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A widespread presumption in the law is that giving jurors nullification instructions would result in "chaos"-jurors guided not by law but by their emotions and personal biases. We propose a model of juror nullification that posits an interaction between the nature of the trial (viz. whether the fairness of the law is at issue), nullification instructions, and emotional biases on juror decision-making. Mock jurors considered a trial online which varied the presence a nullification instructions, whether the trial raised issues of the law's fairness (murder for profit vs. euthanasia), and emotionally biasing information (that affected jurors' liking for the victim). Only when jurors were in receipt of nullification instructions in a nullification-relevant trial were they sensitive to emotionally biasing information. Emotional biases did not affect evidence processing but did affect emotional reactions and verdicts, providing the strongest support to date for the chaos theory.  相似文献   

This study examines the validity of the Juror Bias Scale scores in relation to the mock juror decisions reached in two real life homicide cases before and after the deliberation process. The judicial cases used varied in terms of the ambiguity of the evidence presented at both trials. The WLS methodology for statistical modelling of categorical data was used to analyse data. The findings indicated that the Juror Bias Scale scores successfully predict the verdicts and other related questions before and after deliberations in the case with ambiguous evidence. Furthermore, deliberations caused a generalisation effect on the pretrial juror bias in such a case, and enhanced the differences between defense-biased and prosecution-biased jurors in the verdicts delivered after deliberations. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the use of pretrial juror bias questionnaires in jury selection.  相似文献   

Common wisdom seems to suggest that racial bias, defined as disparate treatment of minority defendants, exists in jury decision-making, with Black defendants being treated more harshly by jurors than White defendants. The empirical research, however, is inconsistent—some studies show racial bias while others do not. Two previous meta-analyses have found conflicting results regarding the existence of racial bias in juror decision-making (Mazzella & Feingold, 1994, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, 1315–1344; Sweeney & Haney, 1992, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 10, 179–195). This research takes a meta-analytic approach to further investigate the inconsistencies within the empirical literature on racial bias in juror decision-making by defining racial bias as disparate treatment of racial out-groups (rather than focusing upon the minority group alone). Our results suggest that a small, yet significant, effect of racial bias in decision-making is present across studies, but that the effect becomes more pronounced when certain moderators are considered. The state of the research will be discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that there are significant racial disparities in the application of death penalties. In this paper, three studies (N = 484, 94% female), conducted in France, test and explore why racial prejudice and support for the death penalty (SDP) are strongly and positively related. First, prejudice against Arabs remains a significant predictor of SDP, even when ethnocentrism/authoritarianism (Study 1) and Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA; Study 2) are statistically controlled. Second, the attribution of criminal traits to Arabs (Study 1) or criminality-based prejudice (Studies 2 and 3) significantly mediates the relationship between racial prejudice and SDP. Finally, a path analysis illustrates that two relatively independent processes could explain the relationship between prejudice towards Arabs and SDP: criminality-based prejudice leading to specific SDP for Arabs and Social Dominance Orientation (Study 3). Together, these results provide support for the racist punitive bias hypothesis. When racist people think about questions of crime and punishment, they frame the issue in racial terms, leading them to support a punitive law which in their minds will mainly punish minority racial groups.  相似文献   

Practically speaking, the peremptory challenge remained an inviolate jury selection tool in the United States until the Supreme Court's decision in Batson v. Kentucky. 476 U.S. 79 (1986). Batson's prohibition against race-based peremptories was based on two assumptions: (1) a prospective juror's race can bias jury selection judgments; (2) requiring attorneys to justify suspicious peremptories enables judges to determine whether a challenge is, indeed, race-neutral. The present investigation examines these assumptions through an experimental design using three participant populations: college students, advanced law students, and practicing attorneys. Results demonstrate that race does influence peremptory use, but these judgments are typically justified in race-neutral terms that effectively mask the biasing effects of race. The psychological processes underlying these tendencies are discussed, as are practical implications for the legal system.  相似文献   

赵旭光  李红枫 《证据科学》2012,20(5):545-556
选择性起诉是政府基于恶意,歧视性地进行刑事起诉裁量的行为,因其目的之恶以及违反法之平等精神而受抗辩。美国司法有两种抗辩途径:通过禁令救济提起民事侵权之诉和在刑事诉讼中提起选择性起诉抗辩。然而,美国法院对这两种救济都确立了难以逾越的证明责任,并且将其分配给了申请人。其中民事抗辩的"现实的、迫在眉睫的侵害的威胁"证明,刑事抗辩的不正当起诉标准证明,几乎将所有的申请人阻挡在抗辩门外。美国法院的这种态度是因为其实际并不愿意介入此种审查,根源主要在于司法系统对于分权原则下司法权的克制和对检察官自由裁量权的尊重传统。  相似文献   

