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Incorporation of3H-thymidine both in germinal and somatic cell types in young male adults of the onion fly,Hylemya antiqua (Meigen) reveals among other things the temporal pattern of spermatogenesis. Labeling of cells in the female reproductive organs is also described. Nuclei of fat cells, midgut epithelium, accessory glands and muscles, and occasionally hemocytes also show labeling. In oenocytes and the Malpighian tubules tritiated thymidine is incorporated in the cytoplasm.
Résumé L'incorporation de3H-thymidine dans les cellules germinales et somatiques de jeunes adultes males de la mouche de l'oignon,Hylemya antiqua, (Meigen) révèle, entre autres, l'évolution dans le temps du processus de la spermatogenèse. Une telle évolution de l'ovogenèse ne peut pas être démontrée chez les femelles, le marquage y étant très statique. Dans les tissus somatiques l'isotope est retenu dans les noyaux des cellules adipeuses, de l'épithélium du mésentéron, des glandes accessoires et des muscles, et, parfois, des haemocytes. Dans les oenocytes et les tubes de Malpighi la thymidine tritiée est incorporée dans la cytoplasme.

Post-teneral flies are much more reluctant to feed through an artificial membrane than are inexperienced, teneral flies. It is possible to separate those stimuli which are important to flies of all ages, regardless of experience, from those which become important with feeding experience. ATP is necessary at all ages if flies, following successful probing, are to suck up a blood meal. Factors such as host odour, blood factors other than ATP, skin texture and skin movements probably influence this aspect of feeding behaviour only after the fly, through experience, has come to associate them with feeding.
Résumé Cette étude expérimentale utilise avec quelque modification la technique d'alimentation sur membrane artificielle décrite par Langley & Maly (1969). Le stimulant alimentaire est une solution d'ATP dont la concentration optimale est 10−3 M pour les jeunes adultes, cependant que cette concentration doit être augmentée pour les adultes agés. Sans doute ces derniers insectes sont-ils sensibles à d'autres stimuli alimentaires, per?us dans les conditions d'alimentation préalable sur un h?te normal, tels que l'odeur de l'h?te, la texture et le mouvement de la peau, les constituants chimiques du sang autres que l'ATP.

Growth of the aphidMyzus persicae fed artificial diets in which the required trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn) were incorporated as chlorides was compared to growth on diets in which the minerals were supplied as sodium EDTA complexes. If the mineral chlorides were allowed to interact with L ascorbic acid prior to their incorporation into a diet, much less ascorbic acid was needed than if the ascorbic acid was added after incorporation of the mineral chlorides into a diet. Low levels of D ascorbic acid or citric acid acted similarly to L ascorbic acid. This was presumably by chelating the minerals. The complexes thus formed not only maintained the minerals in solution for ingestion but appeared to facilitate their utilization by the aphids. However, higher levels of L ascorbic acid were needed by the insects, presumably for purposes other than trace-mineral nutrition, when they were maintained for longer periods on the diets. Deterioration in the nutrient value of diets during 2–4 days at experimental temperatures was less with diets containing minerals complexed with citric acid than with ascorbic acid. Dietary riboflavin was detrimental to aphid growth. However, it was not established that this was the result of mineral deprivation through the formation of nutritionally unavailable mineral/riboflavin complexes. Enterobactine added to a diet effectively deprived the aphids of available iron. Higher levels of dietary iron could overcome such a deficiency.
Zusammenfassung Verglichen wurde das Wachstum von an künstlichen Di?ten ern?hrtenM. persicae, wenn entweder die erforderlichen Spurenmineralstoffe (Fe, Cu, Mn und Zn) als Chloride zugefügt waren oder als Natrium-EDTA-Komplexe. Wenn die Mineralstoffchloride und L-Ascorbins?ure vor der Inkorporation in die Di?t aufeinander einwirken konnten, war viel weniger Ascorbins?ure n?tig als wenn zun?chst die Mineralstoffchloride der Di?t zugefügt wurden und dann die Ascorbins?ure. Geringe Dosen von D-Ascorbins?ure oder Zitronens?ure wirkten ?hnlich wie L-Ascorbins?ure, wahrscheinlich durch chelieren der Mineralstoffe. Die so gebildeten Komplexe hielten nicht nur die Mineralstoffe in L?sung für die Nahrungsaufnahme, sondern schienen auch ihre Verwertung durch die L?use zu erleichtern. Jedoch ben?tigten die Insekten h?here Dosen von L-Ascorbins?ure, wahrscheinlich zu anderer Verwendung als für die Spurenmineralstoffern?hrung, wenn sie l?ngere Zeitr?ume an den Di?ten gehalten wurden. Beeintr?chtigung des N?hrwerts der Di?ten nach 2–4 d bei den Versuchstemperaturen war geringer bei Di?ten mit Mineralstoff-Zitronens?urekomplexen als mit Ascorbins?ure-Komplexen. Riboflavin in der Di?t beeintr?chtigte das Blattlauswachstum. Jedoch lie? sich nicht nachweisen, da? dies die Folge einer Mineralstoffverarmung durch die Bildung von unverwertbaren Mineralstoff-Riboflavinkomplexen war. Der Di?t zugefügtes Enterobactin entzog den L?usen das verfügbare Eisen. H?here Dosen von Eisen in der Di?t konnte solchen Mangel aber beheben.

