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目的通过一起交通事故车辆转向器总成损坏与事敞关系鉴定的案例,介绍如何对车辆部件损坏情况与事故发生是否有关进行技术鉴定。方法从痕迹学、车辆工程学等方面,对提供的检材进行检验,根据检验结果,结合转向器总成构造及工作原理,对事故车辆转向器损坏与事故关系进行综合分析。结果排除了事故车辆因转向器故障而诱发事故的可能性。结论道路交通事故车辆部件损坏与事故关系鉴定需要多学科、多专业的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Previously, one of the tools available in automotive or aircraft accident analysis was the examination of the indicator bulbs. Currently, indicator bulbs have been largely replaced by light‐emitting diodes (LEDs). Here a series of studies was carried out on impact effects on LEDs to determine whether their properties change after impact, and whether it is related to its working status (lit or unlit). The LEDs were measured before mechanical shock with a series of tests, including current–voltage, current–light, bandwidth, subject to impact ranging from 450 g to 2000 g, and then retested. The tests showed consistent slight but statistically significant increases in forward voltages at a given current after impact, which could be used to estimate the impact. Some LEDS were imaged before and after impact with thermal and X‐ray imaging, but no mechanical changes were seen. It was not possible to determine the LED's working status from these test results.  相似文献   

A marriage procession was going through the road when the vehicle met with a fatal accident and the wife of the driver died. The autopsy revealed lesions according with fatal traffic accident. But, a second autopsy revealed that there were injuries, but it was not reported in the first autopsy protocol. We analyze several autosomal STRs to typify some evidences collected inside the vehicle of traffic accident which were stained by the blood of the woman mortal victim. The results of the analysis of DNA suggested that the victim bled inside the vehicle and died and then, she was placed on the pavement and her husband simulated an accident.  相似文献   

车速鉴定正成为道路交通事故司法鉴定的重要项目。单车事故由于其特殊性往往简单化处理。单车事故主要类型包括碰撞护栏、侧翻与坠崖等。单车事故车速鉴定原理主要是基于能量守恒定律。在分析三类事故常用鉴定计算公式基础上,对其取证要点进行了探究,包括护栏变形、车辆变形、圆周运动半径、坠车飞行距离等测量。并指出其他事故现场痕迹物证要素的测量对于车速鉴定可以起到辅助佐证的作用。  相似文献   

结合交通事故鉴定实例,从车辆安全技术状况鉴定、交通事故痕迹鉴定、酒精检测等方面论述交通事故鉴定的原则是:从交通事故物证入手,以科学的理论、数据和常识,揭示物证特有性质,使之成为能够证明事故真相的证据。交通事故鉴定的方法就是怎样让物证说话。让物证说话的方法很多,一个物证它本身具有很多特有性质,需要鉴定人员根据自身的经验和专业知识,揭示物证能够证明事故真相的特有性质。  相似文献   

机动车交通事故责任强制保险是以保护和救助生命为核心的制度,它与机动车第三者责任保险在法律依据、法律性质、责任划分、保险费率等诸多方面存在不同,在法律适用中不可混淆;若两者并存时,机动车交通事故责任强制保险优先适用,机动车第三者责任保险补充适用,以有效分散风险,同时,也为交通事故受害人设置了双重保护,更加有利于保证交通事故受害人得到及时救助;在诉讼中,机动车第三者责任强制保险的受害人可以以保险公司为被告,直接向其求偿;而机动车第三者责任险的受害人只能把保险公司列为无独立请求权的第三人。  相似文献   

Vasovagal syncope (VVS) is one of the most common causes of complete or partial loss of consciousness, thus it might cause harm to the patients themselves or innocent bystanders while driving a car. In our case report we introduce the case of a 60-year-old man who was admitted to hospital after a serious motor vehicle accident due to loss of consciousness. We demonstrate the process and results of complete cardiologic and neurological assessment. Our case report illustrates the importance of recognition of patients with a high risk for incapacitating symptoms due to VVS, and the use of head-up tilt-table tests to determine the diagnosis and to guide therapy with beta-blocking agents. As transient loss of consciousness during driving may cause potentially fatal accident, it has to be taken into consideration during decision making for issue of driving licenses to patients with VVS.  相似文献   

