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A report is given on an 8-year-old boy who suddenly and unexpected died. Autopsy findings point to acute heart failure. Microscopic examination of the heart showed increased interstitial and perivasal fibrosis and myocarditis with macrophage infiltration. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for parvovirus B19 was positive in heart samples and in the spleen. Immunostaining for parvoviral surface antigens was negative. Although the virus does not appear to have infected the cardiomyocytes, we speculate that myocarditis arose from immunological cross-reaction to epitopes shared between the virus and the myocardium.  相似文献   

赵某,57岁,小学教师。1987年8月(时年46岁)患阴茎癌行阴茎部分(2/3)切除术。1996年因多次猥亵、强奸本班数名女学生被逮捕。在审讯过程中,以阴茎切除无性功能为由翻供。司法机关委托法医室对其性功能进行鉴定。1.据卷宗资料,被告人曾供述强奸时,有插入,多次射精。与被害人陈述基本一致。2.体检:第二性征明显,阴毛浓密,菱形分布,阴囊略肿大,阴茎短小,常态近2cm,未见阴茎头、自行手淫、阴茎增粗、增长,未见明显勃起。未见其他异常。3.行阴茎根部海绵体内注射罂粟碱25mg+酚妥拉明0.5mg,3分钟后阴茎勃起,明显增粗,长…  相似文献   

曹志华 《中国法医学杂志》2012,27(6):438-441,530
目的 对常用骨龄评定方法进行比较分析,以评价其在判定骨龄精确度、实用性等方面的差别,为法医办案提供参考.方法 选取河南省某县145名女性青少年作为研究对象,拍摄全身左侧六大关节X线片870张.分别采用百分计数法、CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法、叶氏评分法评定145名个体骨龄.采用SPSS ver.11.5软件包进行统计、分析.结果 CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法评定的骨龄与时间年龄无显著性差异(P>0.05);百分计数法和叶氏评分法评定的骨龄与时间年龄有显著性差异(P<0.05).CHN法、六大关节法、图谱法评定的骨龄之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),百分计数法、叶氏评分法评定的骨龄相互之间及与其他方法之间存在显著性差异(P<0.05).结论 六大关节法评定女性青少年的骨龄精确度最高,CHN法和图谱法评定我国女性青少年骨龄较实用.  相似文献   

赵某,57岁,小学教师.1987年8月(时年46岁)患阴茎癌行阴茎部分(2/3)切除术.1996年因多次猥亵、强奸本班数名女学生被逮捕.在审讯过程中,以阴茎切除无性功能为由翻供.司法机关委托法医室对其性功能进行鉴定.  相似文献   

因未成年人意外妊娠而实施的堕胎手术日渐增多,但很多当事人都不愿意将情况告诉其监护人,所以手术同意书的签字问题就成了实施堕胎手术的一个难以逾越的法律障碍。本文试从未成年人保护的角度,分析将监护人、医院、卫生行政部门、少女救助中心作为少女堕胎手术知情同意主体的可行性,探讨合法合理地解决这一问题的方案,使未成年人意外妊娠的事后救济得以顺利进行。  相似文献   

Nitrites are commonly used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Recently, they have been identified in cases of voluntary intoxication. We report the case of a 13-year-old girl who was found lifeless on her bed next to a glass containing a white powder and a bottle containing a white powder with a moistened appearance. External examination and autopsy revealed a nonspecific asphyxia syndrome, which was confirmed by the pathological analysis. Analysis of the samples revealed metoclopramide in the peripheral blood at a concentration of 0.402 mg/L (LC–HRMS). An analysis of the gastric contents was carried out after sodium nitrite was detected in the powders found near the body (Raman spectrometry). Nitrites were found in the gastric fluid at a concentration of 30.9 mg/L. Death occurred secondary to anoxia, following ingestion of nitrites; suicide kits are available on the web and nitrites are relatively easy to source and inexpensive. Nitrites are delivered in powder form to be dissolved in liquid, which may then be consumed with metoclopramide (or an alternative anti-emetic drug) to maximize absorption and reduce emesis. The toxic effect of nitrites lies in their oxidizing power, causing the transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which, when it accumulates, induces tissue anoxia resulting in death. There has been an alarming increase in the number of cases linked to suicide using nitrites or a nitrite suicide kit. The fact that nitrites are readily available online underscores the importance of establishing effective preventive measures such as limiting the access and use of this chemical.  相似文献   

Lanyard chains are commonly worn around the neck to hold keys and identification badges. A ten-year-old Black male child was home alone jumping and swinging of the raised crossbars on his mother's four-poster bed. He commonly did this. He also wore a lanyard around his neck with his house key, which he used to let himself in after school. His mother found him hanging on the corner of the bedpost by the lanyard when she returned from work. The death scene showed that he was jumping on the bed and the lanyard hooked over the top of the corner bedpost, causing first and second cervical vertebrae dislocation of an abrupt "drop-type" hanging with neck abrasion marks. Lanyards, or any loose rope material around the neck, are inherently dangerous due to their strength and ability to catch fixed or moving objects. Safety modifications to the lanyards are easily made with "breakaway" Velcro-type or plastic clip fasteners. This is the first reported case of an accidental hanging after review of the medical literature and files of the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission.  相似文献   