赵成福 《学理论》2009,(20):200-204
学习动机是非智力因素中的一个重要因素。它在学习的动机系统中具有核心意义,是学生学习的内部动力,是激发学生积极性的直接因素。那么师范高校学生的学习动机又如何呢?本文在问卷调查基础上分析了师范生学习动机的现状,进而提出了激发和培养大学生学习动机的做法。  相似文献   

Flowers ofMelandrium album are frequently pollinated byCucullia umbratica L. This heavy moth always lands on the flowers. The process of insertion of the proboscis and the drinking thereafter is described. From experiments it is concluded that senses for perception of the relative humidity of the air are located on the antennae. The moth is able to locate flowers by smell only, but visual orientation seems to be more predominant. Legs and antennae possess contact chemoreceptors, sensitive to sucrose and to chemicals present on the surface ofM. album flowers. The moth responds after contact of the legs with petal lobes ofM. album by extension of the proboscis. Inserting behaviour follows only after contact of the proboscis tip with the ligula. The moth appears to be a specialised flower visitor.
Resume Les fleurs deMelandrium album sont polinisées parCucullia umbratica qui butine ces fleurs après s'y être posé. Les expériences rapportées ici témoignent que des organes sensoriels aptes à percevoir l'humidité de l'air sont localisés sur les antennes. Le papillon peut localiser les fleurs par simple odeur mais l'orientation visuelle semble prédominante. Les pattes et les antennes possèdent des chemorécepteurs de contact, sensibles au sucrose et aux composés chimiques associés aux fleurs deM. album. Le papillon, après contact de ses pattes avec les pétales de cette fleur manifeste une extension de son proboscis et ce n'est qu'après contact de ce dernier avec la ligula, que se réalise l'insertion dans la corolle. Ce papillon semble être spécialisé comme visiteur de fleurs.

In an attempt to delay hatching without affecting their viability, the eggs ofLatheticus oryzae W. were subjected to cold treatment at 5° for varying periods and at different stages of their development. A small dose of 0.5 krad of gamma radiation was also given at each of those temperature treatments. Most of the eggs hatched at 30° following low-temperature exposures of 1 and 2 days. There was a significant decrease in hatch as the exposure period increased further (P<0.05). An egg exposure to 5° also led to an increase in egg period and the increase was nearly equal to the period of cold exposure. Radiation did not alter the situation.
Zusammenfassung Kühllagerung ist eine der gebr?uchlichsten Methoden für die Aufbewahrung von Insekteneiern. Um die optimalen Bedingungen für eine Vorratshaltung zu bestimmen, wurden 0–1 d alte Eier vonL. oryzae Temperaturen von 5° w?hrend 1–7 d ausgesetzt, nachdem sie verschieden lange bei 30° gehalten waren. Eine kleine Dosis von 0.5 krad Gammabestrahlung wurde bei jeder Temperaturbehandlung ebenfalls gegeben. Alle Eiproben wurden nach den verschiedenen K?ltebehandlungen in 30° zurückgebracht und die Wirkung auf Schlüpfprozentsatz und Eidauer bestimmt. Die Eidauer nahm zu, wenn die Eier bei 5° gehalten wurden, was anzeigt, da? die Embryogenese bei 5° unterdrückt wurde. Die Lebensf?higkeit der Eier wurde nicht beeintr?chtigt bei einer 5°-Einwirkungsdauer von 2 d, nahm aber bei weiterer Verl?ngerung der Expositionsdauer ab. Nur etwa 37% der Eier schlüpften (44,1% der Kontrolleier) nach 7-t?giger K?ltebehandlung. Bestrahlung beeinflu?te weder das Schlüpfen noch die Entwicklungsdauer.

