会发展中所具有的历史作用。  相似文献   

海南省地处祖国南疆,在全国经济社会发展全局中尚处于西部地区。结合海南省哲学社会科学的现实情况,可从建设"南海学学科群"和构建"南海命运共同体"两方面推进海南省哲学社会科学的学科体系、学术体系和话语体系建设。  相似文献   

韩国在1970—1984年与中国1992-2006年间有着十分相似的经济状况并且几乎以相同的轨迹增长。数据比较显示:中韩在经济发展过程中,中国的基尼系数、城乡人均收入差距等都呈逐渐增加并不断高于韩国的趋势;但是在教育支出、中高等教育入学率等方面都远不及韩国的增长速度。韩国的新农村建设、教育制度、社保制度保证是韩国缩小城乡差距,实现一元化经济的三大重要因素,而中国在这几方面都存在不同程度的不足与政策缺失。全面推进新农村建设、大力发展教育事业、完善社保制度是解决当前中国收入差距不断扩大、经济发展中的收入分配不平等问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

"南方谈话"与理论创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江泽民强调:邓小平理论是新时期我们党坚持理论创新所取得的最重要的成果,邓小平为我们作出了理论创新的光辉典范。值此邓小平“南方谈话”发表十周年之际,重新学习南方谈话,深刻领会“南方谈话”所蕴含的理论创新的内容和精神,深入理解和把握“南方谈话”所体现出的理论创新的基本原则和思维方式,对于进一步研究宣传和丰富发展邓小平理论,推动理论创新,全面推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。一、“南方谈话”是坚持理论创新的集中体现和重大成果创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭…  相似文献   

China,South Korea and Japan agreed to launch formal negotiations on a trilateral free trade area (FTA) later this year.The decision was announced at the Fifth Trilateral Summit Meeting among the three major East Asian economies on May 13 in Beijing.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao,Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and South Korean President Lee Myung Bak attended the meeting.At a press conference following the meeting,Premier Wen hailed the agreement as an important strategic decision, and appealed to the three nations to make concerted efforts for the early establishment of the FTA.  相似文献   

Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing jointly apply for UNESCO World Heritage status for their unique karst formations.  相似文献   

Qn October 25, 2008, a.Kayagum Band headed by Ms Cheung May,Ho from Kyung Hee University of Sduth Korea performed the first Kayagum concert a, the Central University for Nationalities, thus ushering in cultural communications in music between China and South Korea.  相似文献   

正THE Philippines submitted on March 30 a memorial to the arbitral tribunal at The Hague,urging it to invalidate China’s"nine-dash line"in the South China Sea.The Philippines first initiated arbitral proceedings against China over the  相似文献   

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