The regulations for gasoline's content vary depending on the time of year and physical location within the United States while the refinery and distribution system mixes product batches; this results in variability of content. ASTM E1618 requires both the aromatic and alkane EIP patterns of gasoline to compare with references. A survey was conducted by collecting gasoline from Florida to Oregon, from 85 to 93 octane. Samples were analyzed in accordance with ASTM E1618 in various states of evaporation. The range of differences found in the 90% evaporated alkane EIPs is presented and showed a continuum of response when the n-alkane response was compared with the branched alkane response. Similarly, the ratio of the alkane EIP to the aromatic EIP also showed a continuum of response at the 90% evaporated state. Gasoline samples with unusual characteristics are also discussed.  相似文献   

High chairs are commonly used to feed children after 6 months. Related injuries are oftentime minor and rarely leading to death. We describe a case of a 2-year-old female child who used to jump alone on her high chair and also had the habit to fasten the straps by herself. Her mother found her hanging by the waist straps. A thorough investigation showed that she climbed her high chair and fastened the waist straps but not the crotch one. The girl slid down into the seat, trapping her neck in the waist straps and thus resulting in hanging. In here, we concluded that the victim's death was caused by asphyxia, itself, caused by accidental hanging. The present case is of a special interest because of the rare similar cases reported. This case suggests that a correct restraint use and a close supervision would have prevented such a fatal issue.  相似文献   

(1 998年 5月 7日修正 )第二编 卡特尔当局第一章 总 则第四十八条 [管辖权 ]( 1)卡特尔当局是联邦卡特尔局、联邦经济部以及依州法享有管辖权的州最高机关。( 2 )本法的规定未将某项管辖权赋予特定的卡特尔当局的 ,如影响市场的效果、限制竞争行为或歧视性行为或竞争规则的效果超越一个州的范围 ,则由联邦卡特尔局承担和享有本法赋予卡特尔当局的任务和权限。在其他一切情形 ,由依州法享有管辖权的州最高机关承担这些任务并享有这些权限。  第四十九条 [联邦卡特尔局与州最高机关 ]( 1)联邦卡特尔局开始进行程序或进行调查的 ,应同时…  相似文献   

This case study involved death of a 6-year-old child with a history of mental retardation secondary to meningitis at 11 months, spastic quadriplegia, seizure disorder, and hydrocephaly with a remote ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement and gastric tube feedings. Reportedly, the child was co-sleeping with his mother when she awoke and discovered him lying prone and not breathing on the carpeted floor next to the bed. He was transported to the hospital and died in the emergency room of unknown causes. The medical examiner assumed jurisdiction of the body. The external examination revealed petechial hemorrhages on the neck and face, with patterned linear pressure abrasions on the chest, arms, and face. X-rays revealed leg fractures of different ages. This case emphasizes the importance of coordination of death scene investigation, medical history review, and autopsy results through a forensic team approach to determine the accurate cause and manner of death.  相似文献   

We report on a 5-year-old girl who suddenly collapsed and died while dancing at a family party. Histological examination of the heart including the cardiac conduction system revealed lymphocytic infiltrations of the sinu-atrial node and perivascular infiltration in the atrio-ventricular region. Additionally, foci of mononuclear infiltrates were observed in the myocardium. Consequently, myocarditis was diagnosed as cause of death. The child also had lymphocytic conjunctivis, parotitis and tracheitis. Evaluation of infections by means of nested polymerase chain reaction revealed parvovirus B19 DNA (PVB19) in tissue samples of the trachea.  相似文献   

第五章成员的受让人与债权人第 50 1条 成员的分派利益(一 )成员不是有限责任公司财产的共有人 ,对公司的财产也没有可转让的利益。(二 )有限责任公司中的分派利益是个人财产 ,在遵守第 50 2条与 50 3条的条件下 ,可以全部地和部分地转让。(三 )经营协议可以规定 ,分派利益可以由有限责任公司发行的利益证书作为凭据 ,在遵守第 50 3条规定的条件下 ,也可以规定转让由证书代表的利益。第 50 2条 分派利益的转让转让分派利益并不能使受让人成为成员 ,或行使任何成员的权利。转让仅使受让人有权在转让的范围内接受转让人应得的分派。第 50 3…  相似文献   

目的 探索可应用于法医实践的快速直接PCR扩增方法,以缩短扩增时间,提高STR分型速率.方法 联合运用AmpF(l)STR(R) Identifiler(R) Plus试剂盒与TaKaRa快速PCR检测试剂构建快速直接PCR体系,以FTA血卡为模板,采用优化后的扩增程序在快速PCR仪上进行扩增,分型结果与常规直接扩增方法相比较.结果 AmpF(l)fSTR(R) Identifiler(R) Plus试剂盒与TaKaRa的快速PCR检测试剂针对血卡的联合扩增,所得STR分型结果与常规方法一致,扩增用时由常规直接扩增所需的175 min缩短为55 min.结论 采用快速直接PCR方法进行扩增,可得到与常规直接扩增一致的DNA分型,扩增时间明显缩短,DNA分型速率大幅提高.  相似文献   

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