交通事故机动车驾驶人鉴定特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遵循系统科学的原则,将交通事故机动车驾驶人鉴定作为一个体系来研究。机动车驾驶人鉴定的对象虽然是人,但应充分考虑人与车、人与路以及人与整个事故现场之间的关系,既要研究驾驶人自身,也要研究其反映形象以及相关的事实和现象。通过对事故现场、车辆、衣着、人体等要素进行观察和分析,尤其是对各要素之间的关联性和动态性分析,提出了综合鉴定机动车驾驶人的方法。  相似文献   

液体痕迹,是属于交通事故现场中地面痕迹的一种。通过对事故现场的液体痕迹发现、采取与对其种类、形态特征进行分析和检验,就能够为鉴别嫌疑车辆,追踪、堵截和认定肇事逃逸车辆,提供的证据。  相似文献   

Abstract: Three classic cases and one exceptional case are reported. The unique case of decapitation took place in a traffic accident, while the others were seen after homicide, vehicle‐assisted suicide, and after long‐jump hanging. Thorough scene examinations were performed, and photographs from the scene were available in all cases. Through the autopsy of each case, the mechanism for the decapitation in each case was revealed. The severance lines were through the neck and the cervical vertebral column, except for in the motor vehicle accident case, where the base of skull was fractured. This case was also unusual as the mechanism was blunt force. In the homicide case, the mechanism was the use of a knife combined with a saw, while in the two last cases, a ligature made the cut through the neck. The different mechanisms in these decapitations are suggested.  相似文献   

目的 针对导致交通事故的各种原因就车辆因素进行了较详细的分析.方法 对进行车辆技术状况检验的着手方面、要点做了相关分析并结合相关实例进行举例分析,对造成事故中的关键因素车速的计算及计算方法做了简要讨论.结果 总结了进行整车配置、制动系统、转向系统、汽车灯光与信号系统与轮胎检验时需注意的要点.根据车速计算方法,得出一起追尾事故中某货车在事发时未达到高速公路最低限速的鉴定结论.结论 进行车辆安全技术状况检验时,需注意相关要点,以尽量避免道路交通事故的发生.  相似文献   

Formulas for evaluating the lower bound of the impact velocity are valuable in vehicle–pedestrian accident reconstruction. The theory of classical mechanics and four hypotheses were employed to derive formulas; the research results and simulation/accident tests were employed to validate their feasibility. Then, two simple formulas were developed according to the distance between the rest positions of the vehicle and the pedestrian and the flight‐phase distance. The results showed that the evaluated results by the two proposed formulas are inferior to the existing results. The influence of a roadside step on the impact velocity, which decreased with an increase in the flight‐phase distance and a reduction in the road slope, was evaluated. Based on a real accident, the study concludes that the lower bound can be easily obtained with the proposed formulas, which can be used to determine the evaluated impact velocity during simulations.  相似文献   

张新宝 《法学论坛》2006,21(2):117-121
20世纪以来尤其是二战以后,汽车成为大众的普通代步工具,交通事故逐渐成为最常见的一种人身伤害事故。各国立法者开始高度注意道路交通事故的民事赔偿问题,逐步建立起过错推定、无过错责任或严格责任的归责原则。《道路交通安全法》第76条确立了一个归责原则体系,对于不同情况下的责任承担适用不同的归责原则。这样的规定最有利于保护受害人,同时也不至于让加害人承担过重的赔偿责任;同时,设立机动车第三者责任险意义重大。  相似文献   

通过对交通事故鉴定现状和多个案例的分析.讨论交通事故鉴定和事故勘查在事故分析中的作用,以及交通事故鉴定部门和事故勘查部门在具体案例中协作的关联性,认为在交通事故发生后,交通事故勘查部门和鉴定部门应各司其职,在证据的发现、收集及补全上相互协作。才能科学地做出交通事故鉴定,保证事故成因分析的客观性,公正性。  相似文献   