刘丹凤 《学理论》2009,(8):122-123
如何解决英语专业师范生教学能力与科研能力的脱节问题,是广大外语教育工作者关心的问题。在反思性教学模式下发展起来的教学行动研究成为一种有效的教学研究方法,教师参与教学行动研究并反思行动研究,是教育理论发展的需要,也是教师自身专业发展的需要。反思性教学与行动研究有着必然的联系,反思与行动是一种循环反复的过程,把二者有机结合对促进师范生教学科研能力的提高有重要的意义。  相似文献   

师范生听课评课能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹国杰 《学理论》2009,(14):143-144
听课和评课是提高教师教学水平、促进教师专业化发展的重要手段。在教学法课程教学过程中,教师要提高师范生对听课评课重要性的认识,给学生传授并训练听课评课技能,引导并敦促学生积极提高自己的听课评课能力。  相似文献   

廖涛 《学理论》2010,(27):280-281
学生对名著的阅读需要教师的指导和帮助,对"准教师"阅读的指导和训练就显得尤为重要。借鉴美国"青少年名著计划"经验,指导师范生阅读名著应注重培养专门教师队伍,开发相应的教学资源。  相似文献   

免费师范生学习动力问题调查及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
免费师范生作为一个特殊的受教育群体,具有其他专业所不具有的"未来角色决定性",积极的学习动力,是免费师范生打好扎实专业基础的保障,也是在"终身学习"的大环境下成为优秀教师不可或缺的素质.如何端正免费师范生的学习态度,增加学习动力,提高学习效率,使之树立坚定的教育理想,增强教师的荣誉感和使命感,是值得师范类高校教育工作者认真考虑并付诸实施的.  相似文献   

Recent work has applied the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) to examine narrative strategies in policy debates on social media platforms. We contribute to the literature by applying the NPF to fracking policy debates in New York using well-established Natural Language Processing tools, including sentiment analysis. We combine this computational approach with a qualitative hand-coding of pro- and antifracking Twitter influentials. This approach allows us to consider a much larger corpus of tweets over a much longer time frame than has been done thus far. We adapt and test NPF propositions related to the use of the devil/angel shift strategies before and after a major state-wide policy change, that is, a state-wide moratorium on high volume hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Overall, we find evidence for the use of the devil shift narrative strategy by the pro-fracking coalition aimed at the Governor prior to the moratorium. After the moratorium, the relative percentage of Tweets containing devil shift sentiments decreases as the pro-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of angel shift language without a corresponding increase in devil shift language, whereas, conversely, the anti-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of devil shift language without a general increase in angel shift language. When we shifted our analysis to Tweets containing fracking and the Governor, we found a similar postban decrease in devil shift language among anti-fracking users. Our findings offer lessons for using computational tools in the NPF as an approach to expand analytic ability and for the operationalization of concepts such as narrative strategies and policy entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Since 2001 expenditure on the security services has increased exponentially in Western democracies and particularly amongst the Five Eyes community of the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This has occurred in conjunction with the expansion of counter-terror laws. Yet somewhat problematically the phenomenon of Islamist inspired violence became more threatening to the internal security of western democracies in the first decade of the twenty-first century. This study examines the Western managerial approach to security using Australia as a case study. It argues that the growth of Australian security agencies since 2001 and their evolution into a National Security Community after 2008 has neglected basic maxims of political and constitutional prudence and eschews the modern state’s own contractual self -understanding of sovereignty and political obligation.  相似文献   

An application of the concept of a normal vote to the West German political system is attempted. Normal vote parameters for West Germany are calculated and the 1980 Federal election is analysed by means of this newly established baseline. Furthermore, a modified version of the well-known Boyd formula for the computation of short-term effects will be proposed since under some circumstances Boyd's S may be seriously inflated. Finally, the formula will be extended to multivariate relationships. Applying the resulting partial short-term coefficient shows quite clearly that the outcome of the 1980 German Federal election was more strongly influenced by candidate evaluations than by issue orientations.  相似文献   

