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从语义平面考察形容词作状语、补语的情况,可以看到:形容作状语、补语同动词构成的句法结构不同,但和句中其它词语构成的语义关系相同;语义关系相同是由形容词在深层结构中与其它词语强制性的同现关系决定的;语义关系虽相同,但由于形容词所处的语法位置不同,使句子的语义表达显示出明显的差异。  相似文献   

协同副词的语义指向   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
协同副词要求与之搭配的名词性成分必须是复数,其语义大都前指,前指时语义既可以指向动作的发出也可以指出动作的承受;既可以仅指向主语、介词宾语和兼语,也可以同时指向主语和宾语、主词和介词宾语、及介词宾语、主语和兼语或兼语和介词宾语。协同副词的语义也可以后指。当协同副词所在的动词短语在句中充当定语时,协同副词和语义有两个指向:既指向前面的介词宾语或主语又指向后面的中心语。  相似文献   

汉语元语言系统研究的理论建构及应用价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来的汉语词典学,词汇学,语义学和语言信息处理等领域的研究之所以难以出现重大突破,其表层原因在于尚未对现代汉语元语言系统展开深入研究,其深层原因在于没有对元语言的理论和方法进行创造性探索,从语言学立场出发探索元语言,势必形成逻辑学元语言和语言学元语言的分野。语言学的元语言是对象语的解释性符号系统,与之相对的对象语可以是语言系统,也可以是同一系统的部分语符,依据所处语言层面和应用功能,存在词汇元语言,释义元语言和语义元语言三种系统,以之为基础可进一步研究信息处理元语言和认知元语言,元语言系统研究就是“语言基因图谱分析工程”,只有完成了这一工程才能建立语义结构网络,“自然语言能力模拟工程”才有可能实现。  相似文献   

吕叔湘先生的<中国文法要略>开创了从意义到形式的汉语语法研究的新思路,这不但体现在下卷的"表达论",而且贯穿全书的始终.该书最主要的贡献在于建立了六大语法范畴系统:动词时态系统、句子功能系统、句子语气系统、语义角色系统、语义范畴系统以及语义关联系统,这是吕叔湘语法研究的核心思想.在这一思想的指导下,汉语语义语法理论才得以长足的发展.本文全面阐述了汉语语义语法的理论思想,指出它的理论核心是:强调形式与意义的的双向研究,特别是强化了语义范畴、语义角色和语义关联的研究.  相似文献   

本文首先在构建汉语句子语义系统的基础上指出,句模研究的对象不是句子的指称意义,而是句子语义平面的关系语义;接着在综述配价分析方法的基础上说明句模研究的总体思路应当是先分化、后综合,句模研究的起点不是形式化的配价结构,而是语义实体之间客观存在的各种认知联系;最后指出句模研究必须遵循形义结合、原型构拟这两大基本原则  相似文献   

许博 《法制与社会》2011,(6):287-287
自人类文明开始,政治便已经产生,政治的含义也随着历史的发展经历了神学政治观、权力政治观、决策政治观、管理政治观和马克思主义政治观,每一种政治观都有自己形成和发展的条件。本文介绍了各种政治观并进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

论社会危害性理论与实质刑法观的关联关系与风险防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会危害性理论与法益理论确实可以成为实质刑法观的理论基础,但是社会危害性理论与实质刑法观的关联性比较复杂,并非如部分学者所提示的那样一一对应。就持有传统社会危害性理论立场的学者而言,他们其实并非可以简单地归入实质刑法观立场;而主张改革完善传统社会危害性理论的部分学者,反而坚持实质刑法观立场。在中国语境下,实质刑法观面临的风险与批评,主要根源就在于作为实质刑法观理论基础的社会危害性理论具有太过强大的解释功能,且实质解释论的功能表现包括了保障人权的正面功能与严重侵犯人权的负面功能的两面,呈现出矛盾属性。为了防范风险,不但需要发展实质刑法观,而且需要完善社会危害性理论。单面的实质刑法观或者保守的实质刑法观,主张通过实质罪刑法定原则的限制、实质犯罪论的限制与实质司法解释权的限制,以有效防范开放的实质刑法观可能存在的侵蚀人权保障机能的风险,因而应当成为当下中国最理想的选择。  相似文献   

江泽民法律秩序观与邓小平民主法制思想一脉相承,具有鲜明的时代特征,是“三个代表”重要思想的重要组成部分。江泽民法律秩序观主要包括政治秩序观、经济秩序观、文化秩序观和社会秩序观四个方面。其中,政治秩序观以民主为基石,是江泽民民主政治思想的精髓;经济秩序观以法治为核心,体现着江泽民“依法治国”的方略;文化秩序观以先进性为特征,彰显了江泽民“三个代表”重要思想;社会秩序观是以和谐为目标,蕴含着江泽民“和谐社会”的理念。  相似文献   

