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The word "harmonious", an adjective, can be defined as "friendly". Its synonyms include peaceful, rhythmical, unison, compatible and con-cordant. It can also be described as the art of using chords in music.  相似文献   

It is an important challenge to out-line some comments on the theme of international cooperation and, in the extent of the construction of a more harmonious world, the poten-tial interactions of both government and civil society, at a national and international level, making ways for advances in the area of human rights.  相似文献   

ZHOU JUE 《人权》2007,6(1):6-9
More than 50 years ago, the United Nations adopted the renowned Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And 40 years passed since the adoption by the United Nations of the International Con-vention on Civil and Political Rights and the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and we are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Right to Development. Our gathering here in Bei-jing, which is themed on "respecting and promoting human rights and building a harmonious world," is therefore important. May I extend, on behalf of the China Soci-ety for Human Rights Studies, extend a warm welcome to guests, experts, scholars and other friends present on this occasion.  相似文献   

LUO YANHUA 《人权》2008,(2):29-32
Between September 2005 and April 2006, China's national leaders made four significant proposals to the international community on bulldlng a harmonious world,t This shows that China, as a responsible country, is bringing to the intemational community its own concepts and ideas on how to cope with intemational conflicts. This action is a great effort and endeavor on China's part in resolving current intemational conflicts.  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2007,6(1):22-26
Dialogue is a major form of international cooperation on human rights issues. It is also instrumental in settling human rights dis-putes between nations. In this age of globalization, exten-sive global dialogues on human rights serve to deepen mutual understanding between nations, speed up the formation of international norms governing human rights, and hasten the advent of a harmonious world.  相似文献   

DANG DUNG CHI 《人权》2007,6(1):19-20
Peace, security, harmonious development and human rights are closely related. Firstly, peace and security are premise and precondition for the insur-ance of human rights. It is obvious that when human beings continue to be threat-ening by wars, conflicts and chaos, their right to life is faint and insecure, and other human rights would not be fully respected or protected. On the other hand, peace and security are foundation for everyone to pursue his or her own objectives. In other words, in a society where peace and secu-rity are maitained, people will have oppor-tunity to enjoy their human rights and to affirm their own ego.  相似文献   

Jiang Zhenghua (Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China): It has been an important component of tra di - tional Chinese culture to pursue interpe r so n - al harmo n y, individual mental and phys i ca l ha r mo n y and harm on y between man and na tu re. This could also be a social ideal com- mo n ly aspired to by people of differ ent eth- nic groups throughout the wor ld . It is in this sp i rit that China has advoc ated for and endeavor ed to saf…  相似文献   

HUANG NANSEN 《人权》2007,6(5):19-22
1.The task of building a harmo- nious world is a complex,arduous task,but fulfillment of this task is possible. In recent years,Hu Jintao,President of China,has,on several international occa- sions,called for a harmonious region,a har- monious Asia and a harmonious world. Obviously,the call comes as an expansion  相似文献   

NING LILI 《人权》2007,6(1):27-28
An international symposium with the theme of "Respect-ing and Promoting Human Rights and Constructing a Harmonious World" was held in Beijing from November 22 to 24, 2006. It was sponsored by the China Soci-ety for Human Rights Studies to mark the 15th anniversary of China's issuance of the first white paper on human rights, as well as the 40th anniversary of the UN Internation-al Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Eco-nomic, Social and Cultural Rights. About 70 officials and experts from 19 countries and regions attended the symposium.  相似文献   

GU SHENGKAI 《人权》2007,6(1):36-39
In a statement issued on the 2004 World Human Rights Day, Ms. Louse Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, described human rights education as a strategy for attainment of "human rights for all," as a basic means for developing a universal culture of human rights, as an instrument for promoting equality and involvement of the people in decision-mak-ing under democratic mechanisms, and as an investment to prevent infringements upon human rights and to ward off conflicts of violence. It should be noted that so much importance attached by UN human rights organ to human rights education epitomizes the empowering characters of human rights education and the functions it performs in the global human rights system.  相似文献   

I. Protection of Human Rights of the Convicted Human rights of the convicted refer to the rights enjoyed or due to be enjoyed by people subject to criminal punishment by virtue of its natural and social attributes. In terms of natural attribute, the convicted are people, despite the fact that they have been sentenced to criminal punishments. So they  相似文献   

ESITOR'S NOTE: An international symposium held in Beijing with the theme of "Respecting and Promoting Human Rights and Constructing a Harmonious World" was held in Beijing from November 22 to 24, 2006. The following are excerpts from the speeches and papers of some partcipants.  相似文献   

WANG XIUHONG 《人权》2007,6(2):34-37
All people are equal before law and human rights must be respected and guaranteed. This is an established principle in China in bringing about a harmonious society. But how should police respect and ensure human rights in exercising their powers? Bounden-Duty  相似文献   

The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2003 put forward a scientific approach of people-centered, all-round, coordinated and sustainable development and made it a strategy for governing the country, putting it in command of all economic and social development. Since reform and opening up in 1978, China has persisted in the central task of economic development and put development in the first place. The evolution of the concept "development is the  相似文献   

DUAN XIAOLEI 《人权》2010,(2):8-12
Toward the end of the 1970s, the United States began to implement its human rights (HR) diplomacy, trying to export its ideology by exercising hegemony as part of the cold war. Under its influence, some other western countries also introduced HR into their bilateral relations. The drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union gave the United States the chance of spearheading its HR attack against China.  相似文献   

LU ZHI'AN 《人权》2008,(5):29-31
I. Outline In order to cope with various crises, more than 80 countries in the world have declared emergency state since 1985. So to speak, "emergency states are a significant topic in the modern democratic constitutional politics,  相似文献   

ZHANG AINING 《人权》2008,(2):33-35
Power balance is a systematic frame- work that facilitates the forming and existence of rule of law and is also a direct precondition for the forming and existence of rule of law. It is designed for restriction of the State power, and it is also for those who have the administrative power to use their power for safe- guarding the social justice. The lawyers' right to practice is an important part of social balance mechanism and is also an internationally accepted form.  相似文献   

XU XIANMING 《人权》2006,5(3):20-22
It is the zeal, courage and wisdom of thinkers that prepared the ground for progress of human civilizations. By basing himself on a dream of building up a human commonwealth, Confucius (556-479 BC) pioneered the development of the Oriental thinking. Likewise,  相似文献   

LIU JIE 《人权》2010,(2):13-17
China started to participate in the world's Human Rights (HR) development from the time when it began to reform and open up. The efforts over the past 30 years have made China one of the countries that are the best in respecting and protecting HR in the world. Not only has China made tremendous achievements in HR development but also attained a deeper understanding of HR that transcending ideology and the universal values for the mankind.  相似文献   

ZHAN ZHONGLE  SU YU 《人权》2010,(2):26-31
During the process of human rights protection worldwide, poverty is increasingly attracting attentions from the international community. Whether the right of getting out of poverty can be regarded as a basic human right is still undetermined, at least it has become an unavoidable focus in the human rights area. In the article, I plan to discuss the significance of poverty eradication to human rights protection, review the efforts and achievements China has made in this regard and analyze, examine and introspect the existing problems.  相似文献   

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