遵循系统科学的原则,将交通事故机动车驾驶人鉴定作为一个体系来研究。机动车驾驶人鉴定的对象虽然是人,但应充分考虑人与车、人与路以及人与整个事故现场之间的关系,既要研究驾驶人自身,也要研究其反映形象以及相关的事实和现象。通过对事故现场、车辆、衣着、人体等要素进行观察和分析,尤其是对各要素之间的关联性和动态性分析,提出了综合鉴定机动车驾驶人的方法。  相似文献   

目的回顾道路交通事故中需要进行涉案者交通方式鉴定的案例。探讨此类案例鉴定的思路和技术方法。方法收集28例近年本单位进行的道路交通事故涉案者交通行为方式鉴定案例,统计涉案者一般情况、损伤程度与交通行为方式的关系,交通事故发生的时间和地点、交通事故中车辆碰撞类型、采用的技术方法等,进行统计学处理。结果本组资料共28起道路交通事故案件,涉案人员共57人,男性50人.女性7人。交通事故发生时间夜间为19例(67.86%),白天为9例(32.14%)。道路类型中,城市市区道路10例(35.7%),城市郊区道路1例(3.6%),省级道路10例(35.7%),高速公路7例(25%)。酒后驾车9例(32.1%)。交通事故类型中,电动自行车与机动车事故5例(17.8%),机动车与自行车事故1例(3.6%),机动车单方事故7例(25.0%);机动车与机动车事故11例(39.3%),机动车与行人事故4例(14.3%)。涉案人员死亡27人,损伤29人,无明显伤害1人。损伤存活者中轻微伤10例(34.5%),轻伤8例(27.6%),重伤1l例(37.9%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定种类中,汽车驾驶人和乘车人认定16例(57.1%),摩托车驾驶人和乘车人认定1例(3.6%),电动自行车驾驶人和乘车人认定5例(17.8%),自行车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),摩托车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),行人横过公路方向4例(14.3%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定采用的技术手段和方法.包括法医学活体损伤检验、法医学尸表检验、涉案肇事车车辆痕迹检验、DNA检验鉴定、现场人体模拟实验等。结论根据人体(活体或尸体)的体表损伤形态特征、痕迹分布,分析其致伤物和致伤方式,结合车辆痕迹检验结果,得出确认符合某种交通行为方式或者不符合某种交通行为方式的判断,结合案件的相关情况分析重建交通事故过程.是进行涉案者交通行为方式鉴定的基本思路。  相似文献   

王康 《行政与法》2010,(4):114-118
《道路交通安全法》第76条没有对交通无过错事故责任的承担提供具体规则。交通无过错事故中的损害应该在机动车交通事故责任强制保险的责任限额内予以赔偿,不足部分的人身损害可以由道路交通事故社会救助基金支付,仍然未获救济的损害由各方根据公平原则在可救济的范围内按照人身损害优先的顺序合理分担。  相似文献   

郭英华 《河北法学》2007,25(11):112-114
随着中小学校园伤害事故频发,学生家长要求学校赔偿的诉讼逐年增多,学校应否承担责任和承担多大的责任成为社会关注的焦点.从校园伤害事故的概念、类型入手,论述该类案件属传统侵权案件,应适用过错主义归责原则而不适用无过错主义原则,在特殊情况下可适用公平责任原则.在此基础上提出将保险责任引入校园伤害事故案件中,以利于在不影响正常教学秩序的同时充分维护学生的合法权益.  相似文献   

对交通事故中人体衣着痕迹的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体衣着痕迹是交通事故痕迹中人体痕迹的重要组成部分。通过对人体衣着痕迹特征的研究与应用,对交通事故的责任车辆认定,对肇事人的责任追究起着重要的证据作用。  相似文献   

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