During the conquest and early administration of Spain’s American colonies the most controversial policy was the granting of temporary encomiendas, or temporary rights to collect tribute from Indians, as a reward for conquest. The contribution of the encomienda to the destruction of Indian populations was recognized by Spanish authorities at the time, yet the Crown persisted in introducing the most destructive form of the institution during the early stage of each colonial venture for over 200 years. Because the Crown financed the defense of its colonial possessions against other European imperialists, an addition to colonial capital, by increasing the return to an aggressor, imposed a defense-cost externality on the Crown. Since the cost of defending additional assets was higher in the Americas than in Spain, an efficient policy would have been to encourage the rapid transformation of human services into durable assets that could be transported to Spain. According to our defense-externality argument, the temporary encomienda and its parallel modification in each colonial episode becomes a rational Crown policy. The administration of Spain’s distant colonial possessions, especially the adjustments in the restrictions on encomiendas, required information about the local conditions, and we argue that the Church, as designated “protector of the Indians,” may have played an unwitting role in the communication of information.  相似文献   

Much recent scholarship and popular discussion posits a substantial movement of African-American households into the “middle class.” Yet over the course of the 1980s, the proportion of individual black wage-earners receiving “annualized” (work experience-adjusted) wages and salaries in excess of about $35,000—three times the poverty line—fell by 22 percent, even as the share of African-Americans earning below the poverty line increased by a fifth. This was true for all age groups, and even for persons within the black community who had completed four or more years of college. The growth of low wage employment was most pronounced for black men between the ages of 25 and 34, among whom the incidence of below-poverty-level employment doubled. Black women aged 35–54 experienced relatively greater progress than any other part of the African-American community, but their gains lagged far behind those of comparable white women. We speculate on possible explanations for these developments, on the basis of which a potential public policy agenda is examined.  相似文献   

Bataille’s work of the 1930s on the sacred has strong echoes of Walter Benjamin’s writing on space and messianic time. In bringing together Bataille’s theoretical and fictional writings, alongside key Benjamin texts, this article seeks to develop our understanding of a perversely grounded sacred.  相似文献   

Mongolia's transition to a market economy has entailed rapid and extensive privatisation accompanied by, inter alia, stabilisation, liberalisation and de‐regulation. The primary objective of this strategy was to cement the new political and economic order. Little weight was given to the problems created by the privatisation programme and only limited consideration given to questions of regulation in the economic, social and environmental spheres. However, the failure of the economy to translate economic growth into poverty reduction and the acceleration of the privatisation programme, which includes the progressive transfer of land, and proposals to privatise health, educational and cultural assets, have made regulation a more pressing issue. New, powerful social classes and interest groups have emerged, which have contributed to regulatory failure and capture and have undermined public policy. We identify a range of issues relating to privatisation and regulation and discuss the degree to which they are being addressed by the post‐1990 political class. Although there exist a number of regulatory agencies, there is a lack of political commitment, and only piecemeal implementation and enforcement. The scarcity of experienced and technically competent staff capable of establishing and operating effective regulatory agencies and ensuring compliance is also a major problem. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debates about multiculturalism, minority rights, and identity dominated Anglo-American political theory during the majority of the 1990s, and continue to raise important questions concerning the nature of citizenship, community, and the responsibilities of liberal states. They were popular, too, among policy makers, politicians, and journalists: many academics and practitioners were, for a time, united in their support for multiculturalism. Just as the philosophical literature at that time became more 'multiculturalist', so many European states increasingly adopted multiculturalist policies as a way of including historically marginalised groups into mainstream liberal culture or, in some cases, as a way of protecting minority groups from unfair pressures from the majority culture. However, as time has gone on, the multiculturalist turn in liberal political theory, and among many European governments, has waned. In the wake of terrorist atrocities around the world, growing concerns about the erosion of civic and national identity, and fears that cultural recognition can permit illiberal practices, many academics and practitioners have sought to distance themselves from the idea that it is a role of the state to afford special treatment to cultural minorities, and have sought once again to emphasise those common bonds which unite citizens of liberal democratic states, rather than those cultural identities which may serve to divide them. This article evaluates some of the recent philosophical literature on multiculturalism against the changing political landscape in Britain and Europe and suggests that the multiculturalist position remains weakened by a number of crucial ambiguities.  相似文献   

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