何挺 《现代法学》2011,33(1):173-181
解决纠纷是司法制度的原初和首要功能。纠纷解决观是一种以承认纠纷的客观存在和不可回避为前提,将解决纠纷视为重要任务以防范纠纷可能带来的各种负面影响的观念。纠纷解决观尚未在我国刑事司法制度中确立,其在刑事司法中的引入具有多方面的必要性和可能性。纠纷解决观的引入与刑事诉讼控制犯罪与保障人权相统一的目的并不矛盾。我国刑事司法制度应在纠纷解决观的指导下进行相应的完善。  相似文献   

"国家观"是人们对国家的本质、功能和作用等方面最基本的认识,本文介绍并分析了从中国古代到中国近代国家观念的演变,给出了对这种演变对当代中国的一点启示。  相似文献   

称呼模式的跨文化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对人的本质的不同界定是中西文化模式差异的根本所在 ,也是造成英汉称呼模式区别的深层缘由。称呼模式的跨文化研究旨在以称呼语作为切入点 ,深入剖析中西文化深层结构的差异 ,进而为跨文化交际的理解和沟通提供参照  相似文献   

相对于文化稳定期 ,文化转型期通常表现出以下特征 :1文化多元化 ;2文化共存 ;3文化竞争。文化转型的强烈内需可以繁荣翻译事业 ,翻译活动的发展则会加速文化转型的进程。文化转型期的翻译活动的各个环节都受到译语文化的内部需求和既定规范的制约 ,它能够极大程度地丰富译语语言 ,开启民智 ,并对译语文化产生革命性的影响。  相似文献   

死刑控制与最高人民法院的功能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左卫民 《法学研究》2014,36(6):192-205
死刑控制与最高人民法院的关系是社会各界关注的热点问题。分析表明,2007年以来最高人民法院全面收回死刑复核权,对其自身造成了一系列影响;最高人民法院的内部结构与实际功能,由此发生了深刻变化。这些变化并不完全符合现代法治理念下最高人民法院的功能定位。未来应该在考虑政治与社会条件的基础上,有步骤地改造最高人民法院在死刑控制方面的工作职能与方式,以减轻最高人民法院不必要的工作负担与资源消耗,促进最高人民法院将更多的资源用于应对更加宏观、复杂的问题。  相似文献   

Understanding the meaning of a sentence is crucial for Buddhists because they put so much emphasis on understanding the verbal expressions of the Buddha. But this can be problematic under their metaphysical framework of momentariness, and their epistemological framework of multiple consciousnesses. This paper starts by reviewing the theory of five states of mind in the Yogācārabhūmi, and then investigates debates among medieval East Asian Yogācāra thinkers about how various consciousnesses work together to understand the meaning of a sentence. The major differences between the various explanations proffered lie in the minimum number of types of consciousnesses involved, and the minimum linguistic marks (sound, syllable, term, sentence and meaning) cognized, in order for one to understand a sentence consisting of four Chinese characters. I show that in these disputes, two points are key: First, the role played by the mental consciousness that arises simultaneously with a sensory consciousness: that is to say, whether a sensory consciousness should still be regarded as essential for understanding, if the simultaneous mental consciousness also cognizes the same mark. Second, whether the syntactic structure of a sentence is taken into consideration: that is to say, whether there is a separate determination of understanding regarding each character, or there is no determination until one has heard two or more characters and takes them as a syntactically meaningful unit.  相似文献   

从程序法、证据学以及司法改革的角度切入错案防止问题是必要的,但实体法也应该为减少错案贡献自身力量。合理的刑事实体法理论,必须考虑方法论的合理性,必须考虑司法规律、司法逻辑,必须有助于解决某些司法难题,以最终实现人权保障的目标。以刑法为切入点,要防止错案,最为根本的是要坚持刑法客观主义立场。在这一立场指导下,形成客观优先、分层次判断、实质判断的刑法方法论及相应的司法逻辑。刑法基本立场、刑法方法论、刑事司法逻辑三者之间应该具有内在统一性。为此,有必要对我国犯罪构成四要件说进行改造,确立客观要素在犯罪论体系中的核心地位和优先性,将传统上的主观判断尽可能还原为客观判断,并建构判断主观要素的"客观标准",建构阶层的犯罪论体系。蕴含在新的理论构造背后的刑法基本立场、刑法方法论作为一种观念形象,对于合理的司法逻辑的形成必定会发挥积极影响。  相似文献   