The effect on juror verdicts of judicial instructions to disregard inadmissible evidence was evaluated using meta-analysis. One hundred seventy-five hypothesis tests from 48 studies with a combined 8,474 participants were examined. Results revealed that inadmissible evidence (IE) has a reliable effect on verdicts consistent with the content of the IE. Judicial instruction to ignore the inadmissible evidence does not effectively eliminate IE impact. However, if judges provide a rationale for a ruling of inadmissibility, juror compliance may be increased. Contested evidence ruled admissible accentuates that information, resulting in a significant impact on verdicts. Suggestions for how the courts may mitigate the impact of inadmissible evidence more effectively are discussed.  相似文献   

Mounting empirical research provides evidence of fairness bias and its economic and social effects, where fairness bias refers here to a deviation of claims from unbiased justice due to a personal stake. A far less appreciated issue is dispersion of fairness views and claims, which is also important for its effects on disagreements, empirical analysis, and philosophical theories. This study undertakes a systematic analysis of the effects on fairness bias and dispersion of two variables: stakes and information. Most philosophical and social science analyses related to justice and bias associate heightened bias with increased information and, conversely, impartiality with the elimination of certain information. Less attention has been paid to the opposing impact of information, which is to supply the facts needed to achieve justice more reliably. An important open question is whether, on balance, increased information helps agents to achieve fairer outcomes or whether biased use of such information contributes to less fair outcomes. This study focuses on a set of previously reported experiments that share certain features and subjects them to a new analysis. The results of this analysis suggest that, although information is often used in a self-serving way, increased information can, under certain conditions, contribute to fairness claims becoming less biased and less dispersed, both for stakeholders as well as impartial spectators.  相似文献   

当事人程序参与及其对仲裁程序公正性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们一致认为,公正是程序制度的首要价值,程序真正永恒的生命基础在于它的公正性。纵观仲裁的发展历史,我们不难发现:无论是原始形态的仲裁活动,还是现代意义上的仲裁制度,如果没有冲突主体对其公正性的信赖,它们就不会有存在和运作的可能。因此,“公正作为中国仲裁的基本价值应当是确定无疑的”①。然而,在仲裁程序中,作为程序公正象征的仲裁员中立和纠纷双方当事人适度的程序参与到底是什么关系呢?就仲裁而言,纠纷双方当事人的适度的程序参与到底对仲裁程序的中立性又有什么样的影响呢?笔者本文将就在仲裁程序中对当事人而言具有重要意义…  相似文献   

Abstract: The forensic sciences are under review more so than ever before. Such review is necessary and healthy and should be a continuous process. It identifies areas for improvement in quality practices and services. The issues surrounding error, i.e., measurement error, human error, contextual bias, and confirmatory bias, and interpretation are discussed. Infrastructure is already in place to support reliability. However, more definition and clarity of terms and interpretation would facilitate communication and understanding. Material improvement across the disciplines should be sought through national programs in education and training, focused on science, the scientific method, statistics, and ethics. To provide direction for advancing the forensic sciences a list of recommendations ranging from further documentation to new research and validation to education and to accreditation is provided for consideration. The list is a starting point for discussion that could foster further thought and input in developing an overarching strategic plan for enhancing the forensic sciences.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study examines whether sex determination based on morphological traits in the os coxae is impacted by racial quantitative variation. Nineteen traits were evaluated independently by two observers in 876 os coxae. Chi‐square test was used on a random sample of 400 individuals to assess whether the distribution of correct sex assessment varied for white and black individuals based on each trait individually and all 19 traits collectively, as well as on inter‐observer agreement in correct sex assessment. Results indicate that accuracy of sex assessment varied between white and black individuals in certain individual traits; however, accuracy was not impacted when all traits were considered together. Furthermore, traits that showed significant variation in correct sex assessment between races generally were not related to size, but instead were “discrete.” Finally, analyses of inter‐observer variation suggest that disparities in sex assessment for some traits may be related to differences in trait interpretation between observers rather than morphological dissimilarities between races.  相似文献   

Responding to the perception that civil damage awards are out of control, courts and legislatures have pursued tort reform efforts largely aimed at reigning in damage awards by juries. One proposed method for reigning in civil juries is to limit, or cap, the amount that can be awarded for punitive damages. Despite significant controversy over damage awards and the civil litigation system, there has been little research focusing on the process by which juries determine damages. In particular, there is a paucity of research on the possible effects of placing caps on punitive damages. The present research examines punitive damage caps and reveals an anchoring effect of the caps on both compensatory and punitive damages. A second experiment replicates this effect and examines the moderating effect of bifurcating the compensatory and punitive damage decisions.  相似文献   


The present research examined the CSI Effect and the impact of DNA evidence on mock jurors and jury deliberations using a 3 (Crime Drama Viewing: low, moderate, high)?×?3 (Evidence: DNA innocent, DNA guilty, no DNA control) design. A sample of 178 jury-eligible college students read a case of breaking and entering. Pre-deliberation, some support for a CSI Effect was found with high viewers’ extent of guilt ratings significantly lower than moderate and low viewers’ in the no DNA control and the DNA innocent conditions. This effect was not present for verdicts. Contrary to a CSI Effect, crime drama viewing was not related to guilt judgments with incriminating DNA evidence. A content analysis of comments made during deliberations found little support for the CSI Effect entering the jury room. Specifically, CSI Effect predictions were not supported when examining the discussion of DNA evidence, expressing DNA opinions, or mentioning missing evidence. Overall, the limited CSI Effect found for individuals was attenuated during deliberation. The alarm raised over a possible CSI Effect influencing jury decision making may be unwarranted.  相似文献   

马明亮 《法学家》2020,(2):118-132,194,195
认罪认罚从宽制度的一个显著特征是存在一纸认罪认罚具结书。在法律属性上,该具结书不宜简单理解为保证书或者证明材料,应当视为一种刑事协议。它有破裂的多种可能性:被追诉人的反悔、检察官的变更起诉或者法官的不予采纳。协议破裂是认罪认罚从宽制度中典型的肥尾风险,发生概率很小但影响很大,处理不当将会引发难以估量的反噬风险。未来的制度完善,应以司法公正、司法公信力与正当预期利益的平衡为原则,构建协议破裂与程序反转的正当规则。被追诉人的反悔权应当有所限制,分为正当反悔与不正当反悔,并适用不同的反转程序;检察官应遵循禁止违反承诺原则;法官不采纳具结书应遵循事先告知、听取意见与可撤回的正当程序。唯此,认罪认罚从宽制度才不至于让被追诉人误读为获取有罪供述、打击犯罪的一种精巧安排,该制度才能走得更远。  相似文献   

仲裁回避制度是确保仲裁公正最基本的法律制度,我国仲裁法对仲裁回避的对象、条件、程序等都作了规定,但由于受历史条件的限制,我国关于仲裁回避制度的规定还存在一定的缺陷。本文在分析我国现行仲裁回避制度的基础上,对进一步完善仲裁回避制度提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This methodological paper presents the utility of survival analysis methods to provide age adjustment in the analysis of domestic violence data. These methods improve the estimation of lifetime probability of domestic violence, improve identification of patterns of first victimization over the lifespan, and provide methods of testing risk factors for first victimization while adjusting for the respondents' age. Most importantly, these methods allow a new investigation of recall bias. Results suggest that lifetime probability of abuse may have been substantially underestimated in previous studies because of problems in recall/disclosure encountered by middle-aged women.  相似文献   

公司对外担保行为的效力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
茅院生  李建伟 《现代法学》2004,26(1):97-103
本文从上市公司为大股东担保引发的诸多问题出发 ,详细分析了目前我国立法对于公司对外担保行为的各种限制 ,指出了其中的不足之处并提出了相应的完善建议。文章还对限制公司对外担保行为的法理依据进行了分析 ,指出虽然严格限制公司对外担保在目前具有积极的意义 ,但也存在以后放宽限制的可能。最后 ,文章还对因公司对外担保行为无效而产生的相关责任进行了分析  相似文献   

审判权的有效运行需要良好的舆论环境,传媒报道应当受到合理限制,否则将可能造成传媒报道左右司法审判的局面,给司法独立、司法公正、司法权威造成消极影响。法官应加强职业敏感和甄别能力,注重对复杂敏感案件的调解,同时应当对传媒报道加以规范,限制传媒对案件报道的范围、阶段和方式,并提高当事人的法律意识和道德观念,促成司法审判和传媒报道的良性互动。  相似文献   

唐磊  吴常青  谢小剑 《河北法学》2004,22(11):62-66
预断排除规则是诉讼制度中保障公正审判的一个重要规则。为消除我国刑事诉讼制度中存在诸多导致法官预断的因素 ,需要实行起诉一本主义 ,建立庭前准备法官与审理案件的法官分离制度 ,规范法官的回避制度和起诉书的制作 ,将被告人自白的证据调查顺序后移 ,建立证据能力规则 ,并限制法官的庭外调查。  相似文献   

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