The current study seeks to understand the role that monetary compensation plays on the joint occurrence of imprisonment and probation for criminal traffic offenses in China. We argue that monetary compensation influences sentencing decisions primarily by manipulating the probation terms in favor of the defendant. With monetary compensation directly increasing the chances of a more lenient punishment through extended probation as opposed to more severe penalties, we have found sentence lengths for criminal traffic offenses to be concentrated at 36 months, the maximum length eligible for probation. All available sentencing documents for criminal traffic offenses from 2014 to 2016 were retrieved from the China Judgments Online website. The final dataset contains 141,689 observations. Following a joint model approach using both sentence length and probation as outcomes, we utilized a Zero-Truncated-Generalized-Inflated-Poisson model to address the distributional characteristics of sentence length, such as discrete integers, non-zero values, and the concentration of data on certain points. To avoid detecting effects of little scientific importance due to our large sample size, all results were evaluated using bootstrapping techniques. We found that the likelihood of probation increases when monetary compensation is provided, but that compensation does not make a significant difference on the sentence length for those defendants receiving less than 36 months imprisonment. When considering the concentration of sentence lengths at specific values, monetary compensation was positively associated only with the chance of inflation at the value of 36 months, and the probation itself became insignificant in predicting sentence length. The significant positive relationship between monetary compensation and lenient sentencing outcomes suggests that compensation plays a crucial role in the Chinese judicial process. Our study will not only help researchers to better understand the legal process in China, but it will also benefit the larger community as an example of utilizing new sources of data.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to examine the underlying structure of analogical reasoning in decision making. The immediate (but not exclusive) context is the form of reasoning commonly seen as prevalent in common-law judicial decision making. Following Wittgenstein and Strawson the paper identifies the problem of the contingency of transitivity ofanalogical relations as a serious impediment to analogical reasoning. It then proceeds to offer a method of translation that delineates the borders of contingency and analyticity of transitivity in such cases, as well as proposeshow these borders may be manipulated. The theoretical insight is to treat analogical relations anaphorically, as ``propredicates'.Accordingly, the translation involves constructive functional transformation from the form of meaning as continuum to the form of meaning as n-chotomies. Greimasian semiotics are then critically applied to examine in what sense ``translation' – in this specific sense – can count as the ``deep structure' of analogical/transitive reasoning, and what sucha claim entails in terms of linguistic ideology. Although the model of translation is formal it is not acontextual, and must be supplemented by importation of constitutive practicalconsiderations (i.e. norms) from concrete decision-making contexts. As such this is a case study of the pragmatic functions offormalization – a conception that may seem alien to some. When determining which states-of-affairs are deemed compatible, the formal model is shown to serve as a framework to what eventually becomes a pragmatic device.  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》对缓刑适用条件作了一定程度的细化,但还存在一些问题,包括没有对缓刑的裁量适用条件进行类型化、缓刑的强制适用条件过于绝对化、缓刑的禁止适用条件范围太小、没有规定适用缓刑的程序条件等。因此,刑法应对缓刑适用条件作进一步细化,以类型化的方式补充缓刑的裁量适用条件,完善缓刑的强制适用条件的规定方式,扩大缓刑的禁止适用条件的范围,增设缓刑适用的程序条件。  相似文献   

How should sentencing disparity be assessed when decisions are constrained under a sentencing guidelines system? Much of the debate over the measurement of sentence disparity under a guidelines system has focused primarily on using specific values from within the sentencing grid (e.g., minimum recommended sentence) or on using interaction terms in regression models to capture the non-additive effects of offense severity and prior record on length of sentence. In this paper, I propose an alternative method for assessing sentencing disparity that uses quantile regression models. These models offer several advantages over traditional OLS analyses (and related linear models) of sentence length, by allowing for an examination of the effects of case and offender characteristics across the full distribution of sentence lengths for a given sample of offenders. The analysis of the distribution of sentence lengths with quantile regression models allows for an examination of questions such as: Do offender characteristics, such as race or offense severity, have the same effect on sentence length for the 10% of offenders who receive the shortest sentences as they do for the 10% of offenders who receive the longest sentences? I illustrate the application and interpretation of these models using 1998 sentencing data from Pennsylvania. Key findings show that the effects of case and offender characteristics are variable across the distribution of sentence lengths, meaning that traditional linear models assuming a constant effect fail to capture important differences in how case and offender characteristics affect punishment decisions. I discuss the implications of these findings for understanding sentencing disparitites, as well as other possible applications of quantile regression models in the study of crime and the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

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